Re: group a select * and a select COUNT from 2 different tables using result of first table to do the COUNT ... is it possible ?

2008-02-19 Thread David Schneider-Joseph

Try this one:

SELECT a.username, a.first_name,  
a.last_name,COALESCE(COUNT(b.username), 0) AS count

FROM user_list a
LEFT JOIN login_table b ON a.username = b.username
GROUP BY a.username,a.first_name,a.lastname;

The LEFT JOIN will ensure you still get a result row even if there are  
no matching rows in `login_table`.  And the COALESCE will give you a  
value of 0 instead of NULL for the count, in that case.

On Feb 19, 2008, at 5:29 PM, Richard wrote:

Sorry it's me again, I made a mistake, it counts the number of  
logins correctly, but does not show members with 0 logins !

Any idea how to do this?

Thanks :)

Peter Brawley a écrit :

Can I do something like this :
SELECT a.username, a.first_name, a.last_name,b.(SELECT COUNT(*) AS  

FROM login_table b WHERE a.username = b.username) FROM user_list a
Try ...
SELECT a.username, a.first_name, a.last_name,COUNT(b.username) AS  

FROM user_list a
JOIN login_table b ON a.username = b.username
GROUP BY a.username,a.first_name,a.lastname;
Richard wrote:


This time I'm rearly not sure if this is possible to do. I've got  
two queries that I would like to bring together to make only one  
query ...

I've got a list of users

And also a login table

I would like to list all users and show the number of times they  
have logged in.

So to get the list of users I would do :

SELECT username, first_name, last_name FROM user_list

And to count the number of connections I would do

SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM login_table WHERE username =  

Can I do something like this :

SELECT a.username, a.first_name, a.last_name,b.(SELECT COUNT(*) AS  
count FROM login_table b WHERE a.username = b.username) FROM  
user_list a

I know that the above query can not work but It's just to give a  
better idea about what I'm trying to do . :)

If I do a join, I will the username repeated for each login.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: transfer huge mysql db

2008-01-30 Thread David Schneider-Joseph

On Jan 30, 2008, at 10:44 AM, Jerry Schwartz wrote:

mysqldump -A  file.dump
tar -jcf file.dump

[JS] You could also just pipe the output of mysqldump through gzip.
tar buys
you nothing, since it is a single file.

-j is the bzip2 compression option. :)

[JS] Yes, but tar is just extra baggage.

Good point, duh.


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Mass insert on InnoDB

2008-01-29 Thread David Schneider-Joseph

Hi all,

I am attempting to convert a very large table (~23 million rows) from  
MyISAM to InnoDB.  If I do it in chunks of one million at a time, the  
first million are very fast (approx. 3 minutes or so), and then it  
gets progressively worse, until by the time I get even to the fourth  
chunk, it's taking 15-20 minutes, and continuing to worsen.  This is  
much worse degradation than the O*log(N) that you would expect.

I have determined that this is in part due to the indexes on the  
table.  I have an index on two columns, call them A and B.  There is  
no relationship between the ordering in A and the ordering in B.  If I  
create the InnoDB table with only index A, and insert the data into it  
in the order of A, then almost no gradual degradation in performance  
can be observed between chunks.  Similarly, if I create the InnoDB  
table with only index B, and insert the data ordered by B, it also  
maintains its performance.

However, I have not been able find a way to insert the data with  
*both* indexes, A and B, without suffering this gradual degradation in  
performance.  I have tried all sorts of methods to convert the table,  
such as dumping to a file and importing back into an InnoDB table,  
using ALTER TABLE big_table ENGINE=InnoDB;, importing the data  
without the second index and adding it after the fact, and in all  
cases it is just a game of whackamole, with the overhead being moved  
elsewhere.  (Note: my primary key is an integer column, so that is not  
the issue here.)

