Re: MQ Trigger Monitor - Load Balancing?

2004-10-06 Thread Blondiaux Denis (DBB)

In a few words, we use the following configuration :
We have special CICS region for MQ : called MOR for MQ-owning region.
Trigger monitors are running in the MOR.
The triggered transaction is defined as dynamic in MOR and as static in AOR.
In this configuration, triggered transaction are routed dynamically to the AOR. So, 
the best practice is compute by WLM (CICS choose the region, MQ stay independant).

For high availability, we have 2 MOR reading the same shared initiation queue.

Hope this help you.

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of MQA
Sent: mardi 5 octobre 2004 19:12
Subject: MQ Trigger Monitor - Load Balancing?

Dear MQA,

We are studying on sharing of a single queue manager by multiple CICS
regions.  If we use CICS trigger monitor (i.e. CTKI), can the trigger
monitor distribute workload equally among the two CICS regions? If
otherwise, which component (MQ, CICS or else) can govern the workload

Besides, if one of the CICS regions fails, can all the incoming messages be
distributed to the remaining one for processing.


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Re: Buffer pool storage

2004-05-12 Thread Blondiaux Denis (DBB)

It concern a qmgr with a lot of pagesets and a lot of queues.
We increase size of buffer pool for delay the number of swap in pageset.
(the original reason of this intervention is some hardware problem on random space 
But you have right, this large size is not really required.

After increasing the size of the bufferpools (we reach than at least 1,5Gb), 
applications using the qmgr began to have security access problem (Abend 878-00C 
DURING RACINIT PROCESSING - There is not enough virtual local system queue area 
After investigation, we see that there is a lot of multiple getmain without freemain 
in extended private area. So the conclusion was that these getmain overide the memory 
where was cached the RACF informations.

The global conclusion was that we have to consider that the total size of bufferpool 
can not reached more than 1,5gb, otherwise, you can expect this kind of problem. We 
don't find any recommendation from IBM about this before.

Posted here for information...

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Rick
Sent: mardi 11 mai 2004 17:09
Subject: Re: Buffer pool storage


Out of curiosity, why are you using so much bufferpool space, and not
letting most of the data flow to disk?

  Blondiaux Denis
  Denis.Blondiaux cc:
  @DEXIA.BE   Subject: Re: Buffer pool storage
  Sent by:
  MQSeries List

  05/11/2004 01:22
  Please respond
  to MQSeries List


About this point, does anyone know if IBM has planned to implement
bufferpool in dataspace, like in DB2 ?
A few month ago, we had memory problem after increasing bufferpool because
we already take at least 1,6Gb in extended private area.


-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of John M
Sent: mardi 11 mai 2004 6:35
Subject: Re: Buffer pool storage

Yes, it's in the MSTR and it's above the line private storage.  There
should be plenty of that to go around :)

John M Hammond
Data Center - Middleware
(630) 521-4339

 Ronald Weinger
 Sent by: MQSeries  Subject: Buffer pool

 05/10/2004 09:45 AM
 Please respond to
 MQSeries List

Does anyone know where in z/OS the bufferpool storage is allocated? Is is
within  the MQ Master address space?

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WMQ client application on W2K (MO71) connect to multiple qmgr having different certificate.

2004-03-11 Thread Blondiaux Denis (DBB)

I try to configure a WMQ client application for permitting multiple qmgr connection 
where each qmgr has it own different certificat.
The application (MO71 sysadmin in fact) should run on my W2K workstation.

Let me explain with the exemple :
QM_TEST is a WMQ5.3 W2K qmgr installed on a Test machine. QM_TEST has it own 
certificat PKCS12 based on our TEST certification.
QM_PROD is a WMQ5.3 W2K qmgr installed on a Production machine. QM_PROD has it own 
certificat PKCS12 based on our PROD certification.

