Well I have managed to rewrite alot of my coding from MS SQL in a downward
and more portable style using MySQL and ASP.  I too have now hit apon where
I need to have Sub queries on some basic searching of products.  Rather than
just telling people "the manual says..." that Sub Selects are missing, would
anyone else like to show how to recreate the original example that Yen
showed in his post, will work in MySQL (and with no giggery pokery with
piping in from temporaty files)?
I was wondering if a temporary heap table could be created and all done in
multi line sql command (thus making it useable from an ADO recordset call in
ASP and equivalent in php).

Yens original code example:

select  ref from tool1
where detail = 'xxx' and ref in (select ref from tool1 where detail='yyy');

Seems so innocent and simple but I cant get my head around it

Many thanks

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