Drivers to use with VB6

2004-07-07 Thread Greg Zimmermack
I am using VB6 and ADO in conjunction with ODBC inorder to connect to a 
MySQL database.
This is seems to be considerably slowing down my application.

Is there anyother mode of connecting besides ODBC - does anybody have any 
experience with MyVBQL.dll or MYOLEDB - if so, please share your 

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Re: MySQL and VBquestion - problem with query that returns 100000+ records

2004-07-01 Thread Greg Zimmermack
I took your advice and let the app run for a good 12+ minutes - miraculously 
it worked and the resulting report did show up.I am now convinced that the 
status shown in the task manager is misleading.

I am trying to implement your suggestion of using an asynchronous call. So I 
am doing something like

Set Rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Rs.CursorLocation = adUseServer 'adUseClient
Rs.Open SQL, connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adAsyncFetch
Question is how do i poll for the status of adStateExecuting and 
adStateFetching ? Will the execution get to the 'do loop' at all (before the 
Rs.Open has completed) if I do something like:

Rs.Open SQL, connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, 
   do while (adStateExecuting and adStateFetching )
Do I need to do something like
Dim WithEvents Rs as ADODB.recordset and then use the 
corresponding event handler.

The irony of the entire situation is that we were thinking of migrating to 
MySQL in hopes of improving the performance over MS Access. While there 
might me other advantages of using MySQL over MS Access, it is definitely 
failing on the performance front and thats a shame.

I am also going to try your modified query and will post the results of the 

Thanks a lot for all your help;
To: Greg Zimmermack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: MySQL and VBquestion - problem with query that returns 10+ 
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 12:37:16 -0400

I think what you are calling hung may really be a blocked condition.
Using ADO, you have the option of your queries being synchronous or
asynchronous. A synchronous query will wait for the results before
returning control to your program. In other words, your application hands
over total control of it's execution to ADO. ADO submits your query then
goes to sleep until one of several things occurs: it gets a response from
the server, it times out,  or any of the other events that will also rouse
ADO from its slumber.
The task manager in windows checks the status of the various executing
applications by sending them windows messages. Since your application is in
essence frozen until ADO returns from its call, your application will not
respond to any windows messages. Other things like move window, resize
window, and close window are also windows messages so it will seem to be
completely unresponsive to any action you take until ADO releases its
control over the situation.
Try setting up the request as an asynchronous call (set the option on your
open to adAsynchFetch) and periodically monitoring the state of your
recordset for adStateExecuting and adStateFetching (may I suggest a
do...loop, a while...wend, or a timer object? ) to see if you are bound by
the query's execution or the data retrieval. Your application will also be
able to respond to the windows messages as its default message handler will
not be waiting on ADO to return. (You can force the default message handler
to deal with any outstanding messages by executing a DoEvents call.)
You said earlier that if you tried the query manually, you only saw 1000
rows. That clues me in that you are using one of the GUI admin tools as
your manual interface. Some of them limit database responses to only the
first 1000 rows. I don't know if you can change that value or not, you will
have to consult the docs for your tool.  However, in the same location
where you execute your SQL by hand just add the word EXPLAIN to the
beginning of it -
EXPLAIN SELECT . (rest of statement)
- and you will get a response from the server detailing how the engine
plans to deal with that particular query.
Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

  Greg Zimmermack
   Fax to:
  06/30/2004 12:00 Subject:  Re: MySQL and 
VBquestion - problem with query that returns
  PM10+ records

Thanks for your reply Shawn
I will try running the modified query you sent me and check if that helps -
meanwhile here are the replies to some of your questions.
*I know the application is hung by checking its status in the Windows Task
manager( it shows the status as 'Not Responding'). It looks like the app
hangs before the query is done executing
*The version of MySQL is 4.0.16-nt
*I am not sure how to do the EXPLAIN you mentioned.
*I removed the ORDERBY clause but that did not make any difference.
Appreciate your help
To: Greg Zimmermack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: MySQL and VBquestion - problem with query that returns
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 11:01:29 -0400

