Re: identifying multi-byte characters / coverting

2004-07-16 Thread Abs
that may be but it's got weird beahviour. for example,
when u get that in an edit box (like the one u compose
mail in) it looks like: ’ (the upper comma). but
when i read ur mail, it appeared as it's html
character code. in fact, while reading this u may see
it as the character code and not the character itself
and vice-versa when composing a reply.

my question is: does mysql treat/store it as the
character code (which would make sense) only? and does
it have the upper comma look only when viewed in a
browser edit box? also appears like that when u don't
apply htmlentities to the output.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Hi abs,
 My first post seem to be vanished, so excuse me if
 this is double.
 I am not sure if I understand youir problem
 correctly. Isn' what you
 describe as ’ the html code for the upper
 komma or how you want to
 call it ?

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identifying multi-byte characters / coverting

2004-07-14 Thread Abs
when ppl paste from MS Word to a text field in a form,
characters like apostrophe before s (e.g. It's) in
docs looks like ’ (it looks like a comma but at the
top). in a mysqldump, i can see that it's stored as
#8217;. i tried editing the in a text box and when i
reprint it, it's looks like it did. 

are there any situations where this may cause a
problem? and is there any way to filter it or convert
it to a single-byte char? i'm assuiming it's
multibyte, coz i didn't see it in the ascii char list.


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check privileges on a db as normal user

2004-04-20 Thread Abs
my site is hosted on a machine on which i am not root.
so i don't have access to the mysql db. i'm quite sure
that the admin on that server doesn't know how to do
the security right. he gave my id almost root access
on his mysql server so that i could access it. two
three others have almost the same status. there are
about 100 users in all.

now, the privileges have been fixed, but only for me
afaik. is there a way i can find out which users have
access to my db's? ie. the db's i have access to?

2nd question:
if i did have the encypted version of someone's mysql
password, how do i actually use it? google searches
only explain the situation, not how it's done. coz i
know those 3-4 ppl can see my encrypted passwd. (yes,
'mysql' db is viewable to them).


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mysql_escape_string ... when?

2004-01-05 Thread Abs
the mysql manual suggests that we use the
mysql_escape_string() function when generating dynamic
urls. is there any other situation when it is
required? and could someone explain when/why this
would be needed for urls...other than to make the
browser understand that character (such as ' # etc. in
the url).

and if magic_quotes_gpc is on, any and all escape
characters are backslashed right? how does when check
what the accepted mysql escape characters are? (like
-- for a comment)


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left join-ing for two values

2003-12-29 Thread Abs
how do u create a query to select two diff values of
the same column from another table using a left join?
i know i'd retrieve them with aliases but where do i
set which alias is for which value?

here's a simplified version of the tables

table1: colours
id colour

table2: choices
id old new

old and new are both ids in the 'colours' table. what
i wanna do is something like:
select id, colours.colour as old1, colours.colour as
new1 from choices left join colours on =
now here, can an and clause be used so it reads on
as... and = new
or do i put another left join?

either ways, how do i specify which join / equality is
which alias or whateva?

i don't wanna use two far as possible.


ps: i wouldn't be going through all this just for
colours ;-)

also (unrelated to mysql) ;-) i didn't know that
pink's song feel good time is from charlie's angels
2. just saw the video on mtv and realised. my
question: the rythym guitar, bass and to some extent,
the lead guitar are playing this tune throughout the
song, any idea which song it's from? i don't think
it's original to that song, anyone know where...?

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Re: left join-ing for two values

2003-12-29 Thread Abs
i wrote:
 how do u create a query to select two diff values of
 the same column from another table using a left
 i know i'd retrieve them with aliases but where do i
 set which alias is for which value?
 here's a simplified version of the tables
 table1: colours
 id colour
 table2: choices
 id old new
 old and new are both ids in the 'colours' table.
 i wanna do is something like:
 select id, colours.colour as old1, colours.colour as
 new1 from choices left join colours on =
 now here, can an and clause be used so it reads on
 as... and = new
 or do i put another left join?
 either ways, how do i specify which join / equality
 which alias or whateva?
 i don't wanna use two far as possible.

lol @ me. i decided to use my brains for a change.
didn't realise it was staring me in the face. use
aliases...for tables too! here's what i've come up
with, and works...