I've install WMQ 5.3 client on my W2K workstation.
To allow connection to QM_TEST, I've create a svrconn channel 'protected by SSL'
On my W2K workstation, I've create a key repository C:\TEST_key.sto where I've 
imported my TEST certificat by doing this :
amqmcert -a -p certificatfile.p12 -z password   to add certificat to TEST_key store
amqmcert -l to see the handle of added certificat
amqmcert -d the_handle  to assign certificat to WMQ client
amqmcert -d the_handle  If I don't repeat this, no certificate 
was assigned to WMQ client.
amqmcert -l to check that certificat was well 

In the application, I set value for SSL SYPHERSPEC and SSL key repository 
c:\TEST_key.sto, the connection works perfectly.
via MO71 on my workstation, I can work on qmgr MQ_TEST.

If I do the same for PROD, creating c:\PROD_key in the same way (importing PROD 
certificate), it works well too for qmgr MQ_PROD.

But the problem is that since that, the TEST key repository has no longer Certificate 
assigned for WMQ client.
I receive following error :
C:\amqmcert -l
Using CURRENT_USER for default system stores.
AMQ4809: No certificate has been assigned to this WebSphere MQ client.
I have to redo again the command amqmcert -d the_handle for c:\TEST_key.sto bu this 
cause PROD key repository have the same problem.
I don't understand because MO71 doesn't use env var MQSSLKEYR for key repository, 
there is a special separate field for each qmgr connection.

I try different combination of command amqmcert -a -k MY and all you can imagine, but 
it give always the same problem !

The problem is probably because the private key is stored in the same place in the 
CURRENT_USER protected registry key.
So, it's seems that it's not possible to configure a WMQ client application (so MO71) 
to connect to differents qmgr having different certificate)

Could you please tell me if I understand well the mecanism of key repository on W2K 
(I'm not a SSL specialist and I don't find any documentation about this problem.)

Do you see any solution to permit MO71 using SSL client channel to connect to qmgr 
having different certificate ?
Thank you in advance.


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Re: Batch Trigger Monitor

2004-02-13 Thread Blondiaux Denis (DBB)

First of all, I would like to apologize for my previous mail.
I was very surprised by some reaction, because I was thinking that this mail would be 
understand like an 'humour fed up mail'. (thank you Paul R. Mitchell). But know, I 
understand that it was a stupid reaction against a lot of little contrariety.

This mailing list was the easy victim permitting my bad fury to decrease. What a bad 
guy am I !
I would understand that since now, most of people of this list could hate me so much.

I would like to say that I'm probably the first one whose need the help from this list.
I've never consider a person who asking a question like a stupid guy. On the contrary.

I hope that next time, I will be more wise before sending mail like this one.

Have a nice Friday th13.

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Bruce
Sent: jeudi 12 février 2004 17:51
Subject: Re: Batch Trigger Monitor

I have to chime in here to say the issue as I see it is that an Honest
Question is NOT SPAM, whether it's being asked for the first or the
thousandth time.  I made an effort to find things myself, made an admitted
honest mistake (having searched the CICS SupportPac site rather than the MQ
Support pac site) which has been corrected and the issue is resolved.

Mr. Blondiaux's comments were unmerited, unwelcome and off base.  But
that's just my opinion.  There's no such thing as an unopinionated System

Lets put an end to this thread.

| |   Potkay, Peter M   |
| |   (PLC, IT) |
| |   Sent by: MQSeries  |
| |   List   |
| |   AC.AT |
| |  |
| |  |
| |   02/12/2004 10:23 AM|
| |   Please respond to  |
| |   MQSeries List  |
| |  |
  |Subject: Re: Batch Trigger Monitor  

The problem, Denis, is that lot of people use email to send and receive
responses. If someone posts, there is lag time. For some reason, the lag
time can be significant for some people some of the time. So even though
people have already answered, their posts have not shown up in everyone's
InBox. So they then also send a reply.

The problem shows itself when the question can easily and quickly be
answered; A lot of people all respond, because they can easily help, not
because they find their name being published exciting. is another source of MQ info, and because of its format,
avoids this problem.

-Original Message-
From: Blondiaux Denis (DBB) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2004 2:57 AM
Subject: Re: Batch Trigger Monitor

Hi all,

If I'm not hallucinating, it's probably the 20th same answer to this
Why ??? Why so such of spamming ??? Please, tell me.
Is it so difficult to check if nobody gave the answer before ?
Or perheaps, having his name published on this list is so exciting ?
In this case : Argh !!


ps. Do you know MA12 ??

