Re: C api - mysql_list_fields

2008-10-07 Thread Doug Bridgens

It works for me, I used your code:

Field =mycol Type=254 Length=20

so at least your code is fine, and the problem must be somewhere  
else.   I am using RH EL3.


On 6 Oct 2008, at 19:52, Mike Aubury wrote:

I'm probably being a bit stupid - but I'm trying to determine (in  
code) the

length of the string in the schema for a given table.

So - for example :

create table a (
blah char(20)

I want to return '20', but I'm getting '60' when I use  

(Always seems to be 3x longer that I'm expecting)...

Am I missing something ? (or should I just divide by 3!!)

Heres an example :

#include stdio.h
#include stdlib.h
#include mysql.h

MYSQL conn;

int main(int argc,char *argv[]) {
   // run with  username port   as arguments
   char *tabname=a;
   char *db=test1;
   char *u;
   char *p;
   MYSQL_RES *result;
   MYSQL_FIELD *field;
   if (argc!=3) {
printf(usage : %s  username password\n, argv[0]);exit(2);
   u=argv[1]; p=argv[2];
   if (!mysql_real_connect(conn, NULL,u,p,db,0,NULL,0) ) {
Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n,

   result = mysql_list_fields (conn, tabname, NULL);

   field = mysql_fetch_field (result);
   printf(Field =%s Type=%d Length=%d\n, field-name,
field-type, field-length);

Thanks in advance...

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Re: Ancient, unsolved high-CPU problem

2008-09-23 Thread Doug Bridgens
it's all a bit too general, we could be asking continual questions  
until someone asks the right one.

However, I would put some debugging into the 30% scripts to check they  
complete before the next one starts, as if one script takes slightly  
longer (especially if the queries are the same) to complete then the  
rest build up quickly.   Something else could be locking the table  
that your cron queries are trying to access, causing the stacking that  
never recovers.

Once the problem occurs I'd be using 'show processlist' in mysql, and  
vmstat and ps to check the system resources.   Is it definitely mysql,  
or php/apache, a slow disk, etc..

In terms of your stats below, I  have (on a fairly average spec  
server) 500 queries per second and 2000 open tables.   So, unless it's  
a PC or very badly tuned, it should be fine.


On 23 Sep 2008, at 14:16, Rene Fournier wrote:

10% of queries are web-based (Apache/PHP).
30% of queries are from command-line PHP scripts that get executed  
(average 1/second -- they end with mysql_close() btw).
60% of queries are from command-line PHP scripts that run  
continuously (in a loop, with sleep()), acting on incoming socket  


On 23-Sep-08, at 2:20 PM, Jeffrey Santos wrote:


How are you querying the database during normal use?  What kind of  
applications are you using?

~Jeffrey Santos

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Rene Fournier  
Uptime: 1054977  Threads: 10  Questions: 15576766  Slow queries:  
229  Opens: 489  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 483  Queries per  
second avg: 14.765

I know what the slow queries are--some that take 20-30 seconds to  
compute, and they are normal. The number of open tables seems high,  
no? The database that gets 95% of the load has ~35 tables in total.

As for cron jobs, I have a number of command-line PHP scripts that  
perform regular queries. They've been running for about 10 days  
now. The current high CPU state started a couple days ago.

On 22-Sep-08, at 8:30 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:

curious if you have any cron jobs starting to execute?

what does mysqladmin status show ?

Disclaimer and confidentiality note
Everything in this e-mail and any attachments relates to the  
official business of Sender. This transmission is of a confidential  
nature and Sender does not endorse distribution to any party other  
than intended recipient. Sender does not necessarily endorse  
content contained within this transmission.

 Subject: Ancient, unsolved high-CPU problem
 Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:41:25 +0200

 For the longest time, I've had a strange problem with MySQL.
 Basically, after a certain amount of time--sometimes a few days,
 sometimes a couple weeks--its CPU usage will go from a steady  
 to 80-90%. Actual load and number of queries is the same, nothing  


 If I shutdown MySQL and restart it (not the server), CPU% goes  
back to

 normal. What could this be?

