Cyber Knight wrote:

>Maybe MSX shouldn't have an EXE-packer...
>Could someone find a use to an EXE-packer for MSX...?

Ja' usou o popcom para arquivos .COM ?
Infelizmente ele nao empacota outros arquivos, somente
o arquivo .com  (pelo menos gasta menos espaco em dis-

Esta' no ftp da funet, nao lembro o diretorio.

 _______________ _   _ _______________ _______________________
|               | |_| |_ __  _  __    | WALTER BERNARDO NUNES |
|             /|| |_   _|  \| |/ /    | [EMAIL PROTECTED]    |
 \          /  || | | |    _|  /     / Graduacao Fisica-UFRGS |
   \      /    || |_| |_  |_| |    /__________________________|
     \__/______||___|___|___|_|_ / MSX pra geracao que nao vai 
___________________________________ mandar o mundo pelos ares.
     / \
On Thu, 4 Feb 1999, CLAUDIO MASSAO KAWATA - 900293 wrote:

>   Hi!  |
>       A|A
>      (n n)
>       \_/
>     Continuing my digging into the heap of old EMs (I'm about
> at Jan. 23rd), I've got some EMs about "Dragon Slayer",
> "Legend of Heroes" and "Xanadu". It is very, very, very long
> since I last played "Dragon Slayer - Legend of Heroes" (MSX,
> of course), but I don't remember it being called "Dragon Slayer
> VI" anywhere. It shouldn't, because it is an independent series
> from the beginning. If it is indeed named "D.S.6" in MSX, then
> it is another unique game for the system, 'cause all other have
> it as the first of the new series. That's the reason its sequels
> has nothing to do with the other "Dragon Slayer" sequels (except
> for the background environment, of course).
>     And what does "Xanadu" have to do with it all. Simple, Xanadu,
> in the "Dragon Slayer" world, is a country. MSX "Xanadu" is an
> adventure on that country. There is an "anime" (Japanese animation
> movie) named "Xanadu - Dragon Slayer Densetsu" (`Xanadu - The
> Legend of Dragon Slayer'). Why? "Dragon Slayer" is the name of a
> legendary sword (that can slay dragons?) The hero of the story is
> a young soldier from Earth's 21st century, thrown into the "Dragon
> Slayer"'s world by an unknown event. Well, won't tell more, it
> wouldn't be fair if someone is planning to watch it. I warn that
> it's not a wonderful "anime", it has many "lost cues" (imagine what
> someone used to technology would be able to do in an almost rural
> world - okay, they have magic, but it's not great a thing if you are
> not endowed with the magical essence, and most people are not... yes,
> okay, only the "right" ones and the final boss). Anyway, that's
> what "Dragon Slayer" is about, a magical sword (okay, said too
> much already...) I personally prefer "Madara" (unfortunately, never
> released by Konami to MSX - indeed, never released to anything but
> Famicom).
>     About self-extracting archives: most of them (well, all I had
> the chance to use) can be normally extracted with the proper tool.
> "Exempli gratia", if you have an "AUTOUNPK.EXE", which is a Zip
> SFX file, you can command:
> unzip -l AUTOUNPK.EXE
> ... And see the contents of the file. There is no need to execute
> the file itself (indeed, except when no independent tool is available,
> like stupid Windowsky packages, I use my own tools to avoid virus -
> only my Japanese package is currently unextractable except by itself).
> The same is valid for self-extractor of ARJ, RAR and LHA/LZH. Do
> not tested UltraCompressor, but then, it is a poor packer (and no
> comments about "stuffit").
>     For PC, there is an on-development EXE-packer (compress and keeps
> the file still executable) named Apack. I'm using it, even still
> being a beta, because it really smashes things! Far better than
> PKLite and Diet, for example. And what does it have to do with MSX?
> Unfortunately, nothing, and that's why I'm mentioning it: there is
> no EXE-packer for MSX! Or is there and I never realized that? Yes,
> right, MSX would run out of memory and the program would be too
> slow to start executing. Maybe MSX shouldn't have an EXE-packer...
> Could someone find a use to an EXE-packer for MSX...?
>     Anyway, still on the compression subject, someone complained
> about the Zip docs (oh, sorry, once more I deleted the original EM
> before the reply - you must understand, there was A LOT of unread
> messages in the box...) And it (he/she?) is absolutely right in
> complaining! The docs don't and, for a long time, won't contain
> the "important" data, that is, the compression algorithms. It
> happens that most of them are copyrighted (yes, we live in a world
> where ideas can be labelled and hidden in a safe). If someone
> really wants to make a PKZip compatible compressor/decompressor,
> get QUICK the Info-ZIP's freewares "zip" and "unzip" sources,
> they still contain the implementation of all PKZip methods.
> The only ones that are really annoying are "shrink" and "unshrink",
> the copyright owners* are trying to force the group to keep the
> implementations out of the package (they are currently part of the
> source files, but they are not compiled "normally", you must make
> custom versions if you want to have your "zip" and "unzip" to use
> the methods - I tried but couldn't, too much for the poor Boreland
> C compiler, and not enough patience/time to set-up DJGPP). The
> other methods ("stone", "melt" and so on) work fine in PC (DOS),
> Unix (Sun Sparcs, Digital Alphas) and Linux. Only once I got a
> file that was "crunched" and had to dig out my PKUnzip (ugh!)
> Check "" (the address
> is correct, it is HTTP to access an old FTP site - FTP is also
> available), files "" (PLEASE, DON'T LAUGH! - yes, the
> sources are packed!) and "" (the second is
> new beta). If you have access to a PC clone, download also the
> "self-extractor", so you can extract, later, the sources (look
> out for a ".EXE").
>     *And now, my spamming against the copyright (claimers) owners
> of the shrink algorithm. Since 1987, Compuserve has spread a new
> image file format, the very well known GIF. It uses an algorithm
> named Lempel-Ziv-Huffman (LZH). After ten years, the standard
> became, well, a STANDARD. Then, creeping from hell, came a devourer
> named Unisys (remember this name in your curses), claiming to have
> the copyright of all "artifacts" that could perform LZH compression
> and/or decompression. Result, Unisys moved actions against each and
> every enterprise that was worth the effort (in "credit points", so
> to say). Enterprises paid to avoid a worse fate. Today, all programs
> able to handle appropriately GIF files must pay to the damn ****
> (choose your favourite "I HATE YOU" word). Of course, other programs
> also used LZH (LHA, PKZip and so on) and they also have to pay for
> the use of the algorithm (that is not all that good - there are better
> around - but files that use it saturate the world). Info-ZIP claims
> that "inactive" files containing the algorithm implemented are not
> breaking any law (the point has not been tested in court), so the
> source for both "shrink" and "unshrink" are available, by now.
> This is a history of greedy and evilness that must be told for it
> shall never happen again. And so was written...
>                                               ... Cyberknight...
> <Over>
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