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Eileen
Sent: mercredi 11 février 2004 21:36
Subject: Re: Batch Trigger Monitor

There's a support pac (MA12) that provides a sample Batch Trigger

Eileen Duchane - ext. 13638
Meijer, I.T.S. Middleware

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/11/04 02:20PM 
I remember reading somehwhere (I think) that there was a sample or
sort of paper from IBM that documented how to do a batch trigger
for MQ Series.  I can't find anything on the support site for MQ.  Am

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Re: Batch Trigger Monitor

2004-02-12 Thread Blondiaux Denis (DBB)
Hi all,

If I'm not hallucinating, it's probably the 20th same answer to this question.
Why ??? Why so such of spamming ??? Please, tell me.
Is it so difficult to check if nobody gave the answer before ?
Or perheaps, having his name published on this list is so exciting ?
In this case : Argh !!


ps. Do you know MA12 ??

-Original Message-
From: MQSeries List [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Eileen
Sent: mercredi 11 février 2004 21:36
Subject: Re: Batch Trigger Monitor

There's a support pac (MA12) that provides a sample Batch Trigger

Eileen Duchane - ext. 13638
Meijer, I.T.S. Middleware

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/11/04 02:20PM 
I remember reading somehwhere (I think) that there was a sample or
sort of paper from IBM that documented how to do a batch trigger
for MQ Series.  I can't find anything on the support site for MQ.  Am

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MQ53 - PF4 prompt

2003-12-03 Thread Blondiaux Denis (DBB)
Hi Dave, (list server for any other help)

We have always the same little problem.
Putting the new library in steplib of our logon procedure didn't resolve the problem.

Have you solve this problem and how ?
Does it correspond to a ptf ?

We didn't understand why putting THLQUAL.SCSQTBLE library in sysproc concatenation 
(reserved for clist) can help for this problem.

thanks in advance for your help.

-Original Message-
From: Blondiaux Denis (DBB) 
Sent: lundi 2 juin 2003 11:34
To: 'Williams, Dave (Systems Management)'
Subject: RE: Re: MQ53 - PF4 prompt


Yes it is.
It's when we press PF4 on the first panel (CSQOPRIA).

so, if we press PF4 on Object Type field, we fall down in panel CSQOVOQA where we can 
see only 7 queue types selection.
as the panel specify : Select one of the following, or press F8 to see other object 

if we press PF8, we fall back on panel CSQOPRIA

did you solve this problem ?
What is the answer from IBM ?

Anyway, thanks a lot for your help.

-Original Message-
From: Williams, Dave (Systems Management) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: mercredi 28 mai 2003 15:34
To: Blondiaux Denis (DBB)
Subject: RE: Re: MQ53 - PF4 prompt

Denis Is this where you're not getting a complete lists of objects from which to 


Dave W. 

-Original Message-
From: Blondiaux Denis (DBB) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 7:21 AM
Subject: Re: MQ53 - PF4 prompt


We have the same problem but it seems that this bypass (adding THLQUAL.SCSQTBLE) in 
the SYSPROC concatenation doesn't works for us.
After investigation, we've seen that the problem seems to be due to a pfkeys profile 

Anyone have the solution to solve this ?
We have not found anything about this problem on IBM site.

Wat is the status of your PMR 16704, now ?
thanks a lot for help.

Best Regards, 

Denis Blondiaux
Dexia Banque Belgium
+32 2 222 6703

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: jeudi 19 décembre 2002 14:54
Subject: Re: MQ53 - PF4 prompt

I raised PMR 16704 raised with IBM due to problems with new panels. The
solution to this in short was to add SYS1.SCSQTBLE to the ISPF SYSPROC
concatenation. I have asked that a DOC APAR be raised at very least as this
came out of the blue.



On 16/12/2002 16:42:21 MQSeries List wrote:

A couple of months ago we installed 5.3 (MQ OS/390), but just recently
that PF4 (used to give a full list of objects from the CSQ0REXX menu) is
presenting only the first seven object types?. The screen indicates that a
would give you More, yet it just takes you back to the main menu ? Has
else seen this, or perhaps it's something we had to do w/the rexx exec?