This problem can even be reproduced in a very simple test case, where  
I continuously insert approximately 1 million rows into a table, with  
random data.  `big_table` can be any table with approximately one  
million rows in id range 1 through 100 (we're not actually using  
any data from it):

mysql create table test (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, x int NOT  
NULL, primary key (id), key (x)) ENGINE=InnoDB;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)

mysql insert into test (x) select cast(rand()*1000 as unsigned)  
from big_table where id between 1 and 100;

Query OK, 981734 rows affected (22.23 sec)
Records: 981734  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql insert into test (x) select cast(rand()*1000 as unsigned)  
from big_table where id between 1 and 100;

Query OK, 981734 rows affected (37.03 sec)
Records: 981734  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql insert into test (x) select cast(rand()*1000 as unsigned)  
from big_table where id between 1 and 100;

Query OK, 981734 rows affected (56.41 sec)
Records: 981734  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql insert into test (x) select cast(rand()*1000 as unsigned)  
from big_table where id between 1 and 100;

Query OK, 981734 rows affected (1 min 8.47 sec)
Records: 981734  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql insert into test (x) select cast(rand()*1000 as unsigned)  
from big_table where id between 1 and 100;

Query OK, 981734 rows affected (1 min 27.67 sec)
Records: 981734  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql insert into test (x) select cast(rand()*1000 as unsigned)  
from big_table where id between 1 and 100;

Query OK, 981734 rows affected (1 min 57.93 sec)
Records: 981734  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

Any ideas, anyone?


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Re: Mass insert on InnoDB

2008-01-29 Thread David Schneider-Joseph

On Jan 29, 2008, at 4:37 PM, Baron Schwartz wrote:

It's because your index is bigger than your memory (or at least bigger
than your InnoDB buffer pool).  InnoDB can't build indexes by sorting
rows, so building the indexes gets slow.

Hmm, this would be an interesting theory for the main table in  
question, but it doesn't seem to explain why the test case has the  
same problem.  A show table status tells me that at no point does  
the combined size of the data and indexes exceed 306 MB, though I've  
got 512 MB allocated to the buffer pool (and top tells me that no swap  
space is being used):

mysql create table test2 (id int NOT NULL auto_increment, x int NOT  
NULL, primary key (id), key (x)) Engine=InnoDB;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.10 sec)

mysql insert into test2 (x) select cast(rand()*1000 as  
unsigned) from big_table where id between 1 and 100;

Query OK, 981734 rows affected (25.43 sec)
Records: 981734  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql show table status like 'test2';
| Name  | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows   | Avg_row_length |  
Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free |  
Auto_increment | Create_time | Update_time | Check_time |  
Collation | Checksum | Create_options | Comment  |
| test2 | InnoDB |  10 | Compact| 982123 | 29  
|28884992 |   0 | 19447808 | 0 |  
981735 | 2008-01-29 17:06:23 | NULL| NULL   |  
latin1_swedish_ci | NULL || InnoDB free: 6144 kB |

1 row in set (0.08 sec)

mysql insert into test2 (x) select cast(rand()*1000 as  
unsigned) from big_table where id between 1 and 100;

Query OK, 981734 rows affected (36.97 sec)
Records: 981734  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql show table status like 'test2';
| Name  | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows| Avg_row_length |  
Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free |  
Auto_increment | Create_time | Update_time | Check_time |  
Collation | Checksum | Create_options | Comment  |
| test2 | InnoDB |  10 | Compact| 1964237 | 28  
|56180736 |   0 | 39403520 | 0 | 
1963469 | 2008-01-29 17:06:23 | NULL| NULL   |  
latin1_swedish_ci | NULL || InnoDB free: 4096 kB |

1 row in set (0.08 sec)

mysql insert into test2 (x) select cast(rand()*1000 as  
unsigned) from big_table where id between 1 and 100;

Query OK, 981734 rows affected (58.99 sec)
Records: 981734  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql show table status like 'test2';
| Name  | Engine | Version | Row_format | Rows| Avg_row_length |  
Data_length | Max_data_length | Index_length | Data_free |  
Auto_increment | Create_time | Update_time | Check_time |  
Collation | Checksum | Create_options | Comment  |

Re: Mass insert on InnoDB

2008-01-29 Thread David Schneider-Joseph

On Jan 29, 2008, at 6:09 PM, Jan Kirchhoff wrote:

what hardware are you running on and you much memory do you have?  
what version of mysql?| |

How did you set innodb_buffer_pool_size?

