Re: Tool for shifting tables from Mysql to Postgresql

2011-03-01 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2011/3/1 Adarsh Sharma :
> Dear all,
> I want to convert some tables from Mysql database to Postgresql Database in
> Linux Systems ( Ubuntu-10.4, CentOS ).
> invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xe3ba27
> HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match the
> encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by "client_encoding".
> ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0xee6c65
> HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match the
> encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by "client_encoding".
> ERROR:  invalid byte sequence

This is not a MySQL-specific error. You are using a character set
encoding as if it were another. Please, check documentation for the
options to export and import database dumps such as:


Jaime Crespo
MySQL & Java Instructor
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Re: contact gives empty result

2011-02-22 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2011/2/22 Joerg Bruehe :
> You have not understood the concept of NULL in SQL:
> NULL does not mean "empty", it means "unknown".

Apart form fully agreeing with Joerg, just a tip:
you can use the the IFNULL() operand as a workaround:

Anyway, you should get rid of misplaced NULL fields, as they also
affect performance.

Jaime Crespo
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Re: Mysql to Postgresql

2011-02-22 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2011/2/22 Adarsh Sharma :
> Dear all,
> Today I need to back up a mysql database and restore in Postgresql database
> but I don't know how to achieve this accurately.

Have a look at: "mysqldump --compatible=postgresql" command:

Anyway, most of the times you will need a more manual migration, with
human intervention (custom scripts) and migrating the data through
something like CSV (SELECT... INTO OUTFILE).

Jaime Crespo
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Re: CURRENT insert ID

2011-01-24 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2011/1/21 Jerry Schwartz :
>>-Original Message-
>>From: João Cândido de Souza Neto []
>>Sent: Friday, January 21, 2011 12:47 PM
>>Subject: Re: CURRENT insert ID
>>Ok, you must have your own reasons to do that.
>>The fact is: You can´t set the auto_incremente value field to another field
>>in the same table and record even in a trigger.
>>So, the best way is a second update.
> [JS] That's what I'm trying to do now, but I'm using MS Access through an ODBC
> connection and I haven't figured out how to retrieve last_insert_id.

I will tell you a secret. But shh. Do not tell anyone:

mysql> create table mytable(id int auto_increment primary key, name
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec)

mysql> insert into mytable (name) values ('test data');
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select id from mytable where id is null;  -- OMG!!!
| id |
|  1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Jaime Crespo
MySQL & Java Instructor
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Re: Loading Unicode Data to mySQL

2011-01-20 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2011/1/20  :
> Hi,

I lack on knowledge about "Informatica" software. But if you are
really sure that the problem is not on source data and not on backend
configuration, then it is just in the middle. :-)

I will be more specific (at least, as far as I can be). In a MySQL, a
charset is negotiated on connection. This character set can be
different from the server's default. For example, PHP connector uses
latin instead of utf8 by default unless specifically configured. Check
your software/ODBC settings (if they are available)

Charsets can be a mess if you have several layers and only one of them
fails, but if you understand fully all of MySQL parameters is not so

Jaime Crespo
MySQL & Java Instructor
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Re: How to unstall MySQL 5.1 on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS

2010-08-23 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2010/8/23 Manasi Save :
> Dear All,
> I need to install MySQL 5.1.42 on ubuntu. MySQL site does not have installer
> packages for ubuntu(.deb).
> If I need to use tar.gz is there any document available which will help me
> do this specific changes.

Follow the official guide:

MySQL works flawlessly on Ubuntu.

Jaime Crespo
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Re: RHEL Auto Start / stop mysql???

2010-08-13 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2010/8/12 Nunzio Daveri :
> Hi Guifre, thanks for answering.  I already have mysql installed and works 
> just
> fine, but I did untar and then go to folder and run.  I used what is called
> mysql no-install so no yum, rpm etc..  No files in /etc/init.d and no startup 
> or
> services script since this is using the no-install version.


You will find an example init.d script on

Follow the instructions corresponding to your distribution to setup
it. Generic instructions can be found here:

Jaime Crespo
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Re: MySQL Replication

2010-06-30 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2010/6/30 Tompkins Neil :
> Hi
> Just one other question.  With regards the replication in MySQL 5.1 - does
> it it replication the whole row of data or just the field in which the data
> has been changed for the current record ?