 (Xserve G5 2GHz, 8GB, 3x250GB RAID5, Mac OS X 10.4.11, MySQL  


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Re: Ancient, unsolved high-CPU problem

2008-09-23 Thread Doug Bridgens

nothing on a server is weird, just not understood yet  :-)

so, 'show processlist' comes up with nothing.   Does 'ps auxw' show  
any php processes still active?   Does 'netstat -atp' show any  
established connections to mysql?

How long does it take to re-create the problem?   You've restarted  
mysql, how long to high cpu again?   Did you start to rebuild indexes  
any time recently?

You seem to have ruled out the web scripts, so can you stop the 30%  
cron job scripts running?

in your other email CPU usage is 45%.   The top figure is the  
percentage of CPU usage that mysql has used, compared with other  
processes.   92% of 45% (I believe).

if you run 'vmstat 5' it will print out resource usage every 5 seconds  
(ignore the first line) which is more readable than top output as you  
see changes over time.  Change 5 for an interval that suits your  
purpose (ie, if it takes 10 hours to happen, then vmstat 300).


On 23 Sep 2008, at 15:04, Rene Fournier wrote:

Appreciate the suggestions, some of which I've done. The processlist  
typically just shows the known PHP command-line scripts that run.  
Maybe 8-10 on average, 20 max.

Here's a strange thing: If I stop all the requests to MySQL (shut  
down Apache, and exit all the commandline PHP scripts), MySQL's CPU  
usage remains high.  So... no processes in MySQL, nothing hitting  
the database, yet MySQL CPU stays stuck at 60-70%.

If I shutdown MySQL and restart, it's normal again.

Weird, no?

On 23-Sep-08, at 3:47 PM, Doug Bridgens wrote:

it's all a bit too general, we could be asking continual questions  
until someone asks the right one.

However, I would put some debugging into the 30% scripts to check  
they complete before the next one starts, as if one script takes  
slightly longer (especially if the queries are the same) to  
complete then the rest build up quickly.   Something else could be  
locking the table that your cron queries are trying to access,  
causing the stacking that never recovers.

Once the problem occurs I'd be using 'show processlist' in mysql,  
and vmstat and ps to check the system resources.   Is it definitely  
mysql, or php/apache, a slow disk, etc..

In terms of your stats below, I  have (on a fairly average spec  
server) 500 queries per second and 2000 open tables.   So, unless  
it's a PC or very badly tuned, it should be fine.


On 23 Sep 2008, at 14:16, Rene Fournier wrote:

10% of queries are web-based (Apache/PHP).
30% of queries are from command-line PHP scripts that get executed  
(average 1/second -- they end with mysql_close() btw).
60% of queries are from command-line PHP scripts that run  
continuously (in a loop, with sleep()), acting on incoming socket  


On 23-Sep-08, at 2:20 PM, Jeffrey Santos wrote:


How are you querying the database during normal use?  What kind  
of applications are you using?

~Jeffrey Santos

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Rene Fournier  
Uptime: 1054977  Threads: 10  Questions: 15576766  Slow queries:  
229  Opens: 489  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 483  Queries per  
second avg: 14.765

I know what the slow queries are--some that take 20-30 seconds to  
compute, and they are normal. The number of open tables seems  
high, no? The database that gets 95% of the load has ~35 tables  
in total.

As for cron jobs, I have a number of command-line PHP scripts  
that perform regular queries. They've been running for about 10  
days now. The current high CPU state started a couple days ago.

On 22-Sep-08, at 8:30 PM, Martin Gainty wrote:

curious if you have any cron jobs starting to execute?

what does mysqladmin status show ?

Disclaimer and confidentiality note
Everything in this e-mail and any attachments relates to the  
official business of Sender. This transmission is of a  
confidential nature and Sender does not endorse distribution to  
any party other than intended recipient. Sender does not  
necessarily endorse content contained within this transmission.

