mysql_fix_privilege_tables doesn't fix privilege tables [50 character or so descriptive subject here (for reference)]

2003-06-29 Thread Gordon Burditt
When I start up mysqld (4.1.0-alpha), I get the message in the 
error log:
mysql.user table is not updated to new password format: Disabling new password 
usage until mysql_fix_privilege_tables is run

I *HAVE* run mysql_fix_privilege_tables.  At least 4 times.
I have a whole bunch of privilege columns including super_priv.
Every time I run it it corrupts the (select-only web server) users 
I created since upgrading (from 3.23.56 to 4.1.0-alpha) by 
handing out privileges I don't want these users to have, like 

What's the point of SHOW PRIVILEGES?  There are a lot of privilege
columns in mysql.user that don't show in SHOW PRIVILEGES, yet
I can grant them and display them in SHOW GRANTS FOR ... .
I thought it was to keep the list of privileges in sync with
what the server actually supports?


Start mysqld.  
Get warning message.  
Run mysql_fix_privilege_tables.  
Repeat ad nauseum.

Is the mysql_fix_privilege_tables that came with 4.1.0-alpha
really up to date?

Submitter-Id:  submitter ID
Originator:Gordon Burditt
MySQL support: none [none | licence | email support | extended email support ]
Synopsis:  mysql_fix_privilege_tables doesn't fix the privilege tables
Severity:  non-critical 
Priority:  low 
Category:  mysql
Class: sw-bug 
Release:   mysql-4.1.0-alpha (FreeBSD port: mysql-server-4.1.0_1)
Server: /usr/local/bin/mysqladmin  Ver 8.40 Distrib 4.1.0-alpha, for 
portbld-freebsd4.7 on i386
Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB  MySQL Finland AB  TCX DataKonsult AB
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software,
and you are welcome to modify and redistribute it under the GPL license

Server version  4.1.0-alpha-log
Protocol version10
Connection via TCP/IP
TCP port3306
Uptime: 2 hours 25 min 6 sec

Threads: 1  Questions: 385428  Slow queries: 7  Opens: 35  Flush tables: 1  Open 
tables: 29  Queries per second avg: 44.272
C compiler:2.95.4
C++ compiler:  2.95.4

System: FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE #1: Wed Feb 19 
01:29:17 CST 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/scratch5/i386-obj/usr/src/sys/HAMMY  i386

Some paths:  /usr/local/bin/perl /usr/bin/make /usr/local/bin/gmake /usr/bin/gcc 
GCC: Using builtin specs.
gcc version 2.95.4 20020320 [FreeBSD]
Compilation info: CC='cc'  CFLAGS='-O -pipe  -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer'  CXX='cc'  
CXXFLAGS='-O -pipe  -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -felide-constructors -fno-rtti 
-fno-exceptions'  LDFLAGS=''  ASFLAGS=''
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  1218496 Dec  3  2002 /usr/lib/libc.a
lrwxrwxr-x  1 root  wheel  9 Dec  3  2002 /usr/lib/ -
-r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  574916 Dec  3  2002 /usr/lib/
Configure command: ./configure '--localstatedir=/var/db/mysql' '--without-debug' 
'--without-readline' '--without-libedit' '--without-bench' '--without-extra-tools' 
'--with-libwrap' '--with-mysqlfs' '--with-vio' '--with-low-memory' 
'--with-comment=FreeBSD port: mysql-server-4.1.0_1' '--enable-thread-safe-client' 
'--enable-assembler' '--with-berkeley-db' '--with-openssl' '--prefix=/usr/local' 
'--build=i386-portbld-freebsd4.7' 'CFLAGS=-O -pipe  -O3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer' 
'CXX=cc' 'build_alias=i386-portbld-freebsd4.7' 'CC=cc' 'CXXFLAGS=-O -pipe  -O3 
-fno-omit-frame-pointer -felide-constructors -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions'

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Re: How to use LAST_INSERT_ID() or mysql_insert_id() ?

2002-07-29 Thread Gordon Burditt

I know this is an old query, but still, problems . . .

I've tried these both, but something is amiss - probably my interpretation.

Every time I try to use LAST_INSERT_ID() I get a complaint that the
query has a problem.

