RE: Linux vs. Windows?

2005-08-12 Thread Duke, Brian
Like crashing, auto-rebooting, memory leaking, program cost, etc...

Brian Duke
Level(3) Communication 

-Original Message-
From: Pat Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 9:21 AM
Subject: RE: Linux vs. Windows?

On Fri, 2005-08-12 at 09:55 -0500, Jay Blanchard wrote:
 Same machine, any performance difference?
 Yes. Linux will consistently outperform Windows in many areas.

Except for those areas that it doesn't.
Pat Adams
Applications Programmer
SYSCO Food Services of Dallas

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upgrade which client?

2004-04-10 Thread Duke, Brian
I needed 5to do some subqueries. I had mysql-3.23. Somehow I thought
mysql4 included subqueries. Loaded mysql-4.0. Converted everything and
got it working except it doesn't do subqueries. Therefore we installed
mysql-4.1.1 6 hours of figuring out the permissions finally we got the
databases all fixed and now I can actually query the tables I see.


Now there is 1 error left that we're a little confused about. We logged
into the server locally via:

mysql -u root -p

It verifies the password and lets us in. We create the users for all the
php scripts via:

Mysqlgrant all on scratch.* to 'fred'@'localhost' identified by

And then when we run our php scripts the mysql-server says;


MySQL said: 

#1250 - Client does not support authentication protocol requested by
server; consider upgrading MySQL client

So what client is mysql-server talking about? Is it the php-mysql rpm or
the MySQL-client rpm. The server was installed as a standard binary
gunzip. We didn't see a mysql-client binary gunzip just the rpm.


Our box currently has the following services:




on a redhat9 os running a 2.4.20-30.9 kernel


to be fair we installed the mysql-client after we got the first error
message. Before that we had no mysql-client and addes users via
mysqladmin. I don't think I can upgrade the php-mysql any higher yet.
Can someone let us know what we need to upgrade?




Brian Duke

SS-Technical Customer Assistance

Level(3) Communications



RE: upgrade which client?

2004-04-10 Thread Duke, Brian

I needed to do some subqueries. I had mysql-3.23. Somehow I thought
mysql4 included subqueries. Loaded mysql-4.0. Converted everything and
got it working except it doesn't do subqueries. Therefore we installed
mysql-4.1.1 6 hours of figuring out the permissions finally we got the
databases all fixed and now I can actually query the tables I see.


Now there is 1 error left that we're a little confused about. We logged
into the server locally via:

mysql -u root -p

It verifies the password and lets us in. We create the users for all the
php scripts via:

Mysqlgrant all on scratch.* to 'fred'@'localhost' identified by

And then when we run our php scripts the mysql-server says;


MySQL said: 

#1250 - Client does not support authentication protocol requested by
server; consider upgrading MySQL client

So what client is mysql-server talking about? Is it the php-mysql rpm or
the MySQL-client rpm. The server was installed as a standard binary
gunzip. We didn't see a mysql-client binary gunzip just the rpm.


Our box currently has the following services:




on a redhat9 os running a 2.4.20-30.9 kernel


to be fair we installed the mysql-client after we got the first error
message. Before that we had no mysql-client and added users via
mysqladmin. I don't think I can upgrade the php-mysql any higher yet.
Can someone let us know what we need to upgrade?





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Tough Query for this New DBA

2004-03-21 Thread Duke, Brian
There has got to be a better way for me to query/subquery this data.
I have 4 tables.

Company_Name | Company_ID 
Blue Shoe| 101
Fast Cow | 102


Company_ID | Company_Location | Company_State | Company_area_code |

101| davetown | CO| 303   |  827
102| bobville | AZ| 501   |  666

Customer_Location | Customer_Phone | Customer_ID
bobville  | 3035551234| 201
davetown  | 5010004321| 202

State  |  Area_Code | Prefix | Phone_Company
CO | 303| 827| qwerst
AZ | 501| 666| qwerst

I'm having trouble with a subquery

Table1.Company_Name ,
Table2.Company_ID ,
Table1, Table2, Table3
Table2.Company_Prefix = (SELECT Table4.Prefix FROM Table4 WHERE
(SUBSTRING(Table3.Customer_Phone,4,3) = Table4.Area_Code) AND
Table2.Company_Area_Code = (SELECT Table4.Area_Code FROM Table4 WHERE
(SUBSTRING(Table3.Customer_Phone,1,3) = Table4.Area_Code) AND
Table2.Company_ID = Table1.Company_ID

the problem is with my query. I want to select the company nearest the
I have tried subqueries but I somehow don't have my syntax correct. 
Could someone give a suggestion on the best way to query all four tables
in one statement?