Dual AMD Opteron 246 2.0 GHz
4 GB DDR RAM (no swap being used)
Dual 146 GB SCSI drives with a RAID 1

RedHat Linux, kernel version 2.6.9-55.ELsmp
MySQL 5.0.45-community-log

InnoDB configuration:

| Variable_name   | Value  |
| innodb_additional_mem_pool_size | 20971520   |
| innodb_autoextend_increment | 8  |
| innodb_buffer_pool_awe_mem_mb   | 0  |
| innodb_buffer_pool_size | 536870912  |
| innodb_checksums| ON |
| innodb_commit_concurrency   | 0  |
| innodb_concurrency_tickets  | 500|
| innodb_data_file_path   | ibdata1:10M:autoextend |
| innodb_data_home_dir||
| innodb_doublewrite  | ON |
| innodb_fast_shutdown| 1  |
| innodb_file_io_threads  | 4  |
| innodb_file_per_table   | ON |
| innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit  | 1  |
| innodb_flush_method ||
| innodb_force_recovery   | 0  |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout| 50 |
| innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog  | OFF|
| innodb_log_arch_dir ||
| innodb_log_archive  | OFF|
| innodb_log_buffer_size  | 1048576|
| innodb_log_file_size| 5242880|
| innodb_log_files_in_group   | 2  |
| innodb_log_group_home_dir   | ./ |
| innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct  | 90 |
| innodb_max_purge_lag| 0  |
| innodb_mirrored_log_groups  | 1  |
| innodb_open_files   | 300|
| innodb_rollback_on_timeout  | OFF|
| innodb_support_xa   | ON |
| innodb_sync_spin_loops  | 20 |
| innodb_table_locks  | ON |
| innodb_thread_concurrency   | 8  |
| innodb_thread_sleep_delay   | 1  |

you might want to read
and do some tuning.

As best I can tell, our server is tuned appropriately.  We've  
definitely spent effort on tuning it already.

In case that doesn't help you, you'll need to post more info on your  

Done. :)  Thanks for your assistance.



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Re: Mass insert on InnoDB

2008-01-29 Thread David Schneider-Joseph

On Jan 29, 2008, at 7:04 PM, Jan Kirchhoff wrote:

play around with innodb_log_buffer_size, innodb_log_file_size  and  
try to set innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0.

Do you don't have a BBU on your raid-controller?

let me know if that changes anything.

That did it!  I upped the log_buffer_size to 8M and the log_file_size  
to 128M, and the problem went away entirely!

Thank you very very much, Jan. :)

And thanks to everyone else as well who offered their advice.


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Re: Mass insert on InnoDB

2008-01-29 Thread David Schneider-Joseph

On Jan 29, 2008, at 6:21 PM, BJ Swope wrote:

drop the indexes for the conversion then rebuild the indexes after the
tables are converted.

As noted in my original email, I tried that, but Jan's suggestion re:  
InnoDB tuning fixed it.

Thanks for the advice, everyone!


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Re: transfer huge mysql db

2008-01-29 Thread David Schneider-Joseph
Is there a reason this wouldn't work with InnoDB?  (I understand  
there's usually a single ibdata file, but so?)

On Jan 24, 2008, at 8:08 AM, Matthias Witte wrote:

On Thu, Jan 24, 2008 at 01:42:38PM +0200, Ivan Levchenko wrote:

Hi All,

What would be the best way to transfer a 20 gig db from one host to  

If it consists of MyISAM tables you can do a pre rsync with everything
up and running.

Then you would lock all tables and do the real sync[1] while the  
lock is in


You can then do the switchover or start the replication or whatever  

want to do and unlock all tables.

I do not know any way, how to evade the locking, besides recording all
changes while the transfer is in progress and adding these to the new
database later.

[1] If you rsync over ssh, you should use ssh options -C -cblowfish.

Mit freundlichem Gruß,

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Re: transfer huge mysql db

2008-01-29 Thread David Schneider-Joseph

On Jan 29, 2008, at 10:02 AM, Jerry Schwartz wrote:

mysqldump -A  file.dump
tar -jcf file.dump

[JS] You could also just pipe the output of mysqldump through gzip.  
tar buys

you nothing, since it is a single file.

-j is the bzip2 compression option. :)

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Re: Trigger problem

2007-11-07 Thread David Schneider-Joseph

My apologies, try this:


 DELETE FROM Tb_Stuffing WHERE No_Instruksi = OLD.No_Instruksi;


To answer your question:

The DELIMITER statement tells MySQL to use a different set of  
characters to terminate statements.  This is necessary when you want  
to use a ; in your actual statement.  In this case, the entire  
trigger definition is considered one statement, but the ; in the  
DELETE... line is being interpreted as the termination of it.

