My Experience on DRBD for MySQL

2007-06-07 Thread Mohd Irwan Jamaluddin

Good day,

I just want to share my experience in deploying DRBD for MySQL, I'm
blogging it at

I welcome any comments and critics, thanks.

Mohd Irwan Jamaluddin

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Re: My Experience on DRBD for MySQL

2007-06-07 Thread Vitaliy Okulov
Здравствуйте, Mohd.

Вы писали 7 июня 2007 г., 12:46:32:

 Good day,

 I just want to share my experience in deploying DRBD for MySQL, I'm
 blogging it at

 I welcome any comments and critics, thanks.

 Mohd Irwan Jamaluddin

Any perfomance tests?

С уважением,
 Vitaliy  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: MySQL Magazine - Issue 1 available NOW!!!!

2007-06-07 Thread Jon Ribbens
On Wed, Jun 06, 2007 at 05:56:44PM -0700, Peter Rosenthal wrote:
 On 04/06/07, Jon Ribbens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Um, what? Both that and the methods described in the magazine are
 completely wrong. You use mysql_real_ecape_string(), that's it.
 I would disagree on the use of mysql_real_escape_string(). The use of
 placeholders is much safer from a maintenance and 'oops look I typoed it'

That's not a disagreement - you're just talking about a different
abstraction layer. Behind the scenes your 'placeholder' API will
be using mysql_real_escape_string().

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Re: recurring table corruption problems (MyISAM)

2007-06-07 Thread Quentin Gouedard

I recompiled my sql with nocona instead of k8 and the problem persists.

Now, I found this:
which definitely sounds similar to my problems.
I'm gonna give a shot to disabling delayed_key_write.

On 6/6/07, Quentin Gouedard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So I have this somewhat busy mysql box (300qps - 1100 qps) holding a bunch
(20) of myISAM tables.
The Box is Core2Duo 2.4 / 4GB RAM / Gentoo64 / MySQL 5.0.38
There are a number of scripts accessing those tables, both located on the
same machine and on others.

Every day, 1 to 3 tables get corrupted. Some of these tables are accessed
from the other servers, but some tables get corrupted which are only
accessed locally too.
Most of the time I do a REPAIR, I lose some rows in the battle. Imagine
what the result is when some of those tables are like customers or contain
other vital information.
Sometimes, REPAIR returns that the table status is OK, when CHECK returns
that the table needs to be repaired. In such cases, i need to shutdown the
server, myisamchk -r the table, and restart mysql. Sometimes even that
doesn't change the CHECK output, and i need somehow to re-run a REPAIR to
see the table finally fixed.

MYSQL docs state for possible reasons for corruption:

[quote] 1- The mysqld process being killed in the middle of a write.
2- Unexpected shutdown of the computer (for example, if the computer is
turned off).
3- A hardware error such as faulty memory/cpu/motherboard and or hard
4- You are using an external program (like myisamchk) on a live table.
5- A software bug in the MySQL or MyISAM code[/quote]

1 - tables get corrupted without killed processes
2 - server never gets unexpectedly shutdown
3 - my hosts' monitoring system says ahrdware is fine (although i don't
know what that means).
4 - never do that without shutting mysql down first
5 - I'm using a somewhat recent version so if it was this it'd be really

The software I use is a popular one for which no such problems have been
reported before, so I doubt it's query/PHP related.
The fact it occurs specifically on one out of 7 machines I have running
similar configurations makes me think about an environmental problem
rather than an application-layer one.

Some more info if that may help :

Typical errors showing up (error codes vary as you can see):

070502  3:27:45 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table 'my_table' is marked as
crashed and should be repaired

070502  4:23:30 [ERROR] Got error 127 when reading table

070502 17:55:58 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Incorrect key file for table
'./mysite/my_table2.MYI'; try to repair it

070521 11:48:48 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Incorrect key file for table
'./mysite/my_table2.MYI'; try to repair it
070521 11:48:53 [ERROR] Got error 134 when reading table

070521 22:54:41 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Incorrect key file for table
'./mysite/my_table2.MYI'; try to repair it
070521 22:54:41 [ERROR] Got error 126 when reading table

Another weird thing is that the errors do not always show up in the
mysqld.err log file.
Sometimes I get on-screen errors mentionning crashed tables, which are not
reported in the log file, making me wonder how much more often it occurs.

Would  mysqladmin variables help helping me ?

And now on to the questions :

1) Are there any known problems to running mysql 5 on gentoo 64 bits ?
2) Could delay_key_write ON be the reason for this corruption, or setting
it off minimise the chances of it happenning ?
3) How can I debug / add logs to give me a clue about the corruption
origin ? What would you do to find out the problem / solve it ?
4) Are there settings that minimize / maximize table corruption risks ?
5) I realized today that the march option in my /etc/make.conf file is
set to k8 (AMD64 processors), when I use Core2Duo (for which recommended
march is nocona). Could having compiled mysql with this parameter be the
reason for the table corruptions ?

Thanks !

How to parition a table with a VARCHAR Primary Key?

2007-06-07 Thread Eric B.

I'm struggling with getting my tables partitioned. All the tables I want to 
partition have a single primary key id which is a varchar. They also have a 
created datetime field to let me know when each record was added to the db.

