Re: Death of MySQL popularity?

2010-11-04 Thread Carlos Mennens
On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 5:13 AM, Christoph Boget wrote:
 I think
 it might be time to start seriously looking at Postgres...

Even though all the info you provided is extremely
exaggerated...switching all my databases to PostgreSQL has been the
best thing I've done in years. It's IMO far superior but I'm not
trying to start a debate or flame war. It just works amazing and the
SQL structure far exceeds what MySQL did for me.

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Add Arrange New Column

2010-09-17 Thread Carlos Mennens
I have an existing table with a few columns I created a few months
ago. Sadly I left out the column I would like to use for my Primary
Key and wanted to know what is the best way to add a column to an
existing table but also I want the column to appear first before any
other columns since it's the 'id' column and will be set to PRIMARY

Thanks for any assistance.


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Capitalize Input via Auto Complete?

2010-09-14 Thread Carlos Mennens
I am new to MySQL coming from PostgreSQL  noticed a really annoying
issue. When I select a database, and try to auto complete in MySQL, it
doesn't capitalize the MySQL statements.

It's irritating to me to only be able to auto complete statements like
'SELECT', 'ALTER',  'INSERT' only if I hold down the shift key or
caps lock key while typing. Is there a way to force MySQL to auto
complete commonly used statements while typing them in lowercase which
is normal behavior in PostgreSQL?

Thanks for any info!

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Re: Capitalize Input via Auto Complete?

2010-09-14 Thread Carlos Mennens
On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 2:24 PM, Daevid Vincent wrote:
 Get this tool: it rocks.

 There is also which is pretty great.

I can't use any graphical or 3rd party add-on's. I was hoping MySQL
had this native / built in. I guess not...

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Searching For Modules In a DB

2010-08-11 Thread Carlos Mennens
I have a database called 'gaming' and with in that database there are
several tables and data. I was asked to find a module called 'ako
ldap' and disable it (setting it from 1 to 0). My question is how in
MySQL do I search for a string if I don't even know what table to
search in? I know how to search using the 'select' statement as long
as I know where the table data is. In this case I only know which
database but nothing more except what I am looking for.

Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

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Re: Allowing Connections From Remote Clients

2010-07-26 Thread Carlos Mennens
Guys - I am no expert but I don't think this is a DNS or rDNS issue.
All resolution appears to be working fine. When my PC (tuna) attempts
to connect to the MySQL server via MySQL Workbench, it says Failed to
Connect to MySQL at with user root
Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL
server. It resolves the correct name for the server and the client, I
just don't know how to allow my client (tuna) to be able to connect to
MySQL server.

Any thoughts?

I really want to connect to my database using this tool but I am
missing something. MySQL is rejecting incoming connections from my
host machine that I have WorkBench installed on. Please help.

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Re: Allowing Connections From Remote Clients

2010-07-14 Thread Carlos Mennens
On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Prabhat Kumar wrote:
 PASSWORD 'password';

 *.* ie for all databases , if want on particular DB


Thank you! I checked to make sure I have the following account:

mysql select User, Host from user;
| User      | Host                   |
| cmennens  | |
| cmennens  | localhost              |
| jmadeline | localhost              |
| mediawiki | localhost              |
| mrbs      | localhost              |
| phpbb     | localhost              |
| root      | localhost              |
| roundcube | localhost              |
8 rows in set (0.00 sec)

So from above I have a user 'cmennens'@'' and
now I verify I have access:

mysql SHOW GRANTS FOR 'cmennens'@'';
| Grants for
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'cmennens'@'' IDENTIFIED
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

So it would appear this user has grants or access, no? Am I missing something?

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Allowing Connections From Remote Clients

2010-07-13 Thread Carlos Mennens
I am trying to connect to MySQL server [] from my PC
[] using MySQL Workbench and when I test the connection, I
get the following error:

Host '' is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server.

Can someone please tell me what I need to do so I can allow remote
connections to the database from the MySQL workbench application? I
have access to MySQL via CLI.

Thank you!

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Tab Ahead Doesn't Work As User

2010-05-28 Thread Carlos Mennens
Is it normal behavior for MySQL command type ahead not to work unless
you have a database selected? I notice that using the tab 'type ahead'
has no response unless I use a specific database. Is this normal

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Verify User Privileges

2010-05-27 Thread Carlos Mennens
I would like to know how I can verify what privileges have been
granted to a specific user on MySQL. I don't remember if my user
'carlos' has specific privileges on 'mydb' database. I am sure I could
simply re-run the following command:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mydb.* TO 'carlos'@'localhost'

I really would like to avoid redundant commands if I could verify that
my user 'carlos' already has the neccessary privileges on the specific
database(s) in question.

Thanks for any info / help!


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Re: Verify User Privileges

2010-05-27 Thread Carlos Mennens
On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 12:26 PM, win.a wrote:
 Maybe phpmyadmin is a choice

No I am only allowed to have MySQL installed. No GUI for DBA. I am
sure there is a way to verify the privileges via CLI, I just can't
locate it on the site / documentation.

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Recommend A Backup User / Privileges?

