[Mpls] Marshall Street Slow Down

2003-06-04 Thread Valdis2001
Tuesday June 3, 20038:00 AM

For immediate release:

"Neighbors stand united to slow traffic in their neighborhood"

On Thursday June 5th at the corner of Broadway Ave. and Marshall St. NE. residents from the Marshall Terrace, Bottineau, Sheridan, Nicollet Island East Bank and Saint Anthony West neighborhood groups will stage a vigil between the hours of 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM and again between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM to encourage traffic on Marshall St. NE to slow down to the speed limit of 30 MPH.  

This is to coincide with the distribution of yard signs up and down Marshall St. encouraging the motorists to do the same thing.

To help convince the motorists of their resolve to slow traffic in their neighborhoods, citizens will as well be participating in a "rolling blockade".  Two or more vehicles will be circulating in tandem between the north end of Marshall St. NE by the Excel Energy plant on 31st and Marshall and the 1st Ave. bridge in downtown Minneapolis. The cars will have obvious banners encouraging the motorists to take note of their average speed on Marshall St. NE.  The "blockade" is to continue driving side by side at posted speed limits on Marshall St. daily during rush hours to slow the traffic down. 

"We hope that our resolve and determination in this matter will enlighten those people traveling in our neighborhoods that we live, work and play on Marshall St. NE as well. We encourage all motorists to slow down and take in all that our historic and vibrant communities have to offer."

For details and or questions please contact our respective neighborhood groups or contact Valdis Rozentals  612-623-4005 (home office)   612-325-4698 (cell).

Re: [Mpls] Kondirator

2003-03-24 Thread Valdis2001

Before you go and list a group of individuals who are "villains (or dupes)" because they fight unwinable fights that waste the tax payers money and get us nowhere - look at what you are doing. To waste all of our time to force elections (preceded by hearings, motions, maneuvering, publishing costs, mailing costs, etc.), only to find that the city charter needs to be fixed to remedy the situation is beyond wasteful and irresponsible.  You are a state rep.. Stick to fixin' the state's problems and not dictating to the City what we need to do.

And by the way - are you suggesting that we remove the DFL machine base in the city council as they were the "villains (or dupes)" that caused this debacle?!! Was the council not lead and dominated by your DFL party?  Perhaps if we had more independent leadership, unbridled by party politics, we would have better government "of the people, by the people, for the people." Instead of party bickering.

Valdis Rozentals

Re: [Mpls] Give it up Phyllis

2003-03-08 Thread Valdis2001
Without trying to beat a dead horse - 

 I would hope that this issue would die.

The facts:

Phyllis ( a DFL rep.) introduced this motion. Cosponsored by a DFL colleague (Len Biernat). Supported by many (DFL and Republicans alike) and geared towards having Minneapolis and other cities adhere to a system of representation that has already been adopted by the majority of other cities. The proposal will fail as there is no sponsor in the senate (as it has in the past).

The argument;

This proposal is sound in the fact that we should not have to wait five years after a sensus to adjust our representation. The "ideal" here is to have an election just after the boundaries are redrawn to be fair to all. That makes sense.

The reality;

Phyllis is wasting our valuable time and money. This is not an issue for the state. Even if Phyllis were to pass this through the house and senate, like a kidney stone, with all of the moaning and crud, this still would not change a thing. The real problem (not DFL or Green Or Republican) is in our city's Charter. We would go through the same stuff in 2010-2003. If we changed the Charter to reflect redistricting and the timeliness of the elections then we would be achieving something.

But for now we sit and argue about a proposal that will only cost us more money than it is worth and accomplish nothing.

So drop it Phyllis. And let's get to task to make a real difference. CHANGE THE CHARTER.

Valdis Rozentals

Re: [Mpls] Another murder in Don Samuels' Ward

2003-02-25 Thread Valdis2001
Good post Pamela!!

As always, in any such situation, when our city is faced with serious problems, there are those who whine and bitch about things. And there are those who get up off their computer chairs and do something to resolve the problems. Too often the whiners are herd more then the activists results are noticed

It is however the unfortunate reality that those who mealy spew at the mouth are free to subject the rest of us to constant attacks by their butterknife sharp wit in just such forums. And when called to act, they fall behind the rhetoric of prejudice, class envy or some other convenient shield to hide behind because to retort would be "politically incorrect". If we would all put forth more effort and less bitter, pointless banter - then our city would be a better place. But I know we will have more of this.

Valdis Rozentals

Re: [Mpls] PiPress take on 3rd Ward election

2003-02-04 Thread Valdis2001
The story is fine, but Mr. Melendez's attempt to lay claim to Don and his campaign smells of spoiled eggs. 

The victory belongs to all of the third ward and all of the volunteers. NOT THE PARTY!

Or do we expect the endorsement to be given to Don post mortuum of the DFL's own campaign?!

At last nights celebration for Don no one was saying, "hooray for the DFL".  The sentiment exchanged between supporters was "congratulations to us all". And this victory truly is for ALL of the Third Ward!

Thank you for a passionate run Don!!

Valdis Rozentals

[Mpls] Third Ward Election

2003-01-27 Thread Valdis2001
Dear list members,

I have sat by very tight-lipped on the subject but we are crossing the line 
of point full debate and reality.

As a voter in the ward I can appreciate Dyna's desire to allow the ward 
voters decide for us the outcome of this race. However I feel that she fails 
to understand that the democratic process set forth by our city charter, and 
in fact the Constitution of the United States, allows for just that. 
Registered voters in the third Ward will be the ones voting and making just 
such a decision. (This is not including the "bused in voters")

Let's keep in mind that the city Council is a non-politically affiliated 
entity. That being the case this body then is to handle city affairs and not 
delve into matters of National concern. That is to say not waste time on 
events they have no power over.

