Re: Getting SQL errors porting databases between MySQL v4 and v5

2007-03-26 Thread Brian Mansell

The 'group' column needs to be quoted (use  --quote-names with mysqldump).


On 3/26/07, Rob Tanner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


 I am porting over 6 databases from a MySQL v4 installation to a MySQL v5
installation and getting an SQL error in the process.

 I am using the following command to dump the data in the v4 installation:

 mysqldump  -u root --password=secret  --add-drop-table --databases db1 db2
db3 db4 db5 db6  > db.sql

 and using the following command to upload the databases on to the v5

 mysql -u root -p < db.sql

 But then I get this error:

ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 140784: You have an error in your SQL syntax;
check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right
syntax to use near 'group varchar(5) default NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY  (id)
 ) TYPE=MyISAM' at line 8

 The whole create table sequence from the db.sql file is:

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS admission_quotes;
 CREATE TABLE admission_quotes (
   id int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
   quote text,
   author text,
   category text,
   class text,
   active text,
   group varchar(5) default NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY  (id)

 Any idea what the issue is?  Is there something special I need to do when
porting the databases between MySQL v4 and v5?


 Rob Tanner
 UNIX Services Manager
 Linfield College, McMinnville OR

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Re: getting a " Duplicate entry" error when inserting a new record - but there is no duplicate record

2007-03-08 Thread Brian Mansell

Jerad -

First of all, please reply all with a SHOW CREATE TABLE of the table
you're inserting the row into, so that we can identify the indexes
you've established for the table.


On 3/7/07, jerad sloan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

when i try to insert the string "";,
it returns
"error : Duplicate entry '' for
key 3"

when i check the table and do a search for the string, there is no seems that they index is not using the full field to index and
finding a duplicate index key even though there is not a dupliate field - is
there a 70 character limit on varchar unique indexes or something weird?.

this is an InnoDB table with 2 unique keys
and a few other keys...i'm assuming key 3 deals with this data since it is
one of the unique keys and it shows this data in the error...but how do i
confirm which is 'key 3'?

i've been searching around and can't find any mention known issues around

any help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: SELECT single row from 2 tables with WHERE clause

2007-02-19 Thread Brian Mansell

It sounds to me like you're needing to use a left outer join on t2.
Give that a shot instead of the inner join you're currently using.


On 2/17/07, Kerry Frater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am trying to select a particular row from a table and include a column for
aq second table but I cannot get the result I am after.

I have "table1" with 1000 rows and "table2" with 12 rows. The relationship
between the tables is a column "linkedfield". Table1 has a unique key called

If I use the code
SELECT t1.*,t2.thedescription AS t2desc FROM table1 AS t1, table2 AS t2
where (t1.lookup='Z')
I get a result of 12 rows (as expected)

SELECT t1.*,t2.thedescription AS t2desc FROM table1 AS t1, table2 AS t2
where (t1.linkfield=t2.linkfield)
I get 1000 rows as expected

SELECT t1.*,t2.thedescription AS t2desc FROM table1 AS t1, table2 AS t2
where (t1.lookup='Z') and (t1.linkfield=t2.linkfield)
returns 1 row if there is an active link between the two tables and

returns 0 rows if there isn't.

This is where I am stuck. In the last example I would like the 1 row whether
there is an "active" link or not. The difference will be simply that the
"t2desc" rsulting column will be blank or contain a value.

Can anyone help me with the logic?


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Re: Numeric sorting within a string

2007-02-15 Thread Brian Mansell

This is totally possible...

Chris say your table is test, and the column is test_col.. use the
following, and if the number is always at the end.. and always has a
space in front of it this will work:

SELECT test_col, SUBSTRING_INDEX(test_col, '', 1) as test_col_str,
SUBSTRING_INDEX(test_col, ' ', -1) + 0 as test_col_num FROM test ORDER
BY test_col_str, test_col_num;

good luck,

On 2/15/07, Chris White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm wondering if there is a way to do a numeric sort when the number
exists in a string.  More clearly, take for example:

Radius 1200
Radius 1500
Radius 1800
Radius 300
Radius 600
Radius 900

Being that character wise 1 is before 3, I'm wondering if there's a way
through the database to achieve:

Radius 300
Radius 600
Radius 900
Radius 1200
Radius 1500
Radius 1800

If not I'll try and handle it through PHP instead.

