Hello all,

((( I sent this message this morning, yet it looks like it never got around to
anyone, so here it is again best as I remember what I wrote )))

I got in early this morning and attacked the problem again.  Here's is what I

The Swift Alliance application grabbed the message from the localq, and moved
it to the DLQ with rc=65540.  Seems Swift Alliance is in a polling loop, not on
an MQGET with timeout.  So, the message was showing up on the localq as
expected, and then when I went to browse it, timing luck was against me - the
message was swallowed by Swift/Alliance before I could read the message itself.

Alliance was placing the message on the DLQ with RC=65540 (invalid format)
because I sent only a plain text message, and not a properly formatted Swift

It never occurred to me that an application would place a message on the DLQ;
in my mind, the DLQ is (or was, nothing is sacred anymore) an instrument of the
queue manager, and not used by the applications.

Now that I have sufficiently kicked myself in the butt, I will once again thank
everyone for all their input.

[[[ As an add-on, Rich Brunette was right on with his interpretation and
diagnosis of the situation, with the exception that I don't know why the
original message MD shows SMQSFromMQSeries as the originating application,
since the originator was actually AMQSPUT application on SWTSTAS01QM. ]]]

Dave A.

David A. Awerbuch,  IBM Certified MQSeries Specialist
APC Consulting Services, Inc.
Providing Automated Solutions to Business Challenges
West Hempstead, NY    (516) 481-6440

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