Hi everyone,
I have a very strange problem here. I have a configuration on NT to AIX
where there are queue managers on both the machines. Now there is a
sender-receiver channel from NT to AIX. And I have a message exit which is
deployed on the receiving end of the channel. Now the strange part is that
once i have the exit put in the parameters of the receiver channel and the
channel is running, I am unable to see the name of the message exit in the
channel properties. I am also not able to see the same in using 'runmqsc' on
AIX. The exit is working perfectly well on the channel. I tested that out.
Only thing is that i am not able to view or make changes to the channel
properties of the message exit or send or receive exit. The only properties
(exit wize) which are visible are the security exit ones. This is the same
in the 'runmqsc' also.

I had a same combo running from the same NT machine to another AIX machine
and I was able to view all these exit properties. But it is on this AIX
machine I am unable to do so. (This happens only when I am using the message
exit in it). The exit is working fine.

I tried using the MO71 pac and it was showing the same properties for the
channels. I mean exit wise it was only showing the security exit. Now is
this some property of the MQSC commands? or PCF commands? That once a
message exit is deployed that only security exit is visible?

I am puzzled on why I am able to see the same on other AIX machines although
I have the same exit deployed there...same executable...

Thanks in advance for your help.

Kind Regards
Aby Philip

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