Now to this end Dyna's argument that information of who is supporting whom is 
not relevant and should not be admissible is, by her own previous posts, 
negated.  Lest matters that would indicate a party affiliation should as well 
be inadmissible. A candidate's stance on war, abortion, religion, personal 
sexual preference, etc. should then as well be un admissible. For that matter 
if we follow Dyna's dogma - to heck with party endorsements, and Labor, and 
Police, and Fire, and your pet dog etc.  You can't have it both ways as 
per your/our better needs. Supporters are endorsements. 

Now let's take another look at who decides which candidate will occupy the 
vacant seat at city hall in this "non partisan body".  It has been implied 
that we the Third Ward citizens are not capable of understanding fully our 
duty and serious responsibility when we choose to vote.  I take offense to 
that. If someone who feels that their election to an office has hoisted them 
up out of the mental quagmire we underlings live in, and has given them 
divine powers of thought - think about this, we the uneducated masses will be 
voting for OR against you the next go around.  Congrat's to Tamir for seeing 
this!! Nice to have you on board buddy!

And it has come to my attention that Mr. Melendez seems to feel that the 
outcome, no matter what it is, a success as it will be a DFLer no matter 
what. Oh how wonderful it is to see the same "if it is good for me at the 
moment, I will do it" sentiment used earlier. 

Do not stand poised to take credit for Don's victory as the Party lackey. 
When Don wins it will be because of the persistence of those around him that 
believe in him. Those that withstood the out lashing of the DFL party to 
curtail its "members" from walking away from their chosen candidate. Those 
that would risk deportation from the DFL Party for their belief in a better 
way that is not dictated to them.  (Ohh. Do you hear that?!!  It sounds like 
deportation trains have arrived to sent the dissidents off to Siberia.)  

The victory belongs to the supporters of Don. All of the supporters 
regardless of what tyrannical party they come from. As Don indicated to his 
supporters at Saturdays press event - all are welcome in the Samuels garden 
to stand as one voice.

The time is now for the Third ward to come together and Vote! No matter what 
the outcome it is our duty to VOTE!  So for the twelve or so legitimate third 
ward voters, lets do what we feel is best. Listen to your heart, not your 
party. Listen to your children's future. Not your work or special interest 
driven voices.  Vote and do not be ashamed to tell your neighbor whom you 
voted for - regardless of outcome. The beauty of this country is you have 
that right. And you have the right to win, and to lose. If you want to 
celebrate someone's failure or his or her pain you have that right. 

But I encourage you to celebrate something much better. Working together, 
regardless of affiliation, to better our City. Celebrate that! 

So let's loose the attitudes and speculation and Vote on Monday!!

Valdis Rozentals
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Re: [Mpls] Re: NRP

2003-01-17 Thread Valdis2001
Hats off!!

Pamela Taylor is right!!

We as Minneapolites have to learn to be self sufficient.  NRP was a hand out. 
Without it we can just roll up our community pride, spirit, gumption and down 
right grass roots involvement and just move away.

- or -

We can keep the "roll up your sleeves" attitude of the past ten years and 
keep moving forward!

Who says a neighborhood initiative has to be about spending hand out monies 
from the government?  What happened to the responsible thinking that as a 
neighborhood you can run projects that break even if not make money for 
future neighborhood investments.  Do we need to have the city or state go and 
find us money or can we ourselves seek a partnership with the private 

The philosophy of philosophizing what may happen is just a "beat around the 
bush" way of spinning your tires.  Get out there and be involved in your 
community and stop whining on the net.

See you in the trenches,
Valdis Rozentals
Saint Anthony West

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Re: [Mpls] We're broke, let's build!

2002-12-05 Thread Valdis2001
Wonderfull post!  I  believe we can tighten our belts if we work together with common 
sense goals in mind.

Valdis Rozentals

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[Mpls] 3rd Ward Candidate Question

2002-11-26 Thread Valdis2001
While I find the situation in the third ward to be one that is wrought with 
political speculation and searing unsubstantiated insight, I do think it is 
time we spoke directly to the issues that affect our ward/city.

First off - As For Joe, I feel for him and his family. To go through this 
ordeal and to face the ones to come, is truly something that I would NOT wish 
upon any one - nor their family!  I wish the family luck and persistence to 
get through this.

As for the verdict - justice is once again brought to the table. Some will 
partake of it. Others will criticize it. One will be sentenced by it. Like it 
or not that is our system and we can lambaste it or work to change it if we 
feel it to be wrong.

When we look at our world today, especially Minneapolis, I would like to say 
that we as a whole are looking objectively at the situations that are placed 
before of us. I have indeed enjoyed the conversations this group has so 
spiritedly posted on this site. But I find that some of our participants have 
jumped to conclusions based on what the Star Trib tells them. Or worse yet, 
what some other person's opinion has told them they are to believe. 

I appreciate the kind words of Tamir. I to look upon him as a great guy with 
whom I share many beliefs. I appreciate Brian's positive speculation on my 
intent to run in this race. I particularly liked Dyna's expression of a need 
for the North to succeed from the 3rd ward to gain representation. And as 
always, Keith has a great ability to try and direct folks to the bigger 
picture and not to just the sensationalism of the moment.

But the representation of who I am, what I believe in, where I work and with 
whom I associate and affiliate comes from me. The best way to get to the 
truth is to go to the source. So to end some of the speculation here we go;

I intend to run for the vacant seat in the 3rd Ward.  I am seeking 
endorsements as we speak. Having none officially I can only say that I intend 
to run as an Independent.  My affiliations with candidates in the past are 
from all sides of the arena. 
(to name a few)
I supported RT. 
I supported Mark Stenglein. 
I supported Wade Russell. 
I supported Lisa Mcdonald. 
I supported Welstone.
And I supported Norm Coleman.  
There!  Can any one take their crayon and connect the dots that lead solely 
to one camp or another? 
I am as well on the cities CUE committee. Does this help? 
I work with MCNC. Does this clear things up?

The truth of the matter is if the people of this list wish know about me - 
ask me.  I do not hand out second hand information. It comes from the source. 

