MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.13 has been released

2018-10-22 Thread Surabhi Bhat

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.13 is the first version to support
Entity Framework Core 2.1 and the third general availability release
of MySQL Connector/NET to add support for the new X DevAPI,which
enables application developers to write code that combines the
strengths of the relational and document models using a modern,
NoSQL-like syntax that does not assume previous experience writing 
traditional SQL.

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see For more
information about how the X DevAPI is implemented in Connector/NET, see

NuGet packages provide functionality at a project level. To get the
full set of features available in Connector/NET such as availability
in the GAC, integration with Visual Studio's Entity Framework Designer
and integration with MySQL for Visual Studio, installation through
the MySQL Installer or the stand-alone MSI is required.

For general documentation about how to get started using MySQL
as a document store, see

To download MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.13, see

Installation instructions can be found at

Changes in MySQL Connector/NET 8.0.13 (2018-10-22, General Availability)

 * Important Changes

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

*Important Changes*

 * The default value for the SslMode connection option now
   differs based on the protocol used to make the
   connection. The Preferred mode has been reintroduced in
   this release (see Options for Both Classic MySQL Protocol
   and X Protocol
   To summarize the defaultSslmode values in the Connector/NET 8.0 
(and 7.0) releaseseries:

   Connector/NET 8.0.13: Preferred mode is the default for
   classic MySQL protocol connections only. Required mode is
   the default for X Protocol connections only (Preferred
   mode is not available for use with X Protocol).

   Connector/NET 8.0.8 to 8.0.12: Preferred mode is not
   supported for any connections. Required mode is the
   default for both classic MySQL protocol and X Protocol

   Connector/NET 7.0.0 to 7.0.7: Preferred mode is the
   default for both classic MySQL protocol and X Protocol
   connections. (Bug #28687769)

*Functionality Added or Changed*

 * Document Store: An incremental improvement was made to
   the performance of session creation with a connection
   string. (Bug #28343655)

 * Support for EF Core 2.1 was added to Connector/NET 8.0.13
   and support for EF Core 2.0 was discontinued in the same
   connector version. Other versions of Connector/NET
   continue to support EF Core 2.0 (see Entity Framework
   Core Support

 * The ConnectionTimeout connection option and property were
   reimplemented as the Connect-Timeout option (and the
   ConnectTimeout property) for X Protocol operations. Some
   aspects of the timeout behavior were changed (see Options
   for X Protocol Only

   The new ConnectTimeout property was added to the
   MySqlX.XDevAPI.MySqlXConnectionStringBuilder class and
   the existing ConnectionTimeout property was removed.

   No modifications were made to the existing implementation
   of the ConnectionTimeout option (or property) for classic
   MySQL operations.


MySQL Community Server 5.5.62 has been released

2018-10-22 Thread Hery Ramilison

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 5.5.62 is a new version of the 5.5 production release of
the world's most popular open source database. MySQL 5.5.62 is
recommended for use on production systems.

MySQL 5.5 includes several high-impact enhancements to improve the
performance and scalability of the MySQL Database, taking advantage of
the latest multi-CPU and multi-core hardware and operating systems. In
addition, with release 5.5, InnoDB is now the default storage engine for
the MySQL Database, delivering ACID transactions, referential integrity
and crash recovery by default.

MySQL 5.5 also provides a number of additional enhancements including:

  - Significantly improved performance on Windows, with various Windows
specific features and improvements
  - Higher availability, with new semi-synchronous replication and
Replication Heartbeat
  - Improved usability, with Improved index and table partitioning,
SIGNAL/RESIGNAL support and enhanced diagnostics, including a new
Performance Schema monitoring capability.

For a more complete look at what's new in MySQL 5.5, please see the
following resources:


If you are running a MySQL production level system, we would like to
direct your attention to MySQL Enterprise Edition, which includes the
most comprehensive set of MySQL production, backup, monitoring,
modeling, development, and administration tools so businesses can
achieve the highest levels of MySQL performance, security and uptime.

For information on installing MySQL 5.5.62 on new servers, please see
the MySQL installation documentation at

For upgrading from previous MySQL releases, please see the important
upgrade considerations at:

MySQL Database 5.5.62 is available in source and binary form for a
number of platforms from our download pages at:

The following link lists the changes in the MySQL source code since the
previous released version of MySQL 5.5. It may also be viewed online at:

This is the last update to be published for MySQL Server 5.5. To
continue receiving updates for this product, you will need to upgrade to
at least version 5.6.


Changes in MySQL 5.5.62 (2018-10-22, General availability)

Functionality Added or Changed

 * Previously, file I/O performed in the I/O cache in the
   mysys library was not instrumented, affecting in
   particular file I/O statistics reported by the
   Performance Schema about the binary log index file. Now,
   this I/O is instrumented and Performance Schema
   statistics are accurate. Thanks to Yura Sorokin for the
   contribution. (Bug #27788907, Bug #90264)

 * The zlib library version bundled with MySQL was raised
   from version 1.2.3 to version 1.2.11. MySQL implements
   compression with the help of the zlib library.
   The zlib compressBound() function in zlib 1.2.11 returns
   a slightly higher estimate of the buffer size required to
   compress a given length of bytes than it did in zlib
   version 1.2.3. The compressBound() function is called by
   InnoDB functions that determine the maximum row size
   permitted when creating compressed InnoDB tables or
   inserting rows into compressed InnoDB tables. As a
   operations with row sizes very close to the maximum row
   size that were successful in earlier releases could now

