
In light of all the questionable results coming in from Florida, I think we
may want to look into some odd polling places right here in Minneapolis. A
friend who lives in Elliot Park was sent to vote at the Bethel Bible College
at 14th and Chicago. Does this strike anyone else as awfully strange? He
said the room full of scripture-reading students (one quoted as saying "I'm
voting Republican because Democrats vote for Jews") was intimidating, and it
was unclear who exactly was helping some of the seniors from the Augustana
home next door in filling out their ballots, but whoever it was, election
judge or volunteer, was wearing Bush/Cheney buttons (whatever happened to
'no electioneering beyond this point?'). I find it very hard to believe that
there aren't any neutral community center type sites in this neighborhood
since I work nearby at MAP and see the options; hell, Augustana would make
more sense. I'm telling this friend to complain to the Secretary of State's
office; anyone else have ideas?

Caroline Palmer

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