At 21:28 01-07-19, you wrote:
> >
> > > the same time, a NuSphere-controlled doesn't strike me
> > > as a disaster, provided they can do it with out shooting
> > > themselves in the foot, as they are doing now.
> > >
> >
> >
> > Nah
> >
> > There using it as a marketing ploy to dup the public.
> >
> > The should have released their GPLed extentions on
> > rather than, but they are
> > unwilling to do this because they feel they have the
> > right to be seen as the originators of MYSQL.
> >
>I think you see evil people, conspiracies and other unwanted stuff when
>in fact there are only misunderstandings and opposing viewpoints.
>I'm with Bob Hall on this one. Excellent statement Bob!


How many did actually *see* the original site?
I have a really hard time seeing how there could be any kind of 
behind the way it was designed. (or not designed, rather.)

/Göran Lovén

database, table, mysql
G. Lovén
GL Design Information Technologies
email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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