Nikki Carlson wrote...

I just want to say I hear the
term "old guard" constantly from the Rybak campaign and from the so-called park

I am in favor of MPRB reform and have many friends in the DFL who would be considered as McLaughlin supporters ( and therefore by someone's term Old Guard) who are also very interested in Park Board reform ( and no Nikki they don't live on Nicollet Island and some are even DeLaSalle alumni) I would say you are stereotyping. What has happened during the last 2 1/2 years at the MPRB has annoyed many people and some of them like myself just happen to be very vocal. In fact Commissioner McLaughlin and I have spoken more than once and though I respect him I could not give him my endorsing vote because he does not share my opinion of the MPRB (other than we both think it should remain an independent board). This year my KEY issue is MPRB reform and therefore I could not go McLaughlin. Old? New? I guess I'm Middle.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park
by age last of the boomers

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