RE: [Mpls] Abstention fever

2002-02-07 Thread Blanchett, Neal J.

There is a difference of opinion on the issue of Roberts' Rules automatic
updating of revisions.

Russell Peterson wrote
Do we know which version is tied to the Minneapolis City Council?

and Brian Melendez wrote
The Minneapolis City Council's rules (Rule 20) provide that the
rules of parliamentary practice, embraced in Robert's Rules of Order,
Revised, shall govern the council in all cases to which they are applicable
and in which they are not inconsistent with these rules.  The Council
therefore follows the current (tenth) edition, and its rules are
automatically updated when a new edition appears.

I've always advised cities that revisions/future amendments are not
automatically included when something is adopted by reference.  Of course,
when Roberts' is amended, the city can simply adopt the revised version by
ordinance.  This conservative an approach follows state statute § 471.62,
Statutes or rules may be adopted by reference.  The Attorney General has
consistently opined that future amendments to the building code are not
automatically incorporated, and I do not see a meaningful distinction
between the building code and Roberts' Rules that would justify ignoring
this principle for Roberts'.  The AG opinions are:

A uniform building code could be adapted by a village by
incorporating it by reference in a city ordinance, however additional
amendments of the code would be required to incorporate by subsequent
separate ordinance.  Op.Atty.Gen., 59a-9, July 18, 1967.

Charter city cannot incorporate in city charter future amendments of
a statute.  Op.Atty.Gen., 59-A-11, Jan. 22, 1957.

City cannot enact an ordinance adopting by reference future
amendments of a national building code.  Op.Atty.Gen., 59-A-9, March 27,

The Minnesota Administrative Procedure Act also requires that materials
adopted by reference should include a specific date reference, which would
also seem to preclude automatic adoption of future revisions. sec. 14.07. It
makes sense when you consider Roberts' Rules revisions are not subject to
public comment/review.

Neal Blanchett
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RE: [Mpls] Abstention fever

2002-02-06 Thread Russell W Peterson

Thanks Brain for the detail.   Just a note that I was
quoting from the original version of Robert's Rules of
Order.  I know it is fashionable to us the Newly Revised
version.  Do we know which version is tied to the
Minneapolis City Council?  Most organizations cite the
particular version as to not create confusion - I should
have done the same.  My version in section 44, does not
contain the word abstention.  In the end, however, I
believe my analysis was correct that the vote did pass by a
wide majority according the the rules in place, unless
somebody has some other knowledge of operations that I am
still missing.  And even though you cannot force someone to
vote, it is still in my opinion according to Robert's Rules
that the only real reason to abstain is for conflict of

R u s s e l l   W.   P e t e r s o n

Saint Michael, Minnesota

You can only fly if you stretch your wings.

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Re: [Mpls] Abstention fever

2002-02-04 Thread Michael Atherton

Lee Schneider wrote:

 I have watched Mr. Atherton tirades for a while now.
 And his comments that DFL wants the Greens out of
 office is plain absurd!

ti-rade (tirad, ti-rad)n. A long angry or violent speech, usually of a 
censorious or denunciatory nature; a diatribe.[French, from Old French, act of firing, 
from tirer, to draw out, endure, probably back-formation from martirant, present 
participle of martirer, to torture (influenced by mar, to one's misfortune,, tiranz, 
executioner, tyrant), from martir, martyr, from Late Latin martyr. See MARTYR.]

Excerpted from American Heritage Talking Dictionary
Copyright © 1997 The Learning Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

While I might agree that some of my posts, especially those on education, maybe
angry or denunciatory, I don't believe that they are violent or censorious.  Sometimes
the truth is ugly and hurtful.  If I were a Black parent with a child in the
ninth grade who could not read would my posts be labeled as tirades or
righteous indignation? I have been willing to discuss the ethics of calling for early 
but no one, including you, seems to want to participate in that discussion. And,
no one seems to be willing to discuss which party early elections would favor.  If you
would like to talk about something that is plain absurd, why don't we discuss
why the DFL controlled city council has never passed ordinances allowing for the
recall of councilmembers?  Or we might also discuss the fact that the individuals
posting in support of early elections, you, Ms. Khan, Mr. Brauer, and Mr. Melendez are
stanch DFL supporters. I believe that your party is more interested in holding on to
power than in helping the people it professes to represent.  Why is it that
my overwhelmingly DFL neighborhood can set up a fund to move affordable housing
elsewhere, rather than promote it in their own neighborhood?  What are the ethics
of that action? The answer to that question is one reason why a conservative would
vote and support the Green party, and why the DFL is losing elections.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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Re: [Mpls] Abstention fever

2002-02-04 Thread David Brauer

Michael writes:

 The answer to that question is one reason why a conservative
 vote and support the Green party, and why the DFL is losing elections.

