re: Remote ServerAccess

2002-09-23 Thread Eric Lamendola

Follow up question,

Well what if you have a user that you want to give permission to from any 
computer in the domain.

Such as user:   mysqluser with READ|SELECT|UPDATE from anywhere 

But not from any other domain.


Eric Lamendola
Slingo Inc.

 And if not, Hey what do I know 

At 05:17 PM 9/23/02 +0300, Victoria Reznichenko wrote:
Monday, September 23, 2002, 4:24:13 PM, you wrote:

PF I'm just starting out with MySQL.  How do you set permission to allow for
PF access from a domain or IP.  I found this in the docs.  I this all I need?


Patrick, % in the host field means any host. If you want to allow
connection only from certain host for user, you should specify host
name or IP adddress, like
 GRANT ALL ON *.* TO 'someuser'@'' IDENTIFIED BY
 'soempassword' WITH GRANT OPTION;

Some info you can also find here:

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Re: MySQL Monitoring Alerts

2002-09-10 Thread Eric Lamendola


I noticed another response about tailing the log and looking for 
information in the err log which looks like a great solution.

However, if you have an extra computer laying around, you can also set up a 
cron job with a shell script that connects to the server (via telnet or 
using a mysql client to connect) and checks the output.  Then quickly 
disconnects so as not to tie up a connection.

If the connection is refused or unavailable, then the server is not 
responding.  You could even put in some extra lines in the script for 
checking more than once to see if it was a fluke the first time.

This would be a little more real time and allows you to set the frequency 
in which you want to monitor the server.  Plus, you could set the script to 
Email you if the server isnt working.

If not - hey what do I know heh

Eric Lamendola

At 10:04 AM 9/10/02 +0100, Tom Freeman wrote:
I hope this question hasn't been asked loads of times before but I can't see
any reference to it in the documentation.
Basically I need a way to monitor MySQL to ensure it hasn't gone down. We
are using MySQL as the backend of some important sites and need to ensure
that if it does crash for whatever reason, an alert (email and SMS) is sent
out to an engineer to resolve the problem.

We are presently using a program known as NetSaint to monitor our services
but it sometimes doesn't seem to be 100% reliable at detecting a MySQL

Anyway, can anyone tell me a better way to monitor MySQL so that if it has
any problems an oncall engineer can respond quickly. I'm sure this must be a
common problem so there must be something out there already.

Many thanks,

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Re: 'mysqladmin shutdown' doesn't shut it down...

2002-09-10 Thread Eric Lamendola


I thought you could just use

mysqladmin refresh -pPASSWORD -- or
mysqladmin reload -pPASSWORD

To kickstart logging again?

If not - hey, what do I know heh

Eric Lamendola

At 11:12 AM 9/10/02 +1000, Daniel Kasak wrote:
Hi all.

I've been using MySQL-4.0.3 (on Slackware-8.0) for a week or so now, and 
have noticed that the command:
   mysqladmin shutdown -ppassword
doesn't shut down all mysql processes.
I use the following script to backup our database and restart mysql:

cd /root/sql/backups
for I in EnergyShop NUS ebills irm mysql sales Fuel
/usr/local/mysql-4.0.3/bin/mysqldump -v --opt $I  $I.dump -pPASSWORD

/usr/local/mysql-4.0.3/bin/mysqladmin shutdown -pPASSWORD
/usr/bin/nice -n -10 /usr/local/mysql-4.0.3/bin/mysqld_safe 
--enable-locking --log-update --log-slow-queries --
cd ..
tar -ycvf backups.tar.bz2 backups

If you're wondering why I shutdown  restart the server - I used to have a 
problem with telling mysql to start another log file after backing up the 
database. I'm not sure whether this was a bug or just my lack of 
understanding, but anyway it worked so I used it...

The script used to work with MySQL-4.0.1 and MySQL-4.0.2 but now I get 
processes hanging around, usually 'mysqld_safe' and 1 or 2 'mysqld' 
processes. This appears to happen whether I leave a client connected or 
not. Under previous versions, if I left a client running (eg mysqltop - 
accidentally of course), mysql would shut down and mysqltop would loose 
it's connection - which is what I had expected to happen. So I'm not sure 
whether mysql keeps running because there are client connections still 
open (MS Access sometimes doesn't disconnect properly, and we have 40 MS 
Access clients...).

So ...
Is this behaviour expected if clients are leaving connections open?
Has this behaviour been changed intentionally since MySQL-4.0.2?
Is this likely to cause a problem? I have had to kill the processes with 
kill -9. There is nothing in the transaction or error log at all. And I 
haven't noticed any data corruption yet.

Thanks in advance!

Daniel Kasak
IT Developer
* NUS Consulting Group*
Level 18, 168 Walker Street
North Sydney, NSW, Australia 2060
T: (+61) 2 9922-7676 / F: (+61) 2 9922 7989

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Re: MySQL Monitoring Alerts

2002-09-10 Thread Eric Lamendola


I totally agree.  The log solution wasn't my idea though smile.

No matter what language you write the script in, any type of Get some 
kind of response by throwing something against the server and seeing if it 
sticks response will get you the information you need.

I set up a dummy account and use a simple shell with a mysqladmin status 
command.  Works fine for me.  This just lets me know whether the server is 
up or down.

Your way would work well also, because if you have to get a data 
response, it would probably provide greater detail as to the status and 
response time of the server.

If not - hey what do I know heh

Eric Lamendola

At 10:26 AM 9/10/02 -0500, mos wrote:
 Isn't letting an outside connection access to your log file a 
 little dangerous?  Why not create a dummy table with just one record in 
 it, restrict it to read access only, then use your chron job on a remote 
 computer to run a PHP/Perl script to access that record over the net. If 
 it returns an error, then examine the error number to determine what the 
 problem is. (Maybe the connection is down, or the database is down.) 
 There may be better ways to do it but this should be more secure.


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Re: MySQL eating processer

2002-08-13 Thread Eric Lamendola

The question you should ask yourself is What is it that my site may be 
doing that is causing MySQL to spike so much?

I came into a similar situation and found that there were 2 major things 
that were impacting the usage of the database.

The first would be the database structure that you are using.

The second would be how the site is accessing the database.

Are you making multiple queries off of different tables at the same 
time?  Are you opening connections and not closing them?  Are you asking 
for a lot of information from the DB for EVERY page on your site?  Is there 
information you could simply store in a cookie and not go back to the DB 
for more information every time?

Think of it this way, with 100K impressions per day - with load balanced 
over the entire day is about 71 pages per minute.  Chances are you have 1 
or 2 Hammer pages which are just taxing the DB more than it can handle.

We simply changed the DB structure to not include so many tables in each 
query and change the way in which information was polled.

Hope this gets you in the right direction

Eric Lamendola
Slingo Inc.

PS - Logging ** ALWAYS GOOD ** (Just make sure you set up log rotation)

At 04:03 PM 8/13/02 +0100, John Wards wrote:

MySQL is using between 40-60% of the processer and I can't figure out why.
Has anyone got any handy hints how to start getting this down other than
telling my users to ef-off. I am getting about 100,000 page imps a day which
is a fair few but not that much.

I am unsure where to start!

John Wards

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