Unable to connect to foreign data source

2014-03-31 Thread asd asdf
I had a problem why trying Federated Engine.
Creating tables generate no problems but trying inserting raise an error as
Error 1429 (HY000): Unable to connect to a foreign data source: Can't
connect to MySQL server on '' (111).

My OS is newly install with no firewall restriction on the system.
And I'm using 'root' user with all privileges.
I can't seem to find a solution at any sites.

Anyone with suggestion for this problems?

The problem could be recreated as the code below.

drop table if exists test001 ;
create table test001 (
   xx bigint(20) unsigned

drop table if exists test001FE ;
create table test001FE (
   xx bigint(20) unsigned
CONNECTION =  'mysql://root:root@';

insert into test001FE(xx) values (12);

MySQL Workbench 6.1.4 GA has been released

2014-03-31 Thread karen langford

Dear MySQL users,

The MySQL developer tools team announces 6.1.4 as our GA release for
MySQL Workbench 6.1.

MySQL Workbench 6.1 is an upcoming major update for the official MySQL
graphical development tool.

Introducing over 30 new features, this version has many significant
enhancements focusing on real-time performance assessment and analysis
from the SQL statement level to server internals and file IO. You can
see this from additions to the SQL Editor as well as new dashboard
visualization and reporting that take advantage of MySQL Server 5.6
and 5.7 Performance Schema, and enhancements to the MySQL Explain Plans.

Additionally Workbench 6.1 is leveraging work from various teammates in
MySQL Engineering by introducing a schema called SYS that provides
simplified views on Performance Schema, Information Schema, and other 

Special thanks to the server optimizer team, server runtime team, and Mark
Leith.  For Oracle DBAs MySQL SYS is similar to the V$ catalog views, and
MSSQL folks its like DMVs (Dynamic Management Views).

MySQL Workbench 6.1 includes:

* Improved drag and drop support in the Home screen and SQL Editor
* Visual Explain 2. The Visual Explain feature was revamped and is now
easier to read and interpret. You can also get the traditional tabular
explain output from within the same interface.
* Performance Dashboard. A graphical representation of some key statistics
from the server status, gives you a bird's eye view of the status of key
server subsystems.
* For advanced users, Performance Schema Instrumentation. A GUI for
configuring the Performance Schema in detail, for advanced users.
* Performance Schema based reporting. Gives insight into the operation
of the server through many high-level reports.
* New query result view. Get more information about queries you execute,
such as information about the fields in your result set and key performance
statistics from your query (timing, index usage, number of rows scanned,
joins etc).
* Form Editor for resultsets. In addition to the result grid, you can now
edit records row by row in a form style editor.
* Table Inspector. Similar to the Schema Inspector, view detailed
information from tables. A streamlined interface for creating indexes is
also included.
* Support for the Windows accessibility API and Windows high contrast
color schemes. A new high contrast theme has been introduced.
* And more.

More than 60 enhancement requests and bugs reported by users have also been
addressed, providing performance, usability and stability improvements
across the board.

For the full list of bugs fixed in this revision, visit

For discussion, join the MySQL Workbench Forums:

Download MySQL Workbench 6.1.4 GA now, for Windows, Mac OS X 10.6+, Oracle
Linux 6, Fedora 19, Fedora 20, Ubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 13.10 or sources,


In Windows, you can also use the integrated MySQL Installer to update
MySQL Workbench and other MySQL products.

Quick links:
- http://mysqlworkbench.org/
- Download: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/tools/workbench/
- Bugs: http://bugs.mysql.com
- Forums: http://forums.mysql.com/index.php?151


Changes in MySQL Workbench 6.1.4 (2014-03-31)

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * The Beautify query feature was changed. It now only affects
   the current statement, unless there is an explicit selection.
   Before, it would reformat all statements in the window by
   default. (Bug #18237189, Bug #71544)

 * The default schema is now expanded automatically when a
   connection is opened, or when the default schema changes. (Bug
   #18237247, Bug #70522)

 * A specific connection string can now be passed to the --query
   command-line option at startup, in the form of --query
   user@host:port. If this connection string does not already
   exist, then it will be created. (Bug #17353691, Bug #70134)