I will continue as I did in the past election. I will go door to door and 
meet everyone I can in the WHOLE ward (north and northeast) And I will listen 
to what has to be done and strive to do just that. For the WHOLE ward.  I 
encourage people to contact me. However if your goal is to leave threatening 
comments and deface my house, please do so by leaving your name. A faceless 
coward accomplishes nothing. 

I thank you all for talking the time to be involved in the cities issues. And 
I hope this will clear up any speculation, and that the rumors can stop.

Valdis Rozentals
3rd Ward
Saint Anthony West.
Candidate for City Council

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[Mpls] Perfection

2002-09-12 Thread Valdis2001

By no means wanting to be the only realist in this world, I hesitate to say 
that there are only two situations where "100%" applies.  

I know that there are instances when we do not always have 100% sunny days. 
But 5 out of 7 ain't bad.

If I can't get all of my home improvements done, I will still settle for what 
I can afford and what I do get done.  

If my doctor tells me that I am at about 99% of my optimum health, I will 
take it!

If my dog catches 75% of the balls I throw him, he probably is not my dog. 
(bless his clumsy sole)

If a farmer takes 1,000 eggs to the farmers market and only breaks 2, he has 
had a good trip.

However if someone tells me that 2% of all arrests or citations in 
Minneapolis, involve some escalated format of confrontation, I will be 

See - we tend to forget the mass amount of people that are processed through 
our fair city every day. Felons, drunks, speeders, 'perps' and any thing else 
you would care to imagine. If we look at the pure numbers and compare the 
totals, we will see that the old saying is true, "a few bad apples spoil the 
whole bunch".  Conversely, how many "good" police actions do we want to 
ignore. I do not think that a police officer is entitled to special 
acknowledgment for doing his/her job. But what of the times they go out of 
their way to help save someone. We too easily dismiss these. Not use another 
cliche, but - one screw up wipes away a hundred 'atta boys'. 

Don Greeley gave us the report for an incident that many have quoted for the 
macing of a child. Can we see that we jump to conclusions at times?  Do we 
perhaps pass judgment too soon?  Is this not a form of prejudice against 
anyone in uniform? What do we think when we pass by a house/car/park or 
whatever, when a police officer is engaged in talking to someone or checking 
their credentials?  Do you think, "Well I hope they don't beat the snot out 
of that civilian!".

I too hold my public servants to a higher standard. However I do know that so 
do they.  The police have said time and time again that they would sooner 
have a bad cop off the force then deal with him/her. That person makes the 
rest have a tougher time doing their jobs.

I am not asking the list to roll over and accept any one blowing off their 
civil liberties. I am only asking that we look at it from a perspective that 
takes into consideration all the numbers. I dare someone to look at one days 
arrests, calls and services throughout the whole city. Then take all of that 
and multiply it by 365 and then extract the number of cases of violent 
confrontation.  What is the exact outcome?  

An officer sworn to protect the President by the name of Bradey was hit by a 
felons bullet. He regained 60% of his bodily functions. He was quoted as 
saying, "sometimes you have to be happy with what you got".  

If I have to live in a world where 98% of the time the police do their job 
with little or no mistakes - I can live with that.  So now can we cure the 
rest of societies ills?

Valdis Rozentals
Saint Anthony West

PS - the two 100%'s in life are 
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Re: [Mpls] "police bashing",racism & democracy

2002-09-11 Thread Valdis2001

I agree that Wizard Marks has some very fine points as does Michael Lomker 
and this lines initiator LYDIA HOWELL. However I wish to ask all list members 
a question;

When do we take responsibility for our own lives and actions?   

If I am going to get confrontational with a police officer I should take 
control of my own actions. If I endanger someone else and or have my actions 
cause others to be in harms way, I am to blame. In the heat of passion or 
otherwise, I am still the one to blame.

If someone "looks at me funny" or even punches me, I have the choice to react 
out of rage or to use my head and address the situation after having taken a 
deep breath. 

A police officer accused of intentionally pepper spraying a child is to be 
punished - if he or she were to go searching through a crowd passing by 
people one by one until they found the child and without provocation "maced" 
the child. If the child is in the hands of someone who is acting out of rage 
and this is directed at the police person - then the fault lies squarely on 
the person who chose to endanger the child, knowingly or not! 

And when we in a frenzied state of mind take words of a person who is swelled 
with rage and follow them, then we are at fault for taking hearsay as our 
basis for truth.  Or did I miss something in the translation of last month's 
"riot" being caused by public outrage that police "shot an innocent boy".  
Who put the child in harms way? Who cited a bullet piercing this innocent 
child's flesh and mortal wounds being inflicted to further frenzy the crowds 
of people?  Or was it something else? Will that person stand up and take 
credit for causing the frenzy?

Who is to blame when an adult when instructed to stop by a police officer 
after being chased for a weapons possession turns and points this weapon at 
an armed police officer, who then fires upon someone who is perceived to be a 
dangerous suspect to begin with? Is someone else to blame for his actions? 
Did you put that gun in his hand?

If you want to bring in outside federal mediation we must first be willing to 
take responsibility for our actions and faults.  No negotiation, no 
settlement and no resolution is binding until we approach the table in 
earnest - without reservation. 

On such a somber day as today - let peace and harmony grow within us all.  So 
let's all say this together, - "And let it begin with me".

God Bless,
Valdis Rozentals
Saint Anthony West
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Re: [Mpls] crooks/Victim of concentration of poverty/Not the police

2002-09-09 Thread Valdis2001

Hat's off Keith!!

Hats of Barb!!

Folks, crime happens!  

If our police force were fully staffed to take on the crimes that plaque our 
streets, and I mean beat officers ON THE STREET, not in some desk job filling 
out forms for the county, state and the cities own inner legal system 
(overburdened by vague claims and hollow accusations against city workers and 
the city as a whole), we could take the time to dust for prints and 
investigate.  We have strayed far too far from the idea that we must punish 
those who commit crimes. 