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The information

Re: Local language problem on Windows 2000 server

2003-09-15 Thread Blondiaux Denis (DBB)
Hi Jonas, 

It's because when MQ retrieve language from regional settings, windows api return 
language of last logged on user.

IBM provide a solution to force the language of log files : Create an environment 
variable MQS_FORCE_NTLANGID and set it to value 1033
(1033 is for English).

I can't find again this information in any MQ manual.

Denis Blondiaux
Dexia Bank Belgium

-Original Message-
From: Jonas Nyberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: lundi 15 septembre 2003 11:31
Subject: Local language problem on Windows 2000 server


We have a small problem with a MQSeries 5.3 installation
on a Windows 2000 server. The problem is that when we
run MQ on this server some of the information is in
English and some in German. I.e the log files is in
German. The OS is installed with English and MQ is also
installed with English. The server is located in
Germany. Can anyone explain why this happen and how to
solve it?

Jonas Nyberg
Electrolux IT Solutions - Sweden

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Re: Local language problem on Windows 2000 server

2003-09-15 Thread Blondiaux Denis (DBB)

I suppose that you have to set MQS_FORCE_NTLANGID as global environment variable and 
reboot the server.

I remember that IBM tell someting about this, but it's not clear in my memory (we've 
detect this problem two years ago with v5.2)
MQ Explorer is probably not yet ready to use this environment variable, because of 
specificity of DCOM architecture.
I suppose that IBM is aware of that, but the correction is not yet available.

If you need it, perheaps could you open an pmr to IBM (We don't use MQ snap-in and so, 
we haven't insist to have this modification)
Best regards, 


-Original Message-
From: Jonas Nyberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: lundi 15 septembre 2003 12:31
Subject: Re: Local language problem on Windows 2000 server

Hi Denis,

Thanks for the info. I'll try this. Do you know if this
also change the language in the MQ explorer because
some of the headings in the MQ explorer also is in
German while some is in English.


-Original Message-
From: Blondiaux Denis (DBB) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 12:05:42 +0200
Subject: Re: Local language problem on Windows 2000 server

Hi Jonas, 

It's because when MQ retrieve language from regional settings, windows api return 
language of last logged on user.

IBM provide a solution to force the language of log files : Create an environment 
variable MQS_FORCE_NTLANGID and set it to value 1033
(1033 is for English).

I can't find again this information in any MQ manual.

Denis Blondiaux
Dexia Bank Belgium

-Original Message-
From: Jonas Nyberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: lundi 15 septembre 2003 11:31
Subject: Local language problem on Windows 2000 server


We have a small problem with a MQSeries 5.3 installation
on a Windows 2000 server. The problem is that when we
run MQ on this server some of the information is in
English and some in German. I.e the log files is in
German. The OS is installed with English and MQ is also
installed with English. The server is located in
Germany. Can anyone explain why this happen and how to
solve it?

Jonas Nyberg
Electrolux IT Solutions - Sweden

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Re: MQ53 - PF4 prompt

2003-05-29 Thread Blondiaux Denis (DBB)

We have the same problem but it seems that this bypass (adding THLQUAL.SCSQTBLE) in 
the SYSPROC concatenation doesn't works for us.
After investigation, we've seen that the problem seems to be due to a pfkeys profile 

Anyone have the solution to solve this ?
We have not found anything about this problem on IBM site.

Wat is the status of your PMR 16704, now ?
thanks a lot for help.

Best Regards, 

Denis Blondiaux
Dexia Banque Belgium
+32 2 222 6703

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: jeudi 19 décembre 2002 14:54
Subject: Re: MQ53 - PF4 prompt

I raised PMR 16704 raised with IBM due to problems with new panels. The
solution to this in short was to add SYS1.SCSQTBLE to the ISPF SYSPROC
concatenation. I have asked that a DOC APAR be raised at very least as this
came out of the blue.



On 16/12/2002 16:42:21 MQSeries List wrote:

A couple of months ago we installed 5.3 (MQ OS/390), but just recently
that PF4 (used to give a full list of objects from the CSQ0REXX menu) is
presenting only the first seven object types?. The screen indicates that a
would give you More, yet it just takes you back to the main menu ? Has
else seen this, or perhaps it's something we had to do w/the rexx exec?


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