But wait! If the DFL is losing elections, why is Rep. Kahn's change that
forces an additional round of elections pro-DFL?

This has always been the illogic in Michael's argument; there is nothing
built-in that favors the DFL. In fact, his argument is quite patronizing to
the Greens, since he assumes they would be steamrollered by the DFL in '03.

Based on their last showing, the Minneapolis Green Party could more quickly
gain seats more quickly if elections are held in '03 rather than '05. Who's
to say their gains wouldn't be expanded, rather than reversed? Certainly,
Michael presents no logical reason or evidence the Greens would retreat.

So says this so-called staunch DFLer (who did not vote a straight party
ticket in '01, by the way...)

David Brauer
King Field - Ward 10

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Re: [Mpls] Abstention fever

2002-02-04 Thread richard carney

Michael Atherton wrote:

 The answer to that question is one reason why a conservative would
 vote and support the Green party, and why the DFL is losing elections.

I have to believe that an election in ought-three would favor the Greens more than the 
DFL, if for no other reason than the greater the distance between trips to the polls 
the greater the chance for lost momentum.

More importantly, it seems pretty cut and dried that if the boundries are redrawn in 
such a way that a segment of the population is no longer represented at City Hall, 
then you need to have a new election. However, since the boundaries could 
theoretically change every ten years, and elections are currently held every four 
years, then this problem could reoccur at pretty regular intervals (if an election is 
held in
'03, then in '07, then in '11 you are right back to square one if the '10 census 
dictates another change).

One way to really keep things consistent would be to reduce the number of wards to say 
six, making the areas large enough that the census would be less likely to skew them, 
and elect (in this case seven) at-large Council Members, or (and this would be the 
better choice IMHO) reduce the Council terms from 4 years to 2 years and run the 
elections concurrent with congressional elections.

Just a thought,

richard carney
st. paul

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Re: [Mpls] Abstention fever

2002-02-04 Thread Andy Driscoll


Andy Driscoll
Saint Paul
The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who, in times of
moral crisis, remain neutral --Dante

 From: David Brauer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 But wait! If the DFL is losing elections, why is Rep. Kahn's change that
 forces an additional round of elections pro-DFL?
 This has always been the illogic in Michael's argument; there is nothing
 built-in that favors the DFL. In fact, his argument is quite patronizing to
 the Greens, since he assumes they would be steamrollered by the DFL in '03.
 Based on their last showing, the Minneapolis Green Party could more quickly
 gain seats more quickly if elections are held in '03 rather than '05. Who's
 to say their gains wouldn't be expanded, rather than reversed? Certainly,
 Michael presents no logical reason or evidence the Greens would retreat.
 So says this so-called staunch DFLer (who did not vote a straight party
 ticket in '01, by the way...)
 David Brauer
 King Field - Ward 10

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Re: [Mpls] Abstention fever/budget candidate's full term

2002-02-04 Thread PennBroKeith

In a message dated 2/4/02 10:37:11 AM Central Standard Time, 

 I have to believe that an election in ought-three would favor the Greens 
more than the DFL, if for no other reason than the greater the distance 
between trips to the polls the greater the chance for lost momentum.
   Elections, for non-Machine challengers, may be compared to rolling the 
dice. The DFL Machine has a large wad of Council Members/Currency in it's 
pinstripe pocket. Win a few, lose a few, the DFL machine still rules ober 
alles. The other council members, whom I shall identify as the independents, 
have just pocket change of political currency to wager, and could be out of 
office before the dice get warm. If you were elected for a term, serve that 
   Keith Reitman, We Fought for Change/NearNorth
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Re: [Mpls] Abstention fever/budget candidate's full term

2002-02-04 Thread Tim Bonham

Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 20:26:50 EST
. . .
The DFL Machine has a large wad of Council Members/Currency in it's
pinstripe pocket.
. . .
Keith Reitman
 Well, I wish someone would tell me where that pocket is!
As Treasurer of the City DFL, I just filed a report that shows us still 
$8,000 in debt from the recent election cycle.   So whoever has those wads 
of currency, please pass them along to me.