Bugs Fixed

 * MySQL Server and test RPM packages were missing
   perl-Data-Dumper as a dependency. (Bug #28144933, Bug

 * For the mysql client, the -b short option was associated
   with two long options, --no-beep and --binary-as-hex. The
   -b option now is associated only with --no-beep. (Bug

 * During server startup/shutdown, PID files could be
   mishandled. (Bug #27919254)

 * For MEMORY tables, memory overflow errors could occur.
   (Bug #27799513)

 * When converting from a BLOB (or TEXT) type to a smaller
   BLOB (or TEXT) type, no warning or error was reported
   informing about the truncation or data loss. Now an
   appropriate error is issued in strict SQL mode and a
   warning in nonstrict SQL mode. (Bug #27788685, Bug

 * ALTER TABLE ... REORGANIZE PARTITION ... could result in
   incorrect behavior if any partition other than the last
   was missing the VALUES LESS THAN part of the syntax. (Bug

On Behalf of the MySQL/Oracle Release Engineering Team,
Hery Ramilison

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Workbench 8.0.13 has been released

2018-10-22 Thread daniel . horecki

Dear MySQL users,

The MySQL developer tools team announces 8.0.13 as our general available (GA) 
MySQL Workbench 8.0.

For the full list of changes in this revision, visit

For discussion, join the MySQL Workbench Forums:

The release is now available in source and binary form for a number 
ofplatforms from our download pages at:


Changes in MySQL Workbench 8.0.13 (2018-10-22, General Availability)

 * Server Support

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

Server Support

 * Support for MySQL 5.5 by MySQL Workbench 8.0 was removed.
   If you still need to use MySQL Workbench on a MySQL 5.5
   server, you can use MySQL Workbench 6.3, which is
   available from MySQL Product Archives (see

Functionality Added or Changed

 * MySQL Workbench on macOS 10.14 Mojave was tested with
   positive results. The new Dark Mode feature is not yet
   compatible with all screens and should not be enabled for
   this release.

Bugs Fixed

 * With valid geometry points inserted, the option to open
   the points in a browser failed on macOS hosts because the
   URL was improperly formed. (Bug #28587193, Bug #92266)

 * An apostrophe character (') within a table comment
   generated a parsing error when an attempt was made to
   alter the table. (Bug #28552873, Bug #92191)

 * Insufficient privilege was granted during the attempt to
   create a new MySQL Enterprise Backup user account.
   Although valid prerequisite backup information was
   provided, the validation script returned the following
   error message: Access denied for backup account.
   (Bug #28536272, Bug #92115)

 * When remote management with SSH was enabled, attempting
   to insert the required passwords in the Options file
   produced an error message. After the error was closed,
   the Administration tab became unresponsive and MySQL
   Workbench did not shut down properly. (Bug #28519087,
   Bug #92061)

 * An error with the following message was generated when
   the export operation was executed on tables from an
   earlier server version: Unknown table 'COLUMN_STATISTICS'
   in information_schema (1109).
   Because the version of mysqldump used with the operation
   can differ from that of the target server, some features
   may not be exported as expected when the versions are
   mismatched. A warning message now provides a description
   of the condition, along with instructions to resolve the
   version mismatch, or the option to continue anyway.
   (Bug #28471433, Bug #91640)

 * On Windows hosts, the history of scheduled MySQL
   Enterprise Backup jobs was not persisted in the dashboard
   between MySQL Workbench sessions. This fix eliminates the
   issue; however, the existing mysqlwbmeb.vbs file must be
   removed before scheduling new backup jobs.
   (Bug #28430457)

 * The default target version of MySQL to use with MySQL
   Workbench models was set to MySQL 5.6.30 and did not
   increment automatically. With this fix, the value now
   defaults to the latest version. The default target
   version can also be set manually (see Preferences:
   Modeling: MySQL
   (Bug #28397515, Bug #91782)

 * Executing queries over an period of time caused the
   existing result grid in each query tab to be hidden when
   the grid was previously visible and prevented the results
   grid in new tabs from showing. (Bug #28361489,
   Bug #91265)

 * After copying a query into a second query editor,
   auto-completion did not display the related column names.
   Instead, when auto-completion was engaged, MySQL
   Workbench stopped working. (Bug #28312867, Bug #91559)

 * The operation to compare schemas did not appear in the
   menu after a valid model was opened on Linux hosts.
   (Bug #28249454)

 * The filter arrows that select objects for forward or
   reverse engineering within wizards generated an error
   instead of moving the objects as expected.
   (Bug #26435349, Bug #26922638, Bug #87980, Bug #25921645,
   Bug #86013, Bug #25852505, Bug #85837, Bug #25741519,
   Bug #85522)

 * Schema privileges in the Administration - Users and
   Privileges tab (Object Rights, DDL Rights, and Other
   Rights) were not visible with all screen resolutions.
   (Bug #25584920, Bug #85079)

 * The color used to highlight a selected item in the schema
   tree view did not provide enough contrast from the

MySQL Community Server 5.6.42 has been released

2018-10-22 Thread Surabhi Bhat

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 5.6.42, a new version of the popular Open Source Database
Management System, has been released. MySQL 5.6.42 is recommended for
use on production systems.