Your SQL syntax

MySQL and VBquestion - problem with query that returns 100000+ records

2004-06-30 Thread Greg Zimmermack
I have an SQL which looks something like:
SELECT S.FirstName, T.CreateDateTime, T.TranDateTime, P.FirstName, 
P.LastName, D.DiagnosisIDString, T.CheckNumber, T.StmtDesc, 
T.ServPayAdjIDString, T.PatientAmt, T.InsuranceAmt, T.ClaimID, 
T.AuditDateTime, T.TransactionType, T.ProviderID, PR.FirstName, PR.LastName 
FROM (((Provider  PR  INNER JOIN (Person P INNER JOIN Transaction T ON 
P.PersonID = T.PersonID) ON PR.ProviderID = T.ProviderID) LEFT JOIN 
PatientService PS ON T.TransactionID = PS.TransactionID) LEFT JOIN Diagnosis 
D ON PS.DiagnosisID1 = D.DiagnosisID) INNER JOIN Staff S ON T.CreatedBy = 
S.StaffID WHERE (((T.ServPayAdjIDString)'inibal') AND ((T.IsDeleted)=0)) 
ORDER BY PR.LastName, PR.FirstName, T.TranDateTime DESC

This query is invoked from a Visual Basic 6.0 application that uses ADO  
ODBC to connect to a MySQL database.

The query runs fine on a small test database but when i run it on the 
production database the application just hangs up without generating any 
error messages.

The query is expected to return some 196000 records from the production 
database. Can this (large number of records) be causing the problem?

Is there any setting in MySQL that I could change ?
If i run the query on the server i can see upto 1000 records but no more.
This is my first attempt at MySQL hence the newbie type questions.
I should also mention that the application in question originally used an MS 
Access database and it can pull all the 196000 records from it.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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RE: MySQL and VBquestion - problem with query that returns 100000+ records

2004-06-30 Thread Greg Zimmermack
Thanks for your reply.
I checked the processlist and it continues to execute even after the VB 
application is hung. I know the application is hung by checking its status 
in the Windows Task manager.

The 'hostname.err' file did not show any errors. Is there another file i 
should be looking at?

The error handler in in VB could not handle the error.
Is there some ODBC setting I need to optimize?
Any help will be appreciated.

From: Victor Pendleton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Greg Zimmermack ' [EMAIL PROTECTED],'[EMAIL PROTECTED] ' 
Subject: RE: MySQL and VBquestion - problem with query that returns 10+ 
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 09:19:11 -0500

While the Visual Basic application is querying the database can you log 
the MySQL via the mysql monitor and do a show processlist to see if the
query is executing? If not I would suggest you view the mysql error log or
set up Visual basic to throw and error when it is getting disconnected.

-Original Message-
From: Greg Zimmermack
Sent: 6/30/04 9:13 AM
Subject: MySQL and VBquestion - problem with query that returns 10+
I have an SQL which looks something like:
SELECT S.FirstName, T.CreateDateTime, T.TranDateTime, P.FirstName,
P.LastName, D.DiagnosisIDString, T.CheckNumber, T.StmtDesc,
T.ServPayAdjIDString, T.PatientAmt, T.InsuranceAmt, T.ClaimID,
T.AuditDateTime, T.TransactionType, T.ProviderID, PR.FirstName,
FROM (((Provider  PR  INNER JOIN (Person P INNER JOIN Transaction T ON
P.PersonID = T.PersonID) ON PR.ProviderID = T.ProviderID) LEFT JOIN
PatientService PS ON T.TransactionID = PS.TransactionID) LEFT JOIN
D ON PS.DiagnosisID1 = D.DiagnosisID) INNER JOIN Staff S ON T.CreatedBy
S.StaffID WHERE (((T.ServPayAdjIDString)'inibal') AND
ORDER BY PR.LastName, PR.FirstName, T.TranDateTime DESC
This query is invoked from a Visual Basic 6.0 application that uses ADO

ODBC to connect to a MySQL database.
The query runs fine on a small test database but when i run it on the
production database the application just hangs up without generating any
error messages.
The query is expected to return some 196000 records from the production
database. Can this (large number of records) be causing the problem?
Is there any setting in MySQL that I could change ?
If i run the query on the server i can see upto 1000 records but no
This is my first attempt at MySQL hence the newbie type questions.
I should also mention that the application in question originally used
an MS
Access database and it can pull all the 196000 records from it.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
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