Title: CA Monitoring Agents for MQ

We are looking at the possibility of replacing our current MQ monitoring solution with Unicenter Management for MQSeries (on Windows 2000) and SysView E WebSphere MQ Option (on z/OS) feeding into a Unicenter console.  The reasoning behind this move is to consolidate  much of our enterprise monitoring into Unicenter.

Before I get too far down this road, I'm looking for some feedback from folks who have some practical experience with these CA products.  Were they easy to install and configure?  Were you able to set up all of the alerting that you expected to?  Did you encounter any serious roadblocks?  Are the agents stable?  Anything along this line… 

I welcome any and all comments.  If you would prefer to share you comments off list, that is fine as well.

Steve Gies
Safeco Insurance
IT Specialist - WebSphere MQ

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