We bury our city employees in forms and procedures in fear of covering our 
own hind end in case someone running out of your house with your TV, is 
tripped up by a police dog, and breaks a collar bone, and then sues the city 
for the sum thirty times the value of your TV, (which you won't be reimbursed 
for in the next year) so that they can then buy a bigger one than they 
intended to steal from you, two hour after being released by the court on the 
count that we do not have the ability or resources to punish someone who is a 
repeat offender as we are out of money - as we just paid another stinking 
lawsuit to a criminal!

Let's stop wondering why we are victims and start working together as a city 
to band together and make this a great city.  If you have someone in your 
neighborhood who is breaking the law - don't sit at home and whine about it!  
Get involved in your neighborhood!  Take control of your neighborhood!  
Assist the police as much as you can. But don't waste your breath and the 
valuable time of others by bantering about how you feel victimized by the way 
you were treated by a thug in your area you refer to as a police officer!

Community involvement is a great deterrent. Let's seek that rout before we 
run through the person who is trying to get to everyone who is a victim on a 
daily basis.

Valdis Rozentals.
"Burglarized before"
Saint Anthony West
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Re: [Mpls] Memorium For Melissa Schmidt

2002-08-02 Thread Valdis2001

I believe this would be fitting. 

However I feel this is something that needs to be kept in the lime light.  We 
need to see how much our officers give to us every day. I am not suggesting a 
"hug a cop day", but I would like for once to hear of people testifying to 
the positive that the police force does FOR us on a daily basis. For every 
one bad example, we tend to forget thousands of positive ones.

I hope that from this we can all pull together and find a way to strengthen 
our communities. See you in 24hrs.

Saddened and humbled.
Valdis Rozentals
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Re: [Mpls] Memorial Day Excitement At The Drug Wars

2002-05-29 Thread Valdis2001

Well put Barb!

Although this is a Minneapolis based forum, Barb brings up the point that our 
County, State and Judicial systems have to take an active role in helping 
elevate our cities problem. If we cannot have the county help us in our 
desire to seriously work towards prevention via judicial prudence, then we as 
a city must stand up and ask for accountability.  Repeat offenders who 
terrorize private citizens hold us all hostages when they know the system is 
working on their side. Our Council and Mayor should press the County and 
State legislatures to reform the system that allows an admitted drug dealer 
caught possessing after being arrested for shoplifting to pay a $50.00 fine 
and one years probation, while in the very next breath fining a citizen with 
a clean record $300.00 for an unpaid parking ticket.  I have seen this and 
many more. Sentencing guidelines and plea-bargaining has to be looked at very 
closely to see what can be done to deter criminal behavior. And we as 
citizens of the city of Minneapolis need to take a more proactive role in 
those who pass judgment on the criminal activities happening in ALL of our 

 The problem is indeed a city wide one. If we fix it with a "band aid" in the 
Philips neighborhood, it will only go to another area. (If you think this is 
not true, think again about the two men in the elevator from Chicago.) 

Valdis Rozentals 
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[Mpls] Re: [Mpls] Biernat case.  Where's the beef?

2002-05-23 Thread Valdis2001

First I would like to say that Joe has not been proven guilty of anything yet. That 

I find Paul Ostrows concern for Joe’s ability to serve on the very board that is to 
decide what happens to reform the very system that he is accused of abusing a bulls 
eye!  In many neighborhood groups, citizens with either great knowledge or even a 
faint idea of proper public political process understand what “conflict of 
interest” is. This is why we follow bylaws and for the non-profs “articles of 
incorporation”. These are the rules for operation dictated by the established system 
of government. Why even in some organizations where a married couple is on the board 
together, it is pretty evident that in the event of expenditures, where two signatures 
are required on checks, that the two not be the only signers. This is so simple.

But to stand steadfast in his position, quietly trying to go about his business, Joe 
is harming the very institution that we the people hired him to serve.  Yes folks, 
BASIS.  And if an employee of a company breaks the rules of conduct, he or she would 
be reprimanded and or fired.

In my fraternity we have a motto in reference to being as an oak, “break, but do not 

 Joe – if you are innocent come out swinging. Do not allow your silence to do you 
in. “In the absence of true leadership the population will listen to any one who 
steps up to the microphone”.  If you have made a mistake in your judgment – admit 
it and get on with your life, and ours. But do not waiver in this.

Valdis Rozentals
Saint Anthony West

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Re: [Mpls] MPD Management of October Hostage Situation

2002-05-09 Thread Valdis2001

I do not want to pretend to know the details of how the victim fell, but I want to 
clarify that I believe the police acted accordingly and the fact that the victim was 
shot twice by the police is simply a sad fact of the situation that could not be 

In the movie world “reality” is far from what actually happens.
Not to get to far into the forensics of how the human body reacts to stimulus and or 
even death it is VERY possible that the police were aiming at the shooter and upon 
rapid succession of bullets being fired the body could have fallen in front of the 
line of fire intended for the shooter. 

As for the timing of shots fired, residue and overlapping blood traces are a quick 
indication, although certainly not the only tools used to determine the situation. 

I think this sort of questioning is nothing more than a “smoking gun” theory and 
serves no better than to fuel an already strained police/public relationship.

Valdis Rozentals

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[Mpls] Environmental opportunities

2002-04-29 Thread Valdis2001

Here are some openings to help keep the Mississippi clean in Minneapolis:

Office Assistant Part-time
Organization: Mississippi Corridor Neighborhood Coalition

Position available:
The Mississippi Corridor Neighborhood Coalition (MCNC) is a successful and 
exciting nine-year-old grassroots, non-profit coalition of twenty 
neighborhoods community groups. Our extensive activities revolve around its 
mission to preserve, protect, and restore the city's most valuable natural 
asset, the Mississippi River. 