select, a.colour as new, b.colour as old
from choices left join colours a on =
left join colours b on = choices.old

if i put as just id, i get id is ambiguous
(after making all changes to real table and column
names) ;-). if 'from' is 'choices', shouldn't mysql
assume it's from that itself and not one of the joined


ps: anyone with an answer to that song question? :P

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Re: Help with Update statement

2003-12-29 Thread Abs
 --- rmck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 mysql SELECT start,ID FROM table ORDER BY id DESC
 | start  | ID|
 | 1072603517 | 617168732 |
 1 row in set (0.01 sec)
 So now I want to run my update statment, how do I
 not update the times that have been converted???
 my current update statement:
 from script:
 OID=`echo select ID from $TBLE order by ID desc
 limit 1; | $MSQL -u$UI -p$PD -h$HT $DB|grep -v ID`
 echo update $TBLE set start = from_unixtime(start)
 where ID  '$OID';| $MSQL -u$UI -p$PD -h$HT $DB 
for starters, when u use desc to get ur 'oid', it's
already the highest. so when u say where ID 
'$OID', it won't match any rows. '=' would've
atleast matched that one row. unless BOTH the above
command run repeatedly after changing the highest
value (so then onto the next highest, etc.)

in the manual, mysql SELECT FROM_UNIXTIME(875996580);
- '1997-10-04 22:23:00'
so that part is fine.

2 (low tech) solutions that would work *well* are:
1. check the length of the timestamps. atleast so far,
i don't think the no. of seconds would've crossed 19
chars which is the size according the date format
returned by FROM_UNIXTIME (when it's without +0). so u
can use where length(start)  19 and u'd only need
the second command.
2. to be y10k compliant :P do an instr search. since u
using that style, there will always be a - or a :
(search for : ... just in case some warped -ve values
got in there). so use where instr(start, ':')

i don't see the point about worrying about the ids. in
case some rows were edited in between and the initial
query wasn't run with an order by clause, there
could be some in between that haven't been
reformatted. those two solutions are pretty much
foolproof. since some values have already been
converted, i think u've made it a varchar(19) or
something, i.e. it's length is fine.

put semi-colons at the end of my 'where' segments. i
guess they're required.

of course, these queries will run slower coz u're
doing text search stuff rather than a simple id


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update shouldn't update

2003-12-28 Thread Abs
in the php manual, regarding 'mysql_affected_rows()'
it says:
When using UPDATE, MySQL will not update columns where
the new value is the same as the old value. This
creates the possiblity that mysql_affected_rows() may
not actually equal the number of rows matched, only
the number of rows that were literally affected by the

i'm running a query that will attempt to update rows
in a table. it runs an update statement for each id
(loop), so mysql gets sent 10 updates. now, when i add
the affected row nums, i get 10, even though i haven't
changed any of the values. but if i paste any of the
queries into phpmyadmin to run, it gives 'Affected
rows: 0'.

so how come the difference?


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Re: update shouldn't update

2003-12-28 Thread Abs
 --- Abs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  hi
 in the php manual, regarding 'mysql_affected_rows()'
 it says:
 When using UPDATE, MySQL will not update columns
 the new value is the same as the old value. This
 creates the possiblity that mysql_affected_rows()
 not actually equal the number of rows matched, only
 the number of rows that were literally affected by
 i'm running a query that will attempt to update rows
 in a table. it runs an update statement for each id
 (loop), so mysql gets sent 10 updates. now, when i
 the affected row nums, i get 10, even though i
 changed any of the values. but if i paste any of the
 queries into phpmyadmin to run, it gives 'Affected
 rows: 0'.
 so how come the difference?

i cancelled the line that executes the query and
instead pasted it in PMA, it chaged a row. but i don't
see any difference in the data. are there any issues
like assigning an int col with the data in single
quotes? as in, assigning id = '5' instead of just id =
5 ? i'm using varchars, chars, ints, etc. no blobs or

still dunno why the diff.