   This release also incorporates all bug fixes and changes made in
   previous NDB Cluster releases, as well as all bug fixes and feature
   changes which were added in mainline MySQL 5.5 through MySQL 5.5.62
   (see Changes in MySQL 5.5.62 (Not yet released, General availability)
   For an overview of what's new in MySQL 5.6, please see

 Starting with 5.6.11, Microsoft Windows packages for MySQL 5.6 are
 available both as a "full" installer and as a "web" installer.  The
 full installer is significantly larger and comes bundled with the
 latest software releases available. This bundle makes it easy to
 download and configure a full server and development suite.

 The web installer doesn't come bundled with any actual products and
 instead relies on download-on-demand to fetch only the products you
 choose to install. This makes the initial download much smaller but
 increases install time as the individual products will need to be

For information on installing MySQL 5.6.42 on new servers or upgrading
to MySQL 5.6.42 from previous MySQL releases, please see

MySQL Server is available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

Not all mirror sites may be up to date at this point in time, so if you
can't find this version on some mirror, please try again later or choose
another download site.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches, etc:

The following link lists the changes in the MySQL 5.6 since the release
of MySQL 5.6.41. It may also be viewed online at


Changes in MySQL 5.6.42 (2018-10-22, General Availability)

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

Functionality Added or Changed

 * Previously, file I/O performed in the I/O cache in the
   mysys library was not instrumented, affecting in particular file
   I/O statistics reported by the Performance Schema about the
   binary log index file. Now, this I/O is instrumented and
   Performance Schema statistics are accurate. Thanks to Yura
   Sorokin for the contribution. (Bug #27788907, Bug #90264)

 * The zlib library version bundled with MySQL was raised
   from version 1.2.3 to version 1.2.11. MySQL implements
   compression with the help of the zlib library.  The zlib
   compressBound() function in zlib 1.2.11 returns a slightly higher
   estimate of the buffer size required to compress a given length
   of bytes than it did in zlib version 1.2.3. The compressBound()
   function is called by InnoDB functions that determine the maximum
   row size permitted when creating compressed InnoDB tables or
   inserting rows into compressed InnoDB tables. As a result, CREATE
   TABLE ... ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED or INSERT operations with row
   sizes very close to the maximum row size that were successful in
   earlier releases could now fail.  If you have compressed InnoDB
   tables with large rows, it is recommended that you test
   compressed table CREATE TABLE statements on a MySQL 8.0.3 test
   instance prior to upgrading.

Bugs Fixed

 * InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation that added a primary key
   produced a segmentation fault. (Bug #28395278) References: This
   issue is a regression of: Bug #27753193.

 * InnoDB: An assertion was raised during an OPTIMIZE TABLE
   operation. (Bug #27753193)

 * InnoDB: A foreign key constraint name was duplicated
   during a rename table operation, causing a failure during later
   query execution. (Bug #27545888)

 * InnoDB: The location of the Innodb Merge Temp File that
   reported by the wait/io/file/innodb/innodb_temp_file Performance
   Schema instrument was incorrect. (Bug #21339079, Bug #77519)

 * Replication: When FLUSH statements for specific log types
   (such as FLUSH SLOW LOGS) resulted in an error, the statements
   were still written to the binary log. This stopped replication
   because the error had occurred on the master, but did not occur
   on the slave. MySQL Server now checks on the outcome of these
   FLUSH statements, and if an error occurred, the statement is not
   written to the binary log. (Bug #24786290, Bug #83232)

 * Microsoft Windows: On Windows, uninstallation of the
   MySQL Server MSI package through MySQL Installer produced a
   spurious popup 

Benetl, a free ETL tool for MySQL, out in version 4.9

2018-10-22 Thread Benoît Carpentier

Dear all,

Benetl, a free ETL tool for MySQL, is out in version 4.9.

This new version is providing some code optimizations, tests coverage 

This version supports Java 1.8 and providesone bug correction (dist 
function now returns result as double type).

You should really update.

Benetl is freely dowloadable at:

You can learn more about ETL tools at:,_transform,_load

Thanks for your interest.


Benoît Carpentier
Founder of Benetl and Java project manager

MySQL Connector/Node.js 8.0.13 has been released

2018-10-22 Thread Hery Ramilison

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/Node.js is a new Node.js driver for use with the X
DevAPI. This release, v8.0.13, is a maintenance release of the
MySQL Connector/Node.js 8.0 series.

The X DevAPI enables application developers to write code that combines
the strengths of the relational and document models using a modern,
NoSQL-like syntax that does not assume previous experience writing
traditional SQL.

MySQL Connector/Node.js can be downloaded through npm (see for details) or from

To learn more about how to write applications using the X DevAPI, see For more information
about how the X DevAPI is implemented in MySQL Connector/Node.js, and
its usage, see

Please note that the X DevAPI requires at least MySQL Server version
8.0 or higher with the X Plugin enabled. For general documentation
about how to get started using MySQL as a document store, see

Changes in MySQL Connector/Node.js 8.0.13 (2018-10-22, General availability)

Functionality Added or Changed

 * To go with the existing asynchronous
   mysqlx.getSession(conn_str) method, a new synchronous
   mysqlx.getClient(conn_str, options) method was added that
   creates a connection pool handler that provides an
   asynchronous getSession() method to create and retrieve
   connections from the pool. The collection pooling options

  + enabled: enables or disables connection pooling;
boolean and defaults to true.

