Re: Meaning 1:n non identifying

2004-10-02 Thread Donna Hinshaw
A 1:M (one to many) non-identifying means that the associated record in the
-one- table is not a parent of the associated record in the -many- 
table, but
rather just related.

An example:
an identifying 1:M would be a building which has many rooms. The -one- table
carries data about the building .. e.g., street address, number of 
floors, name.
The -many- table carries data about the rooms in the building .. e.g., 
room number,
capacity, special characteristics.  The room cannot exist without the 
therefore this 1:M is an identifying relationship.

a non-identifying 1:M would be a DVD which has many renters. The -one- table
carries data about the DVD... e.g., the movie name, the artist. The 
-many- table
carries data about each person who rents that DVD .. e.g., name, price paid.
The DVD can exist on its own, without ever having been rented, and the 
can exist on her own, without ever having rented any DVD, therefore this 1:M
is a non-identifying relationship.

Donna Hinshaw

GH wrote:
weird... about 1:! generalization and 1:m non identifying... 

I think that these examples can make it better to understand some of
those terms... I am quoting from Database Systems -- Design,
Implementation  Management fouth edition by Rob  Coronel (page 23)
Conceptual Modules use three types of relationships to descrive
associates amond data: one-to-many, many-to-many, and one-to-one.
Database designers usually use shorthand notations 1:M, M:N, and 1:1
for them, respectfully. The following examples illustrate the
distinctions among the three.
1. *ONE-TO-MANY Relationships* A painter pains many diffrent
paintings, but each one of hem is painted by only that painter. Thus
the painter (the one) is related to the paintings (the many).
Therefore, database designers lable the relationship PAINTER paints
PAINTINGS as 1:M. Simillarly, a customer account (the one) might
contain many invoices, but those invoices (the many) are related to
only a singe customer account. The CUSTOMER generates INVOICE
relationship would also be labled 1:M
2 *MANY-TO-MANY Relationship* An employee might learn many job skills,
ans each job skill might be learned by many employees. Database
designers label the relationship EMPLOYEE learns SKILL as M:N.
Similarly, a student can take many courses, and each course can be
taken by many students, thus yielding the M:N relationship label for
the relationship for the relationship expressed by STUDENT takes
3 *ONE-TO-ONE Relationship* A retail company's management structure
may require that eaco one of its stores be managed by a single
employee. In turn, each store manager -- who is an employee -- only
manages a single store. Therefore the relationship EMPLOYEE manages
STORE is labled 1:1

Hope that this helps... as per the  non identifying and the
generalizations... DUNNO

On Thu, 30 Sep 2004 13:14:03 -0400, Joshua Beall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,
I've been taking a look at DB Designer 4, and looking through the
documentation ( I am a
little unclear on some of their nomenclature:
'1:1' - Ok, one to one.  Got it.
'1:1' generalization - Don't know this.  Obviously different somehow from
one to one, but how?
'1:n' - One to many, I assume.
'1:n non identifying' - Nonidentifying?  What does this mean?
'n:m' - Many to many?  Again, not sure.
Can anyone help clarify?
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Re: browser form question

2004-09-24 Thread Donna Hinshaw
within Java, you'll need to create a new String object, like
String textCapitalized = new String;
then when you receive the web text input (say you call it webText)
you do the capitalize function on webText and set it to textCapitalized, 

textCapitalized = capitalizeFCT(webText);
and then in your SQL insert statement you use thetextCapitalized 
string in the values clause, like

statement = insert into yourTable (col1, col2, textCol) values (val1, 
val2, textCapitalized)

you'll need to include  around the strings, using the escape character 
of\of course.


Chris Ripley wrote:
I've been searching long and hard and have come across
a few techniques for changing text entries with lower
case (entered by web user) and changing them to have
first letter capitalized.
in php. ucfirst
in java  capitalize 

But I'm not having success on the database side. 
Everything they enter from the web form hits the
database as entered, or raw, or lower cased.

Is there a way to have the text fixed before it hits
the database?
Chris Ripley
KOZE Radio

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inserting null to not null columns

2004-09-21 Thread Donna Hinshaw
Hi folks:
I have an InnoDB database, the tables created using MySQL Control Center 
0.9.4-beta (winXP pro platform).
Each table has some columns which I have checked as Nulls Allowed. 