 * MySQL Workbench now checks if the lower_case_table_name
   variable is correctly set on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X
   systems. If not, then MySQL Workbench will display a dialog
   after connect, and emit a warning message when performing
   synchronization or reverse engineering actions. (Bug

 * New Report a Bug functionality now opens a browser with the
   MySQL bug page pre-populated with MySQL Workbench data. This
   also allows MySQL Workbench to be fully manipulated while
   submitting the bug report. (Bug #14079590, Bug #65258)

   Bugs Fixed

 * The local private key file for an SSH connection when
   executing Remote Connection in MySQL Workbench through SSH
   could not be saved to a folder with accented characters. (Bug
   #18328846, Bug #71800)

 * FOUND_ROWS() (after a SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS statement) returned
   1 (true) instead of the 

MySQL Connector/Python 1.2.1 RC has been released

2014-03-31 Thread karen langford

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Python v1.2.1 is the new version of
the 1.2 release series of the pure Python database driver
for MySQL. It is intended to introduce users to the new features.

MySQL Connector/Python version 1.2.1 is compatible with MySQL Server
versions 5.5 and greater, but should work with earlier versions
(greater than 4.1). Python 2.6 and 2.7, as well as Python 3.1
and greater are supported.

MySQL Connector/Python 1.2.1 is available for download from


The ChangeLog file included in the distribution contains a brief summary
of changes in MySQL Connector/Python 1.2.1. For a more complete list of
changes, see below or online at:


Changes in MySQL Connector/Python 1.2.1 (2014-03-31)


Functionality Added or Changed

 * It was not possible to initiate an SSL session without
   explicitly giving a key and certificate. Now it is possible to
   connect to a MySQL server using only the ssl_ca connection
   argument pointing to a file of CA certificates. This means the
   ssl_key and ssl_cert connection arguments are optional.
   However, when either is given, both must be given or an
   AttributeError is raised. (Bug #69418, Bug #17054848)

 * Connector/Python now supports authentication plugins found in
   MySQL 5.6. This includes mysql_clear_password and
   sha256_password, both of which require an SSL connection. The
   sha256_password plugin does not work over a non-SSL connection
   because Connector/Python does not support RSA encryption.
   The connect() method now supports an auth_plugin parameter
   that can be used to force use of a particular plugin. For
   example, if the server is configured to use sha256_password by
   default and you want to connect to an account that
   authenticates using mysql_native_password, either connect
   using SSL or specify auth_plugin='mysql_native_password'. (Bug
   #68054, Bug #16217765)

 * Connector/Python now permits the type for stored procedure
   parameters to be specified. To do this, specify a parameter as
   a two-item tuple consisting of the parameter value and type.
   For more information, see Method
   MySQLCursor.callproc(procname, args=())

   (Bug #71124, Bug #17965619)

* A new MySQLConnection class reset_connection() method enables
   applications to send a COM_RESET_CONNECTION to the server.
   This method is analogous to the mysql_reset_connection() C API
   function added in MySQL 5.7.3.
   A new MySQLConnection class reset_session() method is similar
   to reset_connection() but falls back to use reauthentication
   for older servers that do not support COM_RESET_CONNECTION.

 * Connector/Python now can report errors to Fabric that occur
   while accessing a MySQL instance. The information can be used
   to update the backing store and trigger a failover operation,
   provided that the instance is a primary server and Fabric has
   received a sufficient number of problem reports from different

  + The fabric dictionary argument to the connect() method
now accepts a report_errors value. Its default value is
False; pass a value of True to enable error reporting to

  + To define which errors to report, use the
extra_failure_report() function:
from mysql.connector.fabric import extra_failure_report
extra_failure_report([error_code_0, error_code_1, ...])

 * Connector/Python now enables applications to specify
   additional information to be used when connecting to Fabric:
   User name and credentials, and information to use for
   establishing an SSL connection. The fabric dictionary argument
   to the connect() method accepts these additional values:
   username, password, ssl_ca, ssl_cert, ssl_key. Only the ssl_ca
   value is required to establish an SSL connection. If ssl_cert
   or ssl_key are given, both must be specified.