  + maxSize: maximum number of connections available in
the pool; positive integer and defaults to 25.

  + maxIdleTime: maximum number of milliseconds a
connection can be idle in the queue before being
closed; integer >= 0 and defaults to 0 (infinite).

  + queueTimeout: maximum number of milliseconds a
request will wait for a connection to become
available; integer >= 0 and defaults to 0
This is different than connectTimeout that's used
for non-pooling. In a pooling scenario, there might
already be connections in the pool and queueTimeout
controls how long to wait for a connection in the
   Example usage:
   var mysqlx = require('@mysql/xdevapi')
   var client = mysqlx.getClient(
 { user: 'root', host: 'localhost', port: 33060 },
 { pooling: { enabled: true, maxIdleTime: 5000, maxSize: 25, 
queueTimeout: 2 } }


 .then(session => {
   return session.close() // the connection becomes idle in the 
client pool

 .then(() => {
   return client.getSession()
 .then(session => {
   return client.close() // closes all connections and destroys 
the pool


   Closing a session attached to the pool makes the
   connection available in the pool for subsequent
   getSession() calls, while closing (destroying) the pool
   effectively closes all server connections.

 * Added a connection timeout query parameter. This defines
   the length of time (milliseconds) the client waits for a
   MySQL server to become available in the given network
   addresses. It was added to both the mysqlx.getSession()
   (non-pooling sessions) and mysqlx.getClient() (pooling
   sessions) interfaces. This option defaults to 1 (10
   seconds). The value 0 disables the timeout so the client
   will wait until the underlying socket (platform
   dependent) times out.
   Similar to other option formatting rules, this option
   defined as connection-timeout (kebab-case) for URI
   definitions and connectionTimeout (camelCase) for plain
   JavaScript configuration objects.
   Example usage:
   const mysqlx = require('@mysql/xdevapi');
   var client = mysqlx.getClient('root@localhost?connect-timeout=5000')
   .catch(err => {
   console.log(err.message) // "Connection attempt to the 
server was aborted. Timeout of 5000 ms was exceeded."


   // Or

   const mysqlx = require('@mysql/xdevapi');
   var client = 

   .catch(err => {
   // connection could not be established after 10 seconds 
(5 seconds for each server)
   console.log(err.message); // All server connection 
attempts we re aborted. Timeout of 5000 ms was exceeded for each 
selected server.


MySQL Community Server 5.7.24 has been released

2018-10-22 Thread Gipson Pulla
Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 5.7.24, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released. MySQL 5.7.24 is
recommended for use on production systems.

For an overview of what's new in MySQL 5.7, please see

For information on installing MySQL 5.7.24 on new servers, please see
the MySQL installation documentation at

MySQL Server 5.7.24 is available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

MySQL Server 5.7.24 is also available from our repository for Linux
platforms, go here for details:

Windows packages are available via the Installer for Windows or .ZIP
(no-install) packages for more advanced needs. The point and click
configuration wizards and all MySQL products are available in the
unified Installer for Windows:

5.7.24 also comes with a web installer as an alternative to the full

The web installer doesn't come bundled with any actual products
and instead relies on download-on-demand to fetch only the
products you choose to install. This makes the initial download
much smaller but increases install time as the individual products
will need to be downloaded.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches, etc.:

The following link lists the changes in the MySQL 5.7 since
the release of MySQL 5.7.23. It may also be viewed
online at


Changes in MySQL 5.7.24 (2018-10-22, General Availability)

Deprecation and Removal Notes

 * InnoDB; Partitioning: Support for placing table
   partitions in shared tablespaces is deprecated and will
   be removed in a future version of MySQL. Shared
   tablespaces include the system tablespace and general
   tablespaces. For information about identifying partitions
   in shared tablespaces and moving them to file-per-table
   tablespaces, see Preparing Your Installation for Upgrade

 * InnoDB: Support for TABLESPACE = innodb_file_per_table
   and TABLESPACE = innodb_temporary clauses with CREATE
   TEMPORARY TABLE is deprecated and will be removed in a
   future MySQL version.

Packaging Notes

 * Binary packages that include curl rather than linking to
   the system curl library now use curl 7.60.0 rather than
   7.45.0. (Bug #28043702)

Security Notes

 * Microsoft Windows: On Windows, MySQL Enterprise Edition
   distributions now bundle the Cyrus SASL library files
   libsasl.dll and saslSCRAM.dll so that the LDAP
   authentication plugins can use the SCRAM-SHA-1
   authentication method.

