using indices with SMALL tables

2016-04-22 Thread Lucio Chiappetti
I am regularly using indices on medium-big tables (1000 to > 5 
entries), and even on temporary tables (which I use a lot) in joins 
(EXPLAIN SELECT is your friend).

But I'd never thought indices were needed for small tables (100-200 
entries). I recently found they are useful too, and I'd like to share.

I have one largish table (~5 entries) for which I have to compute some 
probabilities and likelihoods which depend on two columns, distance d and 
magnitude mag. While the dependency on d is given by a simple formula, the 
dependency on mag requires a lookup and a linear interpolation in another 
SMALL table. The small table has 190 elements.

I created a stored function to do the lookup and interpolation.

create function lookup (x float)
returns float
 declare yr float default -1.0;
 declare y1 float default 0;
 declare y2 float default -1.0;
 declare x1 float default 0;
 declare x2 float default 0;
 select mag,y from xyview where mag > x limit 1 into x2,y2;
 select mag,y from xyview where mag < x order by mag desc limit 1 into x1,y1;
 set yr=y1 ;
 if x1 <> x2 then
  set yr = yr + (x-x1)*(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) ;
 end if;
 return yr;

Then I attempted to update the big table with statements like

 update t set lr1  = lookup(mag)*exp(-0.5*d*d)/2/pi() ;

This was taking a long time, despite the fact that an
 explain select t.*,lookup(mag)
shows nothing peculiar.

I found that a single lookup call takes 0.05 sec, and scaling that for
5 elements would take 38 min. And at the end, I'd have to repeat the 
process for 48 times (each time changing the table xyview, since prepared 
statements are not allowed in stored functions).

Well, it is enough to add an index on mag on the small table xyview, to 
cut the processing time BY A FACTOR 736.

Now what had taken 38 minutes takes 3.02 sec !!! Great !

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy) For 
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Re: utf8 options under Mysql

2016-04-22 Thread Jigal van Hemert


On 22/04/2016 04:50, Martin Mueller wrote:

MySQL has a bewildering variety of unicode collation choices. Most of them are language specific, but what is 
the difference between "utf8-general-ci", "utf8-unicode-ci", and 
"utf8-unicode-520-ci." Do they differ in the range of characters they can handle or is it just a 
matter of the cort order. I understand that utf8-bin is different because it is case sensitive, but the other 
differences elude me.

Under what circumstances does it make a difference to use on or the other? I work with a 
lot of Early Modern print data and the weird symbols of various kinds they use. I've had 
trouble at times with the "utf8-general-ci" setting, but it may have been more 
a matter of settings on my front end tool than of the choice of this rather than unicode 

Under character sets, there is just one utf8 setting.  The simplest way to make 
sense of the choices would be to say that given a character set (utf8) the 
collation only makes a difference to the sort but makes no difference to what 
can be displayed. Is that correct.
A collation contains definitions for sorting order and comparison. For 
most purposes one wants "crème brûlée" to be the same as "creme brulee". 
For unicode characters these rules can be complex. A character set (in 
your case UTF-8) defines which character can be stored.

utf8-general-ci contains a simplified version of those conversion rules. 
It works for a lot of Western European languages very well, but in some 
cases there are problems. For Asian languages there are a lot more 
problems. For example, 'ß' isn't considered the same as 'ss'.

utf8-unicode-ci has more complex rules and works fine for more 
languages. Due to the more complex rule set it is a bit slower than 

utf8-unicode-520-ci uses a newer version of the rule set that is used in 

Other utf8-* collations may contain specific rules for specific languages

utf8-general-ci is the default collation for utf-8 in MySQL. If you use 
literal strings MySQL may assume that these have the default collation 
and comparing them to columns with other collations or performing things 
like cast operations may produce errors about invalid combinations of 


Met vriendelijke groet,

Jigal van Hemert.

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