2000-10-24 Thread RANDERSON67

My apologies.

The survey was being sent to groups who received the original post after the 
survey was knocked off. This posting was in error.

The survey is intended to collect information on services rendered by MCDA, 
and determine it effectiveness as an agency. Since MCDA is established to 
address housing and development issues in Minneapolis (?), information should 
be garnered about it perception in the eyes of those served.

Since I am running for State Rep, I am concerned about the role of agencies 
designed to administer the needs of my constituents and other Minnesotans. As 
a citizen, I have experienced their service and must say that their 
effectiveness is rather questionable. This is my personal opinion, however, 
and it does not have merit until either  the role of that organization in 
fulfilling its mission is examined, or until weighed against (public) opinion.

I will send the survey to any one requesting it:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or, it 
will be available on the web sites:, and at 
the other: Interested??

Robert Anderson

Re: Ramp meters sucking the life out of Mpls?

2000-10-24 Thread RANDERSON67

In a message dated 10/23/00 3:17:47 PM Central Daylight Time, 

 Subj: Re: Ramp meters sucking the life out of Mpls?
 Date:  10/23/00 3:17:47 PM Central Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Rocker)
 To:[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Multiple recipients of list)
 It's not the meters that encourage sprawl and subsidize exurban developmen 


You have stated a factual truth (redundant?). We have had many years trying 
the same old approaches and spouting the same old rhetoric, and many failed 
ventures which should be screaming for new  vision.

They are complex issues indeed. However, better solutions are available, but 
require new approaches in how we think of those issues, and especially how, 
or what, we will do to provide equitable relief. On that note, it is prudent 
to say that "leaders" must adopt the thinking process that is more aligned 
with our new view of "stakeholders", and abandon the practice (Keynesian?) of 
legislating in the purview of monied interest.

Philosophically, when ever process immobilizes or alienates factors of 
production, it adversely affects distributive yield:  it occurs randomly 
within the realm but never on , or beyond the curve. Simply stated, it is a 
win-loss scenario for all. There are better ways to address "affordable 
housing", sprawl (all), tax reform, more accountable government, better 
education, healthcare, etc., but it requires a shift in legislative  
priorities and actions to accomplish.

Robert Anderson

Re: MCDA Survey

2000-10-24 Thread RANDERSON67

Jim, my apologies. After this error was brought to my attention, I posted a 
correction. Hopefully all have received it.

To all:  In response to a request to send a copy of the survey regarding 
MCDA, I did not reference the source or context, and inadvertently sent it to 
the full list. My apologies to all. If you like, the survey is available at:

Robert Anderson

Ordinary People author Judith Guest HONKs for Minneapolis Libra

2000-10-24 Thread Beem, Katy

H.O.N.K. (Help Our Neighbors Know) if You Love Libraries

Thursday, October 26th, 4:30 pm - 6 pm
Northeast Community Library
2200 Central Avenue Northeast

(MINNEAPOLIS)  --  Join Citizens for Minneapolis Public Libraries this
Thursday from 4:30 pm - 6 pm in beloved Northeast Minneapolis and HONK
alongside writer Judith Guest (Ordinary People, Errands, Second Heaven, The
Mythic Family) in support of a new downtown Minneapolis Public Library and
improvements to our 14 neighborhood branches.  

Guest, who serves on the board of The Friends of the Minneapolis Public
Library, is an avid library fan who has lended her enthusiasm and energy to
several HONKfests taking place at the downtown and community libraries
throughout the city.  

Join Judith and fellow library supporters as we encourage drivers to "honk
and vote!"  

We supply the signs, you provide the enthusiasm, Minneapolis voters supply
the honks.

Police Brutality

2000-10-24 Thread RANDERSON67

I attended the October 22nd rally monday evening, and the rally and march 
staged last night at the City Center. Although a number of people attended, 
and despite the fact that the mayors of St. Paul and Minneapolis, along with 
city council members were invited, none were brave enough to attend.