2010-04-29 Thread Carlos Mennens
I downloaded a MySQL script that backs up all my databases
automatically which looks to work amazing. My question is in this
particular script (linked below) there is a section to add a user name
and password for someone who has access to the databases I am
attempting to backup with the script. Now I could just place the MySQL
root user or my own user (admin) account in here which has a plain
text password exposed in the configuration for all to see. Should I
create a generic user in MySQL just for backup roles and privileges? I
don't know enough about GRANT OPTIONS or backups to know if I can
create a dummy user and give him only what he requires to backup the
databases safely or if this script requires the root or someone with

Thanks for any info!

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Recommend A Backup User / Privileges?

2010-04-28 Thread Carlos Mennens
I downloaded a MySQL backup script today since I have 3 or 4
relatively small databases. The script can be found here:

Now I was wondering if I can create a local database user
'backup'@'localhost'  grant him a level of permissions needed to
perform a 'mysqldump' so he can backup the databases to an directory
on the server. My Question is what level or permissions does a user
need to perform a 'mysqldump' on a database since that particular
user's password will be entered into the script noted above via plain
text. I am scared the password will be compromised  that would be bad
if it's root or someone who has GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.*.

Can you guys recommend something for me here? I don't really know
enough about MySQL 'grant' permissions to determine which would work
or if the 'backup' user would require high level privileges.


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Re: Secure Install Removed Root Accounts

2010-03-31 Thread Carlos Mennens
On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 3:07 AM, Johan De Meersman wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 12:25 AM, Carlos Mennens

 hearing from many admins that MySQL expects and needs there to be
 three accounts for root. Them being 'localhost',, and
 hostname. Is this false information?

 Totally false. It's convenient, and probably all of their scripts depend on
 it, but it's in no way necessary, and most certainly not without password.

 Just make sure you have another admin account :-)

By 'another admin account' I assume you mean:

mysql CREATE USER 'carlos'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'holla';
mysql GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'carlos'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Is the above syntax correct for creating a user / admin account to use
rather than 'root'?

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Secure Install Removed Root Accounts

2010-03-30 Thread Carlos Mennens
Today I installed MySQL 5.1.45-1 on my production server and it
recommended that I run the following:


When I ran this, it simply guided me to do the following:

- set root password
- disable remote login for root
- remove 'anonymous' user accounts
- delete 'test' database
- reload privileges now

After doing all the above, I checked my user table and noticed that it
also removed 'r...@'  'r...@hostname' accounts. I recall
hearing from many admins that MySQL expects and needs there to be
three accounts for root. Them being 'localhost',, and
hostname. Is this false information?

mysql select User, Password, Host from user;
| User | Password  | Host  |
| root | *951527F19014ABEFD0390B1409B4CCA97F86AE1F | localhost |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

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Error Removing Anonymous Accounts

2010-03-11 Thread Carlos Mennens
I installed MySQL 5 today and started by setting up root passwords for
all three root accounts:

mysql select User, Password, Host, Create_priv from user;
| User | Password  | Host  | Create_priv |
| root | *3B657EF5C969760D3CF4E42931FDCE507F26D2A1 | localhost | Y   |
| root | *3B657EF5C969760D3CF4E42931FDCE507F26D2A1 | ghost | Y   |
| root | *3B657EF5C969760D3CF4E42931FDCE507F26D2A1 | | Y   |
|  |   | localhost | N   |
|  |   | ghost | N   |

Now my question is when I follow this 'Anonymous Account Removal' guide:

I get the following error:

mysql DROP USER '';
ERROR 1396 (HY000): Operation DROP USER failed for ''@'%'

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Re: Error Removing Anonymous Accounts

2010-03-11 Thread Carlos Mennens
On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 11:29 AM, Rolando Edwards wrote:
 DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE user='';

That worked and I thank you however I am wondering why the MySQL guide
was incorrect? Perhaps it's right but I did something wrong. Any

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Properly ALTER Column Data?

2010-03-11 Thread Carlos Mennens
I know this is very basic for most on the list but I need some MySQL
help. I am logged into my database and I successfully changed a 'field
type' from INT to VARCHAR. Now I need to modify the actual data I
inserted into those specific fields. I checked the manual and could
not really gather exactly how to format my command. There was just so
many options and information on the page...

My table data is as follows and I would like to 'ALTER' the data in
all three 'Serial' fields:

mysql select Model, Serial, GFE, EOL from sun;
| Model| Serial | GFE  | EOL|
| Ultra 24 | 941| 8402 | 2010-10-16 |
| 7310 | 934|9314 | 2012-08-27 |
| J4400| 926|7623 | 2012-08-27 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Can someone please help me understand how I am to properly use and
change the data in MySQL?

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Re: Properly ALTER Column Data?

2010-03-11 Thread Carlos Mennens
On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Gavin Towey wrote:
 Please read the tutorial, let us know if you have questions on the 
 information in it:

Thank you very much for the link...

I did:

UPDATE sun SET serial = '0123456789' WHERE Model = 'Ultra 24';

Worked fine!

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Front End Application For MySQL

2010-03-09 Thread Carlos Mennens
I am looking for a front end application that will allow me to enter
in all my server / workstation data into a MySQL backend running on
Linux. I have been told that I need to take all 75 servers we have in
our server room and keep a database of the following:

- Make
- Model
- O.S.
- I.P.
- Hostname
- Serial #
- Company Asset #
- Warranty Expiration Date
- Room Location

Does anyone know of a program or easiest way I can enter all this data
into a MySQL database and manage it as things change and move around?
Right now I am using a spreedsheet from OpenOffice and it's not
efficient if you know what I mean. Anyone have any tips / suggestions?

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