E.G., $qry=$qry.;select LAST_INSERT_ID(); will blow up on me every

USE ONE QUERY AT A TIME.  Since last_insert_id() depends on
the connection involved, no query done on a different connection
between your insert and getting last_insert_id() will affect
the result you get.

I've evaluated $qry, and it works just fine until I append the
piece that should let me recover the auto increment value that was
created during the insert process.

One query at a time.

Gordon L. Burditt

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Re: help me out here guys... you gotta have a primary key

2002-07-28 Thread Gordon Burditt

So, one of my associates has made a linking table (some people also call it 
intersection table, cross tab table, but i believe that the propper way to 
model a many to many relationship is via a linking table). in the linking 
table, there is no primary key defined. 

Let us suppose you wish to define a many-to-many relationship between
people and telephones (and it IS a many-to-many relationship:  most
people have at least a home and a work phone (and some also have a
home cellphone and a work cellphone), and most families do not have
a separate phone for each family member).

You have a 'people' table with names, birth dates, employee number,
etc.  The primary key is the employee number (id int not null
auto_increment).  (Hint:  Social Security numbers are NOT guaranteed
unique, even if everyone relevant has one.)

You have a 'telephone' table with a telephone number, type (landline
or cellular), owner (company or someone else), location, and an
artificial primary key (id int not null auto_increment).  Why not
use the telephone number as primary key?  Some extensions, such as
the one in the lobby for guests, or the ones in elevators, can't
take incoming calls and don't HAVE numbers in the conventional sense.

So how do you represent the relationship?  Add another table
(linking table is a reasonable description) containing two columns,
the primary key of the person and the primary key of the telephone.
So what is a suitable primary key for THIS table?  It's a key on
both columns.  The same person can't have the same telephone more
than once, so requiring uniqueness prevents multiple identical rows
that don't make any sense.  Should the key be (person_id, telephone_id)
or (telephone_id, person_id)?  This depends on which index you
anticipate the SQL query to need most often.

Now, to those who like bringing up the foreign keys as some sort
of alternative:  I don't believe it.  Having foreign keys gets you
referential integrity.  It does NOT eliminate the need for the
linking table, nor does it change what's in the table, to represent
a many-to-many relationship.  I challenge anyone to demonstrate

I believe that every table must have 
a primary key. It is absolutely essential, otherwise you'll get tons of 
problems including redundancy, and inconsistency. 

Yes, you could record the relationship between me and my work telephone
several times, if the primary key didn't prevent that.  I don't believe
you have to have a SINGLE-FIELD primary key on every table.

However, my associate 
believes that our coding will ensure that such problems will be avoided and 
that it's okay for a table to have no primary key defined. I totally 
disagree. Even if our code is perfect, a primary key must be defined.

So, am i correct in being concerned, or am i just being close minded?
If, i'm totally wrong, in what situations is it a good idea, okay, or
benificial to not have a primary key defined for a table?

I can't think of a good reason to not have a primary key.

Gordon L. Burditt

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Re: mySQL user priviliges

2002-07-13 Thread Gordon Burditt

I Have a question relating to setting up users for our customers on a shared
server environment.  I can not find this answer in the documentation so I am
trying here.

Is it standard practice to give the user of the database (site owner) one
set of permissions which I figure should be:

select, insert, update,delete, create, drop On database to user@localhost

I would include alter and index  in this list.  You can accomplish
the equivalent of alter with drop and create but alter can be a
LOT easier to work with.  Alter can be used to subvert table and
column privileges but here it seems that only per-database privileges
are used.

I would also include references if it actually did anything.
Essentially, the owner of a database gets all the per-database
privileges on his own database.  You would probably NOT want to
give privileges such as reload, shutdown, process, and file, as
these aren't limited to one database.

and create one for them to put into their php pages that call the database
from the website (which would be the one their visitors are using)? like an
IUSER_ but for mysql?

If so, what should the bare minimum permissions be for this username. I
think insert, update, delete and select, but I am not sure.

The bare minimum is:  select .
Some pages read the database only and make no changes in it.

