Hi all,

I used run `qlmanage` to view attachments and HTML bodies on my Mac
but that has always been feeling a bit clumsy. So a little while ago I
ended up trying to write a replacement: a little standalone document
previewer wrapping macOS' *Quick View* for easy use with mutt (and,
more generally, from the command line). I did this originally mostly
as an exercise in SwiftUI but ended up quite liking it, so I figured
I'd send a pointer here in case anybody else is looking for

It's on GitHub at https://github.com/rsmmr/qlview. You can either
build it yourself through Xcode or download a pre-built binary, see
the `README`. There's also some more information on possible ways to
integrate it with mutt through `mailcap` and a macro. This is all a bit
in-progress still too, so feel free to send suggestions or even patches.



Robin Sommer * ICSI * ro...@icir.org * www.icir.org/robin

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