Yes, it's dumb.

On Nov 7, 2007, at 2:53 AM, Lucky Wijaya wrote:

No, I didn't set the delimiter. But, it still have an error after I  
set delimiter in my trigger as your example. By the way, what's  
delimiter mean ? And what it's for ?

Thanks to you Mr. David.

David Schneider-Joseph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Lucky,

Did you make sure to set your delimiter before and after the CREATE
TRIGGER statement?  e.g.:


 DELETE FROM Tb_Stuffing WHERE No_Instruksi = OLD.No_Instruksi;


On Nov 6, 2007, at 11:11 PM, Lucky Wijaya wrote:

Hi, my name is Lucky from Indonesia. I build an database application
using Delphi 7  MySQL as the RDBMS. Now, I'm having problem in
creating trigger in MySQL. Here is the code of the trigger:

DELETE FROM Tb_Stuffing WHERE No_Instruksi = OLD.No_Instruksi;

It results an error message that the SQL syntax (on delete command)
is incorrect. I didn't find yet the incorrect part of my SQL syntax.
Could somebody help my problem ? Thank you very much.

Note: I'm already using MySQL v. 5.0.41 and using GUI in creating
the trigger. I also have tried to create the trigger through mysql
command line, but it result the same error message.

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Re: Trigger problem

2007-11-06 Thread David Schneider-Joseph


Did you make sure to set your delimiter before and after the CREATE  
TRIGGER statement?  e.g.:


 DELETE FROM Tb_Stuffing WHERE No_Instruksi = OLD.No_Instruksi;


On Nov 6, 2007, at 11:11 PM, Lucky Wijaya wrote:

Hi, my name is Lucky from Indonesia. I build an database application  
using Delphi 7  MySQL as the RDBMS. Now, I'm having problem in  
creating trigger in MySQL. Here is the code of the trigger:

 DELETE FROM Tb_Stuffing WHERE No_Instruksi = OLD.No_Instruksi;

It results an error message that the SQL syntax (on delete command)  
is incorrect. I didn't find yet the incorrect part of my SQL syntax.  
Could somebody help my problem ? Thank you very much.

Note: I'm already using MySQL v. 5.0.41 and using GUI in creating  
the trigger. I also have tried to create the trigger through mysql  
command line, but it result the same error message.

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Re: Conflicting server IDs on slaves

2007-09-14 Thread David Schneider-Joseph


We observed thousands of errors in the logs of one of our slave  
servers suggesting that it was making repeated failed connections to  
our master.


070905 20:15:21 [Note] Slave: received end packet from server,  
apparent master shutdown:
070905 20:15:21 [Note] Slave I/O thread: Failed reading log event,  
reconnecting to retry, log 'hlgbinlog-opera.69' position 168356323
070905 20:15:21 [Note] Slave: connected to master  
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',replication resumed in log  
'hlgbinlog-opera.69' at position 168356323
070905 20:15:21 [Note] Slave: received end packet from server,  
apparent master shutdown:
070905 20:15:21 [Note] Slave I/O thread: Failed reading log event,  
reconnecting to retry, log 'hlgbinlog-opera.69' position 168356323
070905 20:15:21 [Note] Slave: connected to master  
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',replication resumed in log  
'hlgbinlog-opera.69' at position 168356323
070905 20:15:21 [Note] Slave: received end packet from server,  
apparent master shutdown:
070905 20:15:21 [Note] Slave I/O thread: Failed reading log event,  
reconnecting to retry, log 'hlgbinlog-opera.69' position 168356323
070905 20:15:21 [Note] Slave: connected to master  
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306',replication resumed in log  
'hlgbinlog-opera.69' at position 168356323

There were hundreds of these per second.  A Google search found this:

This occurred shortly after the server ID conflict, and exactly when  
the master was melting down.


On Sep 14, 2007, at 4:11 AM, Jeremy Cole wrote:

Hi David,

This sounds strange, and should NOT occur because of a server_id  



David Schneider-Joseph wrote:

Thank you.
We had a situation recently where two slaves had a conflicting  
server  ID for several minutes, and shortly thereafter the master  
started  reporting errors which were indicative of data corruption  
while  executing queries.  This happened as the CPU usage climbed  
very  rapidly, and ultimately the entire master machine crashed  
with an out  of memory error.
Does this sound like something that could have been caused by a  
short- lived server ID conflict?  All servers involved were  
running 5.0.27.

