Re: question on saving of sent messages

2000-03-09 Thread J McKitrick

Thanks for the help!

-=> jm <=-
Student Loan Officer: "Mr. Wright?  We'd like to know what you did
with the $30,000 dollars we gave you for college."
Steven Wright: "I gave it to my friend Bob, and he built a nuclear
weapon with it.  And i'd really appreciate it if you didn't call me

Re: question on saving of sent messages

2000-03-09 Thread David DeSimone

J McKitrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've noticed that sometimes when i reply to a message in a saved
> folder,or sometimes even the inbox, mutt complains that it cannot
> write the sent message because /foldername/sent does not exist.  I
> assume this means i need to set the saved messages folder to one that
> refers to the mail directory or home directory rather than the
> directory i am in when i send, correct?

You normally will want to refer to folders by putting the "=" or "+"
prefix in front of the name.  The "=" or "+" expands to the value of the
variable $folder, which is an absolute path to the directory where you
keep your folders.  Then it doesn't matter what directory you're in.

> Also, is there a problem with folder name TAB completion?  When i
> save, it asks for a folder name.  I try 'f TAB' to select 'foldername'
> but it complains it doesn't exist.

Try "=f "

> Yet the '?' brings up the list just fine.

The default directory that "?" brings up is the $folder directory. 
There are times when I've found this annoying, but it seems to be
traditional at this point.

> Does mutt only display new mail messages when the keyboard is used?  I
> find that new mail only appears after i hit a key, if it has been
> dormant for a while and new mail has been received.

Yes, Mutt is not multi-threaded, so it does not poll for mail in the
background while waiting for a keypress from you.  However, there is a
variable called $timeout which tells Mutt how long to wait for you to
press a key.  If you haven't pressed a key by then, it will stop waiting
for the keypress, go and poll for mail, then come back and wait some
more.  So by setting this to a small value (30 seconds?) you can get
near-instant notification of new mail.

David DeSimone   | "The doctrine of human equality reposes on this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  that there is no man really clever who has not
Hewlett-Packard  |  found that he is stupid." -- Gilbert K. Chesterson
UX WTEC Engineer |PGP: 5B 47 34 9F 3B 9A B0 0D  AB A6 15 F1 BB BE 8C 44

question on saving of sent messages

2000-03-09 Thread J McKitrick

A few more tweaks, and i'll be almost there.

I've noticed that sometimes when i reply to a message in a saved
folder,or  sometimes even the inbox, mutt complains that it cannot
write the sent message because /foldername/sent does not exist.  I
assume this means i need to set the saved messages folder to one that
refers to the mail directory or home directory rather than the
directory i am in when i send, correct?

Also, is there a problem with folder name TAB completion?  When i
save, it asks for a folder name.  I try 'f TAB' to select 'foldername'
but it complains it doesn't exist.  Yet the '?' brings up the list
just fine.  Is this because it is expecting the entire pathname?
Is there a shortcut?

Does mutt only display new mail messages when the keyboard is used?  I
find that new mail only appears after i hit a key, if it has been
dormant for a while and new mail has been received.

-=> jm <=-
Student Loan Officer: "Mr. Wright?  We'd like to know what you did
with the $30,000 dollars we gave you for college."
Steven Wright: "I gave it to my friend Bob, and he built a nuclear
weapon with it.  And i'd really appreciate it if you didn't call me