Re: [MSX] Dir as Disk in blueMSX 1.7.0

2004-09-21 Thread TFH|Fony
It would be nice to see something like the CJS Emulator disk-access, even it 
was only optional :) This way you can also choose to run a normal MSX system 
without these options.
And, how about a virtual HD drive? A big file like a .DSK image, but then a 
.HDD image? And maybe another crazy idea: How about using your PC's 
cardreader (for CF/SD/Memorystick/etc) for the MSX Emulator, so you can 
access it just like the Sunrise CF-interface?

OK, ok.. maybe this is a bit too much, but still :) :) 

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Re: [MSX] Dir as Disk in blueMSX 1.7.0

2004-09-21 Thread Benoît Delvaux
That's exact  but I've forgotten that  because that's the only MSX
emulator that you must absolutely use under DOS (not a DOS-box in Windows) !

Some excepts from the CJS manual :

" High and low level disk I/O
 There are two modes of disk operation: high level and low level:

 þ High level disk I/O
   Offers  support  for  EVERY  disk  related  device  MS-DOS  supports
   (through interrupt 021h)  including hard disks, high  density floppy
   drives, CD-ROM drives, network drives, SCSI drives, etc.
   These routines  don't know anything  about sectors and  tracks. They
   work  on the file-level:  opening a file,  reading it, etc.  This is
   much more flexible but it  has one disadventage: there are  some MSX
   disk formats not  supported by  MS-DOS. When trying  to e.g. open  a
   file the  lower level  routines in  MS-DOS try  to read  sectors and
   fail. Hence the second operation mode:

 þ Low-level disk I/O
   Simply provides  the MSX disk  system with routines for  reading and
   writing sectors, formatting  a disk, etc. Since the  MSX disk system
   (MSX-DOS 1.0) is somewhat  limited and has no support for  e.g. hard
   drives you won't be  able to use them  in low level mode. But  it is
   now  possible to  use disks  that  MS-DOS doesn't  support since  we
   handle sector I/O  ourselves. One example of a  not supported format
   are the 3.5" single sided (media ID: F8) 360Kb disks.

 The emulator defaults  to high level disk  I/O when it starts  but you
 can change that by  using the /D command  line switch or the _LOW  and
 _HIGH MSX BASIC commands.
 Note that directory names can't  be used in MSX-DISKBASIC. Instead use
 the extra _CD/_MD/_RD MSX emulator BASIC commands"

 The MSX  emulator has some  extra BASIC commands  that can be  used by
 typing CALL (or the underscore: _) and the command. If commands have a
 parameter then using variables is allowed too. E.g.

 þ _LOW
   Set low level disk I/O mode (see "DISK EMULATION")

 þ _HIGH
   Set high level disk I/O mode (see "DISK EMULATION")

 þ _DRIVE("d:") or _CHDRV("d:")
   Changes the default drive to d:
   Example: _DRIVE("B:")

 þ _CD("directory") or _CHDIR("directory")
   Changes the current directory to "directory"
   Examples: _CD("\MSX\PROGS")

 þ _MD("directory") or _MKDIR("directory")
   Creates a subdirectory "directory"
   Example: _MD("\PROGS")

 þ _RD("directory") or _RMDIR("directory")
   Removes a subdirectory "directory"
   Example: _RD("\PROGS")

 Note that directory names can't be used in MSX-DISKBASIC. E.g.
 is _NOT_ allowed. Instead use the extra _CD/_MD/_RD MSX emulator BASIC
 commands. The _CD, _MD and _RD commands can only be used in high level
 disk I/O mode.


 Besides the directory related  MSX BASIC commands we've implemented  a
 trick to be able to  change, create and remove directories in  MSX-DOS
 (even in MSX-DOS 1).
 There are three extra MSX-DOS 'commands' available:

 þ CD 
   Changes the current directory to 
   Examples: CD \MSX\PROGS
 CD ..

 þ MD 
   Creates a subdirectory 
   Example: MD PROGS

 þ RD 
   Removes a subdirectory 
   Example: RD PROGS

  NB: These commands can only be used in high level disk I/O mode.

 It works like  this: when you type  a command in MSX-DOS  it'll search
 for it by using  a system call "FINDFIRST". We let it  do it's job and
 if it returns with an error we check if the command was  CD, MD or RD.
 If so  we execute  that command. But  the FINDFIRST  still returns  an
 error (otherwise MSX-DOS thinks there really is e.g. a CD.???). That's
 why the commands all  return with a 'Bad command or  filename' even if
 the command was completed successfully."

- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 11:42 PM
Subject: Re: [MSX] Dir as Disk in blueMSX 1.7.0

> >>Actually, BRMSX-DOS was the first emulator with this feature.
> >
> > Actually, Compujunk

Re: [MSX] Dir as Disk in blueMSX 1.7.0

2004-09-21 Thread Ricardo Bittencourt
Patriek Lesparre wrote:
Actually, BRMSX-DOS was the first emulator with this feature.
Actually, Compujunks' (CJS) MSX emulator was the first emulator with 
this feature.
The feature in CJS was not the same. In CJS, the bios
was patched, and call to bios routines were replaced by
internal emulator routines. Using this feature, you couldn't,
for instance, read sector 5 of the disk and search for the
The feature in brmsx and bluemsx just read some
files and create a virtual dsk. In this model, you can read
sector 5 and see the filenames. CJS model is more useful
I think, but some programs will not work with this.