We are currently seeking an environmentally-minded, energetic, responsible, 
and organized part-time (approximately 16-20 hours per week) Office Assistant 
with excellent people, communication, writing and computer skills to carry 
out routine office tasks and perform support activities for a volunteer board 
of directors. The Office Assistant will report to the executive committee of 
the board of directors. Hours will be generally two mornings or afternoons 
per week. The organization does not provide benefits such as health insurance 
or sick leave.
Duties will include, but are not limited to:
*Maintain organization files and mailing lists 
*Retrieve phone and e-mail messages and respond or refer to appropriate 
*Process requests for information, applications for membership
*Acknowledge donations and maintain a donor list
*Assist in administrative tasks associated with meetings (making copies, 
arranging meeting times and locations, notifying board members of meetings)
*Sort mail and respond or refer to appropriate parties
*Prepare and mail correspondence as requested
*Maintain an up-to-date contact list for board members, neighborhood 
organizations, elected officials and public agency staff
*Assist with the production of a quarterly newsletter
*Assist board and other staff with events, forums, meetings
*Maintain file of grant opportunities and deadline dates; as time permits, 
check web sites for potential grant opportunities

1.  Some knowledge of non-profit organizations and environmental issues 
2.  Office experience (business correspondence, record keeping, communication 
3.  Computer skills (word processing, spread sheets, mail merge)
4.  Ability to work independently and to meet deadlines
5.  Excellent telephone communications skills
6.  Ability to work on several tasks at a time
7.  Must have own transportation or access to bus line

Starting date: approximately May 15
Compensation: DOQ 
Application deadline: May 5th

Please send résumé and cover letter indicating your qualifications for the 
position by May 5th to:

Personnel Committee
P.O. Box 18748
Minneapolis, MN 55418

To apply:  Please send cover letter expressing interest and qualifications, 
resume and three current references to:  Amy Luesebrink, preferably by email: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or by mail to: Personnel,  Mississippi Corridor 
Neighborhood Coalition, PO Box 18748, Minneapolis, MN 55418. For more 
information, please contact Amy Luesebrink : 763-561-1616. 

16 - 20 hours per week

A non-profit environmental organization located in northeast Minneapolis is 
seeking a part-time Coordinator (approximately 16 to 20 hours per week) to 
carry out professional activities for a volunteer board of directors. The 
Coordinator will report to the President and the other executive committee 
members of the board of directors. Hours will vary, but generally will be two 
or two-and-one-half days per week. The organization does not provide benefits 
such as health insurance or sick leave. It is expected that the Coordinator 
will spend considerable time out of the office and in the community.

Duties will include, but not be limited to
1.  Research environmental issues, including air and water quality, pollution 
permit tracking, cumulative effects, health risks.
2.  Liaison to other environmental and neighborhood groups working on these 
3.  Provide reports and summaries to the board on these issues, prepare 
"talking points" and background information to allow the board to make 
informed decisions and testify with confidence in their data.
4.  Recommend actions to the board and membership to reduce pollution and 
increase positive actions to mediate pollution from all sources.
5.  Research and help prepare grant applications
6.  Help prepare a quarterly newsletter.
7.  Assist in preparing public forums, meetings and presentations.
8.  Assist in our annual river clean up and possibly other events to bring 
people to the river and educate them about river related issues.
9.  Prepare public education Afact sheets@ and other outreach material.
10. Along with the board members, occasionally attend neighborhood meetings
11. Help maintain a web site (post minutes and reports, maintain current 
links, use as outreach opportunity)
12. Work with office assistant to maintain organization records
13. Attend monthly board meetings

1.  Experience working with environm

[Mpls] Clarity is bliss!

2002-04-26 Thread Valdis2001

Ok. I can admit that my last post may have been – no it has been misinterpreted.

I grew up playing ball in the street, meeting my neighbors for a chat half way across 
the street and just generally being a neighbor. This is not the sort of pedestrian 
fair of which I was trying to point out.  

I am addressing the people who defiantly saunter down the side of the street or even 
worse in the middle, as a rite of passage or complete disregard for anything or any 

“I can do whatever the %^#@ I want. So go *&^$# yourself.” Is not the comment made 
by some upstanding neighborhood citizen making sure you are noticed and acknowledged 
as an outsider. This is a piss poor attitude that is down right dangerous, and not the 
sort of behavior conducive to teaching our immigrants and children safe and respectful 
ways to act in public. 

The neighbors using the street to congregate on say Aldrich Ave. is one thing. By all 
means do so. But do have the consideration to step out of the way once the car 
approaching slows down.  The idiots walking like this on Penn Ave, Broadway Ave., 2nd 
St,. 26th, etc. is on a busy street!!  This is the kind of behavior that threatens my 
well being, because if this person decides to walk on the street and pops out in front 
of me before I can stop in time, even if obeying the posted speed limits, I am the one 
that gets arrested and charged because someone else thinks that their “rights” 
include doing whatever the heck they want when they want! 

Being a citizen in Minneapolis has RESPONSIBILITIES to it. And I would hope that the 
list would see that if someone in my neighborhood thinks it is ok to throw rocks at 
others or physically accost my neighbors as their right to do so, that I, as I hope 
everyone on this list would, stop them from doing this and explain to them that we 
just don’t do that here. No less dangerous is letting this behavior of doing what I 
want to go unchecked. Including walking in the middle of a busy street. 

I apologize if I have offended, but that’s the fact Jack!
Valdis Rozentals

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Re: Re: [Mpls] Rudeness on the Rise in Minneapolis

2002-04-25 Thread Valdis2001

To this I would like to ask if anyone else has seen an increase in the number of 
pedestrians using the street. I hesitate to say that this is becoming a "cultural 
thing" but I feel that some of the comments I have received when voicing my concerns 
to someone using the streets have been atone with spite and discrimination. We have 
sidewalks for people and streets for cars. I know the argument will pop up that 
sometimes in the winter it is hard to walk on unshoveled walks. But to walk in the 
middle of the street is dangerous. To do so late at night is stupid. And this is when 
the air is warm and sidewalks are free and clear.

But back to the response I have had. When I ask why the sidewalk is not being used, I 
have been verbally assaulted, threatened, told to mind my own @#%&$*& business and 
accused of being a racist.

