RE: Running Queries When INSERTing Data?

2010-11-08 Thread BMBasal
 But won't that take just as long as any other queries?  Or will it be
speeded up because all the matching records would be adjacent to each other
-- like all at the end?

You can order the result data set by timestamp in descending order, so the
latest will come up first, i.e., LIFO.

-Original Message-
From: Hal Vaughan [] 
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: Running Queries When INSERTing Data?

On Nov 8, 2010, at 1:23 PM, Gavin Towey wrote:

 I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean, but I think you just need
to keep a timestamp associated with each row as it is inserted, put an index
on it, then you can select new data just by using the appropriate time

But won't that take just as long as any other queries?  Or will it be
speeded up because all the matching records would be adjacent to each other
-- like all at the end?

 Also, if you're parsing files into tab delimited format, you don't need to
write a separate parser to insert rows line by line.  MySQL has LOAD DATA
INFILE which takes delimited text files and inserts data in bulk, which is
much faster than inserting line by line.

THANKS!  Is this new?  I never read about it before, but then again, from
about 2005-2006 until now the system was running smoothly and that's a long
gap with no programming work!


 Gavin Towey
 -Original Message-
 From: Hal Vaughan []
 Sent: Monday, November 08, 2010 10:18 AM
 Subject: Running Queries When INSERTing Data?
 I'm redesigning some software that's been in use since 2002.  I'll be
working with databases that will start small and grow along the way.
 In the old format, data would come to us in mega-big text files that had
to be parsed and manipulated and so on with Perl to remove crap and finally
produce one tab delimited file.  Once that file was created, another simple
program would go through and use the data in each line for an INSERT
statement that would put the data in a table.  This table also has an Idx
field that is an auto-incrementing primary key for the table.
 Each night at 3:30 am, a program would run and would go through the same
process for each client.  I never timed it, but it could take something like
30-60 seconds per client, but timing wasn't a major issue, since it had a
LONG time from then until new data would be inserted into the DB.  The
SELECT statements to pull the data for each client involve a number of AND
and OR conditions.  The first one of these would create a temporary table
with its results, then another long SELECT statement would create a 2nd
temporary table by filtering the data out more.  This would continue for a
few temporary tables until the data was filtered.  Then it would be packaged
up and encrypted, then sent out to the client, who has a program on his
computer to read that data and print it out if desired.
 This has worked, but for a number of reasons, a once-a-day data pull and
send won't work as well with the new design.  The program on the clients'
computers will be able to access a special server just for them directly.
(I know the concept of a server for each human client sounds inefficient,
but it actually improves operations in a number of ways.)  So each server
will only have to provide data for one client.
 The big difference is that I'd like to make it so they can access the data
live, or almost live.  I don't mean all the data, but the subset that meets
their needs.  In other words, the equivalent of what was sent to them daily
in the old system.  Their individual servers will still get the big
tab-delimited file that will still be INSERTed in to their DB line by line.
But I'd like to be able to select from the new data as it comes in, once
it's been given a new number in the Idx field.
 Is there any way to run a row of data through SELECT queries as it is
being INSERTed into a table -- or just after?
 The reason for doing this, instead of INSERTing all the data, then running
a program is that as the database grows, pulling out the data will take
longer and longer, so if there were a way to screen data as it comes in,
that would make it easier to provide instantly available data.
 I also know my knowledge of MySQL is quite limited, so if this can be done
in better ways, I'd be interested in hearing about them.
 Thank you!
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RE: Not to show until a certain date

2010-10-01 Thread BMBasal
Your suggestion seems more elegant. However, you missed the mathematical
meaning of BETWEEN in SQL: 
it is inclusive of both lower and upper bounds.

In the case raised by Patrice Olivier-Wilson, when an announcement expires
on announcements_expiredate, it should not show on that date, and

But using BETWEEN, it will show on announcements_expiredate, thus a logical

-Original Message-
From: Hank [] 
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 4:10 PM
To: Joerg Bruehe
Subject: Re: Not to show until a certain date

On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 2:34 PM, Joerg Bruehe

 Hank wrote:
 On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Patrice Olivier-Wilson wrote:
 On 9/28/10 8:33 PM, Chris W wrote:

 FROM announcements
 WHERE announcements_expiredate  CURDATE()
 AND announcements_postdate = CURDATE()
 ORDER BY announcements_expiredate ASC

 Or how about something like this:

 FROM announcements
 WHERE  CURDATE() between announcements_postdate and
 ORDER BY announcements_expiredate ASC

 The syntax is correct, but I don't think this statement will be
 optimized as well as the other proposal:
 BETWEEN is intended for column BETWEEN const1 AND const2,
 whereas your statement is const BETWEEN column1 AND column2.

But that only really matters if there are indexes on the column1 and
column2 fields.

And for the optimizer, wouldn't it make sense to map BETWEEN into two
comparison statements (columnconst1 and column=const2)  or
(constcolumn1 and const=column2) where both scenarios the
optimizer may be able to use indexes on the fields?  It's exactly the
same as the other proposal:

CURDATE()  announcements_postdate and CURDATE()=
announcements_expiredate which still is using two different fields
for the comparisons... so wouldn't both scenarios end up in the exact
same place?


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RE: ORDER BY with field alias issue

2010-09-29 Thread BMBasal
It is inherent in your naming.
As long as your alias time is the same as the column name time, MySQL
will have no way to distinguish which one you refers to exactly in your
order-by clause, and chooses the alias in the select-clause as the one you
intended. You confused MySQL.

First, why you have to hang on time as alias. 
Second, if you don't mind adding another column in your select-clause as a
throw-away, say, 
select DATE_FORMAT(`Time`, '%h:%i%p') as `Time`, `time` as `timex`   
Then, you could use `timex` in your order clause. This works, but with extra
output, not elegant.

-Original Message-
From: Chris W [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 8:10 PM
To: MYSQL General List
Subject: ORDER BY with field alias issue

  I have the following query that is giving me problems.

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`Time`, '%h:%i%p') as `Time`
FROM `reservation`

Problem is it sorts wrong because of the date format function output 
with am and pm.  I guess I should have named things differently but I 
would rather not do that.  Is there a standard way to get around this 
and have it sort by the non-formatted time value?

Chris W

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