Re: putting MQSeries modules into a/the LPA

2003-03-20 Thread john gilmore
The technical issue here is a simple one for both OS/390 and z/OS:  If a load module (or program object) is reentrant it can be put into an LPA (There are in fact two of them); if not, not. Someone from the Hursley group should identify which MQSeries modules are reentrant or, if the list is shorter or empty, which are not reentrant. John GilmoreSystemCraft LLC

Re: need help with pub/sub

2003-02-23 Thread john gilmore
A specific reference is:   MQSeries Publish Subscribe User's Guide, IBM publication GC34-5269-09, May 2002John GilmoreSystemCraft LLC

Re: User authentication with OS/390 MQSeries

2003-02-14 Thread john gilmore
Talks to the appropriate OS/390 sysprog.  These messages are from RACF, a different kettle of fish.   John Gilmore    - Original Message - From: Stubbs, Colleen H. Sent: 14 February, 2003 15:08 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: User authentication with OS/390 MQSeries  Does MQSeries for OS/390 do any kind of user authentication?A white paper entitled MQSeries Security White Paper,   page 4, states "It is important to note that MQSeries does not get involved with identification and authentication of users."   However,  on the job log for the MQ master address space, I see messages saying:ICH408I USER(xxx ) GROUP(zz  ) NAME(   LOGON/JOB INITIATION - INVALID PASSWORD    IRR013I  VERIFICATION FAILED. INVALID PASSWORD GIVEN.    CSQ2005I +MQTC CSQ2QCP0 ERROR PROCESSING MESSAGE,  526   FEEDBACK=298, XCFGNAME=TESTGRP XCFMNAME=IMSTSTC TPIPE=CSQ0003   The white paper statement seems to contradict the error message complaining about invalid password.Thanks,ColleenInstructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided inthe Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.comArchive:

Re: MQ V 5.2 OS/390 manuals in book manager format

2003-02-11 Thread john gilmore
You can download a good many MQ Series publications in zipped HTML format from the generic 'IBM Publications' website.  Book manager format is reserved for mainframe publications.    - Original Message - From: P Karthikeyan Sent: 11 February, 2003 07:24 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: MQ V 5.2 OS/390 manuals in book manager format  Hi all,Could any one in the list tell me where i can get the MQ V 5.2 OS/390 manuals in bookmanager format. I could get only in the 'PDF' format from the IBM MQ web siteThanks & Regards,Karthik***The information contained in this message is legally privileged and confidentialinformation intended only for the use of the addressed individual or entity indicated inthis message (or responsible for delivery of the message to such person). It must not beread, copied, disclosed, distributed or used by any person other than the addressee.Unauthorised use, disclosure or copying is strictly prohibited and may be unlawful.Opinions, conclusions and other information on this message that do not relate to theofficial business of any of the constituent companies of the TATA CONSULTANCY SERVICESshall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by the Group. If you have received thismessage in error, you should destroy this message and kindly notify the sender by e-mail.Thank you.***

Re: WMQ12.1 COBOL definition in MRM

2003-02-07 Thread john gilmore
Robert Broderick's point is well taken.   the COBOL data type comp[utational]-3 is represented in storage as packed decimal. It is in fact much better declared as packed-decimal.  Declarations like   1  picture s9(5) computational-3.   should, that is, be replaced by   1  picture s9(5) packed-decimal.   But the important things to understand are two:   First, signs are not leading but TRAILING and are always present: a notionally unsigned packed-decimal has a special, 'unsigned' sign value.   Second, packed-decimal fields must and always do contain an ODD, never an even, number of digits.   Declarations that specify an even number of digits are licit, but they should never in any circumstances be used: What you see is not what you get.  For, say,   1  picture s9(6) packed-decimal.   what you get is   |dd|dd|dd|dS|,   i.e., seven digits followed by a sign in four bytes.   Then  for    1  picture s9(6) packed-decimal.   what you get is   |dd|dd|dd|dU|   i.e., seven digits followed by a special 'unsigned' sign value U in four bytes.   If therefore you want to alias it using an x(n) display format, with redefines (or using pointers if you're up to that), you MUST use x(4) NOT x(3).    To sum up:    Avoid even length specifications for packed-decimal fields, round them up to the next odd integer.   Remember that the number of bytes they occupy in storage is given by the formula   Y = ceil((D +1)/2).   In tabular form   D, digits   Y, bytes  1 1  2 2  3 2  4 3  5 3  6 4  7 4  8 5  9 5 106 11    6 12    7 13    7 14    8 15    8 John GilmoreSystemCraft LLCThe opinions expressed above are mine alone. In particular, they are not necessarily shared by my company or its clients.