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Re: Looking for advice on how to store and query some data

2006-04-11 Thread Brian Mansell
Russell -

This should basically work for selecting the most recently selected

SELECT DISTINCT personID, classification FROM results_table ORDER BY date

On 4/10/06, Russell Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm storing data against a bunch of people and want to track how it
> changes. So, I have a person table where everyone has a person ID and a
> results table a bit like this:
> | personID | classification | date   |
> | 1| 0  | 2005-11-10 |
> | 2| 3  | 2005-11-10 |
> | 3| 1  | 2005-11-10 |
> | 4| 0  | 2005-11-10 |
> | 1| 3  | 2005-12-01 |
> | 4| 2  | 2005-12-03 |
> | 1| 2  | 2005-12-23 |
> | 5| 1  | 2006-01-03 |
> | 2| 2  | 2006-12-03 |
> This lets me see how things change as a pattern, for example comparing a
> a
> SELECT classification WHERE DATE < '2006-01-01' GROUP BY classification
> and comparing it to:
> SELECT classification WHERE DATE >= '2006-01-01' AND DATE <=
> '2006-01-31' GROUP BY classification
> But is there a way I can select every personID's most recently expressed
> preference?
> I hope this makes sense - in the table above, person 1 had a
> classification of 0 at 10th November, but this changed to 2 on 23rd
> Decembner. Can I write a query to select personID once together with
> their latest preference, or indeed their preference as expressed at a
> specific point in time?
> Thanks as ever for any suggestions.
> Russell.
> --
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Re: MySQL Control Center works with v4.0.23 -- how about V5?

2005-08-30 Thread Brian Mansell
>From what I recall MysqlCC has been deprecated and has been replaced by 
MySQL Administrator (which does support v5). I don't know think mysqlcc 
supports v5.

good luck,

On 8/30/05, Siegfried Heintze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [Siegfried Heintze] I love MySQL Control center. I can make it work for
> MySQL v4.0 but not the latest (v5). It simply does not connect to the V5
> Mysql server I just installed. It seems to hang on the connection.
> Am I doing something wrong or does MySQL Control center not support 5?
> Assuming it does not work with MySQL v5, is there a similar substitute 
> that
> does work with V5 that will enable me to look at my data and try out SQL
> statements interactively?
> I was using the GUI program that comes with MySQL V5 (I think it is the
> MySQL Administrator) and that looks very nice too. However, I could not
> figure out how to make it view the contents of my tables. It looked like 
> it
> was supposed to be able to do that from the screen shots.
> Thanks,
> Siegfried
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Re: Fulltext Simple Question

2005-05-25 Thread Brian Mansell
Scott -

Check this excerpt out ( ) from the MySQL 
Documentation. I hope it helps!



"Every correct word in the collection and in the query is weighted according 
to its significance in the collection or query. This way, a word that is 
present in many documents has a lower weight (and may even have a zero 
weight), because it has lower semantic value in this particular collection. 
Conversely, if the word is rare, it receives a higher weight. The weights of 
the words are then combined to compute the relevance of the row. 

Such a technique works best with large collections (in fact, it was 
carefully tuned this way). For very small tables, word distribution does not 
adequately reflect their semantic value, and this model may sometimes 
produce bizarre results. For example, although the word ``MySQL'' is present 
in every row of the articles table, a search for the word produces no 

mysql> SELECT * FROM articles
-> WHERE MATCH (title,body) AGAINST ('MySQL');
Empty set (0.00 sec)

 The search result is empty because the word ``MySQL'' is present in at 
least 50% of the rows. As such, it is effectively treated as a stopword. For 
large datasets, this is the most desirable behavior---a natural language 
query should not return every second row from a 1GB table. For small 
datasets, it may be less desirable. 

A word that matches half of rows in a table is less likely to locate 
relevant documents. In fact, it most likely finds plenty of irrelevant 
documents. We all know this happens far too often when we are trying to find 
something on the Internet with a search engine. It is with this reasoning 
that rows containing the word are assigned a low semantic value for *the 
particular dataset in which they occur*. A given word may exceed the 50% 
threshold in one dataset but not another. 