 * MySQL Enterprise Edition now provides data masking and
   de-identification capabilities, implemented as a plugin
   library containing a plugin and a set of user-defined
   functions. Data masking hides sensitive information by
   replacing real values with substitutes. MySQL Enterprise
   Data Masking and De-Identification functions enable
   masking existing data using several methods such as
   obfuscation (removing identifying characteristics),
   generation of formatted random data, and data replacement
   or substitution. For example:
mysql> SET @ssn = gen_rnd_ssn();
mysql> SET @masked_ssn1 = mask_ssn(@ssn);
mysql> SET @masked_ssn2 = mask_outer(mask_inner (@ssn,4,5,'A'), 3,0,'B');
mysql> SELECT @ssn, @masked_ssn1, @masked_ssn2;
| @ssn| @masked_ssn1 | @masked_ssn2 |
| 980-31-2838 | XXX-XX-2838  | BBB-AA-2838  |

   For more information, see MySQL Enterprise Data Masking
   and De-Identification

Functionality Added or Changed

 * Previously, file I/O performed in the I/O cache in the
   mysys library was not instrumented, affecting in
   particular file I/O statistics reported by the
   Performance Schema about the binary log index file. Now,
   this I/O is instrumented and Performance Schema
   statistics are accurate. Thanks to Yura Sorokin for the
   contribution. (Bug #27788907, Bug #90264)

 * The zlib library version bundled with MySQL was raised
   from version 1.2.3 to version 1.2.11. MySQL implements
   compression with the help of the zlib library.
   The zlib compressBound() function in zlib 1.2.11 returns
   a slightly higher estimate of the buffer size required to
   compress a given length of bytes than it did in zlib
   version 1.2.3. The compressBound() 

MySQL Connector/ODBC 8.0.13 has been released

2018-10-22 Thread Kent Boortz

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/ODBC 8.0.13 is a new version in the MySQL
Connector/ODBC 8.0 series, the ODBC driver for the MySQL Server.

The available downloads include both a Unicode driver and an ANSI
driver based on the same modern codebase. Please select the driver
type you need based on the type of your application - Unicode or ANSI.
Server-side prepared statements are enabled by default. It is suitable
for use with any MySQL server version from 5.5.

This release of the MySQL ODBC driver is conforming to the ODBC 3.8
specification. It contains implementations of key 3.8 features,
including self-identification as a ODBC 3.8 driver, streaming of
output parameters (supported for binary types only), and support of
the SQL_ATTR_RESET_CONNECTION connection attribute (for the Unicode
driver only).

The release is now available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from our download pages at

For information on installing, please see the documentation at

Changes in MySQL Connector/ODBC 8.0.13 (2018-10-22, General Availability)

   Functionality Added or Changed

 * Added dynamic libmysql linking support via the
   defaults to FALSE to enable dynamic linking.

   Bugs Fixed

 * Fixed column metadata handling with Microsoft Access.
   (Bug #28670725, Bug #91856)

 * The following obsolete options were removed: NO_SCHEMA
   (use NO_CATALOG instead), DISABLE_SSL_DEFAULT (use
   SSLMODE instead), and SSL_ENFORCE (use SSLMODE instead).
   (Bug #28407520)

 * The ODBC Driver returned 0 for the
   SQL_MAX_SCHEMA_NAME_LEN attribute, and now returns 64 as
   the maximum length for a MySQL schema name.
   (Bug #28385722)

 * Because the MySQL ODBC driver ignored the SQL_RD_OFF
   value for the SQL_ATTR_RETRIEVE_DATA attribute, it
   incorrectly kept writing into the data buffers. This led
   to write access violation errors when data was written
   into the buffer when the user application explicitly
   requested not to write there. (Bug #28098219, Bug #91060)

On Behalf of Oracle/MySQL Release Engineering Team,
Kent Boortz

MySQL General Mailing List
For list archives:
To unsubscribe:

MySQL Router 8.0.13 for MySQL Server 8.0 and 5.7 has been released

2018-10-22 Thread Bjorn Munch
Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Router 8.0.13 is a new release for MySQL Router 8.0 series.

MySQL Router 8.0 is highly recommended for use with MySQL Server 8.0 and 5.7.
Please upgrade to MySQL Router 8.0.13.

The MySQL Router is a new building block for high availability solutions
based on MySQL InnoDB clusters.

By taking advantage of the new Group Replication technology, and
combined with the MySQL Shell, InnoDB clusters provide an integrated
solution for high availability and scalability for InnoDB based MySQL
databases, that does not require advanced MySQL expertise.

The deployment of applications with high availability requirements is
greatly simplified by MySQL Router. MySQL client connections are
transparently routed to online members of a InnoDB cluster, with MySQL
server outages and cluster reconfigurations being automatically handled
by the Router.

To download MySQL Router 8.0.13, see the "Generally Available (GA)
Releases" tab at Package
binaries are available for several platforms and also as a source code

Documentation for MySQL Router can be found at



Changes in MySQL Router 8.0.13 (2018-10-22)

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

Functionality Added or Changed

 * To align package names with MySQL Server, the community
   package name prefix changed from "mysql-router-" to
   "mysql-router-community-". This change also allows
   upgrading from MySQL Router 2.1 to 8.0. Additionally, a
   "mysql-router" meta package was added that redirects
   "mysql-router" to "mysql-router-community".

Bugs Fixed

 * For SLES 12, MySQL binary distributions are now built
   using GCC 7. The lowest supported GCC version on this
   platform is now 5.3 (previously 4.8.5).
   Installing MySQL Router 8.0.13 or higher RPM packages on
   SLES 12 platforms requires that the GCC Devel repo is
   enabled, for example:
shell> cd /etc/zypp/repos.d/
shell> wget
shell> zypper install ./mysql-router-community-8.0.*rpm

   (Bug #28685857)
   References: See also: Bug #92147.

