
I'm subscribed to some mailing lists, they (the mbox files ;-) reside in

I defined in ~/.muttrc:

unsubscribe *
subscribe `cd $HOME/Mail/Lists/ ; echo *`

unlists *
lists `cd $HOME/Mail/Lists/ ; echo *`

They are expanded to:

lists=cygwin debian-announce debian-bsd debian-changes docbook docbook-apps evolution 
gmx gnome-announce gnucash gnu-screen mutt-users openoffice-announce perl-xml procmail 
tex-announce vim wm-user xml-rpc zope-announce

subscribe=cygwin debian-announce debian-bsd debian-changes docbook docbook-apps 
evolution gmx gnome-announce gnucash gnu-screen mutt-users openoffice-announce 
perl-xml procmail tex-announce vim wm-user xml-rpc zope-announce

and it works, e.g. when list-replying (Shift-L with my mappings).

Then I defined some hooks to tune mutt's handling of "my" mailing list:

send-hook ~l "set locale=C attribution='Hi all!\n\nOn %{%a, %d %b %Y}, %n wrote:\n'"
send-hook ~l my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
fcc-save-hook ~l =Lists/%B

They define my (alternate) personality, an attribution and the save

But none of them (the hooks) work!
The fcc-save-hook ist "=mutt-users", but I wanted "=Lists/mutt-users"...
and the other both hooks also aren't processed.

This is important only when replying to mailing lists, all the mail I
receive is processed by procmail and delivered to the right place.

Any suggestion?

Ciao for now, Dirk

P.S.: What is ~l expanded to?
Dirk Ruediger, Rostock, Germany
Let's not complicate our relationship by trying to communicate with each other.

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