Title: Detected memory leak on MQM processes


Below is a note from one of our developers who has found a memory leak on one of our AIX servers.  We are running WMQ V5.3.4.

Whilst monitoring the list of MQ processes it was noted that some of the processes are showing symptoms of memory leaks. The processes in question are

amqrmppa - leaks about 4K a day.
amqzxma0 - leaks about 8-12K a day.

The memory leak symptoms can be described as an ever increasing memory footprint. Under normal circumstances applications allocate and free memory. In the case of a memory leak the application allocates memory but does not free all of it. As time goes by the size of the memory used by the application just tends to continue growing. For systems that 24*7*365 this could lead to a memory starvation situation where the application uses up all of the memory available on the system. The time it takes for a memory leak to become critical is dependent on the size of the leak and obviously the size of RAM/Virtual memory available on the machine.

I haven't been able to find anything on this particular problem at this maintenance level.  Does anyone else out there know what the problem could be?

Thanks very much.

Kind regards

Yvette Carroll
MQ Support Specialist
T&O division
Nedbank Limited South Africa
+27 (0) 11 881-3754
+27 (0) 83 644-0608

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