 * The log level was changed from INFO to DEBUG for the
   InnoDB cluster Metadata server and replicaset
   connections. Because MySQL Router's ttl configuration
   option defaults to 0.1, these each generate 10 log
   entries per second. (Bug #28424243)

 * Running MySQL Router against an invalid InnoDB cluster
   would report internal SQL errors, such as "Unknown
   database 'mysql_innodb_cluster_metadata'", rather than
   user-friendly information that the cluster is not set up
   as a metadata server. The generated error now clarifies
   the reason and points to related documentation. (Bug

 * The --version output was aligned across all binaries to
   include license related text. (Bug #28262453)

 * On Windows, starting Router after uninstalling the Router
   service would cause Router to hang as it assumed the
   service was still enabled. (Bug #28261217)

 * Passing in --directory to an unwritable empty directory
   would yield a generic error. (Bug #28228800)

 * The error code ER_CON_COUNT_ERROR is now used instead of
   HY000 ("unknown") when the maximum number of allowed
   connections is exceeded. (Bug #28183810)

 * The metadata version
   compatibility check is now checked at runtime, when
   before it only happened during the bootstrap process.
   (Bug #28147601)

 * Bootstraping with --user set to the same user running the
   bootstrap operation would halt with a "setegid failed"
   error. (Bug #27698052)

 * An error related to running out of available threads was
   only logged once until Router was restarted. (Bug

 * MySQL Router is now included in MySQL Server's source and
   monolithic binary packages. The MySQL Router standalone
   packages continue to exist, as before.

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MySQL Enterprise Backup 8.0.13 has been released

2018-10-22 Thread Bjorn Munch
Dear MySQL users,
MySQL Enterprise Backup 8.0.13, a new version of the online MySQL backup
tool, is now available for download from the My Oracle Support (MOS) website
as our latest GA release. This release will be available on eDelivery (OSDC)
after the next upload cycle. MySQL Enterprise Backup is a commercial
extension to the MySQL family of products.
MySQL Enterprise Backup 8.0.13 only supports MySQL Server 8.0.13. For
earlier versions of MySQL 8.0, use the MySQL Enterprise Backup version
with the same version number as the server.  For MySQL server 5.7,
please use MySQL Enterprise Backup 4.1 and for MySQL Server 5.6 and
5.5, please use MySQL Enterprise Backup 3.12.
A brief summary of the changes in MySQL Enterprise Backup (MEB)
version 8.0.13 is given below.

Changes in MySQL Enterprise Backup 8.0.13 (2018-10-22)

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

Functionality Added or Changed

 * mysqlbackup now supports backup compression (the use of
   the --compress and --uncompress options) for incremental
   backups (except for incremental backups created with the
   --incremental-with-redo-log-only option).

 * mysqlbackup now supports transparent page compression for
   InnoDB tables. The support is enabled by setting the
   mysqlbackup option --compress-method=punch-hole; see
   description for the option for details.

Bugs Fixed

 * mysqlbackup hung when a backup operation failed due to a
   full disk. With this fix, mysqlbackup quits gracefully in
   the situation by throwing an error. (Bug #28399821)

 * A mysqlbackup operation on an image stored on an
   OpenStack cloud storage service sometimes failed with a
   segmentation fault or a bad URL error. It was because of
   a race condition caused by an uninitiated variable, which
   has been eliminated by this fix. (Bug #28189239, Bug

 * Backups for databases with encrypted InnoDB tables failed
   when the --compress option was used. (Bug #28177466)

 * A mysqlbackup operation on an image stored on an
   OpenStack cloud storage service failed with a 401
   Unauthorized error when the operation took a long time
   and the authentication token for the cloud access
   expired. With this fix, a separate thread in mysqlbackup
   requests a new token from the OpenStack cloud service in
   that situation, so that the operation can continue. (Bug

 * When an incremental backup was restored without using the
   --log-bin option, the binary log was not restored to its
   original location on the backed up server, but to the
   location specified by --log-bin earlier during the
   restore of the base backup. The same occurred for relay
   logs of incremental backups for slaves when the
   --relay-log option was not used. (Bug #27545745)

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For list archives:
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MySQL Community Server 8.0.13 has been released (part 2/2)

2018-10-22 Thread Bjorn Munch
[This is part 2 of the announcement]

Bugs Fixed

 * Important Note: The libevent library included with the
   MySQL Server was upgraded to version 2.1.8. (Bug

 * InnoDB; Partitioning: Removed old InnoDB handler and
   partitioning code that referenced .frm files, and thus no
   longer had any purpose. (Bug #27995316)

 * InnoDB: An assertion was raised during a DROP TABLE
   operation. A thread that was accessing the table through
   the memcached API released metadata locks before
   releasing the table. (Bug #28531148)

 * InnoDB: The being_modified bit in a LOB reference was set
   but the bit modification was not logged, causing an
   assertion failure. (Bug #28443837)

 * InnoDB: Window functions returned incorrect results when
   the optimizer used the InnoDB storage engine for internal
   temporary tables. (Bug #28430650)

 * InnoDB: Adjusting the server time to an earlier time
   caused periodic redo flushes to be missed. (Bug
   #28430358, Bug #90670)

 * InnoDB: An ALTER TABLE operation that added a primary key
   produced a segmentation fault. (Bug #28395278)
   References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #27753193.