 Subject: Ancient, unsolved high-CPU problem
 Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:41:25 +0200

 For the longest time, I've had a strange problem with MySQL.
 Basically, after a certain amount of time--sometimes a few days,
 sometimes a couple weeks--its CPU usage will go from a steady  
 to 80-90%. Actual load and number of queries is the same,  
nothing else


 If I shutdown MySQL and restart it (not the server), CPU% goes  
back to

 normal. What could this be?

 (Xserve G5 2GHz, 8GB, 3x250GB RAID5, Mac OS X 10.4.11, MySQL  


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Re: another INNODB vs MYISAM question

2008-08-15 Thread Doug Bridgens
if you switch the default engine type any new tables would be created  
with that new engine type.  it does not convert existing tables to  
your new format.

if you have existing innodb tables you need to have the innodb  
settings active, in my.cnf

On 15 Aug 2008, at 06:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello mysql,

As I have previously mentioned, I installed WAMPSERVER 2.0 on my
Windows XP pro box recently. It installed INNODB as the Default

All of my legacy Databases are MYISAM and after the installation, I
copied them all into the DATA folder and everything worked, even
adding new tables etc. but the new stuff was INNODB. So I ended up
with some MYISAM databases that contained INNODB tables in them.

After a few weeks I got to thinking that mixing INNODB and MYISAM
might not be a good thing and switched the Default Engine to MYISAM in
my.ini file. I didn't just switch the default, I commented out all the
INNODB calls in the my.ini file as well.

As I half expected, all the databases that I had added INNODB tables
failed when I tried to fire up the applications that used them.

Although I am not new to mysql, I have had a bit of MYISAM tunnel
vision with it so my question is, if I had just switched the default
engine and NOT disabled the INNODB calls in my.ini, would that have
prevented the problem? I restored all the MYISAM files and got
everything back working again.

I don't want to go through the lengthy reproduction exercise of
reinstalling everything to test the theory so if someone has had some
experience with this, I would appreciate hearing from them.

Best regards,
mikesz  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Slow mysql connections

2008-08-13 Thread Doug Bridgens
Do you have any other services running on the server, such as mail or  
web?   How long does it take to connect to those services ('telnet  
server 25', or telnet server 80')?

What are you using to connect to mysql?   how long does 'telnet  
server 3306' take (assuming you are on the default port and have  
firewall access)?   How long does it take to connect from a local  
server session?

When you are doing the above tests, do them with the server name and  
with the IP address.

The above should let you rule out your client, and any server related  
issues such as DNS or firewall.   So you will know if it is a mysql  
problem or not.


On 13 Aug 2008, at 05:39, Krishna Chandra Prajapati wrote:

Hi all,

Connecting to mysql server (Production) is taking 5 to 6 seconds.  

has 16Gb ram. Previously it was using only 6GB ram. The details are as
follows. DNS looks fine.

free -m
total   used   free sharedbuffers  
Mem: 15899  15877 21  0 97   

-/+ buffers/cache:   1865  14033
Swap:0  0  0


procs ---memory-- ---swap-- -io -system--
r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us  
sy id

0  0  0  26792 100600 142428680089   15000   
7  1

92  0

cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal: 16281204 kB
MemFree: 26692 kB
Buffers:100916 kB
Cached:   14243248 kB
SwapCached:  0 kB
Active:8338968 kB
Inactive:  7679900 kB
HighTotal:   0 kB
HighFree:0 kB
LowTotal: 16281204 kB
LowFree: 26692 kB
SwapTotal:   0 kB
SwapFree:0 kB
Dirty: 224 kB
Writeback:   0 kB
AnonPages: 1674640 kB
Mapped:  11616 kB
Slab:   215140 kB
PageTables:   4232 kB
NFS_Unstable:0 kB
Bounce:  0 kB
CommitLimit:   8140600 kB
Committed_AS:  2182136 kB
VmallocTotal: 34359738367 kB
VmallocUsed:   252 kB
VmallocChunk: 34359738043 kB


ps aux  (The below process is only process using cpu and memory)

mysql 3963 10.6 10.2 2190136 1671816 ? Sl   Mar28 21019:10
/usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/v

cpu usage 10.6
memory usage 10.2

Please tell how  what are the reasons and how can i solve this  

Krishna Chandra Prajapati

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