Wooo hooo!

The SF Music Tech Summit on Monday was really quite worthwhile for me  
to attend on a number of levels. One of the ways that I really  
appreciated was Sean from Wikia (formerly of LyricWiki) reaching out  
to me. He encourages MusicBrainz to link to the newly licensed  
LyricWiki now hosted at Wikia. I asked him to create a permissions  
page to give us permission to link to his site -- and presto here it is:


With that, we're cleared to link to lyrics.wikia.com for AR lyric  
links! Would someone like to take on the chore of creating a RFC for  
this new lyric type and see it through the style process?

Please note that we should only use this new AR type to link to  
lyrics.wikia.com -- I'll probably change the MB code to not allow  
linking this AR type to any other domain.


--ruaok        The answer to whether or not something is a good idea  
should not be taken as an indication of whether I want to do it.

Robert Kaye     --     r...@eorbit.net     --    http://mayhem-chaos.net

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