Thanks, bd

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RE: Can't connect URGENT!

2004-02-07 Thread Duke, Brian
Hmmm, I dunno.
Perhaps the term: mysql -h 'server' -u root
Should be changed to: mysql -h your_hostname -u root
As your_hostname is the actual FQDN of your server.

Brian Duke

-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 5:30 PM
Subject: Can't connect URGENT!


I have instaled mysql 4.0.17 on a debian server, but i have a big
I can only connect to mysql at the server and only with -h localhost. If
I try 
 mysql -h server -u root 

from anywhere i receice always the same response:

 ERROR 2003: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'server' (111)

the only way I can connect to the server is typing

mysql -h localhost -u root

at the server.

Can anyone please help? I already search at google and can fine


Carlos Baptista

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Database design

2004-01-25 Thread Duke, Brian
Can someone explain a 1:n non identifying relation?


Brian Duke


RE: How to create mysql user?

2003-12-15 Thread Duke, Brian
try this:
 grant ALL on abc.* to 'abc'@'localhost' identified by 'abc';

I have created database 'abc' .
mysql grant ALL on abc.table to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

-Original Message-
From: ads mysql [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 11:21 PM
Subject: Re: How to create mysql user? 

O K.
I accessed to mysql as root user and tried to created user 'abc' as folows :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 61 to server version: 4.0.16-standard
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
I have created database 'abc' .
mysql grant ALL on abc.table to 'abc' identified by 'abc';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
I want to give all permission to user abc to handle database 'abc'.
Then I tried to connect as user 'abc' to mysql as follows :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
Enter password:
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

Some problem.

Help appreciated.

Nitin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
right now, u r trying to connect t omyql with uer abc, not creating it.

to create user abc
on dbname.tablename to 'abc' identified by 'abc';

you can view the list of privileges available on myql website at


- Original Message - 
From: ads mysql 
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 11:09 AM
Subject: How to create mysql user?

 I have installed mysql. As per documentation with user as 'root'.

 I can create Database, table. I can enter data into table.

 I have created user 'abc' with passowrd 'abc' on my Linux 8.0 server.
 by using command :
 adduser abc -p 'abc'

 Now I want to create mysql database user 'abc' with command :

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] mysql]# mysql -u abc -p
 Enter password: (entered abc)
 ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' (Using password: YES)

 Is it granting permission to abc. I refered documentation but could not
get it clearly Neet sample code.

 Then I connected mysql as 'root' user. and tried.

 mysql mysql -u abc -p;
 ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that
corresonds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near
'mysql -u ab -p' at line 1.

 Syntax I got from Documentation for GRANT as follows:

 4.4.1 GRANT and REVOKE Syntax

 GRANT priv_type [(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)] ...]
 ON {tbl_name | * | *.* | db_name.*}
 TO user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password']
 [, user_name [IDENTIFIED BY [PASSWORD] 'password'] ...]


 Please guide me how to create users for mysql with password.

 Thanks for support.

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MySql40, MSAccess2003, MyODBC3.51, and white spaces.

2003-12-06 Thread Duke, Brian

I have a question about spaces in fieldnames.
locally running Access03 and using MyODBC3.51 to populate a MySQL40 database.

The Database name and table names are ok.
It's the field names I am having trouble with. The tables are huge and there are 26 
The ODBC process completes but due to Access insistance on nonconformity it creates 
tables with spaces in the field names. Example:


I could manually go in and rename every field but this database needs to migrate 
All my scripts are php based. My issue is I can't figure out how to tell php to query 
a field on 
a table with a space in the name:


returns either an error or :


can someone help me either fix my ODBC load or help me correctly syntax my php query 

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RE: MySql40, MSAccess2003, MyODBC3.51, and white spaces.

2003-12-06 Thread Duke, Brian
I agree with that. the LERG does not get generated by us. 
I push it immediately to Mysql every week. 
so you are recommending:


(the backticks are around `LERG_6.SHA INDICATOR`)

is this correct?

-Original Message-
From: Daniel Kasak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 06, 2003 2:46 PM
To: Duke, Brian; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: MySql40, MSAccess2003, MyODBC3.51, and white spaces.

can someone help me either fix my ODBC load or help me correctly syntax my php query 

Try using backticks: `field with spaces`

And try migrating away from Access, or you'll be increasingly more sorry 
as your project increases in size.

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