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RE: sending array data using php mail

2003-12-27 Thread Abs
 --- Mike Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 For the record, there's a syntax error in there --
 the closing curly brace is missing.
 echo {$row[Password]}\n;
 Also, I've never tried this syntax with
 double-quotes. Do the curly braces keep the PHP
 parser from thinking that the opening  for Password
 is a close of the string? I use single quotes in
 that kind of situation, FWIW.

yeah, my bad, the ending curly braces were missing.
when using double quotes, the curly braces are there
so that it can identify the whole variable as an array
type. yeah, it would probably mix up the meaning of
the double quotes in the array key name. even i use
single quotes for array keys, was just showing how the
syntax should be in that situation.

the manual uses  and ' quotes in just about all
contexts anyway. if the whole thing is in double
quotes then it needs curly braces anyway, regardless
of which quotes i use for the key. i haven't come
across anything specific regarding this in the
documentation. for the array stuff in strings and
filehandling, it's shown with single quotes. whereas,
in the array function examples, they use double
quotes. not using any quotes... END_OF_EXAMPLE
// Works but note that this works differently outside
echo A banana is $fruits[banana].;

so for safety, i use curly braces and single quotes.
maybe double quotes can be used when u want to use a
weird key name like: $a[all$myvars_start_with_all]
though $a['all'.$myvars_start_with_all.'EVERYWHERE']
would be clearer in that case. (uself if u're
importing variables and prefixing them with something
so that u don't need to re-write code u've written
and/or can adapt code written for register globals on
while using it when off.

just mho.


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num rows / pages

2003-12-27 Thread Abs
i was trying to group my results 10 per page ($p per
per page). if i use limit, then there's no way of
knowing how many there are left so i can't give page
numbers as:
 first 2 3 4 last . perhaps running the query
twice, first time wihtout limit to see how many there
were and the 2nd just for a particular bunch with
limit. wouldn't that load the mysql db? and what if
i've got 10,000 rows or so? the query will take time.
any solutions?


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Re: num rows / pages

2003-12-27 Thread Abs
 --- Chris Elsworth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Documented in
 You run your first query with SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS,
 then once you're
 done with it, you run another (SELECT
 FOUND_ROWS()) and you get the
 total resultcount you would have got, had you not
 LIMIT'ed it.

thanks. i didn't know there was such a function. nice.
now all i've to do is get the site hosting ppl to
upgrade to 4.x :P

fortunately, in this case, the table to browse will
always be scanned entirely so my big set is the number
of rows of the table (there's no where clause). so the
SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM db LIKE tbl will do. 'Rows' has
what i need. just in case anyone else was in a similar


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Re: sending array data using php mail

2003-12-09 Thread Abs
the error is in this line:
$newvalue = $row[Password];
make it
$newvalue.= $row[Password];
(notice  ^ the dot - for concatenation with the
previous value).

and if u want to see each password in the browser too,
in that same loop, put:
echo {$row[Password]\n;

so it would now look like:
while ( $row = mysql_fetch_array($rows1) ) { 

   echo {$row[Password]\n;

u may also want to use a br in ur echo line to make
the browser output nicer, the \n affects only the html
code. and while u're at it, put a \n in $newline so
that ur email looks nicer.


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setting values to default w/ null

2003-12-05 Thread Abs
i'm trying to get musql to insert the default values
into a table. from the insert section in the manual:
Warnings can occur under any of the following

* Inserting NULL into a column that has been
declared NOT NULL. The column is set to the default
value appropriate for the column type. This is 0 for
numeric types, the empty string ('') for string types,
and the ``zero'' value for date and time types.

for myisam tables, nulls are handled as above, so how
does one get the default value set to a column? i know
that if a column name is missing in a insert statement
then it get assigned to default value. is there any
way to SET it to the dafault value in an UPDATE query?
so one could use a function like:

switch ($type) {
   case text:
  $var = ($var != ) ? ' . $var . ' : NULL;
  break; (etc.)

and replace the null with DEFAULT so that when mysql
sees the keyword, it sets that column's value to the
column's default (and not the column type's default)


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Re: escaping slashes not present in table?

2003-09-18 Thread Abs
 --- Daniel Kasak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Abs wrote:
 mysql and php question:
 the magic_quotes_gpc is set to 1. when i echo it to
 the browser, it shows the added slashes. i inserted
 these same values into a database. when i read the
 database values and printed them, i forgot to use
 stripslashes. but i was surprised to see that the
 slashes were already removed. now i know this
 on magic_quotes_runtime, which i checked, was OFF,
 how did the slashes get removed without me
 doing so?
 what's more interesting is that when i view the
 in the table using phpMyAdmin, the quote i put
 escaped with a backslash. when i tried to do a
 dump/export of the table, the output showed a
 backslash before the quote. so how come? the
 should be showing when i say SELECT * FROM MYTABLE.
 I think this is why people recommend that you
 *don't* use PHP's magic 
 I hit this problem in a few areas and decided to
 turn it off.
 Use PHP's functions:
 stripslashes() and
 You'll be sorry later if you don't, and continue
 using magic quotes...

