Planning Committee Continued....

Commissioner Hauser thanks everyone for attending and agrees that a new master plan is needed

Commissioner Erwin asks that in planning the the staff consider moving the trail away from the fence, increase planting in the buffer, work with all 3 groups, consolidate and make better trails to keep folks on them, and states that all the groups will be great helpers and to work together.

all the others toss in their 2 cents worth and the substitute motion is passed.

8:00 pm and back to the regular meeting for a presentation....

Paul Hokeness, District manager for the Lakes district makes a special presentation to Dottie Speidel a long time activist for arts in the parks at Loring Park who has just donated a very fine piano for use in the center.

Ms. Speidel ( who has been patiently waiting for a while) states that they turn out this evening demonstrates the love people have for their parks.

Next DM Hokeness introduces Diane Moe, who has been hired as the Cultural Arts Director for Loring Park. Ms Moe is rejoining the MPRB staff. She announces that on Wednesday July 18th at noon they will be starting the Music in Loring Park series

Commissioner Berry Graves mentions the positive comments she is getting from MacPhail about the new program at Loring and Commissioner Mason asks if Ms. Moe will also be managing the Sculpture Garden as she saw some reference to it in her materials. DM Hokeness says she will eventually be handling the Sculpture Garden as it is considered her "fields" like the more traditional fields at the other park centers.

8:10 and we are back to Planning again ....

Tim Brown lead staff on the St. Anthony Parkway bike trail master plan and Greg Ingraham (outside consultant) give a presentation on the proposed trail , part of which will be repair and upgrades to the 30 year old existing trail and part of which will be a continuation of the trail from Ulysses ST NE to Stinson BLVD (this is the controversial section ). The trail is then planned to be extended in another project south along Stinson to 18th where it will connect with a planned city trail and also a trail along an old RR grade that goes diagonally through the region. A power point presentation shows how the plan would be done and if the trail is kept off of the street it will go along the parkway on what many citizens consider to be their front yards ( though the MPRB actually owns the land).

Tim stresses that the plan is in the loop for funding ( Federal matching dollars ) and too many delays will put the project off indefinitely.

Commissioner Dziedzic wants to change the plan to satisfy the neighbors and feels that another meeting will take care of the problem and makes a motion to do that

Commissioner Olson asks if the plan can just redo the existing stretch up to Ulysses and stop ( not the way the grant is worded )

There is some discussion over whether delays will mess up the funding and if the dollars will be available again in the future to which no one can make a guarantee. Director of Planning Reitkirk also mentions the fact that the schedule for the matching dollars on the MPRB front would also be an issue.

Tim stresses that the plan could be passed and then the trail could be altered during the construction phase to meet the neighborhood requirements and that it is MPRB property but that Met Council Approval is needed soon to keep the project on track.

Commissioner Dziedzic then complains about the notification process (see Scott Vreeland's post about what the proper procedure should have been ).

Commissioner Berry Graves mentions that if they vote to make the trail narrow they should remember the death that led to the wider trail decision years ago.

Commissioner Erwin makes a friendly amendment to Commissioner Dziedzic's motion that another community meeting be held and then come back to the board at the August 3rd meeting.

THE MEETING FOR ALL INTERESTED PARTIES WILL BE AT COLUMBIA MANOR, 3300 CENTRAL AV NE, TUESDAY JULY 19TH AT 6:30 PM per Commissioner Dziedzic who was kind enough to provide me with the information when I called later in the week.

Scott Brink from the City of St. Louis Park gives a presentation on the trail connector they would like to build on MPRB property to join together some bike trails.
Commissioner Dziedzic asks about their notification process
motion to approve passes.

Planning finally adjourns at 9:00 pm

Stay tuned for the Legislative Committee and the report from Rice, Pederson and Campo.... lobbyists

Liz Wielinski
Columbia Park

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