Hi MSX people,

        After a weekend working and thinking about the matter of joystick
communications, we have something to say. And maybe after that there will
be nothing more to discuss concerning the hardware:

        The connections of the cable to play F-16 in combat mode are:
        1 - 6
        2 - 7
        6 - 1        (this pin numbers are for DB-9 female)
        7 - 2
        9 - 9

        And to play F1 Spirit 3D in battle mode (thanks to Sean Young):
        1 - 6
        2 - 7
        3 - 8
        6 - 1        (Also for DB-9 female)
        7 - 2
        8 - 3
        9 - 9
        LAURENS wrote:
> I have a proposal about a standard for joystick-connections. Read below
> about what way I had in mind to let it work like. It is meant to be put in
> Joystick-port 2 of both computers.
> My idea was to connect both joystick-connectors like this:
> pin 6 : 1   (trig1 > fwd)
> pin 7 : 2   (trig2 > back)
> pin 8 : 3   (output > left)

        MAARTEN wrote:

>   SEND (DIN8 male)            RECV (DIN8 female)
>  d0  1 ---------------+  +-------------- 1  d0
>  d1  2 -------------+ |  | +------------ 2  d1
> ack  3 -----------+ | |  | | +---------- 3  ack
> gnd  8 -----------|-|-|--|-|-|--+------- 8  gnd
>                   | | |  | | |  |
>                   | | |  | | |  |
>                   3 7 6  1 2 8  9
>                   MSX (DB9 female)
> And what about the auto detect option? I asked a couple of days ago, but
> there was no reaction, so I'll ask again:
> Would it be a good idea to connect TRG_A to RIGHT? Using this, we could
> make an "auto detect" option: the program would be able to see in which
> joystick port the network connector is plugged in.
> Also, is it a good idea to connect the ground to the cable shielding? I've
> seen that on a couple of cables.

        - Linking joystick ports with a cable is really the simplest and
the cheapest way to connect two or more MSX computers.
        - Everybody agrees that the basic pin connections are 1-6, 2-7 and
8-3. That keep the compatibility with the old games F-16 and F1Spirit3D.
        - The cables for F-16 and F1Spirit 3D were made to connect only two
computers, using one joystick port. Conneccting more than two MSX computers
with these cable would force the use of the two joystick ports. It's too bad.
        - Maarten found the solution. Using only one port we can connect
several MSX computers, keeping another port free to use the joystick (for a
game) or the mouse (for an application). And for two computers, the cable
keeps the compatibility with F-16 and F1Spirit 3D cables.
        - Is NOT good to standartise that the cable will be always in port 1
or port 2. If you have a MSX with problems in the specified port, you won't
be able to connect it...
        - So, The port can be 1 or 2, and the new softs MUST detect in which
port is the cable, though F-16 and F1Spirit3d need the cable in port 2.
        - DIN-8 has too much pins and is hard to obtain in some places. The
DIN-5 connector is enough for us and more easy to find.

SEND/OUT (DIN-5 male)                     RECV/IN (DIN-5 female)

  NC  5                                   5  NC
out0  4 ---------------+  +-------------- 4  in0
out1  3 -------------+ |  | +------------ 3  in1
 in2  1 ---------+   | |  | | +---------- 1  out2
 gnd  2 --+------|---|-|--|-|-|--+----+-- 2  gnd
          |      |   | |  | | |  |    |
 ext -----+      |   | |  | | |  |    +----- ext
                 | +-+ |  | | |  |
                 | | | |  | | |  |
                 | | | |  | | |  |
                 3 4 7 6  1 2 8  9

                 MSX (DB-9 female)

     DIN  5                         DIN  5
      MALE                          FEMALE
    -------                        -------
   /   2   \                      /   2   \
  /         \                    /         \
 /   5   4   \                  /   4   5   \
/             \                /             \
\  3       1  /                \  1       3  /
 \           /                  \           /
  \         /                    \         /
   \  +-+  /                      \  +-+  /
    --+ +--                        --+ +--
      ext                            ext
        We  think is  not important  to standartise pin usage or software. If 
the hardware is the same, the compatibility is guaranteed. There are many ways
to establish  communication between  computers, and the algorythm and the
protocol may vary a lot from case to case. So each programmer can use and
call the pins just like he wants (D0, ACK, CLK, CTS, IN0, etc...).
       The maximum transfer speed is theoretically only limited by the MSX
clock but the cable impedance (lenght and the existence or not of shielding)
may decrease the rate. Then, somebody with knowledge and experience with
cables for local networks should give us an advice. But I know that if we
need a long distance cable, we can use TTL current drivers, because we have
the +5V power supply on pin 5 of the MSX joystick port.
       We should make a official homepage to spread the new standard, with
instructions and examples about how to make the communication and some basic
routines (but not standard routines). The MSX clubs shoud prepair some kits
to show and sell in the next MSX fairs with some soft. The start is always
hard, but the sky is the limit.
       We   would  like  to  thanx  Sean  Young  for  the  information  about 
F1Spirit3D, Laurens and Maarten for their ideas and work in way to make the
new standard possible.

Werner Augusto Roder Kai - MSX Core Club - MSXMIX
Av. Dr. Ciro Melo Camarinha, 895 - Centro
Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo - SP - Brasil
Tel. (014) 372-4424 / (014) 232-7643

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