The 50% threshold has a significant implication when you first try full-text 
searching to see how it works: If you create a table and insert only one or 
two rows of text into it, every word in the text occurs in at least 50% of 
the rows. As a result, no search returns any results. Be sure to insert at 
least three rows, and preferably many more."

On 5/25/05, Scott Purcell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am running 4.0.15 for Win95/98 and am working through the docs.
> I created a "text" type field with a 'fulltext' index. As I am 
> experimenting, I have run into a couple of questions:
> First off, I was having trouble getting results. So I added the word 
> "foobar" to one of the descriptions:
> and that worked with this query:
> select * from item where match(name, description) against('foobar')
> I have a word 'red' that appears 5-10 times, in a tmp table of 60 records.
> If I run that query with 'red'
> select * from item where match(name, description) against('red');
> it returns empty set
> Upon reading, it looks like it is really trying to only get "unique" names 
> from the index. But in my case the 'red' is a description that I would like 
> to get back. Anyway to force this to return results?
> Any info would be helpful. I have read, but it gets a little confusing 
> first time through.
> Thanks,
> Scott
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Re: Fulltext search string less than 4 characters

2005-01-06 Thread Brian Mansell

establish the fulltext minimum word length system variable as follows...




Brian E. Mansell
MySQL Professional

On Thu, 06 Jan 2005 20:59:23 -0500, leegold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to know on Solaris how I could lower the the minimum fulltext
> search string from 4 to 3. Right now using the FullText search any
> string less than 4 chars is ignored. I'm sure there's a link explaining
> how. Maybe UNIX help in general on his would be good as well.
> Thanks, Lee G.
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Re: table types

2004-12-16 Thread Brian Mansell

(it includes type/storage engine as one of the returned columns)


Brian E. Mansell
MySQL Professional

On Wed, 15 Dec 2004 19:21:24 -0800, sol beach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How do I find out what table type is associated with each of the
> tables in MYSQL?
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Re: Trying to download database

2004-12-15 Thread Brian Mansell
Julie -

Please specify which database binaries you are downloading. If you
could provide us with the url's that would be much appreciated in
helping you troubleshoot this.

For Windows binaries, I would refer to the HTTP / FTP mirror links
listed at the bottom of this page:

I hope that helps!

Brian E. Mansell
MySQL Professional

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 12:30:08 -0500, Woo, Julie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've downloaded the database from several different servers today and
> each time I try to uncompress the file, I get the error message that the
> file is not a valid archive.
> I've tried using the built in compression tools in win 2003, and I've
> also tried downloading WinZip 9.0 eval to attempt the unzip.  Neither
> work.
> Please advise.

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MySQL 4.1 table/column names in UTF8

2004-10-26 Thread Brian Mansell
>From  :

"# Important note: MySQL 4.1 stores table names and column names in
UTF8. If you have table names or column names that use characters
outside of the range from `A' to `Z', you may have to do a mysqldump
of your tables in MySQL 4.0 and restore them after upgrading to MySQL
4.1. The symptom for this problem is that you get a table not found
error when trying to access your tables. In this case, you should be
able to downgrade back to MySQL 4.0 and access your data."

In our MySQL 4.0 databases today, we have log tables with names like
'system_log_day_20041026'.  Based upon the `A` to `Z` conditional in
the above statement, are we in any way at risk of not being able to
access our tables?