Your answers would be most helpful!
On Sep 13, 2007, at 7:58 AM, Shawn Green wrote:

Hello David,

David Schneider-Joseph wrote:

Hi all,
What do you know about the effect of conflicting slave server  
IDs  on the master in general?  And specifically, are you aware  
of any  issues with MySQL 5.0.27?

Your help is very much appreciated.
Repeating the same Server ID in your slave servers is BAD. It  
has  caused minor problems like duplicate entries on the slaves  
and  major problems like over a TB of error logs in just a few  
minutes  (because of failure to connect errors).  There are  
several very  good reasons why *each and every* server in a  
replication setup  needs its own, unique server_id. Many of them  
are discussed in the  chapter on Replication:

To see what has been fixed in MySQL since 5.0.27 was released,   
please review the change logs documented here:

For a list of all other bugs (active and inactive) you are  
invited  to research the bugs database (it is a public forum) at:

Shawn Green, Support Engineer
MySQL Inc., USA,
Office: Blountville, TN
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Re: Conflicting server IDs on slaves

2007-09-13 Thread David Schneider-Joseph

Thank you.

We had a situation recently where two slaves had a conflicting server  
ID for several minutes, and shortly thereafter the master started  
reporting errors which were indicative of data corruption while  
executing queries.  This happened as the CPU usage climbed very  
rapidly, and ultimately the entire master machine crashed with an out  
of memory error.

Does this sound like something that could have been caused by a short- 
lived server ID conflict?  All servers involved were running 5.0.27.

Your answers would be most helpful!


On Sep 13, 2007, at 7:58 AM, Shawn Green wrote:

Hello David,

David Schneider-Joseph wrote:

Hi all,
What do you know about the effect of conflicting slave server IDs  
on the master in general?  And specifically, are you aware of any  
issues with MySQL 5.0.27?

Your help is very much appreciated.

Repeating the same Server ID in your slave servers is BAD. It has  
caused minor problems like duplicate entries on the slaves and  
major problems like over a TB of error logs in just a few minutes  
(because of failure to connect errors).  There are several very  
good reasons why *each and every* server in a replication setup  
needs its own, unique server_id. Many of them are discussed in the  
chapter on Replication:

To see what has been fixed in MySQL since 5.0.27 was released,  
please review the change logs documented here:

For a list of all other bugs (active and inactive) you are invited  
to research the bugs database (it is a public forum) at:

Shawn Green, Support Engineer
MySQL Inc., USA,
Office: Blountville, TN
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Conflicting server IDs on slaves

2007-09-12 Thread David Schneider-Joseph

Hi all,

What do you know about the effect of conflicting slave server IDs on  
the master in general?  And specifically, are you aware of any issues  
with MySQL 5.0.27?

Your help is very much appreciated.


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Re: What should be a simple query...

2007-09-11 Thread David Schneider-Joseph

Try this:

SELECT RMAs.rma_id FROM RMAs, rma_line_items
WHERE TO_DAYS(date_settled) = 733274
AND RMAs.rma_id = rma_line_items.rma_id

On Sep 10, 2007, at 11:36 PM, Mike Mannakee wrote:

I have two tables, one called RMAs and the other called  
rma_line_items.  The

first one has the general details of the RMA (Return Merchandise
Authorization) , the second holds the details of each item being  

What I want is a listing of the RMA ids (which are unique in the  
RMAs table)

which have more than one line item in the corresponding table.  So I'm

SELECT * FROM RMAs, rma_line_items
WHERE TO_DAYS(date_settled) = 733274
AND RMAs.rma_id IN
(SELECT rma_id FROM rma_line_items HAVING COUNT(*)  1)

and it's netting me nothing, which I know is not true.  So to  
investigate I

just ran the subselect:

SELECT rma_id FROM rma_line_items HAVING COUNT(*)  1

and I find it's not giving me but one row, the first one to match  
more than one item.  But there are plenty more RMAs that have more  
than one

entry in the rma_line_items table and I need to get at them.

What am I doing wrong?  Any ideas?


