Re: [Mpls] Election post mortem ..connecting more park board dots--part3

2005-11-25 Thread Elizabeth Wielinski

Scott Neiman wrote

Niel, apparently the Strib editors have a different take on Gurban's 
performance, as they pointed out in their editorial that they felt he 
was doing a good job.  And while I agree there was no process involved 
when Gurban was given a 1 year interim position, after first search 
process ended in failure. (All the finalists withdrew from 
consideration and Merrill Anderson refused to take a contract 
extension.). There was a national search done the following year using 
a firm the minority members on the board preferred. At its conclusion, 
by a 2/3's majority (6-3), the board hired Gurban, giving him a three 
year contract. A job he certainly applied for.

He should have consulted the MPRB's own minutes and read the following  
 ( from 12-10-03)


   On call of the roll, the vote was Yeas - 3; Nays - 5, Abstain - 1,
   Absent - 0; as follows:

   YEAS - Commissioners Dziedzic, Kummer and Olson - 3.

   NAYS - Commissioners Berry Graves, Erwin, Hauser, Mason and Young - 

   ABSTAIN - President Fine - 1.

Mary Merrill Anderson never had the opportunity to turn them down as 
they never offered her an extension.  In fact during the same meeting 
then President Fine was asked to contact the 5 remaining candidates and 
from the MPRB minutes his report was ( from 12-17-03)

   President Fine reported that he contacted the remaining five 

   and that four indicated interest in still being considered for the
   position of Superintendent.

Later in that same meeting Commissioner Dziedzic asks if it only take a 
majority of 5 to hire a superintendent and upon finding that to be the 
case nominates Jon Gurban for the job  and the rest is history...

I realize that Mr. Neiman and I hold differing opinions about how 
things are done at the MPRB but I do not appreciate him changing the 
facts to fit his opinion.

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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[Mpls] Election post mortem ..connecting more park board dots--part3

2005-11-23 Thread Scott Neiman

(Niel Ritchie writes)

"Bob Fine helps engineer the hiring of his
under-qualified high school classmate, Jon Gurban, to
be superintendent, a job he did not apply for. Not
surprisingly Gurban has turned out to be a

Niel, apparently the Strib editors have a different take on Gurban's 
performance, as they pointed out in their editorial that they felt he was 
doing a good job.  And while I agree there was no process involved when 
Gurban was given a 1 year interim position, after first search process ended 
in failure. (All the finalists withdrew from consideration and Merrill 
Anderson refused to take a contract extension.). There was a national search 
done the following year using a firm the minority members on the board 
preferred. At its conclusion, by a 2/3's majority (6-3), the board hired 
Gurban, giving him a three year contract. A job he certainly applied for.

I also think it is ridiculous how you continue to infer because Fine and 
Gurban went to the same high school that they had some lifelong connection 
to one another, beginning back then.  Like Fine waited 35 years to give 
Gurban a job?  Have you ever found one Southwest grad who could substantiate 
they had any kind of relationship with one another in high school?  Of 
course not, because there was none.

"A worn-out Vivian Mason retires. Tracy Nordstom wins
handily in a brand new district against the PIPs
hand-picked, well-financed candidate, by working hard
(again) and having a strong reform message."

Niel, you forgot to mention she also had the DFL endorsement, as did every 
other "reform-minded" candidate who won, except of course, the unstoppable 
Annie Young.  I've never meet or talked to Christine Hansen, but from what I 
read she certainly appeared to be strong, reform-minded candidate, as well. 
It's pretty obvious to be a "reform" candidate meant you weren't one of the 
incumbent district commissioners, nor could there have been any possibility 
you had once talked to one of them during your lifetime.

"And the status quo dodges a bullet as Fine narrowly
wins a bitter race with a lot of help from the De
LaSalle land deal backers, a mix of Catholic voters
and other religious conservatives."

Wow, now Catholics' and other religious conservatives are the primary Fine 
supporters.  I also didn't know all Catholics' were now considered religious 
conservatives.  I'd love to see the poll you ran to gather this data.   One 
thousand, one hundred fifty vote victory, hardly "narrow".

Scott Neiman

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