2003-02-05 Thread john gilmore
Peter,   Elegant solutions are possible on the IMS side too.  An existing IMS queue can be reordered readily, though exit code written in assembler, C, or PL/I is sometimes required.   A licensed IBM program product called IMS Queue Control Facility for z/Os V1R2 would have to be available, and I don't know whether ETSD at the Hartford has it installed.   This product also makes ISPF-based browsing facilities for IMS queues available, and they would be helpful in sorting out what is happening on the IMS side of your application.    To read about QCF you can download a copy of the IBM publication   IMS Queue Control Facility for z/OS User's Guide, SC26-9685-02   from the IBM publications website.   John Gilmore SystemCraft LLC   - Original Message - From: Doug Jenkins Sent: 05 February, 2003 14:15 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: IMS BRIDGE Queues and MQMD-PRIORITY  Would adding more MPR's at 6am allow faster handing of the requests?Doug    "Potkay, Peter M    (PLC, IT)"  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]        TFORD.COM>  Subject: IMS BRIDGE Queues and MQMD-PRIORITY    02/05/2003 09:11 AM    Please respond to    MQSeries ListAn IMS bridge queue is GET disabled from 2AM to 6AM, since the IMS Onlinesare not up and running. For these four hours, the web application isaccepting requests and sending the asynchronous messages to the Bridgequeue. The Web application knows if it is between 2 AM and 6 AM, and willnot wait for a reply but instead will put up a splash screen saying anemailwill be sent to them the next morning with their reply.So at 6 AM, we have hundreds of request messages queued up on the bridgequeue. As soon as the IMS onlines come back up, the queue is enabled andthemessages flow into the OTMA. However, all these hundreds of messages takesome time to process. If a user at the web front end sends in a request at6:01 AM, they will wait for a reply, since the onlines are now up. Buttheirrequest is now stuck behind all the previous night's messages.How do I insure that the messages sent after 6 AM get prioritized to beprocessed before the previous night's messages? I would like to avoidcreating a separate request queue to be used by the application between 2and 6 AM. So I thought I might have the front end app set the priority ofthe messages sent outside of 2-6 AM to be higher than the ones sent between2 and 6.Would this work? What if the queue is enabled at 6 AM with 100 messages ofPRIORITY zero. These messages will all "instantly" flow into the IMS queue,where they get queued up on the IMS queue, right? Does the MQMD-Prioritygetcarried over and used somehow in the IMS queue as well? So that when aPRIORITY 9 message comes in, it goes straight into the IMS queue, and thento the head of the IMS queue? Or is it stuck at the back of the IMS queue,because MQMD-Priority is not translated into IMS?Or will the messages stay queued up on the MQ bridge queue when the queueisenabled, going into OTMA one at a time, and as such the arriving messageswill be put to the head of the MQ queue because of their priority?Peter PotkayIBM MQSeries Certified Specialist, Developer[EMAIL PROTECTED]X 77906This communication, including attachments, is for the exclusive use ofaddressee and may contain proprietary, confidential or privilegedinformation. If you are not the intended recipient, any use, copying,disclosure, dissemination or distribution is strictly prohibited. Ifyou are not the intended recipient, please notify the senderimmediately by return email and delete this communication and destroy allcopies.Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided inthe Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.comArchive: for managing your mailing list subscription are provided inthe Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.comArchive:

Re: analysis of MQ SMF records 115 and 116

2003-01-14 Thread john gilmore
I have some programs that analyze these records.  They in fact run on a mainframe, but that is adventitious.  I could run most of them on my Windoze workstation if I judged it sensible to download files of the (large) sizes involved.   What is important is that these and other SMF records are, in the jargon, self-defining ones.   Consider the PL/I structure declaration/template   declare 1 rec based(recp),    2 vhi binary fixed(15,0),    2 csl binary fixed(15,0),    2 vla(avhi refer(rec.vhi)) binary fixed(31,0),    2 csv character(acsl refer(rec.csl)) ;   declare (avhi, acsl) binary fixed(15,0) ;   In an existing instance of the structure/record rec, rec.vla is a fullword array of vhi elements and rec.csv is an SBCS (character) string csl bytes in length.  Moreover, the values of rec.vhi and rec.csl differ in general from one instance of rec to another.     Since PL/I and of course the HLASM, the mainframe High Level ASseMbler), support these records, their analysis in a PL/I or HLASM procedure is straightforward.  In C or Java it is notoriously difficult.  (Note also that while COBOL ODO groups appear to have some of the characteristics of PL/I self-defining refer-containing structures they are in fact very different.)   Extended use of assembly language on a workstation is usually ill-advised.  (Most workstation assemblers are so minimalist that they appear to a would-be user to have  had discouraging their use as one of their principal design objectives.)  IBM does make a version of PL/I, implemented originally for OS/2, available for use under Windoze too; and there are also some quondam DEC implementations available.  If (a) you know some PL/I and (b) you have access to a mainframe or other PL/I compiler and run-time library, I can make some of these programs available to you.     If not, I suggest the use of a package or mainframe SAS (which can also handle such self-defining records, albeit clumsily). John GilmoreSystemCraft LLCThe opinions expressed above are mine alone. In particular, they are not necessarily shared by my company or its clients.


2003-01-10 Thread john gilmore
Felix,   Can you be a little more specific about the kind of help you need?   John Gilmore SystemCraft LLC    - Original Message - From: Felix Stutz Sent: 10 January, 2003 10:32 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: HELP  HELP___Disclaimer:Diese Mitteilung ist nur fuer die Empfaengerin / den Empfaengerbestimmt.Fuer den Fall, dass sie von nichtberechtigten Personen empfangen wird,bitten wir diese hoeflich, die Mitteilung an die ZKB zurueckzusendenund anschliessend die Mitteilung mit allen Anhaengen sowie allfaelligeKopien zu vernichten bzw. zu loeschen. Der Gebrauch der Informationist verboten.This message is intended only for the named recipient and may containconfidential or privileged information.If you have received it in error, please advise the sender by returne-mail and delete this message and any attachments. Any unauthoriseduse or dissemination of this information is strictly prohibited.Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided inthe Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.comArchive:

Re: Test, please reply

2003-01-03 Thread john gilmore
Gonzalo,   I received your message.   You can arrange to see copies of your messages by resetting your profile.   John Gilmore    - Original Message - From: Gonzalo Diethelm Sent: 03 January, 2003 21:38 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Test, please reply  I sent a message to this list this morning, and althoughI never got it back (I am subscribed), I got several replies,so it seems the message made it.I sent another message this afternoon, and again I have notseen it, but this time I have seen no replies. Of course,that could be because the question was totally uninteresting,but I thought I would check:1. Does anybody else get their own messages back from the list?2. Could you please reply to this message, to let me know I am   getting through?Thanks,--Gonzalo A. Diethelm[EMAIL PROTECTED]Instructions for managing your mailing list subscription are provided inthe Listserv General Users Guide available at http://www.lsoft.comArchive:

Re: packed-decimal field

2003-01-03 Thread john gilmore
Packed-decimal fields have the formats |ds| |dd|ds| |dd|dd|ds |dd|dd|dd|ds| . . . Each byte, that is, contains either two four-bit digits or, iff it is the rightmost one, a single four-bit digit followed by a four-bit sign representation.  The licit representations of decimal digits are the obvious ones,  for 0,   0101 for 5 0001 for 1,   0110 for 6 0010 for 2,   0111 for 7, 0011 for 3,   1000 for 8 0100 for 4    1001 for 9   The licit representations of signs are the remaining 6 four-bit values, viz.,   1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 .   The message you are getting (a) confirms the fact that an attempt to convert a packed-decimal value into a numeric character value is being attempted and (b) tells you that the sign representation, s in the two-byte input |dd|ds|, has the binary value , which is not a licit packed-decimal sign representation: it represents the decimal digit 0 instead.   Your error thus appears to be a data error.   John GilmoreSystemCraft LLCThe opinions expressed above are mine alone. In particular, they are not necessarily shared by my company or its clients.

Re: end of service for MQ 5.2

2002-12-31 Thread john gilmore
Prithwiraj,   It means what it says.  IBM support will not be available after 2003 December 31.  This is routine for all IBM software.  You must assess whether or not you think you will need this support.  If you think you will, you should migrate to Websphere MQ before the end of 2003.  If not, you can perhaps delay this migration for a time but not indefinitely.     Whatever you decide you must plan to move to new releases periodically. John GilmoreSystemCraft LLCThe opinions expressed above are mine alone. In particular, they are not necessarily shared by my company or its clients.

Re: help needed on MQJMS (queue depth)

2002-12-10 Thread john gilmore
The 'quirkiness' of a 'physical' depth value is potentially problematic; but had queue depth or length been defined unambiguously by the Standards Body, this would not be the case.   Another, more general resolution of this and similar problems is possible.  A facility that permitted a user to traverse a queue in 'physical' FIFO sequence, visiting each message in turn, would permit differently defined depth values to be calculated as they were needed.   A traversal facility is also a classical requirement for any API, whether it be for a queue, a binary-search tree, or a simple list.  Portability and, perhaps more important, integrity could be but need not be compromised by such a facility if it is well designed.    The question whether providing this or any other facility 'crosses over' some line that converts a queue or a BST or whatever into 'a database' is sophistical.  The only appropriate question is whether needed functionality is or is not provided.   Ad hoc user solutions to problems of this sort, which inevitably occur when such needed functionality is not provided, compromise both portability and integrity much more seriously.  In other words, the chief danger to encapsulation is inadequate functionality. John GilmoreSystemCraft LLCThe opinions expressed above are mine alone. In particular, they are not necessarily shared by my company or its clients.

Re: help needed on MQJMS (queue depth)

2002-12-09 Thread john gilmore
James Kingdon's post of 9 December is responsive, but facilities that return the current length/depth of a queue, the current size/node count of a binary-search tree, etc., etc., do not really require detailed individual justification.   They should always be provided.     Failure to do so ensures the encapsulation of a facility will be breached repeatedly by users trying to extract this datum from a control block (where it should be available) or determine it by traversing , here, the queue.   The absence of a query facility for MQJMS is, to put the matter brutally, a design defect. John GilmoreSystemCraft LLCThe opinions expressed above are mine alone. In particular, they are not necessarily shared by my company or its clients.

Re: problem with MO12 support pack

2002-12-04 Thread john gilmore
This message is generated, by the Loader, when it detects a PDS directory entry for the entry/alias/whatever it is being asked to bring into storage that is not that of a load module.   It is possible for a library/load-module PDS to contain a bad directory entry, but are you sure you are not asking the Loader to bring a source module, object module or the like into storage?     You say that the module CCP1LRPL 'looks OK' when you list it.  How are you doing this and what are you seeing?   In particular, are you looking at the library that the loader is trying to use? John GilmoreSystemCraft LLC