Ricardo Bittencourt
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  "kimitatino kitiwa subete CATS ga itadaita"
-- União contra o forward - crie suas proprias piadas --
MSX mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [MSX] Dir as Disk in blueMSX 1.7.0

2004-09-21 Thread TFH|Fony
Actually, BRMSX-DOS was the first emulator with this feature.
Actually, Compujunks' (CJS) MSX emulator was the first emulator with this 
Indeed... and if I remember correctly... that one wasn't limited by MSX-DOS 
limitations. You also had to use speciall call commands to use it. 

MSX mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [MSX] Dir as Disk in blueMSX 1.7.0

2004-09-21 Thread Patriek Lesparre
mars2000you wrote:
The "Dir as Dsk" feature has been implemented in blueMSX 1.7.0 on special
request of Ricardo Bittencourt that has gently shared with the blueMSX team
his BRMSX-Windows source code for this feature.
Actually, BRMSX-DOS was the first emulator with this feature.
Actually, Compujunks' (CJS) MSX emulator was the first emulator with this 

MSX mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [MSX] Dir as Disk in blueMSX 1.7.0

2004-09-21 Thread Ricardo Bittencourt
Benoît Delvaux wrote:
The "Dir as Dsk" feature has been implemented in blueMSX 1.7.0 on special
request of Ricardo Bittencourt that has gently shared with the blueMSX team
his BRMSX-Windows source code for this feature.
Actually, BRMSX-DOS was the first emulator with this feature.
BrMSX, in turn, used source from dsktool, an earlier
open source tool written by me. It should be available on the web,
if you can't find it, just mail me and I'll send to you.
Dsktool is much a like a "msx-tar", so please take a look on it.

Ricardo Bittencourt
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  "kimitatino kitiwa subete CATS ga itadaita"
-- União contra o forward - crie suas proprias piadas --
MSX mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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Re: [MSX] Dir as Disk in blueMSX 1.7.0

2004-09-21 Thread Benoît Delvaux
Hello !

The "Dir as Dsk" feature has been implemented in blueMSX 1.7.0 on special
request of Ricardo Bittencourt that has gently shared with the blueMSX team
his BRMSX-Windows source code for this feature.

Actually, BRMSX-DOS was the first emulator with this feature.

We have insert an "Insert Directory" in the File/Drive A and File/Drive B

Here's the explanations from the manual :

"Insert Directory
Allows to insert a Windows directory as Disk in drive A or drive B. This
directory must contain files of a MSX game.
The emulator will build with these files a virtual disk image (including a
normal MSX boot sector) and run this virtual disk image.

If you have inserted the directory in drive A and come only to MSX-BASIC, it
means that there is no "AUTOEXEC.BAS" file. Search for the loader file and
use the following command : RUN"GAME.LDR" (if the loader file is "GAME.LDR")
and press on RETURN (the ENTER key of your PC) .

This is the Dir as Dsk feature, that works only in reading mode for security
reasons : you can make changes on the virtual disk image, but these changes
are not transferred to the Windows source directory.

This feature has also specific MSX limitations : no more than 112 files in a
directory and you can't exceed a total size of 720 Kb (including the boot
sector that will be added automatically on the virtual disk image). It can't
work with MSX subdirectories and with special boot sectors."

I think that it works exactly like the same feature in openMSX.


- Original Message - 
From: "David Heremans" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 2004 9:53 PM
Subject: [MSX] Dir as Disk in blueMSX 1.7.0

> Hello,
> I have a question :-)
> Since I don't run Windows I'm currently not testing blueMSX
> but the latest release seems to have a dir-as-disk feature.
> This sounds like something I've implement in openMSX :-)
> Does the blueMSx takes a different approach to it then I did in openMSX,
> or are they rather simular?
> If there is any considerable difference, could the author please contact
> me ? I've split off my disk constructing code in msxtar, an openMSX
> subproject, but I would gladly exchange some ideas about on-the-fly disk
> emulation, and I would like to know blueMSX's dev stance on this
> subject.
> rgds,
> David Heremans
> -- 
> openMSX - the open source MSX emulator that aims for perfection
> ___
> MSX mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Info page:

MSX mailing list ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Info page:

[MSX] Dir as Disk in blueMSX 1.7.0

2004-09-21 Thread David Heremans

I have a question :-)
Since I don't run Windows I'm currently not testing blueMSX
but the latest release seems to have a dir-as-disk feature.
This sounds like something I've implement in openMSX :-)
Does the blueMSx takes a different approach to it then I did in openMSX,
or are they rather simular?

If there is any considerable difference, could the author please contact
me ? I've split off my disk constructing code in msxtar, an openMSX
subproject, but I would gladly exchange some ideas about on-the-fly disk
emulation, and I would like to know blueMSX's dev stance on this


David Heremans

openMSX - the open source MSX emulator that aims for perfection
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