MySQL 5.1 supports two replication formats: row and statement-based.
Please, have a look at the manual page:

Jaime Crespo
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Re: MySQL Replication

2010-06-24 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2010/6/24 Tompkins Neil :
> Hi
> Regarding two-way replication what do you mean by "very
> controlled environment" ?  What things do I need to consider ?

Control at application level that you are not going to
insert/update/delete the same record on the two servers.
Even if MySQL gives some support to handle this
(auto-increment-offset, replicate-ignore-table), you should mostly
handle it at business logic (application server) layer, not in the
MySQL database. Alternatively, as Johan pointed, have a look at the
semi-synchronous replication.

Jaime Crespo
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Re: MySQL Replication

2010-06-24 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2010/6/24 Tompkins Neil :
> HI,
> We have set-up MySQL Community Server 5.1.46 with Master to Slave
> replication and everything appears to be working correctly, however I have a
> couple of questions which I hope somebody can shed some light.
> (1) When the network connection goes down between the master and slave
> servers, it would appear that the updates are only sent from the master to
> the slave, but not from the slave to the master when the connect is
> re-established.  Is this correct ?

In a master-slave architecture, updates are always from the master to
the slave. If you want two-way replication, that is a master-master
setup, but not recommended in general unless in a very controlled

> (2) What is the situation regarding conflicts if the same master and slave
> record is edited at the same time ?

Fail :-) Whenever there is a conflict in the replication process, it
stops. You have to solve the issues manually and then start the
replication again. This usually occurs due to the
synchronous/distributed nature of the replication.

Jaime Crespo
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Re: Missing database file names

2010-06-04 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2010/6/4 Jesse F. Hughes :
> Is it possible to build a .MYI file "from scratch"?
> I have found a file that I believe is recorded.MYD.  I have the .frm
> file as well, but I don't think that recorded.MYI survived the
> file system event.

Yes, the mysql utility "myisamchk" and the REPAIR command should be
able to regenerate an MYI file from a .MYD and .frm files.
After all, MDI file only contains the disk version of the indexes.
Beware of possible issues if using different server version, though.

Jaime Crespo
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Re: optimization

2010-01-25 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2010/1/25 John G. Heim :
> I have a server with 16Gb of RAM and a dual-core  2Ghz processor.  It is
> running the latest mysql-server from debian lenny (5.0.1). I have databases
> for drupal, moodle, spamassassin, horde3, and a small database for
> departmental stuff.
> The problem is that inserts/updates are sometimes very slow, on the order of
> a minute. I am hoping somebody can sspot something wrong in my config.
> Here's the optimization settings section (for your convenience). The whole
> my.cnf is reproduced below that:

Are your databases using MyISAM or InnoDB?

* If MyISAM, you could be suffering contention problems on writes
because of full table locks. No easy solution but engine change or
database sharding. Also key_buffer, (and the other buffers) coud be
too small for 16GB of RAM. Are you really using more thant 10% of it?
You could also disable other engines if unused.
* If InnoDB, you have not set innodb_buffer_pool_size nor log size.
You could increase the pool to >50% of ram available.

Those are very general suggestions. It depends a lot on your hardware
(slow storage?), other apps installed on the same machine or the load
of the server, among others.

There also exists a tool to get introduced into MySQL server variables
tuning:  Tuning primer - It
is also a very general tool, but it could be helpful for a starting

Jaime Crespo
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Re: auto_increment without primary key in innodb?

2010-01-25 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2010/1/25 Yang Zhang :
> Right, I saw the docs. I'm fine with creating an index on it, but the
> only way I've successfully created a table with auto_increment is by
> making it a primary key. And I still don't understand why this
> requirement is there in the first place.