 * The connect() method now accepts a failover argument hat
   provides information to use for server failover in the event
   of connection failures. The argument value is a tuple or list
   of dictionaries (tuple is preferred because it is nonmutable).
   Each dictionary contains connection arguments for a given
   server in the failover sequence. Permitted dictionary values
   are: user, password, host, port, unix_socket, database,
   pool_name, pool_size.

   Bugs Fixed

 * The MySQLConnection.autocommit attribute failed to set the
   value of the self._autocommit 

MySQL Connector/J 5.1.30 has been released

2014-03-31 Thread karen langford

Hello all,

MySQL Connector/J 5.1.30, a maintenance release of the production 5.1
branch has been released. Connector/J is the Type-IV pure-Java JDBC
driver for MySQL.

Version 5.1.30 is suitable for use with many MySQL server versions,
including 4.1, 5.0, 5.1, 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6.

MySQL Connector Java (Commercial) is already available for download on the
My Oracle Support (MOS) website. This release will be available on eDelivery
(OSDC) in next month's upload cycle.

As always, we recommend that you check the CHANGES file in the
download archive to be aware of changes in behavior that might affect
your application.

MySQL Connector/J 5.1.30 includes the following general bug fixes and
improvements, also available in more detail on
http://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/connector-j/en/news-5-1-30.html :

Changes in MySQL Connector/J 5.1.30 (2014-03-31)

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * Connector/J now supports MySQL Fabric. See Using Connector/J
   with MySQL Fabric

for details.

   Bugs Fixed

 * Replaced a for loop with the System.arraycopy() method for
   copying array values in the
   MysqlIO.unpackNativeEncodedColumn() and
   LoadBalancingConnectionProxy.addHost() methods, in order to
   improve the two methods' performance. (Bug #18327245, Bug

 * Avoided the use of an iterator over the list of statement
   interceptors in the methods
   MysqlIO.invokeStatementInterceptorsPost() and
   MysqlIO.invokeStatementInterceptorsPre(), so that Connector/J
   does not increase the stack size unnecessarily. (Bug
   #18236388, Bug #71679)

 * Improved on the code for integer-to-hex conversion when
   building XA commands by avoiding the creation of temporary
   character arrays, thus enhancing performance. (Bug #18228302,
   Bug #71621)

 * The Field.getStringFromBytes() method created a useless byte
   array when using JVM's converter and the encoding defined by
   the connection. This fix makes the method call
   StringUtils.toString() using the original buffer instead of
   creating a temporary byte array for the call. (Bug #18228668,
   Bug #71623)

 * There were sporadic cases of the key store file being open
   hundreds of times and causing some Too many files open
   errors. This fix makes sure that in
   com.mysql.jdbc.ExportControlled and in
   MysqlIO.sendFileToServer(), the input stream for the key store
   file is explicitly closed after use. (Bug #18107621, Bug

 * It was intended that if a previous query on a connection had
   used the setMaxRows() method, in the next query, Connector/J
   would not cancel that by setting SQL_SELECT_LIMIT=DEFAULT if
   the query contained a LIMIT clause. However, in the actual
   implementation, the maximum row setting was reused in the
   subsequent query in various situations beyond expectation (for
   example, when a table name contains the string limit in it).
   This fix removes the LIMIT-clause parsing and replaces it by a
   better way of controlling the maximum rows per session. (Bug
   #18110320, Bug #71396)

 * When working with MySQL 5.6, calling
   PreparedStatement.setTimestamp() resulted in a
   java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException being thrown if the
   Timestamp contained a fractional second. This fix corrects the
   digit truncation performed in the formatNanos() method, which
   was the cause of the problem. (Bug #18091639)

 * Calling ResultSet.close() on an already closed ResultSet
   caused an SQLException. While the exception was silently
   discarded, it did result in performance issues. This fix makes
   Connector/J comply with the Java specification that when a
   ResultSet object is already closed, application of the close
   method on it should be a no-op. (Bug #16722637, Bug #67318)

 * Fixed the problem of the wrong source being provided when the
   build property com.mysql.jdbc.noCryptoBuild was set.


On behalf of Oracle/MySQL Build Team,
Murthy Narkedimilli

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives: http://lists.mysql.com/mysql
To unsubscribe:http://lists.mysql.com/mysql

MySQL Utilities 1.4.2 (including MySQL Fabric) RC has been released

2014-03-31 Thread karen langford

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Utilities version 1.4.2 is compatible with MySQL Server
versions 5.1 and greater, but should work with earlier versions
(greater than v4.1). Python v2.6 and v2.7 are supported.