As I viewed the pictures and heard statements about brutality and murder of 
citizens by police, I could not help wondering about the fear that kept 
politicians at bay. Was it the fear of being identified and subsequently 
subjected to harassment, or abuse by (???) officials or police?? If so, all 
the more reason for the rally. Was it the fear of associating with person 
concerned over incidents of brutality and murder??? Even so, all the more 
reason to stage a rally.

I intended to address the crowd, but qas forced to leave because of 
previously arranged events:  presentations were much more than had been 
planned and time simply ran over the estimate. It was, and is  frightening to 
hear of the occurences of  brutality against women and children particularly. 
With the training, equipment, and authority embodied in police, who can 
justify the brute force directed against women and children? It is a travesty 
for police to adopt this attitude against men, especially since it is aimed 
primarily at men of color, but damned unfathomable to carry it over to women 
and children. What, or whom is protected or served in this instance?

If the evidence did not exist (tragically) all over the nation and, more 
particularly, right under our very nose, maybe ignoring the plea for help 
from citizens would be more understandable. But it is real. It does exist. It 
is alive and well in Minneapolis. And the people who voted you (politicians) 
in office are concerned, hurting, dying, and asking for your help. You 
refused ! What (else) should they do ? The crowd even recognized that the 
rally and march last night could have resulted in arrest and brutality, even 
though it was well organized. And in a show of solidarity and concern, shared 
a number to be called in the event of arrest. What has happened to bring on 
this sad state of affairs ??

And the politicians sat silent. Safely away from the "TO" (targeted 
objective). Even during the atrocities and eminent danger in a war zone some 
politicians dared show up, if for no other reason than to impress 
constituents at home. Was the gathering too small, unworthy of your attention 
? The quesion you should be concerned with is "how many people will be 
touched by this cry for help, this plea to change fear of contact with police 
into trust of their intent to serve and protect, how many will vote, and 
whether they will vote you out of office based on your fear, or inability or 
unwillingness to intervene on their behalf". Isn;t that a classic definition 
of what you (should) do ??

Robert Anderson
IP Candidate, House 61B


2000-10-24 Thread timothy connolly

there was an article in today's strib by dan wascoe
who presumably ate a free lunch provided by the GMCVA
at the Ways and MEans committee hearing.

the memorandum GMCVA presented to ways and means in
which they ask the city to seek from the state an
additional one cent hotel tax to increase their budget
in the coming three years states in their words, "the
request is with the full support of the Minneapolis
Hotel Association, who recognize the value of the plan
and the importance of GMCVA programs."

in the same article mention is made of providing free
rent to groups who might otherwise go somewhere else.

this is ludicrous. we should give freebies to
cheapskates who won't come to Mpls and choose Salt
Lake city or Indian-no-place over Mpls and then we'll
soak them a little with an extra penny tax. So the
city loses money so the hotels can make money. Is that
how it goes?

That's right! It's a good deal for the citizens who
work at hotels and restaurants!

I go back to this past summer when the hotels were
being struck by employees and our mayor and city
council president stepped in to save the day by
brokering the 23% raise over the course of a five year
contract that would in all likelihood leave people
worse off five years hence than they are today.

There is also the bit about hiring parolees. you mean
the city or the convention center doesn't now? Why
not? and the admonition that they wouldn't be coming
in contact with hotel guests? 

Who are these guys? seems to me we might have had the
wrong guys in jail? 

Does anyone out there know how much the river city
trolley costs? how about it's revenues? what was the
cost of those little empty buses running around that
were finally discontinued?

And tell me again why we're building this addition to
the convention center? Are we expecting a larger crowd
than the 50,000 aa conventioneers we entertained last

Here's the line i like best from the memorandum: "the
plan was developed by the board in a series of
retreats and refined by a stategic planning

I love it. I'm retreating for the day. Regards.

Tim Connolly
Downtown Mpls
ward 7

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