Re: [Mpls] BOOM-cars upset you?; Try this...?

2005-05-23 Thread Laura and lloyd

On Sunday, May 22, 2005, at 11:27  PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

While driving east on Lowry between Penn and Lyndale, I encountered the
terrible sounds of a large SUV BOOM-car next to me, on my right in 

Here is what I did at that red light. I leaned on my car horn in a 

fashion; one loud, long and unabated hok.

 Far from perfect, It may possibly be the most
effective, and only tool in our neighborhood tool box to deal with 
this type of

goof; and grand nuisance.


The Star Tribune reported in 1997 that a Minneapolis City Council noise 
ordinance targets noise from almost any source, with some exemptions 
such as for aircraft in flight.

Fines for violating the ordinance are $200 for the first offense, $500 
for the second offense, and $700 for the third. The ordinance 
stipulates that a noise violation occurs if someone makes a noise 10 
decibels above the accepted noise level between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m., or 
5 decibels above the accepted noise level between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.

This could indicate both the horn honking and the loud car stereo are 
in violation.

Best wishes,


Laura Waterman Wittstock
Candidate for Minneapolis Library Board of Trustees
DFL and Labor endorsed
Minneapolis, MN
Wittstock for Library Committee
913 19th Avenue SE, Mpls, 55414
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Re: [Mpls] BOOM-cars upset you?; Try this...?

2005-05-22 Thread Don Davis

Good posting Keith

I've heard more Minneapolis residents in the past year complaining about 
BOOM-cars and loud motorcycles then ever before. Now I'm hearing from people 
who are losing sleep each night by many bar patrons who can't come outside 
and smoke one cigarette without shouting at the top of their lungs to their 
friends (who happen to be standing six inches from them).  Minneapolis has 
more then it's share of self-centered people either living here or visiting 
from the suburbs.

My response to your question Keith is that people shouldn't honk their horns 
in an attempt to send a signal to the mutants driving the BOOM-cars and loud 
motorcycles.  I'd refer to the drivers as wild animals but that would be a 
slap in the face to wild animals everywhere.  Honking your horn will not 
deter these drivers from playing their music loudly throughout the city.  It 
will, however, possibly wake-up city residents who may be sleeping. Many 
work nights and sleep during the day.  I know you were frustrated at the 
time. I suggest residents call the mayor's office and their city council 
person to see what's being done to combat the increasing noise levels in the 
city (i.e., enforcing the noise laws on the books and writing tickets - 
combined with a media blitz informing the culprits their assault on citizens 
won't be tolerated). Presently few tickets are being written to drivers 
breaking noise ordinances. I know police are overworked as it is but believe 
others within the police department would have authority to also write these 

By not addressing the "increasing" noise levels,  our city leaders would be 
sending the message that if you want a decent nights sleep, you'll have to 
move to the suburbs.  Note: for those of you that live in the quiet 
neighborhoods of this city, consider yourself lucky!  Many of the die-hard 
city residents who have thrived on the hustle and bustle of our urban city 
in that past are wondering if things may now be better in the burbs.   It's 
amazing how productive one can be when getting a decent nights sleep.

Don Davis

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Re: [Mpls] BOOM-cars upset you?; Try this...?

2005-05-22 Thread gemgram
Personally I think the horn treatment is wrong.  In addition to the "Goof 
"with the loud stereo blasting body punching bass in my neighborhood, you 
now have someone blowing a car horn continuously.  I personally prefer the 
short snap of a nine as you blow out his tires.   Less obtrusive in the 
hood; as it is a common sound.  No, I guess that is a bad idea also, the 
police would rather catch shooters than boomers, and I do have a thing about 
other people firing guns in my neighborhood.

I can tell you that the people down the street stopping and blowing the car 
horn constantly for five minutes at 5:30AM in the morning, to get a roofer 
friend out for work, elicits the same response from me.  If I heard someone 
take a shot at their car, and the horn go suddenly silent I would roll over, 
smile, and go back to sleep thinking they finally got what they so richly 

Why is it so hard for the cops to catch such goofs? You can hear them two 
blocks away. It also gives reasonable cause to stop, ticket, check for 
warrants, and completely search the car.  Talk about profiling.  When drug 
dealing and crime is prevalent in a neighborhood guess what also is?  That's 
right, people with so little respect that they do such things, as well as 
deal drugs.  So crack down on these quality of life criminals and you also 
start solving a neighborhood's other problems. Oh, that's right, we can't 
even supply the police officers to arrest drug dealers openly dealing on the 
street corner, after the Mayor's cutting the force.  So there is no time for 
"quality of life" for Minneapolis neighborhoods.  But then again what care 
do the politicians have for "quality of life" in poor neighborhoods.

No, shooting is way too extreme, the bullets might ricochet and hurt an 
innocent person.  Baseball bats don't ricochet though, so I think a 
compromise might be to make it legally justifiable to take a baseball to the 
offending car.  And to the offending driver if he protests too vigorously. 
Or, an even better idea is to take the license number, run it, then park a 
car with loud speakers outside his house blaring Box Car Willie at 120 db. 
You know, the stuff that blew up the Martian's heads in that Jack Nickelson 
movie. Or how about if we take an evangelical minister and beat on the door 
at 5:00 AM then preaching him a fire and brimstone sermon for the next five 
minutes on the sinful nature of people with SUV Boomers. No the Box Car 
Willie is worse punishment.  Now that would be cruel punishment, and funny 
as hell.

Jim Graham,
Ventura Village, a neighborhood that once had way too much of its own share 
of SUV Boomers.

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[Mpls] BOOM-cars upset you?; Try this...?

2005-05-22 Thread PennBroKeith

While driving east on Lowry between Penn and Lyndale, I encountered the 
terrible sounds of a large SUV BOOM-car next to me, on my right in traffic. As 
luck would have it, the light turned red for both of us; and we were right 
next to each other at a dead stop, and at the front of the pack.

This goof had his window rolled down and the obscene rumble of his stereo 
system was more than a nuisance. It was the kind of sound that you feel right 
the middle of your brain and through your whole body. Hood residers know what 
that SOUND is and it is a lot like torture. 

Previously, and with some frequency (no pun intended), I have been weighing 
the problem of this obscenity. This is a threatening and disturbing type of 
assault that our overworked constabulary cannot control. So: What can an 
individual do when confronted by it? I always just roll up my electric windows 
suffer. SUFFER.

Here is what I did at that red light. I leaned on my car horn in a continuous 
fashion; one loud, long and unabated hok. My car horn literally 
sounded better, and less painful to me, than the goof's incredible noise 
it was a relief. But I do not think the goof enjoyed my car horn in his open 
window, and ear. He gave me a very puzzled, and uncomfortable, look; and then 
stared straight ahead for the duration of the red light (and my honk). He 
whizzed off, and I yielded so he could gain some distance from the center of my 
cranium. I did realize, at that moment, that perhaps many, many of us could do 
this same maneuver, as needed. Far from perfect, It may possibly be the most 
effective, and only tool in our neighborhood tool box to deal with this type of 
goof; and grand nuisance. 

I would appreciate any reasonable opinions in this matter but naysayers 
should offer constructive alternatives.

Keith Reitman   NearNorth  And in another matter: Is there a motor cycle in 
MPLS. that HAS a muffler??
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