Got error 127 from storage engine

2005-06-19 Thread Amir Shay

Using Linux 9 with mySQL 4.1.11-standard the tables are MyISAM

When trying to delete from quit large tables (millions of records) range
or records (few thousands) I got the error that there is a problem in
the table and we need to do a repair. Then we run the repair table which
finished successfully and try to delete again, however this time we got
the error

Got error 127 from storage engine and the table become corrupted -
need to repair it

When deleting few records there is no problem

However there is no trace to the error in the log file 

Any Help ?


Server parameters

'back_log', '50'
'basedir', '/'
'binlog_cache_size', '32768'
'bulk_insert_buffer_size', '8388608'
'character_set_client', 'utf8'
'character_set_connection', 'utf8'
'character_set_database', 'hebrew'
'character_set_results', 'utf8'
'character_set_server', 'hebrew'
'character_set_system', 'utf8'
'character_sets_dir', '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/'
'collation_connection', 'utf8_general_ci'
'collation_database', 'hebrew_general_ci'
'collation_server', 'hebrew_general_ci'
'concurrent_insert', 'ON'
'connect_timeout', '100'
'datadir', '/var/lib/mysql/'
'date_format', '%Y-%m-%d'
'datetime_format', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'
'default_week_format', '0'
'delay_key_write', 'ON'
'delayed_insert_limit', '100'
'delayed_insert_timeout', '300'
'delayed_queue_size', '1000'
'expire_logs_days', '0'
'flush', 'OFF'
'flush_time', '0'
'ft_boolean_syntax', '+ -()~*:|'
'ft_max_word_len', '84'
'ft_min_word_len', '4'
'ft_query_expansion_limit', '20'
'ft_stopword_file', '(built-in)'
'group_concat_max_len', '1024'
'have_archive', 'NO'
'have_bdb', 'NO'
'have_blackhole_engine', 'NO'
'have_compress', 'YES'
'have_crypt', 'YES'
'have_csv', 'NO'
'have_example_engine', 'NO'
'have_geometry', 'YES'
'have_innodb', 'YES'
'have_isam', 'NO'
'have_ndbcluster', 'NO'
'have_openssl', 'NO'
'have_query_cache', 'YES'
'have_raid', 'NO'
'have_rtree_keys', 'YES'
'have_symlink', 'YES'
'init_connect', ''
'init_file', ''
'init_slave', ''
'innodb_additional_mem_pool_size', '14680064'
'innodb_autoextend_increment', '8'
'innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb', '0'
'innodb_buffer_pool_size', '1073741824'
'innodb_data_file_path', 'ibdata1:10M:autoextend'
'innodb_data_home_dir', '/var/lib/mysql'
'innodb_fast_shutdown', 'ON'
'innodb_file_io_threads', '4'
'innodb_file_per_table', 'OFF'
'innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit', '1'
'innodb_flush_method', ''
'innodb_force_recovery', '0'
'innodb_lock_wait_timeout', '50'
'innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog', 'OFF'
'innodb_log_arch_dir', ''
'innodb_log_archive', 'OFF'
'innodb_log_buffer_size', '1048576'
'innodb_log_file_size', '5242880'
'innodb_log_files_in_group', '2'
'innodb_log_group_home_dir', './'
'innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct', '90'
'innodb_max_purge_lag', '0'
'innodb_mirrored_log_groups', '1'
'innodb_open_files', '300'
'innodb_table_locks', 'ON'
'innodb_thread_concurrency', '8'
'interactive_timeout', '100'
'join_buffer_size', '131072'
'key_buffer_size', '8388600'
'key_cache_age_threshold', '300'
'key_cache_block_size', '1024'
'key_cache_division_limit', '100'
'language', '/usr/share/mysql/english/'
'large_files_support', 'ON'
'license', 'GPL'
'local_infile', 'ON'
'locked_in_memory', 'OFF'

'long_query_time', '10'
'low_priority_updates', 'OFF'
'lower_case_file_system', 'OFF'
'lower_case_table_names', '1'
'max_allowed_packet', '1047552'
'max_binlog_cache_size', '4294967295'
'max_binlog_size', '1073741824'
'max_connect_errors', '10'
'max_connections', '100'
'max_delayed_threads', '20'
'max_error_count', '64'
'max_heap_table_size', '16777216'
'max_insert_delayed_threads', '20'
'max_join_size', '4294967295'
'max_length_for_sort_data', '1024'
'max_relay_log_size', '0'
'max_seeks_for_key', '4294967295'
'max_sort_length', '1024'
'max_tmp_tables', '32'
'max_user_connections', '0'
'max_write_lock_count', '4294967295'