In addition to server utilities, MySQL Utilities also contains
MySQL Fabric: a framework for managing a collection of MySQL servers.
MySQL Fabric is deployed as a separate service daemon that contains
support for high-availability and sharding.

The management framework maintains a database of the routing and
state information for the servers making up the system and provides
an easy-to-use command line interface for adding, removing and
organizing servers.

High-availability is provided by continuously monitoring the servers
and executing slave promotion when the master crashes and just as
importantly automatically updates the state and routing information
that gets messages to the right server.

MySQL Fabric comes with built-in support for sharding either using
ranges or consistent hashing and supports the sharding of multiple
tables to ensure that rows with matching sharding keys are stored
in the same shard. MySQL Fabric also contains support for global
tables that are duplicated on all shards as well as the ability to
synchronize schema updates across all of the servers.

To provide high performance and avoid latency, transactions are
directly routed by Fabric-aware connectors rather than routing via
an external proxy. The connectors dispatch transactions to the
correct shard, perform load-balancing, and handle read-write
splitting. Currently there exists Fabric-aware versions of
Connector/Python, Connector/Java, and Connector/PHP (through a
Fabric-aware mysqlnd_ms plugin).

MySQL Utilities v1.4.2 is available for download from


A brief summary of changes is listed below. Please check the
CHANGES.txt file inside the distribution for a more complete list
of changes.

Functionality Added or Changed (2014-03-31)

  * The mysqlrplsync utility was added, which checks data
consistency between servers in a replicated setup.

  * The mysqlrplms utility was added, which provides round-robin
multi-source replication (a slave server continually cycles
through multiple masters in order to store a consolidated data

Bugs Fixed

  * With fabric, the scheduler did not check and determine which
procedures needed to be notified after releasing the procedure
that was blocking them. (Bug #18454582, Bug #72117)

  * With fabric, failover was not handled properly when both the
global and shard groups had a failed master. (Bug #18403885,
Bug #72016)

  * The mysqlrplsync utility would crash when the --exclude option
was used, and at least one database was available to be
checked. This issue was due to an incomplete check when
determining which tables to exclude from the slaves. (Bug

  * The MySQL Utilities testing suite (mut) now tests if ports are
available before assigning them to a test. (Bug #18339351)

  * MySQL Server UUIDs are now handled in a case-insensitive way,
more precisely when checking if GTIDs belong to the master.
This helps accommodate MySQL Server 5.6.9, which could change
the case for the server_uuid variable. (Bug #18275566)

  * With Fabric, attempting to destroy a group when the group was
used in the shard sub-system would output an unfriendly and
unclear error. Fabric now checks if the group is used in the
shard sub-system before trying to destroy (remove) it, and a
clearer error is emitted if it is in use. (Bug #18280004, Bug

  * The mut rpl_admin_gtid test result varied from host to host,
due to using the RESET MASTER statement without first stopping
all the slaves. This resulted in undefined behavior, which led
to inconsistent rest results. (Bug #18203946)

  * A typo was fixed in the mysqldbcopy utility's help text. (Bug
#18206923, Bug #71627)

  * With Fabric, group definitions now use a single (global)
username and password, instead of requiring a
username/password for each MySQL server when they were added
to the group. (Bug #18153823, Bug #71512)

  * When checking for proper permissions, Fabric would execute
several SELECT statements against the 'mysql' database, which
caused the login mechanism to fail if the user lacked access.
This mechanism now uses 'SHOW GRANTS' statements instead, and
now prints out a detailed error message when access is
unavailable. (Bug #18138545, Bug #71448)

  * The server.set_status() function's status parameter now
accepts an integer, to better coincide with the integer value
provided by dump_servers(). The strings PRIMARY,
SECONDARY, SPARE and FAULTY also remain as acceptable
values. (Bug #18124108, Bug #71428)

  * The mysqlrpladmin utility did not correctly account for

Re: Help with cleaning up data

2014-03-31 Thread Bob Eby
delete b from icd9x10 a
join icd9x10 b on a.icd9 = b.icd9 and a.id  b.id

 id   icd9  icd10
 25   29182 F10182
 26   29182 F10282

Good luck,

RE: Unable to connect to foreign data source

2014-03-31 Thread Bob Eby
 CONNECTION =  'mysql://root:root@*stripped*:3306/Prelude_copy/test001';

Should be more like:

CONNECTION = 'mysql://root:stripped_password@localhost/penrepository/test001';

Just seems word if you're showing us your password is root but not host...
I ran your example just fine against localhost on MySQL 5.6 Win7-64bit.