CREATE TABLE `document` (
`document_id` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`document` longblob,
`created` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`last_modified` datetime DEFAULT NULL,
`size` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`document_id`),

Ideally, I want to partition the table on a per month basis. Originally I 
though I could do the following:
partition by range( Year( created) * 1000 + month(created) )(
partition 2004_01 values less than (200401),
partition 2004_02 values less than (200402) );

but that gave me an error 1491: A PRIMARY KEY must include all columns in 
the table's partitioning function. Incidentally, I couldn't find any 
reference to this in the documentation anywhere, that the partitioning field 
must belong to the PK. In fact, the examples in the docs don't even use a 

So that didn't work. And adding the created field to my PK may cause too 
many problems that I don't want to deal with at the moment. So instead, I 
looked at my id field. Lucikly, the first 16 characters are hex 
representation of the timestamp. So a little quick script generated ranges 
for me to parition against that as well.

partition by range( id )
partition 2002_01 values less than ('00ebc0102c7f'),
partition 2002_02 values less than ('00ec50423c7f'),
partition 2002_03 values less than ('00ece0744c7f')

However, that causes me an error as well:
Error Code : 1064
VALUES value must be of same type as partition function near '),

partition 2002_02 values less than 
('00ec50423c7f'),' at line 7

Can anyone point me in the right direction please? Is it impossible to 
partition a table this way? I've read (and reread) the docs multiple times, 
but can't seem to find anything to help me out.

I'm running version 5.1.19-beta-community-nt-debug.



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Mysql 5.0.* client connection to Mysql 4.0.* Database

2007-06-07 Thread dpgirago
Is it possible to connect to a 4.0.18 DB from the client of a 5.0.27 
system? I know there is an old_passwords function. Can this be used 
somehow from a DOS command prompt?


Re: Mysql 5.0.* client connection to Mysql 4.0.* Database

2007-06-07 Thread Michael Dykman

Have youtried this yet?  While 4.0 client can't connect to a v.5
server unless the passwords have explicitly beewen stored as
old_password, I have never run into an issue connecting a 5.x client
to a 4.0 server.

- michael


Is it possible to connect to a 4.0.18 DB from the client of a 5.0.27
system? I know there is an old_passwords function. Can this be used
somehow from a DOS command prompt?


- michael dykman

- All models are wrong.  Some models are useful.

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Re: Mysql 5.0.* client connection to Mysql 4.0.* Database

2007-06-07 Thread dpgirago
Yes, I did try. The issue was the security level setting on the new DB 
server, and not the password stuff. I've upgraded apache, mysql, and php 
in the last few weeks, and 3-4 issues became painfully apparent when going 
from php4 to php5, so I guess I was operating under similar assumptions 
and frustrations. 

My apologies to all. I'll try to keep from functioning in iamadummy mode.


Have you tried this yet?  While 4.0 client can't connect to a v.5
server unless the passwords have explicitly been stored as
old_password, I have never run into an issue connecting a 5.x client
to a 4.0 server.

 - michael

 Is it possible to connect to a 4.0.18 DB from the client of a 5.0.27
 system? I know there is an old_passwords function. Can this be used
 somehow from a DOS command prompt?


 - michael dykman

 - All models are wrong.  Some models are useful.

Rewriting PostgreSQL in another language - from C to SmartEiffel

2007-06-07 Thread Al_Dev

Rewriting PostgreSQL in another language - from C to SmartEiffel

PostgreSQL is very stable, mature and fully grown up and is in
spectacular shape.
But what will the developers do next ? Will they run out of work? 

We can give them more work to do. We can keep them very busy for many

more years!!

Planning PostgreSQL development for the coming next 20 years: 

Rewrite the PostgreSQL in SmartEiffel.
C is a very fast running language but developing in C and
is a heck of work. How about SmartEiffel? SmartEiffel outputs C
which can be compiled. And SmartEiffel compiler is getting better 
everyday - it would be running as fast as C.
Also SmartEiffel can output in Java classes.
A very smart and intelligent compiler like SmartEiffel is like a code
generator which can output C or 'java classes'.
Because it outputs C, SmartEiffel programs run really fast.


What is the diff between SmartEiffel and Java?
Simple - SmartEiffel programs run much faster than Java.

SmartEiffel is a 'Super power of computer langugages'.
See for more details on 
benchmarks of computer languages.


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String Locks

2007-06-07 Thread Michael Dykman

I saw mention of something called string locks in an earlier thread,
yet I see nothing like it in the mysql documentation.  Could somebody
please point me at a reference?

 - michael dykman

- All models are wrong.  Some models are useful.

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MYSQL data replication

2007-06-07 Thread sol beach

I have limited experience with MYSQL replication; which is why I am hoping
others with more experience can answer a question or two.
Let's say I have a MASTER MYSQL database.
Let's say there are 50 - 60 other systems where I'd like to have MYSQL
running on these slave systems.
These slave systems need to be kept in synch with the Master, but it does
NOT need to be anywhere near real time.
The data in the slaves could lag as much a an hour or two.
The amount of data in total in the MASTER is in the range of 100MB - 250MB
The rate of changes to the data is in the range 2000 - 5000 DML per 24 hour
We control the application so we can/will include date/time each record is
created or modified.
You can assume that no records ever get physically deleted; only INSERT 

What are some alternative ways to keep the slave systems current?


Advanced Indexing

2007-06-07 Thread Cory Robin
Is there a way to only include certain matching conditions
in indexes?

Example if I have a row I want to index that is mysql dates
(2007-06-07) and I only want to include CURRENT and FUTURE
dates in the index and ignore any past dates.   Is that
possible at all?

The issue I have is that the ratio of queries on old vs.
new data is like 1:10.   And searches would be MUCH
faster if I could force my queries that are looking at
current or future data to use an index that ONLY had that
information in them..

Thanks in advance for insight here.

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When will partitioning be included in the MySQl stable release ?

2007-06-07 Thread Mariella Petrini
Dear All,

I would like to know if there are short time plans (and eventually when 
approximately it will be) to include partitioning in the next MySQL stable 

Thanks in advance for your help.

I look forward to hearing from you,


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