'net_buffer_length', '16384'
'net_read_timeout', '30'
'net_retry_count', '10'
'net_write_timeout', '60'
'new', 'OFF'
'old_passwords', 'OFF'
'open_files_limit', '1024'
'pid_file', '/var/lib/mysql/'
'port', '3306'
'preload_buffer_size', '32768'
'protocol_version', '10'
'query_alloc_block_size', '8192'
'query_cache_limit', '67108864'
'query_cache_min_res_unit', '4096'
'query_cache_size', '67108864'
'query_cache_type', 'ON'
'query_cache_wlock_invalidate', 'OFF'
'query_prealloc_size', '8192'
'range_alloc_block_size', '2048'
'read_buffer_size', '131072'
'read_only', 'OFF'
'read_rnd_buffer_size', '262144'
'relay_log_purge', 'ON'
'relay_log_space_limit', '0'
'rpl_recovery_rank', '0'
'secure_auth', 'OFF'
'server_id', '0'
'skip_external_locking', 'ON'
'skip_networking', 'OFF'
'skip_show_database', 'OFF'
'slave_net_timeout', '3600'
'slave_transaction_retries', '0'
'slow_launch_time', '2'
'socket', '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock'
'sort_buffer_size', '2097144'
'sql_mode', ''
'storage_engine', 'MyISAM'
'sql_notes', 'OFF'
'sql_warnings', 'OFF'

'table_cache', '64'
'table_type', 'MyISAM'
'thread_cache_size', '0'
'thread_stack', '131072'

Lost connection to MySQL server during query - on long queries

2005-06-01 Thread Amir Shay


Each time we run long queries (over around 5 seconds) the mySQL server
fails and restarts (you can see it in the error log that starts with
Database page corruption on disk or a fail.. and then there is a
dump...) and the query return with Lost connection to MySQL server
during query...

Using Linux 9 with mySQL 4.1.11-standard the tables are InnoDB

The error is happening from everywhere: mysql command line, Query
browser, from local and remote computers, running selects, insert and
even check table, EMS client . Java (see below the log)

The problem is probably not in the network parameters, see list of the
variables below

The database is quit big around 5 GB 

After the error the server restart automatically and continue to run for
the short queries 

We found one place where long queries work - when we run from the query
browser the same select * from some big table. However running
from the same place check table... reproduce the error !. Again
running the same select * from some big table from all the other
palaces cause the server to fall 


Server parameters

'back_log', '50'
'basedir', '/'
'binlog_cache_size', '32768'
'bulk_insert_buffer_size', '8388608'
'character_set_client', 'utf8'
'character_set_connection', 'utf8'
'character_set_database', 'hebrew'
'character_set_results', 'utf8'
'character_set_server', 'hebrew'
'character_set_system', 'utf8'
'character_sets_dir', '/usr/share/mysql/charsets/'
'collation_connection', 'utf8_general_ci'
'collation_database', 'hebrew_general_ci'
'collation_server', 'hebrew_general_ci'
'concurrent_insert', 'ON'
'connect_timeout', '100'
'datadir', '/var/lib/mysql/'
'date_format', '%Y-%m-%d'
'datetime_format', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s'
'default_week_format', '0'
'delay_key_write', 'ON'
'delayed_insert_limit', '100'
'delayed_insert_timeout', '300'
'delayed_queue_size', '1000'
'expire_logs_days', '0'
'flush', 'OFF'
'flush_time', '0'
'ft_boolean_syntax', '+ -()~*:|'
'ft_max_word_len', '84'
'ft_min_word_len', '4'
'ft_query_expansion_limit', '20'
'ft_stopword_file', '(built-in)'
'group_concat_max_len', '1024'
'have_archive', 'NO'
'have_bdb', 'NO'
'have_blackhole_engine', 'NO'
'have_compress', 'YES'
'have_crypt', 'YES'
'have_csv', 'NO'
'have_example_engine', 'NO'
'have_geometry', 'YES'
'have_innodb', 'YES'
'have_isam', 'NO'
'have_ndbcluster', 'NO'
'have_openssl', 'NO'
'have_query_cache', 'YES'
'have_raid', 'NO'
'have_rtree_keys', 'YES'
'have_symlink', 'YES'
'init_connect', ''
'init_file', ''
'init_slave', ''
'innodb_additional_mem_pool_size', '14680064'
'innodb_autoextend_increment', '8'
'innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb', '0'
'innodb_buffer_pool_size', '1073741824'
'innodb_data_file_path', 'ibdata1:10M:autoextend'
'innodb_data_home_dir', '/var/lib/mysql'
'innodb_fast_shutdown', 'ON'
'innodb_file_io_threads', '4'
'innodb_file_per_table', 'OFF'
'innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit', '1'
'innodb_flush_method', ''
'innodb_force_recovery', '0'
'innodb_lock_wait_timeout', '50'
'innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog', 'OFF'
'innodb_log_arch_dir', ''
'innodb_log_archive', 'OFF'
'innodb_log_buffer_size', '1048576'
'innodb_log_file_size', '5242880'
'innodb_log_files_in_group', '2'
'innodb_log_group_home_dir', './'
'innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct', '90'
'innodb_max_purge_lag', '0'
'innodb_mirrored_log_groups', '1'
'innodb_open_files', '300'
'innodb_table_locks', 'ON'
'innodb_thread_concurrency', '8'
'interactive_timeout', '100'
'join_buffer_size', '131072'
'key_buffer_size', '8388600'
'key_cache_age_threshold', '300'
'key_cache_block_size', '1024'
'key_cache_division_limit', '100'
'language', '/usr/share/mysql/english/'
'large_files_support', 'ON'
'license', 'GPL'
'local_infile', 'ON'
'locked_in_memory', 'OFF'