This in conjunction with blocking traffic, speaking on the cell phone while driving, 
not observing pedestrian zones, not observing walk and do not walk signs and yielding 
to one another does add an air of rudeness. But we can all still be MN Nice. We must 
try to remember and impress upon all citizens that we are all in this together. We 
must be respectful of others and observe our RESPONSIBILITY to do our part. If you 
chose to walk down to the store, keep in mind the responsibility you have to observe 
signs, walkways and yield to traffic when you are supposed to. 

Valdis Rozentals

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Re: RE: [Mpls] The Ace Hardware Houses

2002-04-22 Thread Valdis2001

On the topic of moving a house; the costs are not very "standard". Considerations need 
to be made on when to move, which route allows for the least amount of utilities in 
the way, what structures may need to be rebuilt after the move, what shape of lot is 
necessary for the house, etc.  Many times if the house has no historic significance 
the economics of move vs. rebuild (or demolish and rebuild), move often is less cost 
effective. I have participated in both types of projects and can honestly say if you 
can repair the house where it sits, you are better off. 

And by the way, just for a point of interest, the last building the city moved cost us 
WAY to much and is still vacant over a year later!! ;-)
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Re: [Mpls] From a paranoid DFLer

2002-04-20 Thread Valdis2001

In the interest of fair play, I will take the route of the cage rattler on 
this one. 

First of all I do agree that big money investigations sometime bring petty 
criminals to justice. But many times it is just such a "break" that brings 
the flood gates to open. I am not saying that there IS wide spread corruption 
in city hall or in the Democratic party. However, when you find a "respected" 
member fallen to just such accusations, it rattles the cage of the 
institutions. We have all heard the stories -- extortion, friendly favors 
from office, outright threats to put people out of business/home because some 
person in office or appointment does not like them. There is no shortage of 
stories. But when tangible proof is presented, IT MUST BE INVESTIGATED.  No 
matter how small. Old habits die hard and when a small crime is aloud to go 
unchecked it can snowball and actually breed an air of acceptability. It may 
even lead to a council person blatantly telling a bar owner in public, "I get 
$10,000.00 from you or your bar shuts down because I say your parking lot is 
to small."  Kind of an absurd thing wouldn't you say?  But brazen with the 
attitude that one is invincible people can be that boisterous (i.e. Al Capon)

I would no sooner have an official forgiven for murder then I would for 
committing an act that breaches trust in the office, oath and the public 
which they serve.  The idea that the Democratic party is under fire is 
absurd. If you have the majority of the council from your party, the 
percentage of people hit by investigations or even opportunities for 
corruption will be higher. The law of averages applies here.  I hope that we 
can all stay away from drawing lines in political spheres. This is not a 
party debate, this is an ethical one.

Valdis Rozentals
Third Ward
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Re: [Mpls] If a resignation happens, how would the council seat be filled?

2002-04-19 Thread Valdis2001

I would like to ask what would happen if a special election took place this 
year and a new Councilperson were to be elected. Would they have to run again 
next year and the again in 2005?  Having run for office I can honestly say it 
is not a cheap venture. Three elections within three years - consider the 

Just some food for thought to stir up this ugly mess we may be heading for. 

Smiles to All,
Valdis Rozentals
Ward 3
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Re: [Mpls] Biernat

2002-04-18 Thread Valdis2001

I for one would like to agree that an indictment is not a conviction. I have 
been inundated with calls and emails about this all day. 

We sometimes forget the consequences of our actions. I do not defend any 
wrong doing. But I do feel bad for what his family will have to endure in the 
future. Before we all sing "ding dong the witch is dead" , lets take a close 
look at what we are saying and who we point fingers at. Joe is responsible 
for Joe's actions. His supporters, some of which I consider friends, are as 
shocked as any one else may be. I have no love lost for my differences with 
my councilman, but pandering to name calling and finger pointing will get us 

This signals us to be ever vigilant and that our political house is still in 
need of cleaning. I may be the only one out there (hopefully not), but I feel 
our civil servants have forgotten their duty to "serve the public" means 
working for the general good, not for yourself or just your friends.

So if indeed Joe did "sell his soul" for $2700.00 I hope he does resign 
gracefully and avoids bringing our fair city one more rung down.

Valdis Rozentals
3rd Ward
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Re: [Mpls] Affordable Housing - Move in tomorrow......

2002-01-09 Thread Valdis2001

Vicki has a point. Diana has a point. The one point we are all missing is that the 
question is not if a family can live in a 1 bedroom or not - the point missed is the 
reality. Just look at the latest tragedy were a 2 month old died unatended although 
the parents and 5 others lived in the 2 bedroom apartment. I come from this sort of 
imigrant background and remember how it was to huddle 9 people in a 2 bedroom house. 
And I consider myself to have been VERY lucky. Practicality and resources force people 
to live in "substandard" living space.
The point is not about what is or is not available/affordable, but rather what are we 
doing to get EVERYONE sheltered. The results of last nights council vote reflects what 
I would say is a breath of fresh air. Action in a positive manner rather than rhetoric 
and postponement that we suffered in the past council years! 
I know we all know what is right and wrong. let's see if we can redirect this into 
proposed atainable solutions. 
Love to all,
Valdis Rozentals
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Re: [Mpls] Food Fight at City Hall

2002-01-07 Thread Valdis2001

Let's stop the overanalysis and get on with the business of running and improving the 
city as a whole. We have much to do and many things to undo that the last council and 
mayor had set in motion.
Valdis Rozentals
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Re: [Mpls] Whose not welcome at Christmas

2001-12-21 Thread Valdis2001

Bravo RT!!!
In this day and age when we still cannot accept the fact that our party is 
not being widely accepted, we only perpetuate the perception that we are out 
of touch and or not capable of adult behavior. 
In short - quite yer' cryin and try and do something for the common good. You 
may find that this WILL get you support. And in turn you may get some of your 
delegates elected.
Valdis Rozentals
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Re: [Mpls] I love the Monte

2001-12-14 Thread Valdis2001

I have to agree with Annie. We are a list of 800+ and as the saying goes, 
"you can't please everyone.". The Monte is a GREAT spot. (although not my 
favorite) Considering the area, parking, and development in the near area, we 
could even go out for a quick critique of the tax monies being spent in the 
area. ;-)
Let's do whatever it takes to just get along with a get together!
Valdis Rozentals
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Re: [Mpls] City Council OKs Guthrie Demolition

2001-11-09 Thread Valdis2001

In light of the election results, I hope that the incumbents take a good hard 
look at what they are writing on their own grave stones. "here lies the 
wonderful public servant who on their way out allowed the first stone to be 
cast in the crusade to kill the arts."  
It is a shame to see how quickly a lethargic council can so easily walk away 
from responsibility to the people of Minneapolis and fiscal prudence.