 * InnoDB: A conditional check was removed by removing the
   ReadView::complete() function and splitting its work
   among other functions. This change helps optimize
   performance on ARM 64-bit. (Bug #28385211, Bug #91759)

 * InnoDB: Leftover thread_mutex code was removed from
   InnoDB source code files. (Bug #28363673, Bug #91678)

 * InnoDB: Type changes were implemented to eliminate
   warnings that occurred when compiling InnoDB with
   Microsoft Visual Studio 2017. (Bug #28338720)

 * InnoDB: An invalid assertion was raised when a B-tree
   flag used to mark shared index locks was used to mark a
   shared-exclusive index lock. (Bug #28317172)

 * InnoDB: The sharp checkpoint mechanism no longer forces
   preflushing of dirty pages when requesting a checkpoint
   for the currently available LSN.
   The log checkpointer thread now takes the concurrency
   margin (the per thread margin for free space in the log)
   into account when determining if the next checkpoint
   write is required and whether to wake up page cleaners to
   force a sync-flush of dirty pages. Page cleaner threads
   take the concurrency margin into account when determining
   whether to flush dirty pages and how many pages to flush.
   (Bug #28297462)

 * InnoDB: A misplaced debug crash point caused a
   transaction timeout resulting in test failures. (Bug

 * InnoDB: InnoDB error message format was modified to
   remove duplicate text. (Bug #28289789)

 * InnoDB: Unnecessary cycles of freeing and allocating
   memory caused JSON performance degradation on Windows.
   (Bug #28278737)

 * InnoDB: To avoid checking hardware support each time a
   hardware-optimized checksum is computed, asserts were
   converted to debug-only asserts. (Bug #28267334, Bug

 * InnoDB: A patch that combined Variance-Aware Transaction
   Scheduling (VATS) with functionality that releases read
   locks caused gap locks to be removed without granting
   locks to waiting transactions, resulting in transaction
   timeouts. (Bug #28261530)
   References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #28261530.

 * InnoDB: The log_checkpointer thread failed to write new
   checkpoints in a timely manner when the amount of redo
   was small. (Bug #28220222)

 * InnoDB: The server exited during an in-place upgrade from
   MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 due to an attempted eviction of a
   foreign-key-related table from the cache. At the end of
   the upgrade process, tables with FULLTEXT indexes were
   marked as ready for eviction without checking for foreign
   key relationships. (Bug #28212734, Bug #91325)

 * InnoDB: The format of the following Performance Schema
   and INFORMATION_SCHEMA table columns was modified:

  + data_locks.ENGINE_LOCK_ID

  + data_lock_waits.REQUESTING_ENGINE_LOCK_ID

  + data_lock_waits.BLOCKING_ENGINE_LOCK_ID

   The previous format was trx_id:table_id for table locks
   and trx_id:space_id:page_no:heap_no for record locks. The
   new format is trx_immutable_id:table_id:lock_immutable_id
   for table locks and
   id for record locks.
   lock_immutable_id and trx_immutable_id are 64-bit values
   that do not change during the lifetime of a lock or
   transaction, respectively, and are unique among other
   instance object IDs. (Bug #28176910)

 * InnoDB: The list of permitted lock mode descriptors used
   by the 

MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.13 has been released

2018-10-22 Thread Balasubramanian Kandasamy

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.13 is a new release version of the MySQL
Connector/C++ 8.0 series.

Connector/C++ 8.0 can be used to access MySQL implementing Document
Store or in a traditional way, using SQL queries. It allows writing
both C++ and plain C applications using X DevAPI and X DevAPI for C.
It also supports the legacy API of Connector/C++ 1.1 based on JDBC4.

To learn more about how to write applications using X DevAPI, see "X
DevAPI User Guide"

See also "X DevAPI Reference" at

and "X DevAPI for C Reference" at

For generic information on using Connector/C++ 8.0, see

For general documentation about how to get started using MySQL
as a document store, see

To download MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.13, see the "Generally Available (GA)
Releases" tab at

Changes in MySQL Connector/C++ 8.0.13 (2018-10-22, General Availability)

 * Character Set Support

 * Packaging Notes

 * X DevAPI Notes

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

Character Set Support

 * For connections to the server made using the legacy JDBC
   API (that is, not made using X DevAPI or X DevAPI for C),
   the default connection character set is now utf8mb4
   rather than utf8. Connections to the server made using X
   DevAPI or X DevAPI for C continue to use the connection
   character set determined by the server. (Bug #28204677)

Packaging Notes

 * Connector/C++ 32-bit MSI packages are now available for
   Windows. These 32-bit builds enable use of the legacy
   JDBC connector.

 * Connector/C++ compressed tar file packages are now
   available for Solaris.
   It is also possible to build Connector/C++ from source on
   Solaris. For platform-specific build notes, see Building
   Connector/C++ Applications: Platform-Specific Considerations

X DevAPI Notes

 * Connector/C++ now provides connection pooling for
   applications using X Protocol. This capability is based
   on client objects, a new type of X DevAPI object. A
   client can be used to create sessions, which take
   connections from a pool managed by that client. For a
   complete description, see Connecting to a Single MySQL
   Server Using Connection Pooling
   X DevAPI example:
   using namespace mysqlx;

   Client cli("user:password@host_name/db_name", 
ClientOption::POOL_MAX_SIZE, 7);

   Session sess = cli.getSession();