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Re: [Mpls] Abstention fever

2002-02-03 Thread Lee Schneider

I have watched Mr. Atherton tirades for a while now. 
And his comments that DFL wants the Greens out of
office is plain absurd!

Personally, I would not want to vote for a specific
council person in my ward and then find out 6 months
later that I don't live in that ward anymore due to
redistricting.  Having a council person that I, DID
NOT, elect.  The problem being that you old council
person follows the new ward boundary's while you new
one doesn't, causing you to in a sense have NO

I do think it was a good idea to go from 2yr terms to
4yr terms, but they could have had put the elections
in years ending in 3 and 7 instead of years ending in
1 and 5.

I have said my peace and now need to get some sleep!


--- Michael Atherton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

message snipped---
 Well so much for convention, instead let's talk
 about ethics and fair play.  The Greens won fair and
 square and now the DFL wants to get them out of
 office anyway they can; as in forcing early
 elections.  I suppose that is the convention:
 politics by any means necessary.  All I can say is I
 sure hope I can find a job that gets me out of this
 state.  Louisiana might be an improvement.
 Michael Atherton
 Prospect Park
message snipped

Lee J Schneider
New STP resident
Formerly Standish/Ericsson - MPLS
Currently Sheboygan, WI (family)

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RE: [Mpls] Abstention fever

2002-02-02 Thread Walt Cygan

David Brauer wrote:
 Your fence-sitters are: Sandy Colvin Roy, Dean Zimmermann, Robert 
 Lilligren, Natalie Johnson Lee and Joe Biernat.

Imagine my surprise seeing Sandy Colvin Roy on this list. That's right,
none. It almost makes me ready to support Phyllis Kahn's 2003 election

Walt Cygan

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Re: [Mpls] Abstention fever

2002-02-02 Thread Michael Atherton

Walt Cygan wrote:

 David Brauer wrote:
  Your fence-sitters are: Sandy Colvin Roy, Dean Zimmermann, Robert
  Lilligren, Natalie Johnson Lee and Joe Biernat.

 Imagine my surprise seeing Sandy Colvin Roy on this list. That's right,
 none. It almost makes me ready to support Phyllis Kahn's 2003 election

The conventional (and ethical) way to remove council members you are
unhappy with is by recall election, not a contrived special election
initiated by legislative manipulation in local politics.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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RE: [Mpls] Abstention fever

2002-02-02 Thread Melendez, Brian

Michael Atherton wrote, The conventional (and ethical) way to
remove council members you are unhappy with is by recall election . . . .

As far as I know, Minneapolis city officers are not subject to
recall elections.  State law allows a city to provide in its charter for
the recall of any elective municipal officer and for removal of the officer
by vote of the electors of such city (Minnesota Statutes sec. 410.20), but
the Minneapolis City Charter does not contain such a provision.


Brian Melendez
St. Anthony West (Ward 3)

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Re: [Mpls] Abstention fever

2002-02-02 Thread Michael Atherton

Melendez, Brian wrote:

 Michael Atherton wrote, The conventional (and ethical) way to
 remove council members you are unhappy with is by recall election . . . .

 As far as I know, Minneapolis city officers are not subject to
 recall elections.  State law allows a city to provide in its charter for
 the recall of any elective municipal officer and for removal of the officer
 by vote of the electors of such city (Minnesota Statutes sec. 410.20), but
 the Minneapolis City Charter does not contain such a provision.

Well so much for convention, instead let's talk about ethics and fair play.
The Greens won fair and square and now the DFL wants to get
them out of office anyway they can; as in forcing early elections.
I suppose that is the convention: politics by any means necessary.
All I can say is I sure hope I can find a job that gets me out of this state.
Louisiana might be an improvement.

Michael Atherton
Prospect Park

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