thanks much,

Brian E. Mansell
MySQL Professional

On Tue, 26 Oct 2004 13:34:49 -0500, Matt Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> MySQL 4.1.7, a new version of the popular Open Source/Free Software
> Database Management System has been released. It is now available in
> source and binary form for a number of platforms from our download pages
> at and mirror sites.
> Note that not all mirror sites may be up-to-date at this point. If you
> cannot find this version on a particular mirror, please try again later or
> choose another download site.
> This is the first 4.1 production release.
> Please refer to our bugs database at for more
> details about the individual bugs fixed in this version.
> News from the ChangeLog:
> Changes in release 4.1.7
>Functionality added or changed:
>  * InnoDB: Made LOCK TABLES behave by default like it did before
>MySQL 4.0.20 or 4.1.2: no InnoDB lock will be taken. Added a
>startup option and settable system variable innodb_table_locks for
>making LOCK TABLE acquire also InnoDB locks. See section
>"Restrictions on InnoDB Tables" in the manual.
>(Bug #3299, Bug #5998)
>Bugs fixed:
>  * Fixed a bug with FOUND_ROWS() used together with LIMIT clause in
>prepared statements. (Bug #6088)
>  * Fixed a bug with NATURAL JOIN in prepared statements. (Bug #6046).
>  * Fixed a bug in join of tables from different databases having
>columns with identical names (prepared statements). (Bug #6050)
>  * Now implicit access to system time zone description tables (which
>happens when you set time_zone variable or use CONVERT_TZ()
>function) does not require any privileges. (Bug #6116)
>  * Fixed a bug which caused the server to crash when the deprecated
>libmysqlclient function mysql_create_db() was called. (Bug #6081)
>privileges are revoked correctly. (Bug #5831). This corrects a
>case that the fix in 4.1.6 could miss.
>  * Fixed a bug that could cause MyISAM index corruption when key
>values start with character codes below BLANK. This was caused by
>the new key sort order in 4.1. (Bug #6151)
>  * Fixed a bug in the prepared statements protocol when wrong
>metadata was sent for SELECT statements not returning a result set
>(such as SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE). (Bug #6059)
>  * Fixed bug which allowed one to circumvent missing UPDATE privilege
>if one had INSERT and SELECT privileges for table with primary key.
>(Bug #6173)
>  * Fixed a bug in libmysqlclient with wrong conversion of negative
>time values to strings. (Bug #6049).
>  * Fixed a bug in libmysqlclient with wrong conversion of zero date
>values (-00-00) to strings. (Bug #6058)
>  * Fixed a bug that caused the server to crash on attempt to prepare
>a statement with RAND(?). (Bug #5985)
>  * Fixed a bug with handling of DATE, TIME, and DATETIME columns in
>the binary protocol. The problem is compiler-specific and could
>have been observed on HP-UX, AIX, Solaris9, when compiling with
>native compiler. (Bug #6025)
>  * Fixed a bug with handling of TINYINT columns in the binary
>protocol. The problem is specific to platforms where the C
>compiler has the char data type unsigned by default. (Bug #6024)
>  * Fixed problem introduced in MySQL 4.0.21 where a connection
>starting a transaction, doing updates, then FLUSH TABLES WITH READ
>LOCK, then COMMIT, would cause replication slaves to stop
>complaining about error 1223. Bug surfaced when using the InnoDB
>innobackup script. (Bug #5949)
> Enjoy!
> --
> Matt Wagner, Production Engineer
> Northfield, MN, USA
> --
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Re: Dyna III electronic ignition install questions R80/7

2004-10-05 Thread Brian Mansell
What build of MySQL are you running? I don't believe an electronic
ignition is included in 4.0 or 4.1.


On Mon, 4 Oct 2004 17:07:07 -0700 (PDT), Don Dachner
> Anyone have experience with installing the Dyna III electronic ignition?
> I put it on my R80/7, but since it wasn't running before I did the install, and it's 
> not running now, I'm not sure if I installed it correctly or not.
> But, after I did the install, I tried to do the static timing as per the 
> instructions that came with it, and i can't get the test light to come on at all 
> which says something, I think.
> Any help appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Don

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Re: mysqldump overflow?

2004-07-22 Thread Brian Mansell
24 = Too many open files.

I think you can resolve this issue by increasing the number of file
descriptors available to mysqld by setting an appropriately higher
'open-files-limit' in your configuration.


Brian E. Mansell
MySQL Professional

On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:20:24 +0200, Wolfgang Riedel
> Hi,
> I want to save a database with 'mysqldump' and get the following error:
> mysqldump: Got error: 1105: File '/var/lib/mysql/mydb/J99.MYD' not found
> (Errcode: 24) when using LOCK TABLES
> But the file *does* exist:
> > ls -l /var/lib/mysql/mydb/J99.MYD
> -rw-r-1 mysqlmysql 224 Feb 24  2002
> /var/lib/mysql/mydb/J99.MYD
> What's the reason for the error?
> Is there a possibility, that the database is to large? It has about 1000
> tables, but the database altogether has an amount of 35 MB.
> Could I tell mysqldump to access the database in portions?
> Regards,
> Wolfgang
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Re: foreign key constraints

2004-07-22 Thread Brian Mansell

Check out Paul DuBois' book MySQL - The Definitive Guide (2nd
edition). It has a few good chapters that discuss foreign key


Brian E. Mansell
MySQL Professional

On Thu, 22 Jul 2004 13:06:07 -0700, Sergei Skarupo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I'd like to learn more about foreign key constraints...
> I read this section of the manual...
> Where can I find a more detailed description with some examples?
> Thanks,
> Sergei

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2004-06-25 Thread Brian Mansell

I recall hearing a similar question mentioned in a previous email
thread. In fact, here it is:

(thread is titled "enum or tinyint")

I hope that helps! 

