Weird bug while compiling 1.4i with iconv 1.8

2002-06-02 Thread Eugene Paskevich

Hi, everybody!

While running configure script it finds iconv.h
Determines that type iconv_t is defined.
But never finds declaration for iconv function...

libiconv from was installed ok.
Gettext from the same place compiled great with libiconv.

BTW There was no internal system support for icnv functions.

If someone has a hint for me, please let me know about it.
Thanks in advance.
Eugene Paskevich |   *==(---   | Plug me into
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|   ---)==*   |  The Matrix
Public PGP key:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=publicpgpkey
Fingerprint:   03 BE 52 C8 41 8C 10 DC   2F 81 A2 21 28 5E D3 12

Re: color

2000-10-20 Thread Eugene Paskevich

On Fri, Oct 20, 2000 at 10:02:31AM -0700, Mike E wrote:
> System: FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE [using ncurses 1.8.6/ache]
You'd better obtain more recent version of ncurses and recompile.
I have version 4.2 while you have only 1.8.6.
Eugene Paskevich |   *==(---   |   "Alrighty then!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|   ---)==*   |-- Ace Venture
Public PGP key:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=publicpgpkey
Fingerprint: 03 BE 52 C8 41 8C 10 DC   2F 81 A2 21 28 5E D3 12
A friend in need is a pest indeed.

Re: pgp-error...

2000-10-18 Thread Eugene Paskevich

On Tue, Oct 17, 2000 at 11:13:26PM +, Jan- Hendrik Palic wrote:
> I generated a new key and I I wanted to send me a test mail with a sign.
> In the send- menu of mutt, I hit p to use the pgp- feature in mutt and s to
> sign.
> When I hit y to send the mail, pgp wants me enter the passphrase, and I
> enter and then I got this errormessage:
> Can't open PGP subprocess!: No such file or directory (errno = 2)
> The passphrasse is correct, so, what is going wrong?
> Any suggestions?
Yes, there is one:
1) find your PGP config file.
2) find the line of tmp directory there
3) set it to something where you have a right write
4) make sure that that directory exists
That's all I guess.
    Good luck.
Eugene Paskevich |   *==(---   |   "Alrighty then!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|   ---)==*   |-- Ace Venture
Public PGP key:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=publicpgpkey
Fingerprint: 03 BE 52 C8 41 8C 10 DC   2F 81 A2 21 28 5E D3 12
Two percent of zero is almost nothing.

Re: Incorrect encoding of letter's headings

2000-09-27 Thread Eugene Paskevich

On Tue, Sep 26, 2000 at 09:47:26PM +0400, Vitaly A. Repin wrote:
> When I write the subject of my letter in russian (koi8-r encoding),
> the following transformation occurs with letters of the "Subject" field:
> Subject: =?koi8-r?B?9MXT1CDS1dPTy8/HzyDawcfPzM/Xy8E=?=
> What's the problem?  And how can I solve it?
As far a I remember this occures when the body of the message is in,
for example, in win-1251 and headers are in koi8-r.
If in the Content-Type header there is charset=win-1251 or something
like that then I'm right, if not then not right. :)
You've got to syncronize somehow charsets in headers and body.

Eugene Paskevich |   *==(---   |   "Alrighty then!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|   ---)==*   |-- Ace Venture
Public PGP key:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=publicpgpkey
{Mutt 1.2.4i}Moderator of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Be afraid. ;)
I bought some used paint. It was in the shape of a house.
-- Steven Wright

About PGP public key service. (With P.S.)