I am building a pure Java GUI to the database. Got the SQL statements 
working fine, but have
discovered that I can successfully insert rows into a table without 
including a value for a column
which should be blocking nulls.

Table A

id (PK, auto increment)
ssn   ( nulls allowed specified)
== name and type do not have nulls allowed specified, so I think they 
should be NOT NULL.
 they also have no default specified.

insert into A (id,name,ssn)
values (NULL,Jane,9)
this statement works fine, but I think it should give me an error by 
saying that I'm trying to
insert a row without providing a value for the   type   column (which 
has no default specified).
Looking at the create statement for the tables, MySQL Control Center has 
supplied defaults
of blanks...can I turn off that preference ?

using MySQL 4.0.18
Can anyone provide clarification?

formating output

2004-09-16 Thread Donna Hinshaw
Hi folks -
I have looked thru the documentation and the books I have on MySQL -
but have not found anything on how to format column output from select
statements.  I'm trying to do several things -
a)  if a date is the default of -00-00 then just show a blank
b) for a phone number of 99, format the output as 999-999-
know how to do this in oracle, but in mysql ...?

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re: crosstabs and pivot tables

2004-08-25 Thread Donna Hinshaw
Shawn -
Maybe terminology here...but I think of a crosstab query as one which 
yields sums or averages or
some such tabulation.

What I need to do is just pivot from rows to columns.
The way I've come up with is this:
columns  =  id   date   datetype
there are about 20 datetypes (eg. entered_date, modified_date, 
there can be up to 20 rows for each ID value

columns =   id   entered_date   modified_date   application_date 
so there is just one row for each ID value
create temporary tables for each of the date types
columns for TEMP1 = id  entered_date
columns for TEMP2 = id modified_date
columns for TEMP3 = id application_date
 so on for all date types
then, do an insert into the DESIRED TABLE for all columns,
as select (  ... join all 20 tables on the ID value )
Since there are over 23000 ID values, and over 20 date types,
this join on all 20 TEMP tables will be an overnight batch process,
which is fine for the users - this DESIRED TABLE is for reporting
somewhat after the fact, and one day out-of-synch is fine.
Any other suggestions?

I still see what you want as a crosstab query. The only difference, as you 
say very well, is that you want to pivot on the date type values and not 
the ID values. 

The only other thing you need to decide in order to make a crosstab report 
is what information goes in the position for the row ID=x  and column 
datetype=y. Do you want to see the SUM of some value for each of the rows 
with that ID value and Date type? Or the average or maximum or minimum or 
the standard deviation for the set.  I am asking you how do you want to 
calculate each of the values of x, y, z, and w as you listed them in your 
example output?

It's the same pattern as the other crosstab queries (aka pivot tables) but 
you have to tell me which column you want to calculate values from and 
which calculation to use before I can give you an example using your data.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
Donna Hinshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/20/2004 03:13:16 


Hi - I've read the threads about converting rows of data into columns,
but those threads assume the number of distinct rows is very limited
(say 7 for days of week).
Instead, I have a table like this:
iddate   date type
1 ...  a
1 ...  b

2   a
2    d
Where the number of distinct id values is in the 100,000 range
but the distinct date types are limited to about 20.
I want to get a table (not a view) like this:
iddate a   date b  date d   ..
1  x   y null
2  z  null   w
(based on the values in the first table above)
So...I can't think how to do this.  Help would be appreciated.

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rows to columns - not crosstab

2004-08-20 Thread Donna Hinshaw
Hi - I've read the threads about converting rows of data into columns,
but those threads assume the number of distinct rows is very limited
(say 7 for days of week).
Instead, I have a table like this:
iddate   date type
1 ...  a
1 ...  b

2   a
2    d
Where the number of distinct id values is in the 100,000 range
but the distinct date types are limited to about 20.
I want to get a table (not a view) like this:
iddate a   date b  date d   ..
1  x   y null
2  z  null   w
(based on the values in the first table above)
So...I can't think how to do this.  Help would be appreciated.

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