Hi there,
really appreciate your VA book. I am reading version 2.1.0 and I think I 
spotted an error: 
on page 93, the text goes:

"In this respect consider that Fig. 3.12 is trying to explicitly emulate the 
analog integration behavior, preserving the topology of the original analog 
structure, while Fig. 3.34 is concerned solely with implementing a correct 
transfer function. Since Fig. 3.34 implements a classical approach to the 
bilinear transform application for digital filter design (which ignores the 
filter topology) we’ll refer to the trapezoidal integration replacement 
technique as the topology-preserving bilinear transform (or, shortly, TPBLT)."

I *think* that it should be "Since Fig. 3.12 implements  ..." instead of 3.34. 

Am I right? If I am not, then I guess I did not understand much about TPT :)

PS: any chance there could be a permalink to the most recent version of the 
book? I seem that I have to go back through the archives of music-dsp to find 
the most recent link (or manually attempt a URL for version 2.1.1). Also, is 
the book linked to from anywhere on the NI website?


On Thursday, 1 November 2018, 08:26:35 GMT, Vadim Zavalishin 
<vadim.zavalis...@native-instruments.de> wrote: 

On 31-Oct-18 18:19, Stefan Stenzel wrote:
> Vadim,
> I was more refering to the analog multimode filter based on the moog cascade 
> I did some years ago, and found it amusing to find a warning against it.

Ah, you mean the one at the beginning of Section 5.5? Well, that's an 
artifact of the older revision 1, where the ladder filter was introduced 
before the SVF (I still believe it's better didactically, unfortunately 
new material dependencies made me switch the order). The modal mixtures 
of the transistor ladder are asymmetric (HP is not symmetric to LP and 
has the resonance peak kind of "in the middle of its slope" and BP is 
not symmetric on its own). I felt that it might be confusing for a 
beginner if their first encounter with resonating HP and BP is with this 
kind of special-looking filters, hence the warning. With revision 2 this 
warning becomes less important, since the 2-pole LP and BP were 
discussed already before, but I still believe it's informative. After 
all, it doesn't say that these filters are bad, it says that they are 
special ;)

> Anyway, excellent writeup,

Thank you! I'm glad my book is appreciated not only by newbies, but also 
by the industry experts.

> I wish I cuold have it printed as a proper book for more relaxed reading.

Hmmm, 500 A4 pages would be rather heavy ;)


Vadim Zavalishin
Reaktor Application Architect
Native Instruments GmbH

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