Problem installing MySQL 5.0

2006-01-03 Thread Francesco Vincenti
Hello everybody,
This is the first time I try to install MySQL 5.0, I think I followed the
steps showed by the documentation in the right way, but when I run the

rpm -i MySQL-server-Version-.i386.rpm

I get back the error:

error: Failed dependencies:
perl(DBI) is needed by MySQL-server-standard-5.0.18-0.rhel3

I am trying to install MySQL on this platform:
- CPU:AMD Athlon 800 Mhz
- Operating System: Linux Fedora core 2, release 2.6.5-1.358

The packages I have downloaded are:
- MySQL-server-standard-5.0.18-0.rhel3.i386.rpm
- MySQL-client-standard-5.0.18-0.rhel3.i386.rpm

After the error, I found a few information on internet about perl(DBI), so I
downloaded it  and  installed it on my system.
The test step (make test) ended with error 355 (??), but I run anyway make
install which ended without problems, I think.
At this point I do not know what to do, so I need your help to solve this
Francesco Vincenti


Re: Problem installing MySQL 5.0

2006-01-03 Thread Francesco Vincenti
Hello Chander,
thank you very much.
I tried to do in your way ad the installation works!
I downloaded the perl(DBI) .rpm and I installed it the first time using the

rpm -Uvh perl-DBI-1.50-1.i386.rpm

but I got back an error about one glibc library not founded, so I use this

rpm -Uvh --nodeps perl-DBI-1.50-1.i386.rpm

and the installation finished without problems.
Then, I installed both MySQL-server-standard-5.0.18-0 .rhel3.i386.rpm, with
which I have had the problem, and
MySQL-client-standard-5.0.18-0.rhel3.i386.rpm and all went in the right way.
Francesco Vincenti