Help with slow query

2011-03-09 Thread Jim McNeely
I am trying to set up an export query which is executing very slowly, and I was 
hoping I could get some help. Here is the query:

SELECT a.IdAppt, a.IdPatient, 
p.NameLast, p.NameFirst, p.NameMI, 
a.IdProcedure, a.ProcName, CAST(CONCAT(a.ApptDate,  , a.ApptTimeOut) AS CHAR) 
ApptDateTime, a.ApptLenMin Duration,
a.Room Primary_Resource_ID, 'R' as Primary_Resource_Type, 
t.Note, c.IdPractAffil DoctorID, af.PractName DoctorName, a.ICD9code ICD9, 
'??' Diagnosis_free_test

from Appt_ a LEFT JOIN (patient_ p, today_ t, Copy_ c, Affil_ af) 
ON (a.IdPatient = p.IdPatient 
AND a.IdPatientDate = t.IdPatientDate 
AND CONCAT(a.IdAppt, '0') = c.IdApptType 
AND a.IdPriCarePhy = af.IdAffil)
WHERE a.ApptDate = '2009-03-01'; 

p.IdPatient, t.IdPatientDate, c.IdApptType, and af.IdAffil are all indexed. 
Also I selectively took out join parameters until there was nothing but a join 
on the patient table, and it was still slow, but when I took that out, the 
query was extremely fast. What might I be doing wrong?


Jim McNeely
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Re: Help with slow query

2011-03-09 Thread Shawn Green (MySQL)

Hi Jim,

On 3/9/2011 17:57, Jim McNeely wrote:

I am trying to set up an export query which is executing very slowly, and I was 
hoping I could get some help. Here is the query:

SELECT a.IdAppt, a.IdPatient,
p.NameLast, p.NameFirst, p.NameMI,
a.IdProcedure, a.ProcName, CAST(CONCAT(a.ApptDate,  , a.ApptTimeOut) AS CHAR)
ApptDateTime, a.ApptLenMin Duration,
a.Room Primary_Resource_ID, 'R' as Primary_Resource_Type,
t.Note, c.IdPractAffil DoctorID, af.PractName DoctorName, a.ICD9code ICD9,
'??' Diagnosis_free_test

from Appt_ a LEFT JOIN (patient_ p, today_ t, Copy_ c, Affil_ af)
ON (a.IdPatient = p.IdPatient
AND a.IdPatientDate = t.IdPatientDate
AND CONCAT(a.IdAppt, '0') = c.IdApptType
AND a.IdPriCarePhy = af.IdAffil)
WHERE a.ApptDate= '2009-03-01';

p.IdPatient, t.IdPatientDate, c.IdApptType, and af.IdAffil are all indexed. 
Also I selectively took out join parameters until there was nothing but a join 
on the patient table, and it was still slow, but when I took that out, the 
query was extremely fast. What might I be doing wrong?


Jim McNeely

The performance problem is with your Cartesian product. I think you 
meant to write:

from Appt_ a
LEFT JOIN patient_ p
  ON a.IdPatient = p.IdPatient
LEFT JOIN today_ t
  ON a.IdPatientDate = t.IdPatientDate
  ON CONCAT(a.IdAppt, '0') = c.IdApptType
LEFT JOIN Affil_ af
  ON a.IdPriCarePhy = af.IdAffil

As of 5.0.12, the comma operator for table joins was demoted in the 
'order of precedence' for query execution. That means that MySQL became 
more complaint with the SQL standard but it also means that using a 
comma-join instead of an explicit ANSI join can result in a Cartesian 
product more frequently.

Try my style and compare how it works. If both styles are similarly 
slow, collect the EXPLAIN plan for this query and share with the list.

Shawn Green
MySQL Principal Technical Support Engineer
Oracle USA, Inc. - Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together.
Office: Blountville, TN

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