Normal privileges for a web page that uses the data but does not
alter the schema (no temporary tables) would be:  select, insert,
update, delete, on one specific database.  You might not want to
grant delete if the changed data is handled like a log and you
don't want the web page ever deleting previously logged data.  If
you don't want the site owner constantly asking for changes in the
setup, you'd probably give the web-page login the delete privilege.

Gordon L. Burditt

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Re: Deep Nesting (sql)

2002-07-07 Thread Gordon Burditt,Here,11,817 249-4898

The tables will be used to enable users to enter comments concerning what 
they believe happens at individual conjunctions. For example, in astrology, 
let's say one enters a comment of what happens when the Moon enters 
Scorpio. These comments can then be called by other users and rated with an 
accreditation system similar to Amazon's rating of books (and those who 
rate them).

The problem occurs with granulation. Let's say, instead, that our above 
example is when the Moon enters Scorpio while the Sun is in the fifth 
degree of Aries and Mars is in the twentieth degree of Gemini while the 
natal chart reflects that this nativity has an ascendant at the seventh 
degree of Cancer, etc. Indeed, it's actually far more involved than that, 
because I'd like to cross-reference other metaphysical systems (Tzolkin, I 
Ching, etc.) several of which have nativities as well as transient 
elements. I can see tables literally in the thousands (or much higher) with 
no way to avoid this proliferation. Any suggestions?

Ok, here's one way I see to organize this:

First, create a table with all the possible single events (e.g
moon enters Scorpio) (is varchar(100) enough for the description?)
and an artificially created event ID (id int not null auto_increment
primary key).

Next, create a table for all the combinations (it is probably more
appropriate here to create entries for combinations actually USED,
not all possible combinations, as a table for all possible combinations
may rapidly exceed the amount of disk storage ever manufactured).
I am not sure what you'd need here beyond just a combination ID, but
there might be some kind of composite rating of the event.

Next, create a table to relate events to combinations (a many-to-many
relationship).  This combination happens when this event, that
event, and a third event happens.  This table has two columns,
event ID and combination ID, and lists the events that make up a
combination.  For example, if a combination C happens when three
events, X, Y, and Z happen, then you'd have three rows:

Event IDCombination ID
X   C
Y   C
Z   C

The combination (event ID, combination ID) should be unique.

Now, create a table for the people making comments.  This would
include a commenter ID (primary key), some kind of text name for
that person, and possibly a password they use to make comments
under their name.  This might include an email address and billing

Next, create a table for the comments.  This contains a combination ID
for what they are commenting on, the commenter ID, and the comment made.

Ok, that's 5 tables.  I can't see the number of tables growing even
if astrology suddenly discovered 27 more planets and 5 new signs of
the zodiac.  The contents of the tables would get bigger, but
there wouldn't be more of them.

I'm not that familiar with Amazon's rating system so I can't comment
on what additional tables are needed for that.

You'd need a SQL query with a multi-way join to get the description of
the combination, the commenter name, and the comment made, but
this shouldn't be hard or slow with appropriate indexes on the tables.

Gordon L. Burditt

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Re: mysql query for next unique ID

2002-07-01 Thread Gordon Burditt

Does anybody know if there is a function to retrieve the next unique ID
number for a record to be made in the future?

I believe you can reliably allocate sequence numbers from a sequence
table (a table used only to dole out sequence numbers) like this:

create table sequence ( seq int not null auto_increment primary key);

(depending on intended use, you may need to change the size of
the integer type, or use an unsigned type).

When you wish to get a sequence number, issue these three queries:

#1: insert into sequence values (null);
#2: select last_insert_id();

Fetch the single-row result from this and put it in variable $s,
which gets substituted into the following query before sending it:

#3: delete from sequence where seq = $s;

Now use $s as your sequence number to insert into another table.

Note that this still works if several clients try this sequence of
queries on different connections, WITHOUT transactions and WITHOUT
any explicit locking between the queries, but with arbitrary
interleaving between queries by different clients.  Query #1
establishes the sequence number (implicit locking during that query
prevents handing out duplicate numbers).  Query #2 fetches it, and
since last_insert_id() is connection-specific, nothing another
connection does will affect the result.  Query #3 cleans up the
sequence table.  Since only one client was handed the sequence
number for this row, only one client will try to delete it.  Normally
the table will only have entries for clients executing between
query #1 and query #3, or clients that bombed between query #1 and
query #3 (thus, during a lull in activity, the steady state of the
sequence table should be empty).

