Re: Online Address book

2008-02-14 Thread Matt Richards
On Tue, Feb 12, 2008 at 01:43:25AM +0100, Nathan Huesken wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using mutt from different computers (like my laptop and the desktop PC 
> at home) and I am wondering if there is some way to always keep my address 
> book synchronized between the two computers.
> The coolest solution would be, if I could install some sort of database on my 
> vServer and make mutt query it everytime I need the address book (and also 
> add new addresses to it).
> Is there some sort if solution for this kind of think?
> Thanks!
> Nathan

Hello, I currently use ldap for an address book with mutt, 

I thought I would send you the scripts I use todo with what you will.

I have added the following lines to my .muttrc ...

## ldap search
set query_command="~/ '%s'"

## adding addresses to ldap
macro index,pager a '/home/matt/bin/add2ldap'

Allowing me to search and also add addresses by pressing a

The mutt search perl script I found online somewhere, I did make a change to it 
allowing me to have entries without surnames, I just put surnames as '.' in 
this case.

and the add2ldap is a bash script I just chucked together, there prob a better 
way of writing it but it works :)



Matt Richards

echo Adding a new address to the LDAP database ...

if [ -z $1 ]; then
 echo I need an email address:
 read email

if [ -z $email ]; then
 echo I really do need an email address!

if [ -z $2 ]; then
 echo I need a First Name:
 read fname

if [ -z $3 ]; then
 echo I need a Second Name:
 read sname

 if [ -z $sname ]; then
  echo Using . for second name


echo "dn: mail=$email,ou=Contacts,o=mattstone
cn: $fname $sname
sn: $sname
givenName: $fname
mail: $email
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson" | ldapadd -h -D 
"uid=matt,ou=People,o=mattstone" -x -w "--PASSWD--"


# use strict;
use Net::LDAP;

use constant HOST => '';
use constant BASE => 'ou=Contacts, o=mattstone';
use constant VERSION => 3;
use constant SCOPE => 'sub';

my $name;
my @attributes = qw( dn givenName sn mail );
print "Searching directory... ";
$name = shift || die;
my $filter = "(|(sn=$name*)(givenName=$name*))";
my $ldap = Net::LDAP->new( HOST, onerror => 'die' )
|| die "Cannot connect: $@";

#$ldap->bind(version => VERSION) or die "Cannot bind: $@";
 $ldap->bind( "uid=matt,ou=People,o=mattstone", password => "--PASSWD--" ) 
or die "Cannot bind: $@";

my $result = $ldap->search( base => BASE,
scope => SCOPE,
filter => $filter

my @entries = $result->entries;


print scalar @entries, " entries found.\n";

foreach my $entry ( @entries ) {
my @emailAddr = $entry->get_value('mail');
foreach my $addr (@emailAddr) {
print $addr , "\t";

if ($entry->get_value('sn') eq '.') {
 print $entry->get_value('givenName'), "\n";
} else {
 print $entry->get_value('givenName'), " ";
 print $entry->get_value('sn'), "\n";


Description: Digital signature

Re: Online Address book

2008-02-12 Thread Joseph
On 02/12/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your reply. ldap is running on my vServer. But I am not sure how 
> to setup lbdb to use ldap and mutt to use lbdb.
> Any advise where to look?
> Thanks!
> Nathan
> On Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 09:04:00PM -0500, Raffi Khatchadourian wrote:
> > On Tue 12.Feb'08 at  1:43:25 +0100, Nathan Huesken wrote:
> >> I am using mutt from different computers (like my laptop and the desktop 
> >> PC at home) and I am wondering if there is some way to always keep my 
> >> address book synchronized between the two computers.
> >> The coolest solution would be, if I could install some sort of database on 
> >> my vServer and make mutt query it everytime I need the address book (and 
> >> also add new addresses to it).
> >>
> >> Is there some sort if solution for this kind of think?
> >
> > Using LDAP and lbdb kinda solves this problem.

Another solution is to setup svn on a server somewhere and then use that
to keep your addresses, muttrc files, and other home data you want to be
shared everywhere. I also keep my icewm files, alias setups and so on

Make an alias that does svn ci of your files before starting mutt.

|respectfull, Joseph |

Description: Digital signature

Re: Online Address book

2008-02-12 Thread Kyle Wheeler
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday, February 12 at 03:03 PM, quoth [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
>Thanks for your reply. ldap is running on my vServer. But I am not sure how to 
>setup lbdb to use ldap and mutt to use lbdb.
>Any advise where to look?

- -- 
This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for 
complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; 
the philosophy is kindness.
  -- Dalai Lama
Comment: Thank you for using encryption!


Re: Online Address book

2008-02-12 Thread mutt

Thanks for your reply. ldap is running on my vServer. But I am not sure how to 
setup lbdb to use ldap and mutt to use lbdb.
Any advise where to look?


On Mon, Feb 11, 2008 at 09:04:00PM -0500, Raffi Khatchadourian wrote:
> On Tue 12.Feb'08 at  1:43:25 +0100, Nathan Huesken wrote:
>> I am using mutt from different computers (like my laptop and the desktop 
>> PC at home) and I am wondering if there is some way to always keep my 
>> address book synchronized between the two computers.
>> The coolest solution would be, if I could install some sort of database on 
>> my vServer and make mutt query it everytime I need the address book (and 
>> also add new addresses to it).
>> Is there some sort if solution for this kind of think?
> Using LDAP and lbdb kinda solves this problem.

Re: Online Address book

2008-02-11 Thread Raffi Khatchadourian

On Tue 12.Feb'08 at  1:43:25 +0100, Nathan Huesken wrote:

I am using mutt from different computers (like my laptop and the desktop PC at 
home) and I am wondering if there is some way to always keep my address book 
synchronized between the two computers.
The coolest solution would be, if I could install some sort of database on my 
vServer and make mutt query it everytime I need the address book (and also add 
new addresses to it).

Is there some sort if solution for this kind of think?

Using LDAP and lbdb kinda solves this problem.