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Data corruption and server crash issues in replicated setup

2007-09-10 Thread David Schneider-Joseph

Hi all,

Starting Wednesday night, we observed several weird errors indicative
of data corruption shortly before a CPU spike and complete crash on
our master db server ( had
crashed twice with signal 11 in recent weeks, but we had never
observed any data corruption issues. This was about 15 minutes after
an inadvertent and short-lived server id conflict between two slave
servers ( and Shortly after,
we replaced the master with, we then did a full
mysqldump from and imported that dump onto our 3
other db servers and resumed slaving (with opera as a slave to
sonata). Then Thursday morning, we brought opera back online as our
master. See server list [1] and timeline [2].

Between Thursday and Saturday, we continued to observe apparent data
corruption errors, now on sonata as well as opera, as well as many
dropped and/or failed connections at various unexpected times, often
one error immediately after the other. [3]

We took opera offline completely on Sunday morning, with serenade as
our new master. We continued to observe data integrity problems on
sonata.  We then completely disabled the use of slaves on Sunday night
and haven't had any issues (yet). Note that adagio, no longer in
production, never had any issues either.

What insights might you have into this behavior? Might it be due to a
known bug in MySQL 5.0.27? How would you go about investigating the
cause of this? I am happy to provide any other information you might
think relevant.

Below is is a list of our DB servers for reference, a timeline of
events, and an example of some of the errors we received.  Any help
you can provide is very much appreciated!


[1] List of db servers - original master, currently out of production - slave, then temporary master on Wednesday,  

out of production - slave, now current master since Sunday morning - slave that was brought up with serenade's server  
id originally

[2] Timeline
Wednesday, September 5th, 8:00 PM - We launch Adagio with conflicting  
srv ID
Wednesday, September 5th, 8:01 PM - We stop adagio, launch with  
correct ID
Wednesday, September 5th, 8:05 PM - We restart replication on adagio,  
Wednesday, September 5th, 8:16 PM - Data corruption errors  CPU  
spike on opera

Wednesday, September 5th, 8:18 PM - Opera dies
Wednesday, September 5th, 8:30 PM - Sonata becomes master
Wednesday, September 5th, 8:40 PM - Opera comes back online after reboot
Wednesday, September 5th, 9:30 PM - Sonata dies with signal 11
Wednesday, September 5th, 9:40 PM - Lost DB connections on sonata
Wednesday, September 5th, 10:18 PM - Another lost DB connection on  

Thursday, September 6th, 3:00 AM - Dump is performed on Sonata
Thursday, September 6th, 4:00 AM - Dump imported on opera serenade  

Thursday, September 6th, 5:00 AM - Opera becomes master again
  Serenade and Adagio replicate
Thursday, September 6th, 3:00 PM - Sonata and import done
   Sonata back into production
Thursday, September 6th, Afternoon - Sonata's replication lagging behind
 Lots of IO wait on sonata
 Sonata pulled out of production
Thursday, September 6th, 7:05 PM TO 9:29 PM - More apparent data
corruption errors and lost connections on opera
Thursday, September 6th, 10:19 PM TO 11:20 PM - A ton of failed
connections to opera
Thursday, September 6th, 11:04 PM TO Friday, September 7th, 1:32 AM -
More data corruption errors

Friday, September 7th, 3:16 AM - Opera dies again with signal 11
Friday, September 7th, 6:37 AM - Opera dies again with signal 11 (and a
bunch of failed connections)
Friday, September 7th, 9:18 PM - A bunch more failed/lost connections

Sunday, September 9th, 5:00 AM - Opera taken out of production
  - Sonata and Adagio are slaves, serenade master
Sunday, September 9th, 3:06 PM - Incorrect key file error on sonata
   - work_music table (MyISAM) marked as crashed
   - more apparent DB corruption, this time on sonata
Sunday, September 9th, 3:10 PM - 3:12 PM
  - Error 127 reading table work_music on sonata
Sunday, September 9th, 10:13 PM - 11:39 PM
  - Error 134 reading table production_favs on sonata
Sunday, September 9th, 11:39 PM - Slaves taken completely offline,
serenade now the only master

[3] Representative Errors
(Note that the vast majority of our tables are MyISAM -- including  
the ones we had errors with)

UPDATE work_music, (SELECT SUM(count) AS num_views, COUNT(*) AS
num_viewers FROM workmusic_hits WHERE work_music_id='36079') AS hits
SET work_music.__num_views=hits.num_views,
work_music.__num_viewers=hits.num_viewers WHERE
work_music.work_music_id='36079' [nativecode=1031 ** Table storage
engine for 'hits' doesn't have this option]