Non-primary key works for me, as documented:

mysql> create table test_ai (i int PRIMARY KEY, c int auto_increment, index(c));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0,07 sec)

mysql> desc test_ai;
| Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
| i | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL||
| c | int(11) | NO   | MUL | NULL| auto_increment |
2 rows in set (0,00 sec)

mysql> insert into test_ai (i) values (100), (200);
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0,00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> select * from test_ai;
| i   | c |
| 100 | 1 |
| 200 | 2 |
2 rows in set (0,00 sec)

Jaime Crespo
MySQL & Java Instructor
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Re: mysql load balancing

2009-12-24 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
El día 22 de diciembre de 2009 13:44, Miguel Angel Nieto
>> It depends a lot on how you plan to coordinate the db servers
>> (sharding, replication, ndb), the kind of applications you are going
>> to deploy and how much scability you need.
> Thank you. I have read about LVS and keepalived but I can't see the
> difference between them. Are they the same thing? I want the load
> balancing for my replicated servers. I suppose that LVS can't
> distinguish between inserts and selects (to send queries to the master
> o slave server).

I do not know about keepalived, but it seems to provide the same
service that heartbeat does: user-level awareness of the failure of a
machine or a service. LVM, however, does kernel module, ip-level, load
balancing and automatic failure clustering. The big confusion with
those apps is that most of them are extensible and combinable to
achieve the same goal.

About the read/write balancing (which is a good question, and that is
why I asked what you were intending to do on the other end), I have
seen it done **only at application level**, not transparently, because
of the problems derived from asynchronous replication (lag between
master writes and slaves see the data). I am sorry I cannot help you,
but please, share here if you found something useful AND with good

Merry Xmas!
Jaime Crespo
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Re: Table level locking when inserting auto-increment PK to InnoDB

2009-12-24 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2009/12/23 Ryan Chan :
> Hey.
> Back to few years ago, InnoDB require table level locking when
> inserting auto-increment PK to the table, and Heikki said there will
> be a fix.
> Is this problem still exist now?

If you refer to this bug:

there is a manual page discussing the changes done for the 5.1 version:

Jaime Crespo
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Re: mysql load balancing

2009-12-22 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2009/12/21 Miguel Angel Nieto :
> Hi,
> I am searching fot a Mysql Load Balacing tool. I read about mysql
> proxy, sqlrelay, haproxy...
> What do you prefer?


The solutions I have heard most from our customers (in production) are
not mysql-specific:

1) Simple, not load-aware *DNS balancing* for simple applications
without fault-tolerance:
2) More complex and customizable *Linux Virtual Server*, with
integrated heartbeat and "session aware":

It depends a lot on how you plan to coordinate the db servers
(sharding, replication, ndb), the kind of applications you are going
to deploy and how much scability you need.

I hope that helps. Regards,
Jaime Crespo
MySQL & Java Instructor
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Re: different 5.0 and 5.1 about long_query_time

2009-12-11 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2009/12/11 Yang Wang :
> Hi,All
>   The version of 5.1 include microtime slow query patch?

"As of MySQL 5.1.21, the minimum value is 0, and a resolution of
microseconds is supported when logging to a file."

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Re: How normal mysql server 5.1 uses multiple cores

2009-11-24 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2009/11/24 Johan De Meersman :
> If you are wondering about parallel query execution (that is, splitting a
> single query over multiple cores for faster execution), that is currently
> not supported by MySQL.

Probably is something stupid, but could that be done with ndb cluster
on a single host? Anyway, I suppose performance loses on distributed
joins and so on would outcome multiple-core benefits. And for most
queries, the bottleneck is usually on disk access, not processor. Has
anybody done any serious testing on this?

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2009-11-15 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
Not an expert, but:

2009/11/14 Krishna Chandra Prajapati :
> I would like to know how optimize table work internally. A table contains
> 200 millions records. Whether query performance will be faster after
> deletion of 30 million records from this table or not.

Use of OPTIMIZE TABLE varies from engine to engine (MyISAM vs. InnoDB
vs. ARCHIVE) but, generally, it will perform the following actions:

* Regain data space, defragmenting deleted rows
* Repairing indexes
* Updating statistics that enables better optimizer execution plans
(similar to ANALYZE TABLE)

Deleting > 10% of rows is the paradigmatic case where optimize table
should be run to improve performance.
However, these optimizations are engine-dependant, as for example,
InnoDB without the 'multiples tablespaces' option will not release
free space, for performance reasons.

An important drawback that you must consider is that executing
OPTIMIZE TABLE is very process-heavy and that it will block your
entire table even for read (unless PARTITONS are used). It could take
some time if we are talking about millions of records. If you need
High Availability, you will have to use replication or any other way
of load balancing while performing administrative tasks.

