Mutt in xterm

1999-11-11 Thread Subba Rao

I am a newbie to Mutt and have several questions. I us Mutt in xterms
in FVWM2 (and not in any other Window Manager). The version of Mutt
on my system is 1.0us

The colors do not seem to work. I have several questions about the
huge configuration options available for mutt.

1. I would like the index section with paging section, while using mutt.
2. How do I view messages that are threaded? 
  10 N T Nov 11 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (   0) Lottery Winners
   When I use 'n' after reading a note in the thread, mutt goes to the
   next email (not threaded), in the index.
3. Last but least, how do I get colors to work?

I have included my muttrc below. Any suggestions to get the features I want
to work, is appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Subba Rao
This is my .muttrc

# Show the mail address I want people to use
my_hdr From: Subba Rao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
my_hdr X-Disclaimer: Listen, and thou shall not fear.

# === Key bindings

bind pager  next-line
bind pager  previous-line
bind pager  previous-entry
bind pager  next-entry
bind generic  half-up
bind generic  half-down

bind pager  bottom
bind pager "\111" bottom

bind pager d delete-message
bind pager r reply

# I don't want copies of attachments, cause I got them elsewhere.
unset fcc_attach

# I want 8 bit ISO-8859-1
set allow_8bit
set charset=iso-8859-1

# I want my temp-files stored in my home area instead of /tmp, to be sure I don't lose 
set tmpdir=~

# I want dashes above my signature.
set sig_dashes
# This is my signature for Mutt.
set signature=~/.signature

# I don't want to confirm appending messages to a mailbox.
unset confirmappend

# I don't want to confirm deleting a mail.
set delete=yes
# This is my domain.
# This is where I keep my mailboxes.
set folder=~/Mail
# This is my default mailbox.
set spoolfile=~/Maildir
# I want copies of sent mail here.
set record=~/Mail
# I want my aliases here.
set alias_file=~/.mutt/aliases

# Check mail every 30 seconds.
set timeout=30
# Include copy of the message I am replying to.
set include=yes
# Forward messages as separate MIME parts.
set mime_fwd

# Sort my mailboxes like this.
set sort=mailbox-order
set strict_threads
set sort=threads
folder-hook . set sort=mailbox-order

# I don't want to move mail unless I said so.
set move=no

# I don't want to mark wrapped lines with +'es.
set nomarkers
# I want to wrap by words, not by a character at the screen edge.
set smart_wrap

# Organize how I want to view headers.
ignore *
unignore from: date: subject: to: cc: reply-to:
unignore organization: organisation:

color header black white Subject:
color header brightgreen white X-Mailer:
color header brightgreen white X-Newsreader:

color body brightyellow black "([a-z]*://|mailto:)[^ \n\t]*[^., \n\t>]"
color body brightgreen white sec@[-a-z_0-9.%$']+
color body brightwhite black [-a-z_0-9.%$']+@[-a-z_0-9.%$']+
color body brightgreen white "[^A-Z][%;:]-*[)>(<|]|^[%;:]-*[)>(<|]*"
color body brightgreen white "( |^)[;:]-*[)>(<|]+"
color body brightred white "\\[[^]]*\]"

color hdrdefault magenta white
color quoted blue white
color signature brightred white
color status black white
color normal black white
color attachment black white
color error black white
color tilde black white
color markers red white
color tree black white
color indicator white black
color search white black
color message black white

Re: Mutt in xterm

1999-11-11 Thread Jeremy Blosser

Subba Rao [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> The colors do not seem to work. I have several questions about the
> huge configuration options available for mutt.

Uh... did you try reading the manual?  No offense, but this is all answered
in there.  Maybe you don't think you have time to read the manual, but
neither do the rest of us have time to read it for you.

I'll give you answers this time, but next time please try to find them on
your own first.

> 1. I would like the index section with paging section, while using mutt.

set pager_index_lines=5

> 2. How do I view messages that are threaded? 
>   10 N T Nov 11 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (   0) Lottery Winners
>When I use 'n' after reading a note in the thread, mutt goes to the
>next email (not threaded), in the index.

'n' isn't bound to anything by default in the index screen, and it's bound
to 'search-next' in the pager... and your .muttrc doesnt' seem to change
this, so I'm not sure how to answer this.

> 3. Last but least, how do I get colors to work?

Make sure your TERM is set to something that is defined as having colors,
such as xterm-color.  If that doesn't, see the section on this question in
the FAQ.

> Where is the outgoing mail saved? How do I see what email
> I have sent through mutt?

If $copy is set to yes, it's saved based on the value of $record... though
this can be overridden by a few other vars, see the manual.  You can read
this mail by using the 'c' command to change to the folder you saved the
mail in using these settings.

Jeremy Blosser   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
"If Microsoft can change and compete on quality, I've won." -- L. Torvalds

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