that still doesn't answer the question though. if the
variables already had the slashes in them because of
magic_quotes_gpc, then shouldn't the table i inerted
it into also have the slash in it?
magic_quotes_runtime ADDS slashes if it is ON, so it
leaves the data untouched if it's OFF (if this is
incorrect, the documentation needs to be updated).

hence, when i retrieved the data from the db, the
quotes should have still been there. and the o/p to
browser, phpMyadmin (and macromedia dreamweaver's
test window) all don't show any slashes in the data,
but 'export' in phpMyadmin adds slashes to the text it
magic_quotes_gpc is On
magic_quotes_runtime is Off
magic_quotes_sybase is Off (to be sure)

another thing that comes to mind is...
does mysql store the data in the .tbl/.frm files in
their text form? or is the slash we add there just
to tell mysql to disregard the significance of the
next character? the 2nd one seems logical considering
that mysql would read data per column in the specific
size it's supposed to be (and not pay attention to the
mean of what it's reading). so if a varchar(50) column
has the data: `qwer'y\19o` then it knows that it
should read and return 10 chars/bytes.

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binary data fields

2003-09-08 Thread Abs
are there any issues regarding special characters that
should be escaped when storing binary data in a BLOB
field? any special ascii codes that must be checked
for before inserting data into a table?

i remember reading something about ascii(26) causing
some problems when using mysqldump and dumping back
into a table. would this be related to the win32


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escaping slashes not present in table?

2003-09-08 Thread Abs
mysql and php question:
the magic_quotes_gpc is set to 1. when i echo it to
the browser, it shows the added slashes. i inserted
these same values into a database. when i read the
database values and printed them, i forgot to use
stripslashes. but i was surprised to see that the
slashes were already removed. now i know this depends
on magic_quotes_runtime, which i checked, was OFF, so
how did the slashes get removed without me explicitly
doing so?

what's more interesting is that when i view the data
in the table using phpMyAdmin, the quote i put wasn't
escaped with a backslash. when i tried to do a
dump/export of the table, the output showed a
backslash before the quote. so how come? the slashes
should be showing when i say SELECT * FROM MYTABLE.


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enum for bool in the future

2003-09-07 Thread Abs
i know this has been discussed before, storing bools
in the right column type. in the case of enum as:
enum(N,Y) or n,y, etc. it might be easy to
read when u're looking at the database table itself,
but if u had to communicate this properly to other
programmers designing a front-end, they wouldn't be
checking for BOOLS, rather for: if ($value==Y) { }
else { }
(add to this, the case of string or char, which would
matter more when using a C program or any other
language that doesn't type cast as per the convenience
of the statement)

is there any combination that would facilitate using
it as just: if ($value) { //true } else { //false }  ?

i think enum(NULL, ) is the only option since a NULL
would imply false or 'not true' in most languages. the
second value could be 1 for clarity (as opposed to
empty strings). but i was looking for a better option.
checking for isnull, etc. is almost the same problem
as the first case, which is easier to read if we had


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splitting tables based on row length

2003-09-07 Thread Abs
ok, i've got this table (20 columns). keeping in mind
how/which web pages would access them, i decided to
keep the last 7 in a different table, since that data
would only be shown if they clicked on a link they
were interested in (30-40% probablity). although, when
they do view it, i'd retrieve all columns from both

Q 1. is this an advisable way to go about it? both
tables created would have dynamic row length.

when i started creating the first table, i realised
that 7 out of the first 8 fields were fixed length. so
i thought i'd furthur divide it into 2, first one with
fixed length rows and the second being dynamic.

so now i have 3 tables:
t1 = 7 fixed len columns
t2 = 6 dynamic
t3 = 7 dynamic

t1 and t2 will always be retrieved almost entirely and
at the same time (i.e. one after the other). there's a
1-1 relation between t1, t2 and t3. and in 30-40%
cases all of them. t1, t2 and t3.

Q 2. any suggestions on the optimal may to go about
this? i am aware of the disk seek time and data
retrieval issues.

Q 3. does mysql not pay attention to data that is
(i) not mentioned in the SELECT fields list or (ii)
WHERE clause? scanning time being considered different
from return time. hence, putting t2 and t3 as one

also, not using the mysql query cache. and would that
change how the tables are designed?


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