If you could have a pre-production host to test these kind of
operations it would be great! Each application is a world on its own.

You can read more info here:>

Jaime Crespo
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Re: Find neighboring rows

2009-11-08 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2009/11/8 Andrew Tran :
> I want to find the first occurrence of "Andrew", but also the
> neighboring rows (like the two rows above the first "Andrew" and the

There is a conceptual issue with what you are trying to accomplish.
What are "the rows above" and "below"?
According to relational theory, entities are grouped into sets, and
thus, without any implicit order.
So, if you want them by alphabetic order, it is ok, if you expect them
"in the order you inserted them", you should explicit this through an
additional timestamp or auto_increment column, as records are not
guaranteed to be returned in that order.

Let's suppose that you want them on natural order, your query could be
done with something like this:
SET @name = 'whatever';
  FROM names
  WHERE n >= @name
  FROM names
  WHERE n < @name

Row has been named n; table: names. Unexpected results if @name does not exist.

If you expect a lot of records, expect also bad performance with this
query: add an index to speed up the orderings; also several
performance optimizations could be applied depending on your case.

Jaime Crespo
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Re: Choose certain columns in mysqldump?

2009-10-29 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2009/10/29 Michael Dykman :
> mysqldump is not really a data manipulation tool.. as the name
> implies, it is a dumper.
> What you are trying to accomlish can be done rather elegantly via the
> and then loaded into your new structure via LOAD INFILE

Yes, in fact, you can still do it from the command line with mysql
command line client:

mysql -urxxxt -pxxx db_name -e "SELECT [any, column, you, want] INTO
OUTFILE '/var/www/folder/table_name.txt' FROM table_name WHERE [any,
filter, you, want] ORDER BY [any, order, you, want]"

Jaime Crespo
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Re: Using IF in a query to set a variable then sort on said variable

2009-10-26 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2009/10/26 Jeff :
> Perhaps case is the way to go, I'll look into that this morning.
> Unfortunately there are three groupings. So my IF or CASE needs to check for 
> example:
> if timezone = 3,5,6,7 then 1
> if timezone = 1,2,4 then 2
> if timezone = 8,9 then 3

Yes, Case function is the way to go.

Anyway, check for performance issues: in that case, precalculating and
storing an aditional field would be the best way (it could be done
with a trigger, for example).

Jaime Crespo
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Re: Using IF in a query to set a variable then sort on said variable

2009-10-25 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2009/10/23 Jeff :
> I currently have a query like so:
> SELECT p.fldId, p.fldFName, p.fldLName, p.fldEmail, p.fldPhone, p.resellerId, 
> d.timezoneId, d.bestTime, d.lastDate, d.lastTime, d.lastConnected FROM 
> tblProspects as p LEFT JOIN tblProspectsDetails as d ON d.prospectId = 
> p.fldId WHERE p.uId = "46437" ORDER BY d.lastDate ASC, d.timezoneId DESC

You do not need to set a variable, just 'ORDER BY FIELD(timezoneId,
..., ..., ...)' :>

You could also use the IF() or CASE functions to achieve similar results.
Jaime Crespo
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Re: MYSQL slow query log in table.

2009-10-08 Thread Jaime Crespo Rincón
2009/10/7 Brown, Charles :
> Hello All. I would like to implement  MYSQL slow query log in table. Can 
> someone kindly assist me with the table definition and implementation.

SHOW CREATE TABLE mysql.slow_log;


Jaime Crespo
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Re: troubles with complex UTF-8 characters

2009-10-06 Thread Jaime Crespo
On Martes, 6 de Octubre de 2009 11:03:12 Daniel Drake escribió:
> Hi,
> I'm having trouble working with specific UTF-8 characters.  For
> example, the U+10330 character (UTF8: 0xF0 0x90 0x8C 0xB0).

MySQL currently only supports Basic Multilingual Plane characters: up to 3-
byte utf8 on its stable releases.>

AFAIK, 4-byte encoding feature is planned, but not yet released. You could 
store non-BMP text into a blob (or other binary type), if you do not mind 
losing the benefits of character-aware fields (collation, etc.).

Jaime Crespo
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