Gordon L. Burditt

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Re: How to send multiple SQL statements using C API mysql_query?

2001-11-22 Thread Gordon Burditt

 I would like to send multiple SQL statements using the C
 API mysql_query.  I have a large string with 20 SQL statements.  When
 I call mysql_query with that string, only the first one is processed.
 Is there a way to do what I'm doing without separating the statements
 into individual calls to mysql_query?

I beleive this is not possible. If it were, it would give lots of people
many hours of headache. Imagine a badly written script, where you can
escape out from the original query, like

update articles set author='$author'

If you can make several statements with one query, you could make

$author = whatever'; drop database

It's STILL dangerous even without being able to insert a separate
query.  Granted, with a select the attacker could probably only dump
your entire database, using something like 
$author = whatever' or 1

If you have a MySQL-driven web page and putting special characters
like single quotes into an input field can draw SQL errors, you've
got a BIG problem, unless you really don't care about having your
site and/or database hacked (In which case I'd prefer you take it
down, as I don't want SPAM relayed through your site showing up in
my mailbox.)  Quote your input properly (as with mysql_escape_string())
or validate it before feeding it to MySQL.

Also, be very careful about allowing stuff INTO your database which
will be blatted out unchecked into a web page.  It's easy to insert
malicious Javascript or an offensive banner ad into even a moderately
long text field, like one intended for a Subject: line.

Gordon L. Burditt

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Re: OT: Securing username and password in script file

2001-11-13 Thread Gordon Burditt

I did not mean for this to be an off-topic PHP post, what I was noodling
about here was a mySQL means to provide a more secure access for
scripting languages like Perl, Python and PHP - which end up with
insecure username and password config files all over the Internet.

There's a problem here:  you need to have whatever information
is needed to access MySQL (or any other database) in those files.
If someone else on the same machine can get that information, he
can also access the database.  It doesn't matter if this information
is encrypted for transmission - every client knows how to do that.

I don't know what this mechanism is - I'm not even sure I can think it
through at the moment - but something like checking a server variable
like http_server, or maybe even http_document_root and only allowing the
login if the script was being run from the appropriate location. Perhaps
limiting a login for a specific username only from a specific

There is no known method of sucking down client-side information
(like UNIX user name/id, environment variables, current directory,
etc.) from the server end of an Internet-domain socket.  The
protocols just won't do it.  The client end has to supply this
information.  This means that it can lie about it.

You might get a UNIX userid out of UNIX-domain sockets (and all
you will get if you're running mod_php is the userid of the web
server), but you won't get other information like virtual host
name, document root, or other such information, and this depends
on the MySQL server and the web server being on the same machine
(often undesirable for security and/or performance reasons).

Having a tamper-proof client linked in with a hostile program and
retaining tamper-proof-ness is very, very difficult, especially if
the client is written in C.  It is less hard for a scripting language
like PHP (but all bets are off if the attacker is also allowed to
use C - a problem with using secure clients is that even one
insecure client can ruin all the security).  Having the client be
open-source makes the problem even worse: it would be rather easy
to change where it gets the information it sends the server and
compile a hacked client which destroys security in the shared-webserver

Besides, there are plenty of times I want to access MySQL from a
machine that doesn't even HAVE a web server.

The problem with checking for username@localhost - which is what most
installations do, at least through phpMyAdmin on CPANEL hosts - is that
once your username and password are available, you are vulnerable from
any other shared host on the same server. Their host is also

Your script has to have the information necessary to access the
database (this is not unique to MySQL).  If other virtual hosts
are able to get this information, you're screwed.  Adding one more
piece of information that can be obtained just as easily as the
other things doesn't help the situation any.

Is there a way to see the value of localhost from within mySQL?

What good is (or /tmp/mysql.sock) going to do?
You could get the client to tell the server the virtual host
name (perhaps tack it onto the end of the user name), but
that won't prevent someone else from passing bogus information.

Gordon L. Burditt

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