Saddened in Saint Anthony,
Valdis Rozentals
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Re: [Mpls] Election day and national events

2001-09-11 Thread Valdis2001

To all who would take heed -
The only way to fight terrorism is to not give in to their desire to scare 
the public into shutting down! We need to continue on and stay the course. We 
must set aside all bickering we may have amongst ourselves and band together. 
We should trust in the fact that our government will take all possible 
actions to make justice prevail.

Things to do now;
Do Not go to donate blood right now. I have spoken with the Red Cross and 
they said they are swamped. Wait a day and then call 651-291-4607 to find out 
where you can best go to donate! They have asked to wait as they are swamped 
and still anticipate need, but do not have the space. Call and go tomorrow or 
Thursday. Go often!

Wait to pass judgment. We already have reports of "ethnic" individuals having 
been harassed and attacked out of panic. Stop and take a breath. Let cool 
heads prevail. Lets see what reports come from this.

God bless us and keep us safe.

Valdis Rozentals
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Re: [Mpls] Graco

2001-07-01 Thread Valdis2001

I must apologize for granting you the credit of being a sensible person and 
providing you with only short, broad retorts to your statements. Not to make 
this sound to simple - I would like to put your fears to rest. So here are 
some more specifics. Get your crayon out :-)

First off, I do live in the third ward. If you truly feel that I cannot read 
a map, might I suggest you lose the stereotypical view of all males and not 
being able to read a map.
I am fully aware of what Graco produces, and yes, I am aware that they are 
not in the same category as American Iron or Aggregate Industries. However 
you are still overlooking the fact that they pollute.  And as a polluter they 
should have the same review as others.
As for your stand that American Iron is incapable of communication, I believe 
if you would take the time to meet with many of the businesses on the 
riverfront you would find that they as well feel that discussion needs to 
take place. However of the 125 businesses on the riverfront, those that I 
have spoken with have not had contact from the incumbent until he is on the 
attack or on the offensive. Let's see how does one spell mediation - hmmm...
As for the matter of money and A.I., I met with them as a fact finding 
endeavor. I wanted to extend to them my ear to hear both sides of the story. 
The CEO said, "I hope your not expecting a campaign donation from me. Cause' 
if this is what it is all about you won't get it." To this I explained that I 
was not there to collect money. I have been running my campaign using small 
donations from private individuals. As well, an informed responsible 
community activist such as yourself should know that a City Council Person 
cannot take corporate donations, and certainly not more than $300.00 per 
election year from one source. I will attest to the fact that if 55411 to 
donator is shelling out more then the limit someone is in deep trouble when 
it comes time to report all donations. 
I am sorry that you have not yet met me, but I may have missed you at the 
tree planting event, River Clean up, parades, meetings or other forums I have 
attended. If you would like we could set a time up for you and your 
neighborhood. You set the time and date for a "meet and greet" and I will be 
there. Invite your neighbors! It will be nice to meet more Third Warders. 
Drop me a line and I will call you to confirm the date and time. I encourage 
all "issues" participants to attend.
As for the issue of the Mississippi River and our drinking water, I can 
assure you that as the new Councilmember I will immediately address the issue 
of you drinking and bathing in river water. For the rest of the city, as far 
as I can tell, the water is treated and then sent on to us. But if you have 
been bathing and drinking actual river water, I will take this up with the 
public works department and get you on the treated water program. ;-)

You criticized the lack of preparedness of some of the candidates and stated 
that City Council is not an on the job training program. Well, it looks like 
it is now. Many of the Councilpersons are having to now learn about 
refinancing programs such as the NRP because they were not prepared for the 
funding to be cut. With the state legislators discussing these types of cuts 
in there candidacies in the last election, one would think that ample time 
would be given to preparing for just such a crisis. In the Mayors press 
release and statement on June 29th it indicates the sudden need for 
redirection and that we do not have a plan in place as of yet. This is 
"learning as we go" at it's finest! 
Regardless, I hope to hear from you soon on that community "meet and greet" 
you can organize, since you do not plan on attending the one being sponsored 
by Third Ward Citizens In Action. :-(
Valdis Rozentals
3rd Ward City Council Candidate
Saint Anthony West.
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Re: [Mpls] Graco

2001-06-29 Thread Valdis2001

Enough is enough! This is starting to sound like small children bickering!
Dyna wishes to make light of the serious problem we have when it comes to the 
Mississippi River and the pollutants being dumped into it. I do not care if 
it is one person, company or city policy that is being discussed or dealt 
with. The fact that Graco is being pointed out, is an example. It is 
impossible to broadly discuss ALL polluters at once. Until we take a stand 
and set forth biting legal consequences for ALL parties on the riverfront, we 
can only approach what is right before our eyes. The Graco expansion is 
indeed something topical as it is happening today. The facts, regardless 
where you find them, do not dispute that the facility is a polluter. The fact 
still remains that the Upper Mississippi Master Plan had been revised to 
allow Graco's expansion and changing/comprimising the intent to connect the 
river, the parks and the community with a series of greenways and 
development. For those of you who have not wandered down that way as of late, 
the building sits much closer to the river bank than one would normally 
expect when trying to make the river banks accessible to people in the 

