0n Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 01:56:51PM +0200, Sebastian Tramp wrote: 

    >Is searching / indexing with mairix state of the art or is there a
    >better solution available? I am quite happy with that, just wanted to
    >ask ;-).

There is also nmzmail (only for Maildir though) - I actually thought many users
switched from mairix to nmzmail.

   nmzmail is a tool to use the namazu2 search engine from within a mail
   reader such as mutt to search mail stored in maildir folders. Based on
   the result of the namazu query, nmzmail generates a maildir folder
   containing symbolic links to the mails matching the query. Mutt and
   other mail readers can make it easy to use nmzmail with a simple
   * fast mail searching even with large number of mails
   * incremental index building
   * rich query language including regular expressions (see the namazu
   * integrates nicely into mutt
   * query history

   WWW: http://www.ecademix.com/JohannesHofmann/nmzmail.html


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