MySQL Community Server 5.7.4-m14 has been released (part 1)

2014-03-31 Thread Bjorn Munch
Dear MySQL users, 

MySQL Server 5.7.4 (Milestone Release) is a new version of the world's 
most popular open source database. This is the fourth public milestone 
release of MySQL 5.7. 

[Due to length restrictions, this announcement is split into two parts. 
This is part 1.] 


As with any other pre-production release, caution should be 
taken when installing on production level systems or systems with 
critical data. 

Note that 5.7.4 includes all features in MySQL 5.6. 

For information on installing MySQL 5.7.4 on new servers, please see the 
MySQL installation documentation at 


MySQL Server 5.7.4 is available in source and binary form for a number of 
platforms from the Development Releases selection of our download 
pages at 


The platforms and package formats available for MySQL 5.7.4 are the 
same as for 5.6. 

MySQL Server 5.7.4 is also available from our Yum repository for 
some Linux platforms, go here for details: 


Windows packages are now available via the new Installer for Windows 
Installer or .ZIP (no-install) packages for more advanced needs. It 
should be noted that the previous MSI packaging is no longer available 
and the point and click configuration wizards and all MySQL products 
are now available in the unified Installer for Windows: 


5.7.4 also comes with a web installer as an alternative to the full 

The web installer doesn't come bundled with any actual products 
and instead relies on download-on-demand to fetch only the 
products you choose to install. This makes the initial download 
much smaller but increases install time as the individual products 
will need to be downloaded. 

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes, 
patches, etc.: 


The following section lists the changes in MySQL 5.7.4 since the 
previous milestone. 



On behalf of the MySQL Build Team at Oracle, 

- Bjorn Munch

Changes in MySQL 5.7.4 (2014-03-31, Milestone 14)


   This is a milestone release, for use at your own risk. Significant
   development changes take place in milestone releases and you may
   encounter compatibility issues, such as data format changes that
   require attention in addition to the usual procedure of running
   mysql_upgrade. For example, you may find it necessary to dump your
   data with mysqldump before the upgrade and reload it afterward.

   Performance Schema Notes

 * The Performance Schema now instruments prepared statements
   (for both the binary and text protocols):

  + Information about prepared statements is available in the
prepared_statements_instances table. This table enables
inspection of prepared statements used in the server and
provides aggregated statistics about them.

  + The performance_schema_max_prepared_statements_instances
system variable controls the size of the table.

  + The Performance_schema_prepared_statements_lost status
variable indicates how many prepared statements could not
be insrumented.
   For more information, see The prepared_statements_instances
   If you upgrade to this release of MySQL from an earlier
   version, you must run mysql_upgrade (and restart the server)
   to incorporate these changes into the performance_schema

   Security Notes

 * Incompatible Change: MySQL deployments installed using RPM
   packages now are secure by default. The following changes have
   been implemented as the default deployment characteristics:

  + The installation process creates only a single root
account, 'root'@'localhost', automatically generates a
random password for this account, and marks the password
expired. The MySQL administrator must connect as root
using the random password and use SET PASSWORD to select
a new password. (The random password is found in the
$HOME/.mysql_secret file.)

  + Installation creates no anonymous-user accounts.

  + Installation creates no test database.
   Those changes are implemented by modifying the default mode of
   operation for mysql_install_db, which is invoked automatically
   during RPM installation operations. Therefore, the changes
   also affect non-RPM installation methods for which you invoke
   mysql_install_db manually.