'long_query_time', '10'
'low_priority_updates', 'OFF'
'lower_case_file_system', 'OFF'
'lower_case_table_names', '1'
'max_allowed_packet', '1047552'
'max_binlog_cache_size', '4294967295'
'max_binlog_size', '1073741824'
'max_connect_errors', '10'
'max_connections', '100'
'max_delayed_threads', '20'
'max_error_count', '64'
'max_heap_table_size', '16777216'
'max_insert_delayed_threads', '20'
'max_join_size', '4294967295'
'max_length_for_sort_data', '1024'
'max_relay_log_size', '0'
'max_seeks_for_key', '4294967295'
'max_sort_length', '1024'
'max_tmp_tables', '32'
'max_user_connections', '0'
'max_write_lock_count', '4294967295'

'net_buffer_length', '16384'
'net_read_timeout', '30'
'net_retry_count', '10'
'net_write_timeout', '60'
'new', 'OFF'
'old_passwords', 'OFF'
'open_files_limit', '1024'
'pid_file', '/var/lib/mysql/'
'port', '3306'
'preload_buffer_size', '32768'
'protocol_version', '10'
'query_alloc_block_size', '8192'
'query_cache_limit', '67108864'
'query_cache_min_res_unit', '4096'
'query_cache_size', '67108864'
'query_cache_type', 'ON'
'query_cache_wlock_invalidate', 'OFF'
'query_prealloc_size', '8192'
'range_alloc_block_size', '2048'
'read_buffer_size', '131072'
'read_only', 'OFF'
'read_rnd_buffer_size', '262144'

Re: Lost connection to MySQL server during query problem

2005-05-27 Thread Amir Shay
Yes the server dies during the queries from JDBC.
Regarding the client parameters, what if the client doesn't have mySQL
Does SHOW STATUS executed from JDBC client return increased values of
this parameters? Could your server die during queries from JDBC (check
the error log)?
Sometimes you should increase interactive_timeout as well. A lot of
variables usually
could be changed using SET statement. See:
Sometimes when querying mySQL 4.1.11 on Linux machine I get the error
Lost connection to MySQL server during query. Here are the symptoms
 1.When running the query from the server it returns OK
 2.When running the query from another machine using the mySQL
 query browser it returns OK
 3.When running the query from another machine from Java using
 mySQL JDBC it fails with  Lost connection to...
 4.When running the query from another machine using software like
 EMS it fails with  Lost connection to...
 5.The error is always after 4.7 seconds and only in heavy
 queries (not only SELECT, even DELETES )
 The problem is probably not in the communication parameters, like
 max_allowed_packet or connection_timeout on the server because I
 increased then 
   Does anyone know how can I control those parameters from JDBC?
Amir Shay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
For technical support contracts, goto
This email is sponsored by Ensita.NET
   __  ___ ___   __
  /  |/  /_ __/ __/ __ \/ /Gleb Paharenko
 / /|_/ / // /\ \/ /_/ / /__   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
/_/  /_/\_, /___/\___\_\___/   MySQL AB / Ensita.NET


Lost connection to MySQL server during query problem

2005-05-25 Thread Amir Shay


Sometimes when querying mySQL 4.1.11 on Linux machine I get the error
Lost connection to MySQL server during query. Here are the symptoms


1.  When running the query from the server it returns OK
2.  When running the query from another machine using the mySQL
query browser it returns OK
3.  When running the query from another machine from Java using
mySQL JDBC it fails with  Lost connection to...
4.  When running the query from another machine using software like
EMS it fails with  Lost connection to...
5.  The error is always after 4.7 seconds and only in heavy
queries (not only SELECT, even DELETES )

The problem is probably not in the communication parameters, like
max_allowed_packet or connection_timeout on the server because I
increased then 


Does anyone know how can I control those parameters from JDBC?