As for the American Iron issue, I have but three points to make;
ONE- as a candidate for the Third Ward City Council seat, I believe it is 
best for me to meet with all parties concerned before making an assumption or 
opinion on ANY topic. Therefore I met with communities, activists, and yes, 
American Iron. Generally speaking the only thing that I am sure of is that 
the severe lack of communication between the parties led to the fiasco which 
was our cities case against American Iron. As the leader of this charge, the 
incumbent could have sought mediation instead. Now American Iron has our 
money and a "full head of steam" to continue business as usual. 
TWO - During my meeting with American Iron's CEO and staff, there were no 
money asked for and no money given. In fact, the comment made was more like 
"Why should I give any money to anyone when I don't even know if you care 
about me or my business. I don't even know if you will be willing to listen 
to reason and work together about solving the issues at hand." So if you 
would like to make any more of this issue, you may state clearly that I am 
not funded by the Iassacs, and I feel that they would just as soon stay out 
of that strategy as a whole.
THREE - When you take a cynical stand against someone or something that is 
actively trying to better the environment as a whole, be prepared to put up a 
better solution and then be willing to work at it! Otherwise you are just 
wasting valuable oxygen. The time is now to act. If anyone feels that there 
is not a problem with the pollution level in the Mississippi River, then I 
challenge them to a swim. Or even better, let's lets build a pool in the back 
yard and fill it with water from the river. How about a nice back yard pool 
party. The fact of the matter is we do need to address this issue directly 
and with consequence to those who would pollute. But the same set of rules 
needs to apply to all - be it Graco, American Iron or Mr.&Mrs. homeowner. 
Fair process should be the way of government. Favoritism is for organized 

In short, proceeding with a plan and amending it along the way is sometimes 
an unavoidable thing. But this plan has been modified and defied more than we 
should allow. The plan needs to be concrete before we go forward, lest we 
spend our money in a nonchalant manner and then later ask ourselves why the 
results don't match that of the original plan.

Valdis Rozentals
3rd Ward City Council candidate
Saint Anthony West.
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Re: [Mpls] Open Records

2001-06-13 Thread Valdis2001

NRP funded projects initiate with public funds! As we all have the right to 
review our governments expenditures, so do we have the right to review the 
records of the NRP projects. 
KBasim wrote;
I don't know whether or not  Bob Cooper from the MCDA has checked the current 
and proposed bylaws to see if they meet the citizen participation group 
requirements.  I believe that most people would like to see an organization 
that is open and welcoming to its constituents.
I myself have sought final tally sheets on properties in the Saint Anthony 
West area of University Ave. Even Steve Cramer of the MCDA was not sure if 
these records would be accessible to the public! After six months and much 
red tape I was forwarded a sterilized "overview" of general cost projections. 
But I had originally asked the question why we had spent $360,000.00 to 
renovate 420 University only to sell it at a loss. Does this sort of 
neighborhood revitalization reflect a fiscally responsible policy? The home 
was even sold at a loss. The details of this report I hope to yet assertion. 
However the reluctance of any organization to share it's use of public 
funding is deplorable. This should be addressed with swift consequence lest 
we have another Pilot City fiasco.
Valdis Rozentals 
3rd Ward Council Candidate
Saint Anthony West
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Re: [Mpls] re: light rail and utilities

2001-06-10 Thread Valdis2001

I can appreciate the idea that if one does not understand why the council 
people do these crazy things, we will not be able to change things. I know 
first hand the extent of such cynicism. As an active candidate I see it every 
day. "What can you do?", is a common statement.
I do not wish to defend the actions of Mrs. Cherryhmomes or those of Mr. 
Biernat. However I do wish to chastise this implied cynicism society as a 
whole places on the candidate in the field trying to make a change. I believe 
that the majority of candidates get involved because they believe that they 
can best address their agenda. I hope that that agenda is one that is in the 
best interests of the community. Some do look towards public office as a 
place to grind their ax or to advance their beliefs or personal agenda. But 
there are some that seek to serve. The word public servant only comes up in 
impeachment processes and not in debates. I will be the first to say that 
wanting to work for the public is at best a personal sacrifice of vanity. You 
expose yourself to criticism on ANY subject, whether you have the ability to 
impact the topic or not. But I choose to look at any candidate that I see 
hope in, as a new start. I do not think a clean slate is necessary to make 
change. The time a good candidate has the greatest chance to fails soon after 
elected. This is the time for the people who helped elect this official to 
step up and help fulfill their objectives. To often though we breathe a sigh 
of relief, and believe the fight is over. It is not. We to often leave the 
official realign to accomplish all promised, alone. Soon the special 
interests can step in and assist and align themselves. I do not want to offer 
this up as an excuse. I just want to encourage all those who would to stand 
up and fight for what they believe in to do so. And when tiring - "pass the 
torch." But be vigilant to take it up again when rested, to give pause to 
those who are carrying it now their own chance to rest and recharge. 
 Yes, I know it has all been said before and seen before. But can we honestly 
just take it and agree to be complacent?! For those who do not believe the 
power of one to change things, I offer up some people such as Nelson 
Mandella, Ryan White, Andre Sacarov, Gunars Astra and the man who stood in 
front of a tank-unwaivering-in Tienamen Square. I do not profess to be in the 
same league as they are, but I do believe that that same spirit can be 
applied to everyday life. And yes, to city politics. I do not intend to be a 
status quo candidate. If I am the only newly appointed official in the whole 
city, I will not assume that I will not be able to make a change for the 
people. And I most certainly will not accept any thing less than an active 
involvement by my constituents in my tenure as councilperson. Together we can 
make a difference and avoid the "corruption" and or "decay" that we to often 
I to believe that the sun will rise every morning and that a positive 
attitude will get you further than cynicism. I encourage all in the those who 
would help to change the current course to help in any way you can. Contact 
your candidates. Ask what you can do. Volunteer to move ahead. But do not 
accept complacency or cynicism as acceptable.
Thank you for your time. 
Valdis Rozentals
Saint Anthony West
3rd Ward Council Candidate.
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