On Thu, 24 Jun 2004 21:17:09 +0300, Cemal Dalar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I need a boolean column and at to this time I always used ENUM('Y','N')
> for this. I'am wondering that will there be a performance difference between
> using ENUM('Y','N') and TINYINT(1) or BOOLEAN?. And put 0 or 1 to TINYINT
> column.
> Best Regards,
> Cemal Dalar a.k.a Jimmy
> System Administrator & Web Developer
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Professional certification

2004-06-18 Thread Brian Mansell
I took the certification exam this morning and passed. When should I
expect to receive the certificate (and other items) in the mail?


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Re: Correcting Time

2004-06-16 Thread Brian Mansell
This page may help:


On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 14:32:22 -0500, Mike Blezien
> Hello,
> Somehow the mysql server time is set 3 hours earlier than the system time(CDT),
> is there a way to correct this so they both are the same ?
> --
> MikeBlezien
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> Providing Internet Solutions that work!
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Re: general qn

2004-06-16 Thread Brian Mansell
Devshed has a good tutorial:


On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 16:37:44 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to install mysql on linux and it's giving me trouble. I'm new
> to linux and new to databases so my downfall isn't too surprising.
> I've been going by the readme file in the package but I can't seem to get
> my head around it. Does anyone have a step by step approach they could post?
> Thanks.
> --
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Re: How to COUNT rows when they have a COUNT in them

2004-06-15 Thread Brian Mansell
Dave -

I would recommend (if not done so already) adding an index on owner.
That should improve the speed quite a bit.

On Tue, 15 Jun 2004 21:06:47 +, Dave Torr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks - that is basically what I used to do (it works fine now on 4.1.2)
> but it was very slow as there are a LOT of rows and this method returned all
> of them.
> >From: Garth Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: Dave Torr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: How to COUNT rows when they have a COUNT in them
> >Date: Tue, 15 Jun 2004 09:54:19 -0700
> >
> >You could also try:
> >
> > SELECT owner, COUNT(*) FROM pet GROUP BY owner;
> >
> >On Mon, 2004-06-14 at 20:41, Dave Torr wrote:
> > > Thanks - this did not work for me as I am on 4.0.17 - presumably this
> >works
> > > on 4.1 (seems to need the SubQuery feature)? If so I will upgrade
> > > immediately!
> > >
> > >
> > > >From: Yayati Kasralikar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >To: Dave Torr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Subject: Re: How to COUNT rows when they have a COUNT in them
> > > >Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 23:37:15 -0400
> > > >
> > > >Following query does what you want:
> > > >
> > > >SELECT COUNT(*) from (SELECT COUNT(*) as c FROM pet GROUP BY owner
> > > >c>1)  as temp
> > > >
> > > >-Yayati
> > > >
> > > >Dave Torr wrote:
> > > >
> > > >>Probably simple but I can't figure it out!
> > > >>
> > > >>THe manual section has the example
> > > >>
> > > >>SELECT owner, COUNT(*) FROM pet GROUP BY owner
> > > >>
> > > >>which is fine. Now what I want to do is count the number of rows this
> > > >>returns. Actually of course this is trivial - I can just count how
> >many
> > > >>owners there are.
> > > >>
> > > >>What I actually have is something similar to
> > > >>
> > > >>SELECT owner, COUNT(*) as c FROM pet GROUP BY owner HAVING c>1
> > > >>
> > > >>(ie I want to see the owners who have more than one pet). And I just
> >want
> > > >>to know how many there are - at the moment I am having to retreive the
> > > >>full data set (which is large in my case).
> > > >>
> > > >>What I want is something like
> > > >>
> >c>1)
> > > >>
> > > >>but that doesn't work
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >--
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Re: Max