2000-09-26 Thread Eugene Paskevich

I heard that people have troubles with public PGP key service.
That's why I'd like to introduce the way I did it myself.
I hope that this info will be helpful for someone.
1) In ~/.procmailrc:
* ^Subject: publicpgpkey
| /home/eugene/bin/publicpgpkey "`formail -x 'From: '`"

2) /home/eugene/bin/publicpgpkey:

if [ "$1" == "--help" ] ; then
  echo "Public PGP key utility."
  echo "Usage: $0 [e-mail]"
  echo "e-mail: To send public PGP key to a particular e-mail."
  exit 0

pgp -kxa $USERID $PUBLIC $KEYRING > /dev/null 2>&1

if [ ! -n "$1" ] ; then
  cat $PUBLIC
  rm -f $PUBLIC
  exit 0

mail "$1" -s "Public PGP key of Eugene Paskevich" < $PUBLIC
if [ ! "`cat /proc/$PPID/cmdline`" == "-bash" ] ; then
  echo `date ; echo "$1"` >> /home/eugene/.pgp/people
rm -f $PUBLIC
Now one can make changes for him/herself and be happy.

P.S. There are two things I still can't understand.
1) Why do people post here signed messages. I think there's no need in it.
2) If they sign their messages they suppose that someone have their public
key to verify signature. Where can I get it? From public server of keys?
{I don't remember the correct name.} Again, there is no need in these
servers. 'couse noone would ask for public key of an unknown man just to
verify a signature.
It's a stupid idea as for me.

Eugene Paskevich |   *==(---   |   "Alrighty then!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|   ---)==*   |-- Ace Venture
Public PGP key:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=publicpgpkey
{Mutt 1.2.4i}Moderator of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Be afraid. ;)
Eternal nothingness is fine if you happen to be dressed for it.
-- Woody Allen

Re: How Do I Move Messages?

2000-09-24 Thread Eugene Paskevich

On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 03:42:51PM -0500, Cory Phillips wrote:
> How do I move a message from one folder to another?
> I know message are moved to my read-mail folder from the inbox
> after I have read them, but what about specifying a target
> folder other than the default?
> I know I can do it by copying the message to the target folder and
> then delete the message in the source folder, but this is an
> anoying process.  Is there a simple key sequence for moving message
> around?
May be you are looking for "save-hook" command.
Look through the manual about that command.

Eugene Paskevich  |   *==(---   |"Alrighty then!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   ---)==*   | -- Ace Venture
Public PGP key:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=publicpgpkey
{Mutt 1.2.4i}  Moderator of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Be afraid. ;)

I was the best I ever had.
-- Woody Allen

Re: About PGP encryption

2000-09-22 Thread Eugene Paskevich

On Fri, Sep 22, 2000 at 08:54:44AM +, Suresh Ramasubramanian wrote:
>  ... or use this little shell script -
> #!/bin/sh
> WHOAMI=`whoami`
> if [ -f /tmp/sig.$USER ]
> then
> rm -f /tmp/sig.$USER
> fi
> cat $HOME/.signature > /tmp/sig.$USER
> /usr/games/fortune -s >>/tmp/sig.$USER
> /usr/local/bin/mutt
That's very nice but I'd like my signature to be changed every time
I compose a new message. Not every session of mutt.

Eugene Paskevich  |   *==(---   |"Alrighty then!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   ---)==*   | -- Ace Venture
Public PGP key:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=publicpgpkey
{Mutt 1.2.4i}  Moderator of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Be afraid. ;)

About PGP encryption

2000-09-20 Thread Eugene Paskevich

  I've got a problem out here with which, I hope, you can help me to cope.
  As you probably noticed I'm from Ukraine and we usually use Russian or
  Ukrainian langs here. My output CP is set to Koi8-r. There is an option
  in .muttrc called "charset-hook" for decoding messages on-the-fly.
  The problem is:
  If I recieve a normal text in charset which was hooked in .muttrc
  everything decodes just fine. But in case of encrypted PGP message
  which originally was in other CP than Koi8 then it just decrypts and
  doesn't send it to decoder of CP's.

  Possible solve:
  To switch decrypting and decoding. First decrypt then decode the output of
  decryption. Guess it should help.

  Any other variants how to do this in other way?
P.S. How can I include cookies from fortune for example into my signature?
     Answer directly please.
Eugene Paskevich  |   *==(---   |"Alrighty then!"
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |   ---)==*   | -- Ace Venture
Public PGP key:mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=publicpgpkey
{Mutt 1.2.4i}  Moderator of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Be afraid. ;)