MSX memory

2001-10-05 Thread Jack O'Lantern

Are msx machines usually upgradable, as far as RAM? I have a Sony F1XD,
which comes with 64KB of RAM, and it won't let me play Zanac Ex (among other
things), which is killing me :)
If they are, where's a good place to buy another 64KB?

-- ak
Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac Man affected us as kids,
we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and listening
to repetitive music. --- Unknown

For info, see

Re: The American tragedy... [off topic]

2001-09-13 Thread Jack O'Lantern

Well, you are a loser if you let religion control your actions. This is not
just with regard to islam, it's also very applicable to christianity, if you
remember the crusades, and the drowning of little children.
No one ever said that America's been correct 100% of the time. But though I
do not condone Hiroshima/Nagasaki, it was an act of retaliation against the
bombing of Pearl Harbor. By then there was a full-blown war going on. I
don't see any ongoing wars on right now (at least not just yet).

- Original Message -
From: adisak [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Akop Karapetyan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 3:55 AM
Subject: RE: The American tragedy... [off topic]

 The problem is that they are NOT a bunch of losers, but can be regarded
 even with high status. They are not desperate lunatics, but fanatics who
 believes they are doing the right thing! When your religion points out
 America as the big evil through all your life, you begin believing it, and
 when you are promised 70 virgins after this life, and your family will be
 given financial security when you are dead, you get brainwashed into
 you are doing the right thing. I am not defending this horrible act, but
 arguing the point that they are a bunch of losers.
 Just remember what a bunch of American losers have done through the
 Hiroshima, Nagasaki, raping women and children, skinning koreans alive in
 Korean wars, using napalm on children and so on..
 The problem lies in the systems, and be sure there are more people who
 do such things for their country or their religion than you`d believe in
 worst nightmare.
 That is why I am an anarchist.. I would not want anything to do with any
 those systems that can make family fathers become kamikaze mass murderers.

 I am sorry for the loss of sivilan lives in any country, regardless of
 their government believes. Lets not forget that Israel is moving in to
 Palistinian territory right now.


 = Original Message From Akop Karapetyan [EMAIL PROTECTED] =
 I personally wonder how someone could let a bunch of losers with plastic
 knives and boxcutters on a plane. Also, knowing how weak boxcutters are
 (worst they can inflict is a flesh wound), I'm surprised the lot of
 on the plane did nothing to stop the hijacking.
 Overall, I agree that there was no way attack on the twin towers could've
 been avoided. But allowing the hijacking to occur was just because of
 Sorry for posting off-topic stuff =)
 - Original Message -
 From: Sander Zuidema [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 3:16 PM
 Subject: The American tragedy... [off topic]
  The problem is these terrorists have proven that it is possible to
  anywhere, anytime.
  Now I'm not exactly pro-america, and even not pro-kapitalism and
  'democracy'. (But lets talk about that later). The people who created
  insane plans must never get any power of any kind, and should not be
  strike as hard as this again...
  /me is going to watch some more CNN.
  Sander Zuidema
  For info, see
 For info, see

For info, see

By the way

2001-09-13 Thread Jack O'Lantern

Whatever happened to the current-day MSX computer that was rumored to be
released soon?
I remember someone was planning a 7mhz MSX (ASCII, I think)

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