2004-05-12 Thread Brian Mansell
Just a minor correction...

select YourField from YourTable order by YourField DESC limit 1;

('DESC' in order to return the greatest value first)

On Tue, 11 May 2004 17:28:05 +0200, Mikhail Entaltsev
> Hi,
> select YourField from YourTable order by YourField limit 1;
> Best regards,
> Mikhail.
> - Original Message -
> Sent: Tuesday, May 11, 2004 3:01 PM
> Subject: Max
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > A field of type VarChar() with following syntax:
> > ABA1.
> > How to get the Max value.  Bearing in mind that value
> > ABA10 comes before ABA2.
> >
> > regards
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
> > Yahoo! Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping"
> > your friends today! Download Messenger Now
> >
> >
> > --
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> >
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RE: newbie data import question

2004-05-06 Thread Brian Mansell
Luther -

I would recommend picking up Paul DuBois' book MySQL - The Definitive
Guide.  The website has docs which will answer your question,
but I think a good text always helps with learning MySQL.

If you have any specific questions or issues. Please feel free to ask.


-Original Message-
From: luther van dam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2004 7:24 AM
Subject: newbie data import question

I am new to MySQL but I some basic database experience.
I have about 50,000 rows of data in a CSV file.

Where I can find some examples of SQL scripts that show how to: a.
Create a database X. b.  Create a table Y. c.  Import the 50,000 rows of
CSV data into table Y.

I am running MySQL on Red Hat 9

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RE: Title Case Problem

2004-05-05 Thread Brian Mansell
As far as I know INITCAP() isn't a valid function in MySQL. I believe it
is supported in Oracle (sqlplus).


-Original Message-
From: Michael J. Pawlowsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 1:00 PM
Subject: RE: Title Case Problem


SELECT name, INITCAP(name) new_name 
FROM customer WHERE firstname IS NULL


On 5/5/2004 at 12:43 PM Brian Mansell wrote:

>I may be wrong, but there isn't an easy method for completing this in 
>SQL alone.

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RE: Title Case Problem

2004-05-05 Thread Brian Mansell
I may be wrong, but there isn't an easy method for completing this in
SQL alone. If you're using PHP, process the field with ucwords( )  on the other hand, capwords() in Python does
something similar, but replaces multiple spaces with individual spaces.


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Braithwaite [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2004 11:25 AM
Subject: Title Case Problem

Hi All,

I have a table with upper case text.  I want to use a function in my
select statement the puts this text in title case so "MORE FOO YOU
WIBBLE" becomes "More Foo You Wibble".

Thanks for any help



Sql, query

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RE: Is it possible to get a timestamp from the server ?

2004-04-23 Thread Brian Mansell
To get the current year, use:

Basically you can use the DATE_FORMAT to show the present time as


-Original Message-
From: Greg Hosler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 5:08 PM
Subject: Is it possible to get a timestamp from the server ?


I have a database application that I am porting to MySQL. one of the
things that the application needs to do is to get a timestamp from the
server, so that all instances of the application across a network can
timestamp cewrtain records using a common source for the timestamp. e.g.
the sql server.

In the past, under Informix, we did the following sql:

SELECT distinct current year to second FROM systables

I've looked around, and I'm not seeing anything equivalent under MySQL.
Have I hopefully missed something ?

thx for any suggestions / hints / pointers.

best rgds,

-Greg Hosler

   You can release software that's good, software that's inexpensive, or
   software that's available on time.  You can usually release software
   that has 2 of these 3 attributes -- but not all 3.
| Greg Hosler   [EMAIL PROTECTED]|

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RE: Replication question

2004-03-26 Thread Brian Mansell
It's recommended in the docs that you upgrade your slaves to 5.0.0 before your Master 
You shouldn't run into any problems with replicating InnoDB 
good luck!

From: Jonas Lindén [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 3/25/2004 11:56 PM
Subject: Replication question

Hello list, I am about to embark on a little repliction mission;) I was thinking about 
setting up a MySQL slave on my Windows box and replicate my MySQL 5.0 Master which 
runs on my Linux box. Could the mix of architectures become a problem? I also use 
innodb tables alot, are they replicateble? or are just MyISM tables replicatable.

I have not tried anything yet just thought I ask around abit first:)

Best regards
/Jonas Lindén