   // use sess as before

   cli.close();  // close session sess

   X DevAPI for C example:
   char error_buf[255];
   int  error_code;

   mysqlx_client_t *cli
   = mysqlx_get_client_from_url(
   "user:password@host_name/db_name", "{ \"maxSize\": 7 }", 
error_buf, _code);

   mysqlx_session_t *sess = mysqlx_get_session_from_client(cli);

   // use sess as before

   mysqlx_close_client(cli);  // close session sess

 * For X DevAPI, a new connect-timeout option can be
   specified in connection strings or URIs to indicate a
   connection timeout in milliseconds. The
   SessionSettings::Options object supports a new
   For X DevAPI for C, the mysqlx_opt_type_t constant is
   MYSQLX_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT together with the
   If no timeout option is specified, the default is 1
   (10 seconds). A value of 0 disables the timeout. The
   following examples set the connection timeout to 10
   X DevAPI examples:
   Session sess("user@host/db?connect-timoeut=10");

   Session sess(..., SessionOption::CONNECT_TIMEOUT, 10, ...);

   Session sess(
   SessionOption::CONNECT_TIMEOUT, std::chrono::milliseconds(10),

   X DevAPI for C example:
   mysqlx_session_options_t *opt = mysqlx_session_options_new();
   mysqlx_session_option_set(opt, ..., OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT(10), ...);

Functionality Added or Changed

 * JSON: Connector/C++ now uses RapidJSON for improved
   performance of operations that involve parsing JSON
   strings. There are no user-visible API changes for X
   DevAPI or X DevAPI for C.

Bugs Fixed

 * On SLES 15, Connector/C++ installation failed if
   libmysqlcppcon7 was already installed. (Bug #28658120)

 * Applications that were statically linked to the legacy
   JDBC connector could encounter a read access violation at
   exit time 

MySQL Community Server 8.0.13 has been released (part 1/2)

2018-10-22 Thread Bjorn Munch
[Due to size limitation, this announcement is split in two. This is part 1] 

Dear MySQL users,

MySQL Server 8.0.13, a new version of the popular Open Source
Database Management System, has been released. MySQL 8.0.13 is
recommended for use on production systems.

For an overview of what's new in MySQL 8.0, please see

For information on installing MySQL 8.0.13 on new servers, please see
the MySQL installation documentation at

MySQL Server 8.0.13 is available in source and binary form for a number of
platforms from the "Development Releases" selection of our download
pages at

MySQL Server 8.0.13 is also available from our repository for Linux
platforms, go here for details:

Windows packages are available via the Installer for Windows:

along with .ZIP (no-install) packages for more advanced needs. 

8.0.13 also comes with a web installer as an alternative to the full

The web installer doesn't come bundled with any actual products
and instead relies on download-on-demand to fetch only the
products you choose to install. This makes the initial download
much smaller but increases install time as the individual products
will need to be downloaded.

We welcome and appreciate your feedback, bug reports, bug fixes,
patches, etc.:

The following link lists the changes in the MySQL 8.0 since
the release of MySQL 8.0.12. It may also be viewed
online at


Changes in MySQL 8.0.13 (2018-10-22)

 * Account Management Notes

 * Compilation Notes

 * Configuration Notes

 * Data Type Notes

 * Deprecation and Removal Notes

 * Error Handling


 * Logging Notes

 * Optimizer Notes

 * Packaging Notes

 * Performance Schema Notes

 * Security Notes

 * Spatial Data Support

 * SQL Syntax Notes

 * XA Transaction Notes

 * X Plugin Notes

 * Functionality Added or Changed

 * Bugs Fixed

Account Management Notes

 * It is now possible to require that attempts to change an
   account password be verified by specifying the current
   password to be replaced. This enables DBAs to prevent
   users from changing a password without proving that they
   know the current password. It is possible to establish
   password-verification policy globally using the
   password_require_current system variable, as well as on a
   per-account basis using the PASSWORD REQUIRE option of
   the CREATE USER and ALTER USER statements. Together with
   existing password-management capabilities, the new
   capability of requiring verification provides DBAs more
   complete control over password management. For more
   information, see Password Management
   MySQL implements the password-verification capability
   using a new column in the mysql.user system table. If you
   upgrade to this MySQL release from an earlier version,
   you must run mysql_upgrade (and restart the server) to
   incorporate this system database change. Until this is
   done, password changes are not possible.

Compilation Notes

 * Solaris: MySQL now can be compiled on Solaris using gcc.
   (Bug #27802681)

Configuration Notes

 * The new WITH_LTO CMake option controls whether to enable
   link-time optimization. Currently, this is supported only
   by GCC 7 and 8. (Bug #28184537, Bug #28211382)

 * The new WITH_RAPIDJSON CMake option controls whether to
   compile with the bundled or system RapidJSON library.
   (Bug #28024992, Bug #90867)

 * The CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE CMake option now supports a Release
   build type, which is like the RelWithDebInfo build type
   but omits debugging information to reduce the build size.
   (Bug #27874068)

 * The new sql_require_primary_key system variable makes it
   possible to have statements that create new tables or
   alter the structure of existing tables enforce the
   requirement that tables have a primary key. Enabling this
   variable helps avoid performance problems in row-based
   replication that can occur when tables have no primary
   key. Suppose that a table has no primary key and an
   update or delete modifies multiple rows. On the master
   server, this operation can be performed using a single
   table scan but, when replicated using row-based
   replication, results in a table scan for each row to be
   modified on the