On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 06:01:19PM +0000, Paul Tansom wrote:
> I've been using Mutt for a good few years now, but only started using it over
> IMAP a year or so ago and now I've started using multiple IMAP accounts with
> it. Setting this up was straight forward enough, and I can cycle through
> mailboxes with new mail in quite happily, but only if I have already checked
> mail once. What I'm trying to do, and haven't yet worked out how, is connect 
> to
> all the IMAP mail accounts when I first start Mutt, so Mutt knows which ones
> have new mail in without having to manually change into each one first. Can
> anyone point me to some good references for this, I've not managed to spot 
> what
> I'm looking for with Google or on the Mutt Wiki so far.
> Another thing I'll be looking at is a means to save me typing in the full
> details of each mail account in order to switch between them. I'm particularly
> keen on this since they are all on the same server and each account name is 
> the
> email address and things get quite long winded even with tab completion! I'm
> thinking that something along the lines of a macro or a bind line in my muttrc
> file should do the trick here, but since I'm typing if anyone has a pointer it
> may save me some time :)
> -- 
> Paul Tansom | Aptanet Ltd. | http://www.aptanet.com/ | 023 9238 0001
> ======================================================================
> Registered in England  |  Company No: 4905028  |  Registered Office:
> Crawford House, Hambledon Road, Denmead, Waterlooville, Hants, PO7 6NU

The best solution I know of, is to use OfflineIMAP. It can sync multiple
IMAP accounts to Maildirs. It works great for me. Google for a tutorial

-- Jan

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