MySQL Community Server 5.7.4-m14 has been released (part 2)

2014-03-31 Thread Bjorn Munch
[ This is part 2 of the announcement ]

   Bugs Fixed, continued

 * InnoDB: A type name (srv_shutdown_state) was the same as a
   variable name. The srv_shutdown_state type name has been
   changed to srv_shutdown_t. (Bug #16735398)

 * InnoDB: On Windows, the full-text search (FTS) object ID was
   not in the expected hexadecimal format. (Bug #16559254)
   References: See also Bug #16559119.

 * InnoDB: The buf_buddy_relocate function would perform an
   unnecessary hash lookup. (Bug #16596057)

 * InnoDB: Server shutdown would result in a hang with the
   following message written to the error log: [NOTE] InnoDB:
   Waiting for purge thread to be suspended. (Bug #16495065)

 * InnoDB: InnoDB would fail to start when innodb_data_file_path
   specified the data file size in kilobytes by appending K to
   the size value. (Bug #16287752)

 * InnoDB: Fetching and releasing pages from the buffer pool and
   tracking the page state are expensive and complex operations.
   Prior to the bug fix, these operations were performed using a
   page mutex. Using a page mutex to track several things is
   expensive and does not scale well. The bug fix separates fetch
   and release tracking (in-use state) of a page from page I/O
   state tracking. Fetch and release is now tracked using atomics
   where available.
   For portability, a new CMake build option,
   INNODB_PAGE_ATOMIC_REF_COUNT (default ON), can be used to
   disable atomic page reference counting on platforms where
   atomics support is not available. When atomic page reference
   counting is enabled (default), [Note] InnoDB: Using atomics
   to ref count buffer pool pages is printed to the error log at
   server startup. If atomic page reference counting is disabled,
   [Note] InnoDB: Using mutexes to ref count buffer pool pages
   is printed instead. (Bug #16249481, Bug #68079)

 * InnoDB: An insert buffer merge would cause an assertion error
   due to incorrectly handled ownership information for
   externally stored BLOBs.
InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread thread_num in file ibuf0ibuf.cc l
ine 4080
InnoDB: Failing assertion: rec_get_deleted_flag(rec, page_is_comp(pag
   (Bug #14668683)

 * InnoDB: Decreasing the auto_increment_increment value would
   have no affect on the next auto-increment value. (Bug
   #14049391, Bug #65225)

 * InnoDB: Table renaming errors would appear in the LATEST
   output. (Bug #12762390, Bug #61746)

 * InnoDB: The page latching algorithm for b-trees would lock
   sibling leaf pages, prolonging dictionary locks. The bug fix
   implements prefectching of sibling leaf pages to reduce index
   lock holding time. (Bug #12734249, Bug #61736)

 * InnoDB: An INSERT ...ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE statement run on
   a table with multiple unique indexes would sometimes cause
   events to be incorrectly written to the binary log. (Bug
   #11758237, Bug #50413)

 * InnoDB: BUF_READ_AHEAD_AREA would frequently call
   ut_2_power_up for workloads with a high I/O rate. The
   calculation is now performed once and the result is stored in
   the buf_pool_t structure. (Bug #11762242, Bug #54814)

 * InnoDB: UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG, which was disabled in univ.i with the
   fix for Bug#16720368, is now enabled. (Bug #69617, Bug

 * Partitioning: Queries using the index_merge optimization (see
   Index Merge Optimization
   on.html)) could return invalid results when run against tables
   that were partitioned by HASH. (Bug #17588348, Bug #70588)
   References: See also Bug #16862316, Bug #17648468, Bug

 * Partitioning: When no partition had returned a row since the
   last HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND error, the use of uninitialized
   memory in the priority queue used for returning rows in sorted
   order could lead to a crash of the server. (Bug #17401628)

 * Replication: When running the server with --gtid-mode=ON, STOP
   SLAVE followed by START SLAVE resulted in a mismatch between
   the information provided by
   Slave_open_temp_tables status variable: the
   INNODB_TEMP_TABLE_INFO table showed that no temporary tables
   existed, but Slave_open_temp_tables had a nonzero value. (Bug

 * Replication: Attempting to use semisynchronous replication
   concurrently with SSH connections caused the server to fail.
   (Bug #18219471)

 * Replication: When MASTER_HEARTBEAT_PERIOD was not included in
   CHANGE MASTER TO, the statement reset Slave_heartbeat_period
   to its default value and Slave_received_heartbeats to 0.