Hi Thomas,

* Thomas Baker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [020909 23:03]:
> I have used various workarounds -- at one extreme, switch to
> Mozilla and re-type the URL -- but this is really inefficient
> if the task is to click my way through, say, a blog bulletin
> from Red Rock Eater (with lots of URLs).

Hmm... does copy and paste not work in your cygwin environment?
Are you using the cygwin dos console?  You might want to install
the rxvt cygwin package.  It's much more friendlier ;).

> It sounds like Gary Johnson's suggestion above (calling
> Mozilla from w3m) could do the trick, though I guess what
> I'd really like to do is hand the message off immediately to,
> say, the mailer in Netscape or Mozilla.

I refrained from commenting until other more experienced people
responded first.  If you want to use mozilla in Windows to visit
the embedded urls in your text e-mail, you had the answer in
your first post in this thread.  You mentioned urlview:


and that you couldn't use it in cygwin for some reason.  I've
compiled it successfully in cygwin and it works perfectly as it
does in unix.  After compiling and installing urlview in your
cygwin environment, add lines in your $HOME/.muttrc, example
from http://www.math.fu-berlin.de/~guckes/setup/muttrc.forall

  macro index ,\Cb |urlview\n "Extract a URL, and queue for later download"
  macro pager ,\Cb |urlview\n "Extract a URL, and queue for later download"

and finally create a file called $HOME/.urlview with:

  # Sample urlview(1) configuration file

  # regular expression to use to match URLs
  REGEXP ((((ht|f)tp)|mailto):(//)?[^ >"\t]*|www\.[-a-z0-9.]+)[^ .,;\t>">]

  # command to invoke for selected URL
  COMMAND "/cygdrive/c/Program Files/mozilla.org/Mozilla/mozilla.exe"

  #COMMAND url_handler.sh
  #COMMAND netscape -remote 'openURL(%s)

Note the COMMAND path to mozilla is from a default install in
Windows.  Change this to match your setup.

I hope this helps!

-- jbkim

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